Anti-weebVerbatimNapalmOrionJimJonoFedorekdLord RulerMaverickBaconShelfStroudFleeSimse
Former weebDietrichThunderAriaPepsiZenGasai
Half-weebCasperRocketman287SlashJivechallengerXSecondClassEmberKorraBig BossAzure
can someone tell me what the fuck (((this))) meansalready expecting it to be stupid as fuck
also I have a waifu you IDIOT
You forgot me. Also, the only thing even remotely weeabish in Icy's interests is Kingdom Hearts.
i'll put you right above byrne, unless you think you have him outweebed
Man, I don't even know, man. I hate anime for its over-the-top-ness, but I'm alright with Eva and a few Gundam series.
CMD is an ultra weeb in denialdude is aware of niche as fuck anime card games and waifu things that the normal weebs haven't even heard of before, but tries his hardest to poop on them so nobody will know his secret
Catzilla should be in the non-weeb
I c ow it iz
I haven't watched anime in months tbh