
| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,704 posts
Rockets on my X
Just some musings here I suppose. I know there are some people here who cross back and forth between here and there, but if I understand things well enough most of our community is centered here. I've mused on showing up over there again, but funny enough, I enjoy the quiet here.

In the sense that it's not just an endless mob of names you no longer recognize. But at the same time the place just seems unfriendly and uninviting these days. Discouraging. But at the same time I miss that. More along the lines of missing the folks I got to know over there.

Although I'm curious.

Any of you folks call other sites home? Or is this place really all you care to stop by and visit?

| Knight of the Limits
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ID: Elegiac
IP: Logged

23,675 posts
I'm sometimes tempted, I'll admit I'm a sucker for a warm reception and a bit of loving attention.

True Turquoise
| MILF Hunter
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XBL: Anora Whisper
PSN: True_Turquoise
Steam: truturquoise
ID: True Turquoise
IP: Logged

25,382 posts
fuck you
Bungle is good.

Just... they all bully me >_>

Jocephalopod | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: joecephalopod
Steam: j0cephalopod
ID: Jocephalopod
IP: Logged

8,352 posts
This is my main base of operation. Although I do frequent other websites, this is the only forum I use.

| Forum Architect
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ID: Isara
IP: Logged

2,199 posts
I don't consider any website as a home, really. I really liked Bungie.net some years ago, like Sep7agon now because it was a welcoming place as a gaming forum. After the update I couldn't get around the community any longer and I felt that the connection I had to the community and Bungie's awesome developers was severed entirely.

Bungie.net failed because they brought in some concepts from newer trends, ideas and so forth without enough faith in what the community wants. When I saw Sep7agon, I really got the same welcoming feeling, but my objective was to also avoid that core mistake; where the design drives people away.

So, here I am. The design has some issues, but I haven't split the community. So I like to think the work as a success.
Last Edit: March 04, 2015, 08:47:46 AM by Isara

| Mythic Sage
more |
ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,704 posts
Rockets on my X
I don't consider any website as a home, really. I really liked Bungie.net some years ago, like Sep7agon now because it was a welcoming place as a gaming forum. After the update I couldn't get around the community any longer and I felt that the connection I had to the community and Bungie's awesome developers was severed entirely.

Had you in mind partially when this went up. Because as far as memory serves, you just sort of showed up here out of the blue. But then again all of us could have bumped into each other previously on Bungie and never known since it's got such a busy community.

But it is rather drab these days isn't it? I've noticed an annoying habit that's started with newbies over there. Quote trains. Somebody says something agreeable and everybody and their grandmother replies to the post by quoting the post itself. You open up a post that's got a lot of replies and all you see is some lazy ass mother fuckers quote jerking the parent post.

And again. What a fucking annoying ass site to navigate now.

| Knight of the Limits
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ID: Elegiac
IP: Logged

23,675 posts
What a fucking annoying ass site to navigate now.

| alo
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XBL: goooots
Steam: goootsby
ID: Gatsby
IP: Logged

19,293 posts
You will find out who you are not a thousand times, before you ever discover who you are. I hope you find peace in yourself and learn to love instead of hate.
I cba to visit other forums, I like focusing my attention on one. Plus you guys make me lol the most

| Mythic Sage
more |
ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,704 posts
Rockets on my X
What a fucking annoying ass site to navigate now.

I don't understand it really. I don't see why it's not clear as day. That site and the new trends it took are fucking annoying. Endless scroll posts and the thread merge glitch are annoying as fuck too.

What in the flaming fuck happened to the entirety of Bungie's dev teams?

Where they just silently assassinated in the dark and replaced with shitty people?

| Forum Architect
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ID: Isara
IP: Logged

2,199 posts
I like to call that the "re-tweet effect" since it's basically what happens on Twitter, and it's probably a user expectation built around what Twitter started. Since many people use twitter, some people do it and then someone else does that. Since newer users are also more likely to have been exposed to different social media platforms they end up following the same trend.

However, due to lack of understanding (and ideas) in user experience design it leads to the effect where people keep doing the same thing, since it's what they learned to do, without understanding that for a forum structure (that should be separate from a social media structure) it's based on actual discussion and not the re-tweet effect.

Had you in mind partially when this went up. Because as far as memory serves, you just sort of showed up here out of the blue. But then again all of us could have bumped into each other previously on Bungie and never known since it's got such a busy community.

But it is rather drab these days isn't it? I've noticed an annoying habit that's started with newbies over there. Quote trains. Somebody says something agreeable and everybody and their grandmother replies to the post by quoting the post itself. You open up a post that's got a lot of replies and all you see is some lazy ass mother fuckers quote jerking the parent post.

And again. What a fucking annoying ass site to navigate now.

| Knight of the Limits
more |
ID: Elegiac
IP: Logged

23,675 posts
What a fucking annoying ass site to navigate now.

I don't understand it really. I don't see why it's not clear as day. That site and the new trends it took are fucking annoying. Endless scroll posts and the thread merge glitch are annoying as fuck too.

