Most evil/cruel thing you've ever done?

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,214 posts
Well I'm at least glad it was just that and not dangling it by it's neck from the tv antenna or something
that's truly fucked up. I love doges now.

The worst thing I do now is probably spray the cats in my yard with the hose.
cats are a menace sent by beelzebub tbh

i mean, i love animals but cats really piss me off

but in the spirit of fair play, when there is one in my garden I thump the window before setting the dog loose

whippets are fast fuckers so the cat always needs a headstart e.e


Casper | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Casper
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10,157 posts
Toys are hereby declared:
 anyone found with a TOY in his possession will be
placed under ARREST and thrown in the DUNGEON!
No kidding!               🅱
One time I poured a little bit of salt on a slug, and I literally felt worse than Hitler.

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,214 posts
This little kid invited me to his Forge map on Halo 3 and I kept slightly moving everything. He raged really, REALLY hard. Probably autistic.

I'd probably do the same as long as I knew he wasn't gonna save it afterwards.

I used to trick my sister into inviting me and my friends into her Minecraft games and I'd build giant TNT pits underneath her houses and blow them the fuck up.
hidden lava lakes >>>

dig a pit to the centre of the earth filled with lava about 50 blocks down, plaster over with a layer of dirt and leave it there


someone will dig it up or a creeper will blow them up on that soil


You're evil

I love it

But what I do is build a long ass underground tunnel full of TNT so I can detonate it from far away and claim I had nothing to do with it, I was minding my own business building myself a mud hut when her home exploded.
Another nice one that is a bit dependant on the size/location of their house

and mostly if they have any paintings hung up

you can make a false-front painting that can be walked through if you know how

then you lead it to a massive empty dark room

free monster spawns inside their house and they won't have a clue e.e

I'm a total nub at Minecraft so my dastardly deeds don't extend much further than setting up Allah's Snackbars beneath people's houses.
Thing is, I learned these tricks from being an admin rather than a griefer

the things people come up with to fuck with their fellow humans

Big Boss | Mythic Card Master
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XBL: Badman Kakarot
PSN: GurrenSwagann
ID: Big Boss
IP: Logged

13,961 posts
Jacob Potila was actually a Jacob Flotilla of lies.- WarTurkey
Well I'm at least glad it was just that and not dangling it by it's neck from the tv antenna or something
that's truly fucked up. I love doges now.

The worst thing I do now is probably spray the cats in my yard with the hose.

Good, good boy. Dogs are love itself. I love dogs. Who doesn't love dogs?

| Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: EnderWolf1013
IP: Logged

10,296 posts
One time my asshole cousins where being mean to a dog I used to have, I hit them with a shovel.

Does that count?

Someone made fun of my brother and threw stones at him, I hit them with a metal bat.

Does that count?

Eh that's more vengeance than evilness
ok, so I never really did anything particularly bad then.

Apart from not liking my post
Excuse you.

Big Boss | Mythic Card Master
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XBL: Badman Kakarot
PSN: GurrenSwagann
ID: Big Boss
IP: Logged

13,961 posts
Jacob Potila was actually a Jacob Flotilla of lies.- WarTurkey
Well I'm at least glad it was just that and not dangling it by it's neck from the tv antenna or something
that's truly fucked up. I love doges now.

The worst thing I do now is probably spray the cats in my yard with the hose.
cats are a menace sent by beelzebub tbh

i mean, i love animals but cats really piss me off

but in the spirit of fair play, when there is one in my garden I thump the window before setting the dog loose

whippets are fast fuckers so the cat always needs a headstart e.e


You haven't experienced true pain until you've been kept up at 3 in the morning by the Harmonic Symphony of 'Meeeeaaaahw' outside your window.

R o c k e t | Mythic Smash Master
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XBL: Rocketman287
Steam: Rocketman287
ID: Rocketman287
IP: Logged

22,970 posts
I neither fear, nor despise.
Let's see here...

When I was maybe 13 I beat the shit out of a neighborhood kid who would just be bratty and obnoxious. Kicked him after I knocked him down, I was bigger than him too.

The reason? My dad told me to.

