The autistic guy in my class is hilarious

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In middle school there was an autist that only said "fuck you" or "shut the fuck up bitch" to most people that tried to talk to him.

Winy | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Phasenectar
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One retarded kid in my middle school literally said nothing but "Tigers."

One time I was taking a math test, and the door to the hall was slightly open. I heard the footsteps of someone passing the room, and a soft, slurred utterance of "Tigers" before it quickly returned to silence.

I nearly shit myself.

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Oh man either this kid in middle school was overly sensitive or autistic.

If you were even a little mean he'd cry and freak out, 6th grade.

We're in the band room and class is about to start. Some kid walks up to the autist and makes jokes about his weight. This nut grabs a chair, and chucks it at the wall.

Later that day we're all waiting on the bus.  Tons of kids everywhere. I hear a little commotion, and I walk through a small group of kids  and see the autistic(?) kid laying on the ground with a bloody nose.

CIS | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: AutisticComputer
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no idea why they try to integrate mentally disabled people with the "normies". like, they can be in the same school, but, give them their own building and own classes. it sucks being in a cooking class with a retard in your group. luckily, they were sent to do dishes while everyone competent enough can cook.
Generally, its been found that when the students are isolated from other students, the content they learn isn't sufficient enough for standardized testing. Along with that, the teachers themselves tend to communicate lower expectations for the students, leading to self fulfilling prophecies about their inability to complete work.

I can back this up with personal experience since I was shoehorned into the special ed department due to having Asperger Syndrome. The whole time they would underwhelm me even though I had no significant intellectual impairments beyond the realm of mathematics. Needless to say, I went through four years of secondary school language arts without being exposed to any of the major staples of Western humanities. I would imagine that you've seen and heard of similar situations since you're studying to become a teacher.
Last Edit: January 13, 2016, 05:26:45 PM by CÆSAR GAIVS AVTISMVS

N/A | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Zenmaster
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CIS | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: AutisticComputer
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3,310 posts
no idea why they try to integrate mentally disabled people with the "normies". like, they can be in the same school, but, give them their own building and own classes. it sucks being in a cooking class with a retard in your group. luckily, they were sent to do dishes while everyone competent enough can cook.
Generally, its been found that when the students are isolated from other students, the content they learn isn't sufficient enough for standardized testing. Along with that, the teachers themselves tend to communicate lower expectations for the students, leading to self fulfilling prophecies about their inability to complete work.

I can back this up with personal experience since I was shoehorned into the special ed department due to having Asperger Syndrome. The whole time they would underwhelm me even though I had no significant intellectual impairments beyond the realm of mathematics. Needless to say, I went through four years of secondary school language arts without being exposed to any of the major staples of Western humanities. I would imagine that you've seen and heard of similar situations since you're studying to become a teacher.
My experiences haven't been as much the same. I think it's mainly because of the fact that schools have pushed in inclusion classrooms rather than creating completely different classrooms for differentiating learning for the students. From asking teachers during my first block though, completely different classes are only used in severe cases nowadays, aka people whose learning is so severe they need assistance with basic life skills. However, I do think this is a district by district thing and I'm not touching into differentiation and accommodations for students until this semester.

It is however a double edge sword from what I've learned so far. I worked with eighth grade inclusion students last semester that were still at a fifth grade math level. A lot of them also had a third grade ZPD reading level as well. Some of those students I would say really needed to be in a classroom that works at a pace more suited for the students. However, we had to push them along and attempt to teach them pre-algebra  when they had difficultly with basic stuff.

There are certainly cases where they have no choice but to put certain students in specialized classes. The only thing that makes me mad is when kids who don't have any significant intellectual impairments are shoehorned because of a disability that requires special attention (e.g., Dyslexia, Aspergers,Tourette's). Maybe this is just because I'm from the boonies of the US; I'm not sure how common this kind of stuff is in other parts of the country.
Last Edit: January 13, 2016, 06:56:23 PM by CÆSAR GAIVS AVTISMVS

Risay117 | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Can I say I feel unfortunate for mentally ill people who can keep a conversation. They say the weirdest and most awkward shit ever.

Had to deal with the same shit as a mentally disabled dude kept hitting on the girl working at a Korean hostel I was staying. I took him out to help the team out but he annoyed me and I became kind of angry and cold to him.