Journey's End

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Avatar Korra
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19,118 posts

- korrie

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,118 posts

- korrie
Part 3: The Key

TBlocks flew a banshee into the crash site not so far from where the fighting had occurred. #Off-Topic's arrival had been unprecedented but understood since they too wanted DeeJ out of the  picture. Now a new Halo had come out of the ashes of Destiny and held the salvation of all life from the shitposting of the Offtopites. But it couldn't be activated without the index and there was only one person that held the last remaining activation key and she was currently trapped within #Off-Topic.

The armored Canadian landed his banshee next to a hole, TBlocks noticed that a lot of the superstructure of the old forum had been replaced by fleshy and grotesque biomass produced by the shit that the Offtopites said. TBlocks jumped down into the hole and found himself alone inside the belly of the beast. "TBlocks, I've gather up the survivors and fell back to the  Septagon, Vien will do the same with the Elites" Cheat informed him. "Korra is in there somewhere."

TBlocks turned off his radio and proceeded with his mission, he could see the bodies of dead Desticles that had died in the beginning of the civil war. TBlocks could still remember as it had been yesterday, how DeeJ rose up and slaughter the defenseless Floodians and accidently released the Offtopites from containment. On his way towards the former great hall of Achronos, TBlocks received a very disturbing message.

"Child of my enemy, why have you come? I accept no forgiveness...a father's sins passed to his son." Long face was communicating with him despite his radio being turned off. TBlocks ignored the monster's calls and continued on to the great hall. The great hall of Achronos used to be magnificent, a testament to the  ancient overlord of all forums but now it was nothing more than a wretched hive. Out of the walls came out the Offtopites, like bees defending their nest, they attacked the armored Canadian.

He shot his assault rifle at all direction, luckily these were nothing more than shitty trolls and were put done quickly by the hail of bullets. TBlocks kept his cool while he reloaded his gun, and drank a bit of maple syrup. He knew that this was just the welcome committee and far worse horrors awaited for him deeper in. TBlocks noticed a pelican nearby, on the outside walls that hadn't been covered by biomass. That would come in handy if bad turned to worse.

" came for her. We exist together now, two shitposters in one thread." Long face realized the reason of TBlock's visit to his domain. The valiant Canadian once more ignored the blatant excuse for trolling and kept on with his mission.

A strange transmission turned his radio on by force, TBlocks was taken by surprise by it. "A newfoman is all I am...stolen honors and memories." Korra's voice was heard, now TBlocks was concerned more than ever. He knew that she was resistant enough to prolong the Offtopites corruption by it sounded like it began to consume her logic.

"Perhaps a part of her remains...!" Long face stated with a curious yet malevolent voice.

TBlocks hurried, running through several corrupted gates and hallways until he came to  dead end.  Nowhere to climb on or crouch below of, no way out. "Shit!" TBlocks said in desperation, he guessed that Korra must be held captive in the high quarters of the lord just beyond these halls but the way had been blocked.

"Indeed," A dark voice said coming from behind our hero. TBlocks turned to see one of the traitors, the Benedict Arnold of the Septagon.

"Comms Officer." TBlocks said. "We believed you dead after the self destruction of the forums weeks ago."

"I was rescued by Long face and saw the light, or rather the shit that I could unleash with his power. Imagine the butthurt spread throughout the galaxy! A rightful end to such pitiful existence, don't you agree?" Officer said, TBlocks couldn't believe his ears. He knew that Comms was a blatant no good troll but this was downright evil.

"That's not going to happen." TBlocks said unleashing a rain of lead at the corrupted Comms Officer, the bullets ripped through his body. The twisted Comms fell on the ground motionless, but once part of #Off-Topic he was virtually immortal. The only way to destroy an Offtopites is by nuking from orbit or something like that.

TBlocks looked at the blockade in front of him, he couldn't proceed. Then he noticed a small opening in the side of the fleshy wall. He slowly walked through it, always looking at his motion tracker for enemies. He  ran towards the high quarters of the lord, the giant nuclear reactor that powered the forum stood between TBlocks and the chamber.

"You will tell me what she hides or I shall feast upon your bones!" Long face yelled in anger, this felt like a trap but TBlocks had to rescue Korra. He entered the chamber, he saw the skeleton of Jason Jones sitting on his throne. TBlocks looked around and saw Korra trapped in Offtopite corruption to the adjacent wall to the throne. He quickly went to help her out, ripping the corruption off her wrists and neck.