When I was in high school this one band kid who was super awkward would try talking to me pretty much every day. Try to sit next to me on the bus to football games, etc. I was a dick to him because I found him annoying.
Last Edit: February 05, 2016, 09:32:53 PM by Rocketman287

Big Boss | Mythic Card Master
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XBL: Badman Kakarot
PSN: GurrenSwagann
ID: Big Boss
IP: Logged

13,961 posts
Jacob Potila was actually a Jacob Flotilla of lies.- WarTurkey
One time my asshole cousins where being mean to a dog I used to have, I hit them with a shovel.

Does that count?

Someone made fun of my brother and threw stones at him, I hit them with a metal bat.

Does that count?

Eh that's more vengeance than evilness
ok, so I never really did anything particularly bad then.

Apart from not liking my post
Excuse you.

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
IP: Logged

13,228 posts
I guided my brother to fool two people for 1600 Microsoft points a pop on Modern Warfare 2 that I'd get them to 10th prestige.

Took the points, blocked them, bought games

I like to manipulate or work behind the scenes I guess

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,214 posts
Well I'm at least glad it was just that and not dangling it by it's neck from the tv antenna or something
that's truly fucked up. I love doges now.

The worst thing I do now is probably spray the cats in my yard with the hose.
cats are a menace sent by beelzebub tbh

i mean, i love animals but cats really piss me off

but in the spirit of fair play, when there is one in my garden I thump the window before setting the dog loose

whippets are fast fuckers so the cat always needs a headstart e.e


You haven't experienced true pain until you've been kept up at 3 in the morning by the Harmonic Symphony of 'Meeeeaaaahw' outside your window.
oh i have

when we lived in the old house there was an alleyway right outside my window

the number of nights i stuck my head out to scream obscenities at the feline menace below is beyond count

threw my shoe out one time too e_____e

R o c k e t | Mythic Smash Master
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XBL: Rocketman287
Steam: Rocketman287
ID: Rocketman287
IP: Logged

22,970 posts
I neither fear, nor despise.
Back in the day I used girls for action...Told them whatever they wanted to hear. *shrugs*
My friend did that plenty in high school. Said girls were like tissues. You use them, then throw them away.

R o c k e t | Mythic Smash Master
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XBL: Rocketman287
Steam: Rocketman287
ID: Rocketman287
IP: Logged

22,970 posts
I neither fear, nor despise.
I used to abuse my cousin's dog when I was little.
I knew you were a dogfucker

| Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: EnderWolf1013
IP: Logged

10,296 posts
One time my asshole cousins where being mean to a dog I used to have, I hit them with a shovel.

Does that count?

Someone made fun of my brother and threw stones at him, I hit them with a metal bat.

Does that count?

Eh that's more vengeance than evilness
ok, so I never really did anything particularly bad then.

Apart from not liking my post
Excuse you.


Big Boss | Mythic Card Master
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XBL: Badman Kakarot
PSN: GurrenSwagann
ID: Big Boss
IP: Logged

13,961 posts
Jacob Potila was actually a Jacob Flotilla of lies.- WarTurkey
Well I'm at least glad it was just that and not dangling it by it's neck from the tv antenna or something
that's truly fucked up. I love doges now.

The worst thing I do now is probably spray the cats in my yard with the hose.
cats are a menace sent by beelzebub tbh

i mean, i love animals but cats really piss me off

but in the spirit of fair play, when there is one in my garden I thump the window before setting the dog loose

whippets are fast fuckers so the cat always needs a headstart e.e


You haven't experienced true pain until you've been kept up at 3 in the morning by the Harmonic Symphony of 'Meeeeaaaahw' outside your window.
oh i have

when we lived in the old house there was an alleyway right outside my window

the number of nights i stuck my head out to scream obscenities at the feline menace below is beyond count

threw my shoe out one time too e_____e

I feel ya, I get about 2 regulars in the front and back garden most days and nights, actually had a full on scrap next to the kitchen window once. Noisy buggers.

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
IP: Logged

13,228 posts
Back in the day I used girls for action...Told them whatever they wanted to hear. *shrugs*
My friend did that plenty in high school. Said girls were like tissues. You use them, then throw them away.
What a fucking scumbag.

