Guys, Obongo is at it again! He just signed an executive order banning all ak47s as part of his evil devilcrat agenda! We seriously need to rise up and start executing all the devilcrat traitors that want to ban guns and approve gay marriage and abortions. These people are not humans, they are socialist fascist communist that need to be stopped at all costs.I'm gonna start shooting once I finish my next pack of pabst blue ribbon.
A wild Finn appeared!
This is a good anti-Kiyo thread.
Beat the communist! Beat him and then throw him on my bed!
I'll beat him, alright.
Shut it, commie. Don't make me gag you.
Do it, then present me my gift.
You might need to wash it off, first.
Nonsense, that just adds to the appeal.
Well fuck you guys ;__;