The cost of raising a child.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
]So you're against child birth for population issues? Or for the sheer fact you wish for a voluntary extinction?
Either way if that's the case, you can help us all by killing yourself.
I'm against childbirth because nobody has the right to have a child. It's pretty simple.

Life is mostly suffering and bullshit. Forcing more people to live through it is unjustifiably unethical.
Last Edit: April 30, 2015, 06:49:20 AM by Verbatim

Batch | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Sips
PSN: Fucking
Steam: Tea
ID: Batch
IP: Logged

8,127 posts
No I wasn't and neither do I know what it is

*sips tea*
Context clues.
So you're against child birth for population issues? Or for the sheer fact you wish for a voluntary extinction?
Either way if that's the case, you can help us all by killing yourself.

*sips tea*
You're literally a meme. Gimmick yourself.

Wait what?

Batch | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Sips
PSN: Fucking
Steam: Tea
ID: Batch
IP: Logged

8,127 posts
]So you're against child birth for population issues? Or for the sheer fact you wish for a voluntary extinction?
Either way if that's the case, you can help us all by killing yourself.
I'm against childbirth because nobody has the right to have a child. It's pretty simple.

Life is mostly suffering and bullshit. Forcing more people to live through it is unjustifiably unethical.
It's a real shame you were brought into this world, I'm not going to explain how retarded you are, I can only urge you to kill yourself even more.

As animals, we have a right to want to survive.

*sips tea*

DAS B00T x2
| Cultural Appropriator
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ID: DAS B00T x2
IP: Logged

37,634 posts
This is not the greatest sig in the world, no. This is just a tribute.
No I wasn't and neither do I know what it is

*sips tea*
Context clues.
So you're against child birth for population issues? Or for the sheer fact you wish for a voluntary extinction?
Either way if that's the case, you can help us all by killing yourself.

*sips tea*
You're literally a meme. Gimmick yourself.

Wait what?


| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
As animals, we have a right to want to survive.
But you don't have the right to act on that want.

Just like you can want to rape someone, but you don't have the right to rape anyone.

Batch | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Sips
PSN: Fucking
Steam: Tea
ID: Batch
IP: Logged

8,127 posts
As animals, we have a right to want to survive.
But you don't have the right to act on that want.

Just like you can want to rape someone, but you don't have the right to rape anyone.
What the fuck kinda bullshit is coming outta your mouth kid?

We have a right, as civilised people, in a civilised way. You may also have this view because you are a virgin and no one will ever want you, which gives you more reason to want to die.

*sips tea*

| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
We have a right, as civilised people, in a civilised way.
I don't even know what that means. I'm not sure if you even comprehend what I'm saying.

Is this what happens when you try to think?

Batch | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Sips
PSN: Fucking
Steam: Tea
ID: Batch
IP: Logged

8,127 posts
We have a right, as civilised people, in a civilised way.
I don't even know what that means. I'm not sure if you even comprehend what I'm saying.

Is this what happens when you try to think?
You're obviously too stupid to understand, it's sad really.

*sips tea*

| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
Easiest. Victory. Ever.

DAS B00T x2
| Cultural Appropriator
more |
ID: DAS B00T x2
IP: Logged

37,634 posts
This is not the greatest sig in the world, no. This is just a tribute.
ITT: Batch goes full Kinder.

Batch | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Sips
PSN: Fucking
Steam: Tea
ID: Batch
IP: Logged

8,127 posts
I wouldnt really call it a victory, you couldnt comprehend a simple view. Plus, no one in their right mind could have these views.

Seriously if you do, you need help man.

*sips tea*

Batch | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Sips
PSN: Fucking
Steam: Tea
ID: Batch
IP: Logged

8,127 posts
ITT: Batch goes full Kinder.
I dont even know what that means beside being fat xD

*sips tea*

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,117 posts

- korrie
This thread is heading a right direction.

