How long til deci makes a false copyright claim
First off, he credited me, which is all I really ask if you use anything that I upload. Prehistoric took the music that I composed (yes composed because I did strum and play those notes and chords believe it or not) and claimed it as his and renamed the music, which is a copyright violation and isn't fair use.
This guy used the Original Xbox Dashboard video (which sadly is my most popular video to date) under fair use. I don't own the rights to the OG Xbox or its dashboard, so its not like I make money off of that, because its not really my content, and of all the things I uploaded, I didn't think that would ever be the one thing that would get so many views, its not like I was one of the first to upload the OG Xbox dashboard, so it doesn't make any sense.
Again, I don't false copyright claim. I actually gave prehistoric a fair chance to take the video down and own up to the fact that it wasn't his media to claim "as his." He refused and decided to play smartass with me so I used the reporting tools responsibility.
If you think I false copyright claim you haven't met UMG clearly.