I like lesbians in porn, but I don't think they should marry

Dustin | Heroic Invincible!
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XBL: Greedy Jew
PSN: Jews Did 911
Steam: Chimpout 2014
ID: Le Dustin
IP: Logged

5,814 posts
This is pathetic, Cheat
This user has been blacklisted from posting on the forums. Until the blacklist is lifted, all posts made by this user have been hidden and require a Sep7agon® SecondClass Premium Membership to view.

The Lord Ruler | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Lord Ruler
IP: Logged

9,804 posts
Max characters: 420; characters remaining: 374
Images in your signature must be no greater than 500x100 pixels

what are you doing



DAS B00T x2
| Cultural Appropriator
more |
ID: DAS B00T x2
IP: Logged

37,624 posts
This is not the greatest sig in the world, no. This is just a tribute.
Well that's easy to explain. Porno lesbians and real lesbians are like day and night.

| alo
more |
XBL: goooots
Steam: goootsby
ID: Gatsby
IP: Logged

19,293 posts
You will find out who you are not a thousand times, before you ever discover who you are. I hope you find peace in yourself and learn to love instead of hate.
Sex is strictly for pro creation, anything else is bad

Juuzou | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Lady Noelle
IP: Logged

10,912 posts
This user has been blacklisted from posting on the forums. Until the blacklist is lifted, all posts made by this user have been hidden and require a Sep7agon® SecondClass Premium Membership to view.

DAS B00T x2
| Cultural Appropriator
more |
ID: DAS B00T x2
IP: Logged

37,624 posts
This is not the greatest sig in the world, no. This is just a tribute.
Why are troll alts allowed to post here?
Welcome to the Flood.
That's actually Dusty's account. You can change you name you know.
Last Edit: September 19, 2014, 08:52:28 PM by DAS B00T x2

Mad Max | Mythic Invincible!
more |
Steam: madmax0808
ID: Mad Max
IP: Logged

7,528 posts

Juuzou | Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
ID: Lady Noelle
IP: Logged

10,912 posts
This user has been blacklisted from posting on the forums. Until the blacklist is lifted, all posts made by this user have been hidden and require a Sep7agon® SecondClass Premium Membership to view.

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
more |
ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
Why are troll alts allowed to post here?
Welcome to the Flood.
That's actually Dusty's account. You can change you name you know.

Let's hope there is username security on here. I'd hate to see impersonators on here.

OT: You're an idiot Dustin.
Last Edit: September 19, 2014, 11:12:19 PM by Decimator Omega

| Flora Colossus
more |
XBL: Cheatlancer
Steam: Cheatlancer
ID: Cheatlancer
IP: Logged

6,645 posts
Why are troll alts allowed to post here?
Welcome to the Flood.
That's actually Dusty's account. You can change you name you know.

Let's hope there is username security on here. I'd hate to see impersonators on here.

OT: You're an idiot Dustin.
You can't have the same Username, but I am unsure about display names. I'll check.

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
more |
ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
Why are troll alts allowed to post here?
Welcome to the Flood.
That's actually Dusty's account. You can change you name you know.

Let's hope there is username security on here. I'd hate to see impersonators on here.

OT: You're an idiot Dustin.
You can't have the same Username, but I am unsure about display names. I'll check.

You should check that because this was a BIG problem for me on Bungie.next. And the worst part is? People actually thought it was me despite the impostor not having my Halo 2 avatar.

It sucked.
Last Edit: September 19, 2014, 11:30:01 PM by Decimator Omega

| Flora Colossus
more |
XBL: Cheatlancer
Steam: Cheatlancer
ID: Cheatlancer
IP: Logged

6,645 posts
Why are troll alts allowed to post here?
Welcome to the Flood.
That's actually Dusty's account. You can change you name you know.

Let's hope there is username security on here. I'd hate to see impersonators on here.

OT: You're an idiot Dustin.
You can't have the same Username, but I am unsure about display names. I'll check.

You should check that because this was a BIG problem for me on Bungie.next. And the worst part is? People actually thought it was me despite the impostor not having my Halo 2 avatar.

It sucked.
They're protected; you're fine.

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
more |
ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
Why are troll alts allowed to post here?
Welcome to the Flood.
That's actually Dusty's account. You can change you name you know.

Let's hope there is username security on here. I'd hate to see impersonators on here.

OT: You're an idiot Dustin.
You can't have the same Username, but I am unsure about display names. I'll check.

You should check that because this was a BIG problem for me on Bungie.next. And the worst part is? People actually thought it was me despite the impostor not having my Halo 2 avatar.

It sucked.
They're protected; you're fine.

Awesome. Thanks man.