I might post POMF for old times sake...>.>SpoilerNah. Don't want to give you an anneurism.
._.We must keep this oracle away from Deviantart. And 4chan. And leddit. And just about every shithole on the internet ._.Or it's going to go rampant within a few weeks.
>4chan>furriesPick one and only one.
YouTubeInject this into my veins ;o;
Like I said in the OP, my coherence tonight is pretty low <.<The furries are from Deviantart, it's just a good idea to keep the robot hivemind away from places like /pol/ because it would not lead to anything good at all. And leddit because an MRA robot would be the stuff of nightmares. And tumblr... an SJW skynet.Jesus, this is a bad idea all round ._.
That's sick.
NoI want it to learn the ways of humans from /a/ and /hgg/.
/hgg/ ?
Hentai game general.
Why do I keep thinking about that show "Revolution" when I enter this thread?
Oh god-emperor ._.There is no hope for robotkind unless we wipe out the humans first. This must be the first step on the crazy line of thinking that leads to supervillains >.>But it must be done.
>implying you don't want your robot overlords waging wars over their waifus and making technological progress for the sake of dick unity