The story of the Bible: God sent his kid down to suffer so we can all get forgiven. One of his apostles, guys who have been following him around for years and are his most trusted followers, sells him out to the Romans. The Romans talk to the Jewish high priests, who recommends him to die. The Romans kill him horrifically by flogging him, making him drag the instrument of his execution through the streets, finally nailing him to it to die of exposure and blood loss. His body got sealed in a cave and after 3 days he comes out and ascended to Heaven.
During the Last Supper they drank too much wine. They hit the point of drunkenness that it turned into a bender. After things get out of hand, Judas calls the cops on something. They're all about to be arrested when Jesus says he's the one who did it. I am guessing they went to the temple and drew a dick on the wall or something similar, because the High Priests are PISSED and want to throw the book at him. Jesus gets arrested and after 3 days gets let out on bail, where he promptly skipped town to stay at his dad's.
Which is the more believable story?