R o c k e t | Mythic Smash Master
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XBL: Rocketman287
Steam: Rocketman287
ID: Rocketman287
IP: Logged

22,970 posts
I neither fear, nor despise.
Well I'm at least glad it was just that and not dangling it by it's neck from the tv antenna or something
that's truly fucked up. I love doges now.

The worst thing I do now is probably spray the cats in my yard with the hose.
cats are a menace sent by beelzebub tbh

i mean, i love animals but cats really piss me off

but in the spirit of fair play, when there is one in my garden I thump the window before setting the dog loose

whippets are fast fuckers so the cat always needs a headstart e.e


You haven't experienced true pain until you've been kept up at 3 in the morning by the Harmonic Symphony of 'Meeeeaaaahw' outside your window.
oh i have

when we lived in the old house there was an alleyway right outside my window

the number of nights i stuck my head out to scream obscenities at the feline menace below is beyond count

threw my shoe out one time too e_____e

I feel ya, I get about 2 regulars in the front and back garden most days and nights, actually had a full on scrap next to the kitchen window once. Noisy buggers.
We don't have cats in my neighborhood. One night something wakes me up, I walk to the living room of the house, and hear what sounds like a dozen cats screaming their fucking lungs out. Soooo creepy.

Big Boss | Mythic Card Master
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XBL: Badman Kakarot
PSN: GurrenSwagann
ID: Big Boss
IP: Logged

13,961 posts
Jacob Potila was actually a Jacob Flotilla of lies.- WarTurkey
Well I'm at least glad it was just that and not dangling it by it's neck from the tv antenna or something
that's truly fucked up. I love doges now.

The worst thing I do now is probably spray the cats in my yard with the hose.
cats are a menace sent by beelzebub tbh

i mean, i love animals but cats really piss me off

but in the spirit of fair play, when there is one in my garden I thump the window before setting the dog loose

whippets are fast fuckers so the cat always needs a headstart e.e


You haven't experienced true pain until you've been kept up at 3 in the morning by the Harmonic Symphony of 'Meeeeaaaahw' outside your window.
oh i have

when we lived in the old house there was an alleyway right outside my window

the number of nights i stuck my head out to scream obscenities at the feline menace below is beyond count

threw my shoe out one time too e_____e

I feel ya, I get about 2 regulars in the front and back garden most days and nights, actually had a full on scrap next to the kitchen window once. Noisy buggers.
We don't have cats in my neighborhood. One night something wakes me up, I walk to the living room of the house, and hear what sounds like a dozen cats screaming their fucking lungs out. Soooo creepy.

It can get real freaky when they stop sounding like cats and more like unearthly she-demons.

R o c k e t | Mythic Smash Master
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XBL: Rocketman287
Steam: Rocketman287
ID: Rocketman287
IP: Logged

22,970 posts
I neither fear, nor despise.
Back in the day I used girls for action...Told them whatever they wanted to hear. *shrugs*
My friend did that plenty in high school. Said girls were like tissues. You use them, then throw them away.
What a fucking scumbag.
The good news is he's not like that anymore

| Legendary Invincible!
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Steam: exige
ID: Luis
IP: Logged

6,172 posts
I broke off the limbs of a crab and threw it back in the ocean

Does that count?

Big Boss | Mythic Card Master
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XBL: Badman Kakarot
PSN: GurrenSwagann
ID: Big Boss
IP: Logged

13,961 posts
Jacob Potila was actually a Jacob Flotilla of lies.- WarTurkey
I broke off the limbs of a crab and threw it back in the ocean

Does that count?


That's hilariously twisted

Jim | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: AltarsofRadness
PSN: spirit_of_sand
Steam: Kurt Russel
ID: LancexLink
IP: Logged

13,153 posts
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Big Boss | Mythic Card Master
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XBL: Badman Kakarot
PSN: GurrenSwagann
ID: Big Boss
IP: Logged

13,961 posts
Jacob Potila was actually a Jacob Flotilla of lies.- WarTurkey
Oh, one time this girl asked me to her prom and I said no because I didn't want to go.

