star trek > star wars

rC | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: RC5908
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10,789 posts
ayy lmao

Ian | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Gaara444
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9,247 posts
Signature goes here.
OT Star Wars = Older Star Trek > Newer Star Trek > Prequel Star Wars > dog shit > ST Star Wars

CMD.exe | Heroic Posting Riot
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XBL: ChaosMetalDrago
ID: CMD.exe
IP: Logged

844 posts
The Actual Pinnacle of Mankind Itself

Backstroke of The West

S Tier

Deep Space Nine
The Next Generation
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Empire Strikes Back
Wrath of Khan


The Force Awakens
Star Trek ToS
A New Hope
Undiscovered Country
First Contact
Star Trek The Motion Picture (Fuck you this IS a great move)

Entire Kelvin Timeline
Voyage Home
The Last Jedi


Revenge of the Sith
Return of The Jedi


Phantom Mennace
Search for Spock
Ewoks: Battle For Endor
Ewoks: Caravan of Courage


Final Frontier

Kill Yourself

Attack of the Clones
Holiday Special
Last Edit: June 06, 2019, 12:22:23 PM by CMD.exe

Super Irish | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Superirish19
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ID: Super Irish
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6,017 posts
If I'm not here, I'm doing photography. Or I'm asleep. Or in lockdown. One of those three, anyway.

The current titlebar/avatar setup is just normal.
You had me until you put Enterprise at the same level as the Voyager slog.

Explain yourself, heathen.

CMD.exe | Heroic Posting Riot
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XBL: ChaosMetalDrago
ID: CMD.exe
IP: Logged

844 posts
You had me until you put Enterprise at the same level as the Voyager slog.

Explain yourself, heathen.

I enjoy both but they have their problems; Enterprise ass blasting all of continuity almost an entire tenth as hard as Discovery and generally doing everything the other series did over again but "first".

Voyager has more issues in the general writing department but it still end up good for the most part. It's certainly better than Spock having an entire species worth of previously unknown Mary Sue half siblings and half naked Uhura dancing.

rC | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: RC5908
IP: Logged

10,789 posts
ayy lmao
ds9/tng > tos

rC | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: RC5908
IP: Logged

10,789 posts
ayy lmao
OT Star Wars = Older Star Trek > Newer Star Trek > Prequel Star Wars > dog shit > ST Star Wars
why do you hate new star wars? it's definitely not quite up to par with the original saga, but i wouldn't call it worse than dog shit.

CMD.exe | Heroic Posting Riot
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XBL: ChaosMetalDrago
ID: CMD.exe
IP: Logged

844 posts
OT Star Wars = Older Star Trek > Newer Star Trek > Prequel Star Wars > dog shit > ST Star Wars
why do you hate new star wars? it's definitely not quite up to par with the original saga, but i wouldn't call it worse than dog shit.

Cause Luke is an actual human being and not the same Shounen Anime protagonist he was in Legends.

rC | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: RC5908
IP: Logged

10,789 posts
ayy lmao
OT Star Wars = Older Star Trek > Newer Star Trek > Prequel Star Wars > dog shit > ST Star Wars
why do you hate new star wars? it's definitely not quite up to par with the original saga, but i wouldn't call it worse than dog shit.

Cause Luke is an actual human being and not the same Shounen Anime protagonist he was in Legends.
or maybe its all of the goddamn minorities with leading rolls. everyone knows that in the real world, white men are the only people who ever do anything,

Ian | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Gaara444
IP: Logged

9,247 posts
Signature goes here.
I'm not going to staunchly defend the quality of Legends when talking about the Sequel Trilogy because while there was some really cool stuff in Legends, there was also some really really awful stuff in there as well. Ultimately my beef with the ST movies is that it's watered down, lacks depth, has uninteresting characters, and a completely unengaging plot. What they did with Luke's character is hardly my only gripe with the ST and I couldn't give a fuck about the race or gender of the characters. Keep in mind that I'm dissing the ST and not new Star Wars as a whole, I loved Rogue One and Solo may have been flawed but it was hardly bad. I could go further into detail but it'll have to be later since I'm hanging out with friends and I only had a few minutes to type this up.

rC | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: RC5908
IP: Logged

10,789 posts
ayy lmao
I'm not going to staunchly defend the quality of Legends when talking about the Sequel Trilogy because while there was some really cool stuff in Legends, there was also some really really awful stuff in there as well. Ultimately my beef with the ST movies is that it's watered down, lacks depth, has uninteresting characters, and a completely unengaging plot. What they did with Luke's character is hardly my only gripe with the ST and I couldn't give a fuck about the race or gender of the characters. Keep in mind that I'm dissing the ST and not new Star Wars as a whole, I loved Rogue One and Solo may have been flawed but it was hardly bad. I could go further into detail but it'll have to be later since I'm hanging out with friends and I only had a few minutes to type this up.
unacceptable. there can be no delay

CMD.exe | Heroic Posting Riot
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XBL: ChaosMetalDrago
ID: CMD.exe
IP: Logged

844 posts
This day in History:
The United Federation of Planets declares war on the New Republic: