Taking Spanish Class

Risay117 | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Steam: risay117
ID: Risay117
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So knowing that Latinos are going to conquer America and breed out the weeker white race, due to their ability to survive and succeed in the US after all the anti-immigration policy and Latino hunting in the west. I thought might as well learn Spanish, after all, how else can I order my cocaine fresh from the supplier.

Must say it seems the class has been fun and kind of interesting, although just beg, it seems I can kind of understand what the teacher is inferring to whenever she speaks. She only speaks Spanish in class and rarely ever uses English. How long till you think some Latino will mistake me for their brethren? After all I have been mistaken to be Latino by some white people before.

Also anyone learn a new language recently or as they grew up other than their native tongue.

V | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Vien Quitonm
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Por que?

Risay117 | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Steam: risay117
ID: Risay117
IP: Logged

2,952 posts
Por que?
Cause I want to know what my Colombian friends are saying behind my back in Spanish

alphy | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: An Alphy
Steam: alphy
ID: Alphy
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neverrr we will know if you are a legit latino as soon as you speak

Chakas | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Chakas
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2,573 posts
I like hugs and making the world a better place. That and guns. Lots and lots of guns.
I've lived around people who speak Spanish my whole life and have learned to just tune it out. I should try to learn it, but I have no motivation to.