I felt really bad.

That's not cruel, that's just being blunt

Being cruel would be saying that you don't want to go with her because she's a smelly poopoo brain

| Legendary Invincible!
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Steam: exige
ID: Luis
IP: Logged

6,172 posts
I broke off the limbs of a crab and threw it back in the ocean

Does that count?


That's hilariously twisted
It pinched me so i retaliated, i might have went overboard tho. I also broke the top of its shell with a beer bottle.

Big Boss | Mythic Card Master
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XBL: Badman Kakarot
PSN: GurrenSwagann
ID: Big Boss
IP: Logged

13,961 posts
Jacob Potila was actually a Jacob Flotilla of lies.- WarTurkey
I broke off the limbs of a crab and threw it back in the ocean

Does that count?


That's hilariously twisted
It pinched me so i retaliated, i might have went overboard tho. I also broke the top of its shell with a beer bottle.


Are you satan

I once threw a little creature thing across the beach because I picked up a shell and saw something move inside it so i panicked

Jim | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: AltarsofRadness
PSN: spirit_of_sand
Steam: Kurt Russel
ID: LancexLink
IP: Logged

13,153 posts
This user has been blacklisted from posting on the forums. Until the blacklist is lifted, all posts made by this user have been hidden and require a Sep7agon® SecondClass Premium Membership to view.

| Legendary Invincible!
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Steam: exige
ID: Luis
IP: Logged

6,172 posts
I broke off the limbs of a crab and threw it back in the ocean

Does that count?


That's hilariously twisted
It pinched me so i retaliated, i might have went overboard tho. I also broke the top of its shell with a beer bottle.


Are you satan

I once threw a little creature thing across the beach because I picked up a shell and saw something move inside it so i panicked
I never really did anyhting bad to anyone/thing other than small animals.
I also used to put worms in a container of ants and watch them tear em apart.

Big Boss | Mythic Card Master
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XBL: Badman Kakarot
PSN: GurrenSwagann
ID: Big Boss
IP: Logged

13,961 posts
Jacob Potila was actually a Jacob Flotilla of lies.- WarTurkey
Oh, one time this girl asked me to her prom and I said no because I didn't want to go.

I felt really bad.

That's not cruel, that's just being blunt

Being cruel would be saying that you don't want to go with her because she's a smelly poopoo brain
I know but that shows you what a saint I am IRL

Big Boss | Mythic Card Master
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XBL: Badman Kakarot
PSN: GurrenSwagann
ID: Big Boss
IP: Logged

13,961 posts
Jacob Potila was actually a Jacob Flotilla of lies.- WarTurkey
I broke off the limbs of a crab and threw it back in the ocean

Does that count?


That's hilariously twisted
It pinched me so i retaliated, i might have went overboard tho. I also broke the top of its shell with a beer bottle.


Are you satan

I once threw a little creature thing across the beach because I picked up a shell and saw something move inside it so i panicked
I never really did anyhting bad to anyone/thing other than small animals.
I also used to put worms in a container of ants and watch them tear em apart.

I used to ride my scooter slowly over caterpillars and watch the green slime come out

Jim | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: AltarsofRadness
PSN: spirit_of_sand
Steam: Kurt Russel
ID: LancexLink
IP: Logged

13,153 posts
This user has been blacklisted from posting on the forums. Until the blacklist is lifted, all posts made by this user have been hidden and require a Sep7agon® SecondClass Premium Membership to view.

| Legendary Invincible!
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Steam: exige
ID: Luis
IP: Logged

6,172 posts
I broke off the limbs of a crab and threw it back in the ocean

Does that count?


That's hilariously twisted
It pinched me so i retaliated, i might have went overboard tho. I also broke the top of its shell with a beer bottle.


Are you satan

I once threw a little creature thing across the beach because I picked up a shell and saw something move inside it so i panicked
I never really did anyhting bad to anyone/thing other than small animals.
I also used to put worms in a container of ants and watch them tear em apart.

I used to ride my scooter slowly over caterpillars and watch the green slime come out
Thats basically paedocide