>I was only 12 years old>I loved Kalashnikov so much >I had all of the rifles and all of the 7.62x39mm rounds >I prayed to Kalashnikov every night thanking it for the firepower I'd been given>Kalashnikov is love I'd say, Kalashnikov is life>AR 15 see's me >He calls me a terrorist>I say "For Mother Russia">AR 15 Liberates the me and sends me to Guantanamo bay>I am crying now and my face is wet>Something is moving behind me> I feel a barrel on the back of my head>It is Kalashnikov>I am so happy>The sound of the charging pin fills my ear>It puts me on my knees>I am ready >Kalashnikov penetrates my vital organs>It hurts so much but I do it for Kalashnikov>I feel my skull shatter fracture as I bleed out>It roars a mighty roar as it fills me with it's 7.62x39mm love>AR 15 comes in>Kalashnikov looks it strait down the barrel and says "Bang Bang Bang">Kalashnikov reloads>Kalashnikov is love, Kalashnikov is life