Batch | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Sips
PSN: Fucking
Steam: Tea
ID: Batch
IP: Logged

8,127 posts
This thread is heading a right direction.
A little to the left I'd say

| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
Seriously if you do, you need help man.
I do need help. I'm the only anti-natalist here.

w/e | Ascended Invincible!
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ID: DigitalIZesty
IP: Logged

5,269 posts
I wouldnt really call it a victory, you couldnt comprehend a simple view. Plus, no one in their right mind could have these views.

Seriously if you do, you need help man.

*sips tea*


Destroyed by being a hypocrite - check
Destroyed by not how to logic - check
Calling other stupid when stupid - check
Idiot checking himself before wrecking himself - X

w/e | Ascended Invincible!
more |
ID: DigitalIZesty
IP: Logged

5,269 posts
"hurr durr I have rights"
- Kind- Batch

god damn, batch, you went 120% retard today

w/e | Ascended Invincible!
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ID: DigitalIZesty
IP: Logged

5,269 posts
Nobody has a right for anything, you moron.

The strong makes the rights, but they are the same as money. They don't exist, yet remain useful through the illusion. You are a moron, batcher.

Sip your defeat tea in defeat, you LOSER

Camnator | Incoherent Invincible!
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ID: DownAuto29
IP: Logged

3,933 posts
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Camnator | Incoherent Invincible!
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ID: DownAuto29
IP: Logged

3,933 posts
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Camnator | Incoherent Invincible!
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ID: DownAuto29
IP: Logged

3,933 posts
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Camnator | Incoherent Invincible!
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ID: DownAuto29
IP: Logged

3,933 posts
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Camnator | Incoherent Invincible!
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ID: DownAuto29
IP: Logged

3,933 posts
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Camnator | Incoherent Invincible!
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ID: DownAuto29
IP: Logged

3,933 posts
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Yu | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Yutaka
IP: Logged

12,707 posts
Almost always, with moderation
Later on in my life.

Kitsune 狐 | Mythic Invincible!
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PSN: KitsuneXHunter
Steam: KitsuneOverlord
ID: Kitsunekun
IP: Logged

7,655 posts

Huh, only $13,630 a year. Damn, US minimum wage for one person just barely covers that.
That's why the rest of us have to subsidize poor people who have kids and why I'm against poor people breeding.

I'm all for a coupon/ration based welfare system, but I can see where you're coming from. People on benefits shouldn't be allowed to have flatscreen TV's or obese kids, they need fucking books and fresh food.

Problem with that is a cheeseburger is the same price as an organic apple... Also I'm pretty sure in the United States they offer free birth control to those on welfare... Thank Obamasan you fucking cunt.

A lot of apples are a dollar a pound.

But how many hormones are in them?
::replies while eating processed chips::

| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
False. You have every right to have a child you will care for. You just don't have a right to harm, abuse nor neglect that child.

Girl of Mystery | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: TheBritishLemon
IP: Logged

23,349 posts
A flower which blooms on the battlefield
False. You have every right to have a child you will care for. You just don't have a right to harm, abuse nor neglect that child.
meme member fight!

The Lord Ruler | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Lord Ruler
IP: Logged

9,804 posts
Max characters: 420; characters remaining: 374
Images in your signature must be no greater than 500x100 pixels

False. You have every right to have a child you will care for. You just don't have a right to harm, abuse nor neglect that child.
meme member fight!

Clash of the Memes

Batch | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Sips
PSN: Fucking
Steam: Tea
ID: Batch
IP: Logged

8,127 posts
As animals, we have a right to want to survive.
But you don't have the right to act on that want.

Just like you can want to rape someone, but you don't have the right to rape anyone.
What the fuck kinda bullshit is coming outta your mouth kid?

We have a right, as civilised people, in a civilised way. You may also have this view because you are a virgin and no one will ever want you, which gives you more reason to want to die.

*sips tea*

It's hilarious and sad how much you're getting emotional over the words of some strangers.

*Pisses in your tea without you realizing it*
Wait, I was getting emotional? If you mean by telling Verb to kill himself thats usual custom xD

*sips tea*