I don't understand you.I don't have anything against you, you just have yet to make a quality thread from what I've seen.I have no idea how having that opinion makes me grumpy.
That's just how I am. I'm...really neutral on most subjects.The problem is that your threads are amusing and pointless 90% of the time from what I've seen.The other kinds of bad threads attract more attention, at least.
I think I've found my new odd-couple-partner. Nuka seems so grumpy... how will my imaginative fun-time antics affect him? I can't wait to find out!
Not saying they're okay, they're just more interesting.
There's a difference between acceptable and entertaining.You gotta realize that this is The Flood. It's a place of loosely controlled chaos.Here, anything is acceptable as long as it doesn't break the rules and the sole purpose for its existence is amusement.
So I don't really understand how the Flood works. Could you give me three basic tips to improve my style?
ughHere, educate yourself: http://halo.bungie.net/Forums/topics.aspx?forumID=10It's not my job to educate newfomans.
I was JaxBug before b.next allowed me to change my name.That account was registered in 2010 but my original is from 2008.
I certainly am getting quite a bit of the spotlight tonight though. It's weird.
Here, have a puppy:
It likes to shit all over everything for no reason, so have fun.
This cat?He doesn't know how to walk, so that's how it gets around from place to place.
............I'm realizing now that I had you confused with True Velox.Excuse me while I reconfigure my brains.But yes, I remember you and your threads on old flood.
I'm not ready for this kind of commitment.
whatever boats your float
Nuka and Elegiac are pretty much the new Sam and Diane.
Guise I'm new here