What in the flaming fuck happened to the entirety of Bungie's dev teams?

Where they just silently assassinated in the dark and replaced with shitty people?
I feel like Bungie have quietly let their flame die. They got in too deep with the industry and some spark of vigour, creativity and good intentions died inside them.

| Mythic Sage
more |
ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,704 posts
Rockets on my X
I'm pretty sure I've never been as active as I am here anywhere else on the internet, but truth be told...I really have no idea why.

You're a natural avoider of people same as I am. Or in some vague sense, an avoider of spreading too wide. I stuck to bungie because it was the first forum I essentially bumped into across the internet that I picked up on easily enough and found a community there that encompassed a wide variety of things.

I didn't need to go anywhere else on the internet because generally I could find it there if I wanted. News, funny shit, random shit, game discussion, quirky people.

It had a unique charm to it.

Mat Cauthon
| Ravens
more |
I'm pretty sure I've never been as active as I am here anywhere else on the internet, but truth be told...I really have no idea why.
The only place I was as active as I am here was Bnet.

| Mythic Sage
more |
ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,704 posts
Rockets on my X
I like to call that the "re-tweet effect" since it's basically what happens on Twitter, and it's probably a user expectation built around what Twitter started. Since many people use twitter, some people do it and then someone else does that. Since newer users are also more likely to have been exposed to different social media platforms they end up following the same trend.

However, due to lack of understanding (and ideas) in user experience design it leads to the effect where people keep doing the same thing, since it's what they learned to do, without understanding that for a forum structure (that should be separate from a social media structure) it's based on actual discussion and not the re-tweet effect.

Had you in mind partially when this went up. Because as far as memory serves, you just sort of showed up here out of the blue. But then again all of us could have bumped into each other previously on Bungie and never known since it's got such a busy community.

But it is rather drab these days isn't it? I've noticed an annoying habit that's started with newbies over there. Quote trains. Somebody says something agreeable and everybody and their grandmother replies to the post by quoting the post itself. You open up a post that's got a lot of replies and all you see is some lazy ass mother fuckers quote jerking the parent post.

And again. What a fucking annoying ass site to navigate now.

Here's an interesting question then. Going beyond Bungie.net here. The internet isn't inherently a bad thing. But, sadly, it is being misused to some degree. Especially with kids. These younger generations of people.....I swear.

And it's startling at how fast it changed. In the span of what? 7-10 years? I am both worried yet curious to see just how crappy the younger generations become as time goes on.

Makes me think considering the influx of newbies to Bungie since Destiny launched. Time doesn't stand still and suddenly the majority of the users here are an older crowd from Bungie's days.

Strange to think about.

| Mythic Sage
more |
ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,704 posts
Rockets on my X
What a fucking annoying ass site to navigate now.

I don't understand it really. I don't see why it's not clear as day. That site and the new trends it took are fucking annoying. Endless scroll posts and the thread merge glitch are annoying as fuck too.

What in the flaming fuck happened to the entirety of Bungie's dev teams?

Where they just silently assassinated in the dark and replaced with shitty people?
I feel like Bungie have quietly let their flame die. They got in too deep with the industry and some spark of vigour, creativity and good intentions died inside them.

It started with Reach. And I'm not just saying that because I'm not a fan of lolReach. At that exact moment in time, the studio changed. Something was off about them.

For starters, I think they were tired of their contract with microsoft. Reach wasn't a swan song as it was Bungie getting ready to flex some new wings because it was the last game they'd be making under microsoft.

It was a testbed. Getting ready for them to try something outside their own established box.

And then they made a mistake. They partnered with Activision. And from there, everything went downhill. But we've seen that in the past, the studio itself could be rather divided on a direction they wanted to take with a game. And with that tendency, it only got worse as members got canned or left under activision.

Funny though. I recognize so many things in Destiny from reach. So many recycled animations.

Makes me not happy about lolReach even further.

| Knight of the Limits
more |
ID: Elegiac
IP: Logged

23,675 posts
What a fucking annoying ass site to navigate now.

I don't understand it really. I don't see why it's not clear as day. That site and the new trends it took are fucking annoying. Endless scroll posts and the thread merge glitch are annoying as fuck too.

What in the flaming fuck happened to the entirety of Bungie's dev teams?

Where they just silently assassinated in the dark and replaced with shitty people?
I feel like Bungie have quietly let their flame die. They got in too deep with the industry and some spark of vigour, creativity and good intentions died inside them.

It started with Reach. And I'm not just saying that because I'm not a fan of lolReach. At that exact moment in time, the studio changed. Something was off about them.

For starters, I think they were tired of their contract with microsoft. Reach wasn't a swan song as it was Bungie getting ready to flex some new wings because it was the last game they'd be making under microsoft.

It was a testbed. Getting ready for them to try something outside their own established box.

And then they made a mistake. They partnered with Activision. And from there, everything went downhill. But we've seen that in the past, the studio itself could be rather divided on a direction they wanted to take with a game. And with that tendency, it only got worse as members got canned or left under activision.

