let me tell you about my date night(update)

Super Irish | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Superirish19
PSN: Superirish19
Steam: Superirish19
ID: Super Irish
IP: Logged

6,017 posts
If I'm not here, I'm doing photography. Or I'm asleep. Or in lockdown. One of those three, anyway.

The current titlebar/avatar setup is just normal.
Good man.

Jive Turkey | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Jive Turkey
IP: Logged

6,991 posts
My turn to blog, maybe you guys can help or offer advices or something, doesn't deserve its own thread

There's a girl who is in my class, cute, would normally rank 6/10 as would most others. For some reason though she caught my eye very quickly, and over the last two months we've become a lot closer. I am so damn attracted to this girl for reasons I cannot explain. Nothing extraordinary in the face or body, doesn't really wear much makeup, she's kinda reserved and shy, just average.

 I do not get tied down/catch feelings easily, and have hooked up with girls far hotter than her, but I cannot understand why I am so attracted to her?! She obviously likes me back, but she has a boyfriend of nearly a year. It's like every time I make her laugh or she smiles she turns into my own personal 10/10. Feel like a little bish even typing this out but venting is good ya know? I just wanna buy her flowers and give her kisses on the forehead all day
Last Edit: November 19, 2014, 04:45:27 PM by Jive Turkey

Risay117 | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Steam: risay117
ID: Risay117
IP: Logged

2,952 posts
How old are you, is she a couple grades lower than you?

Seriously you did good, but i have no idea about the girl. I may tell you to tell her to fuck off, cause i have a good knack at telling who is full of shit and who is not after talking to them. Also who may fuck up a relationship.

Another reason may be if i was you're buddy i would be very judgemental on the girl, cause i would want the best for my friend.

shes the same grade as me. also i just met her saturday at one of my cousin's parties. im also hanging out with her again today at her church.
Ehhh, go for it. Even if it does not workout you will not regret not making a move.

The Hån | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: The Han
IP: Logged

2,853 posts
does this stuff even work?
How old are you, is she a couple grades lower than you?

Seriously you did good, but i have no idea about the girl. I may tell you to tell her to fuck off, cause i have a good knack at telling who is full of shit and who is not after talking to them. Also who may fuck up a relationship.

Another reason may be if i was you're buddy i would be very judgemental on the girl, cause i would want the best for my friend.

shes the same grade as me. also i just met her saturday at one of my cousin's parties. im also hanging out with her again today at her church.
Ehhh, go for it. Even if it does not workout you will not regret not making a move.

it went great tonight.... there were tons of spooning tonight.