Funny though. I recognize so many things in Destiny from reach. So many recycled animations.

Makes me not happy about lolReach even further.
I'm with you, but I liked Reach. Recycled animations?

Sigma617 | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Sigma617
ID: Sigma617
IP: Logged

1,717 posts
I was under the assumption that at one point Sep7agon would retake the B.net.

It's a laughable scenario now.

| Mythic Sage
more |
ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,704 posts
Rockets on my X
What a fucking annoying ass site to navigate now.

I don't understand it really. I don't see why it's not clear as day. That site and the new trends it took are fucking annoying. Endless scroll posts and the thread merge glitch are annoying as fuck too.

What in the flaming fuck happened to the entirety of Bungie's dev teams?

Where they just silently assassinated in the dark and replaced with shitty people?
I feel like Bungie have quietly let their flame die. They got in too deep with the industry and some spark of vigour, creativity and good intentions died inside them.

It started with Reach. And I'm not just saying that because I'm not a fan of lolReach. At that exact moment in time, the studio changed. Something was off about them.

For starters, I think they were tired of their contract with microsoft. Reach wasn't a swan song as it was Bungie getting ready to flex some new wings because it was the last game they'd be making under microsoft.

It was a testbed. Getting ready for them to try something outside their own established box.

And then they made a mistake. They partnered with Activision. And from there, everything went downhill. But we've seen that in the past, the studio itself could be rather divided on a direction they wanted to take with a game. And with that tendency, it only got worse as members got canned or left under activision.

Funny though. I recognize so many things in Destiny from reach. So many recycled animations.

Makes me not happy about lolReach even further.
I'm with you, but I liked Reach. Recycled animations?

The sprinting animation in Destiny is carbon copy right down to raising the weapon when recovering from sprinting. Reload animations, switching animations and so on.

The jetpack or jump pack, whatever the hell it was, has the exact same weight and gravity as the jetpack in reach, along with the same animation. Melee animations.

Enemy movement patterns. The Fallen have recycled animations from jackals and elites, and some of the bigger Hive aliens have recycled brute animations.

When I stepped into the destiny demo I didn't like how carbon copy it felt. It just felt like they took Reach, slapped some new paint over it, tossed some other stuff in and called their demo a beta when it was actually 25% of the finished game.

I avoided that shit from the get go, as disappointing as it was.

| Mythic Sage
more |
ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,704 posts
Rockets on my X
I was under the assumption that at one point Sep7agon would retake the B.net.

It's a laughable scenario now.

Who ever said that? I was under the impression that sep7agon was always just a haven. A nice little boat to wait out the storm. In which case, we turned the raft into a cruiser and set sail since that storm's only gonna get worse.

Sigma617 | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Sigma617
ID: Sigma617
IP: Logged

1,717 posts
I was under the assumption that at one point Sep7agon would retake the B.net.

It's a laughable scenario now.

Who ever said that? I was under the impression that sep7agon was always just a haven. A nice little boat to wait out the storm. In which case, we turned the raft into a cruiser and set sail since that storm's only gonna get worse.

So what, we're the last holdout of the honorable Flood, and we're doomed to run for all of time?

How long do we wait? Another ten years? There is no storm more fearsome than the Flood.

| Mythic Sage
more |
ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,704 posts
Rockets on my X
I was under the assumption that at one point Sep7agon would retake the B.net.

It's a laughable scenario now.

Who ever said that? I was under the impression that sep7agon was always just a haven. A nice little boat to wait out the storm. In which case, we turned the raft into a cruiser and set sail since that storm's only gonna get worse.

So what, we're the last holdout of the honorable Flood, and we're doomed to run for all of time?

How long do we wait? Another ten years? There is no storm more fearsome than the Flood.

We're not anybody. We're just a collection of folks who didn't like the changes over on Bungle. Cheat made a new site for shits and giggles, opened up in town and said "Heyo boys, I've got the best milkshakes in town!"

And now we're here. We named a part of this forum in honour of nostalgia days and a homage to our roots of old. There ain't any going back to what we left behind in the changes.

| Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: EnderWolf1013
IP: Logged

10,296 posts
this one enjin forum with some of my super elder scrolls lore friends.

🍁 Aria 🔮 | Mythic Inconceivable!
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IP: Logged

10,560 posts
His eyebrows sparkling, his white beard hangs down to his chest. The thatched mats, spread outside his chise, spread softly, his splendid attos. He polishes, cross-legged, his makiri, with his eyes completely absorbed.

He is Ainu.

The god of Ainu Mosir, Ae-Oine Kamuy, descendant of Okiku-Rumi, He perishes, a living corpse. The summers day, the white sunlight, unabrushed, ends simply through his breath alone.
I'm actually a bit more active of bungle than I am here, although that's mostly spent funposting in the off-topic thread. Besides that, I only ever actively visit /a/ and /v/.

Girl of Mystery | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: TheBritishLemon
IP: Logged

23,350 posts
A flower which blooms on the battlefield
This place is the only place I'm an active user on.
I'll occasionally go to Bnet, but that's it.