"You found me...but so much of me is wrong...out of place. You might be too late." Korra said with a weak voice as she was helped up by TBlocks.

"You know me...when I make a promise." TBlocks said.

"You keep it...I do know how to pick them." Korra replied.

"Lucky me. Do you still have it?"

"The activation index of the last Halo I played, a little souvenir I held on to just in case." Korra said as she took the index from her backpack. "Got an escape plan?"

"Thought I should shoot my way out, mix things up a little."

"Just try to stay alive, we are a team now remember."

End of Part 3.

| Hero of the Wild
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ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
Noice! :D
Pretty awesome so far! :3

| Marty Inconceivable!
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ID: SoporificSlash
IP: Logged

15,656 posts
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BlitzFiend | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Doom DH
IP: Logged

1,928 posts

| Flora Colossus
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XBL: Cheatlancer
Steam: Cheatlancer
ID: Cheatlancer
IP: Logged

6,652 posts
I require more chapters.

Yu | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Yutaka
IP: Logged

12,707 posts
Almost always, with moderation
This just gets better and better.

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,118 posts

- korrie
I require more chapters.
You will, don't worry!

bastage | Posting Spree
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XBL: shmook3y
ID: bastage
IP: Logged

165 posts
hey bby

Luke | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Luke
IP: Logged

4,121 posts
Pretty cool, I'd prefer watching this though rather than reading it.

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,118 posts

- korrie
Shameless bump.

Mox | Heroic Posting Rampage
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ID: Neo
IP: Logged

1,531 posts
That moment when you realize you're too new to ever be a part of these kind of things.
Last Edit: August 08, 2014, 12:26:03 PM by Neo

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,118 posts

- korrie
That moment when you realize you're too new to ever be a part of these kinds of things.
You were in it, as part of the Floodian army!  :)

big sponge
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ID: Lord Commissar
IP: Logged

11,900 posts
That moment when you realize you're too new to ever be a part of these kinds of things.

Brah, I'm an oldfag and I'm never in these either. Don't feel to bad.

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,118 posts

- korrie
Brah, I'm an oldfag and I'm never in these either. Don't feel to bad.
I got plans for you.

| Marty Inconceivable!
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ID: SoporificSlash
IP: Logged

15,656 posts
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XBL: SpaceJamJesus
ID: kush mcgush
IP: Logged

691 posts
lol 420 careactres
needs memes

but 8/8 m8

Erives | Heroic Unstoppable!
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XBL: erives
ID: Erives
IP: Logged

1,856 posts
I cant argue with progress, just you.
*Cries at the majestic tale*

I_IRONMAN_I | Heroic Unstoppable!
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IP: Logged

2,505 posts
Stark Industries
"Heavy boots of lead
fills his victims full of dread
Running as fast as they can
Iron Man lives again!"
Brah, I'm an oldfag and I'm never in these either. Don't feel to bad.
Same here :s

Great job, again, Korra! Looking forward for more!

Edit : the :P emoji scares me...
Last Edit: August 08, 2014, 06:33:42 PM by I_IRONMAN_I

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,118 posts

- korrie
Part Four: Unyielding

TBlocks and Korra looked around what used to be Jason Jones's throne room. The Offtopite corruption had vanished most of the room's structure away except the skeleton of the once glorious leader of the old ones. He still sat upon his throne, as he has always done.

"Blocks...I don't want to stay in here anymore." Korra quietly said, still shaken by the horrors she had to go through  prisoner of the Offtopites.

TBlocks agreed and gave her his magnum sidearm, she still looked weak and would probably unable to bend anything. They both exited the throne room and were met with a gurgling roar.

"AT LAST I SEE! THE SECRET HAS BEEN REVEALED!!!" The evil voice of Long face resonated throughout the whole downed forum. There wasn't enough time now, the duo moved quickly.

Now coming in into the reactor chamber, TBlocks and Korra saw that a wave of Offtopites had come in had settled defensive positions around the reactor. The way out was now effectively blocked. Korra looked at the massive reactor above them, it looked damaged.

"The reactor...make a chain reaction. Nuke this forum, end the Offtopites once and for all." Korra told her companion, the Armored Canadian could see the hatred for #Off-Topic in her eyes. She had been tortured by these monsters and wanted nothing but revenge, TBlocks nodded in agreement. This infection had to end once and for all.

TBlocks famed out of cover and ran over towards the reactor's control panel, the reactor was damaged enough that a few rounds of his assault rifle could penetrate the metallic shell of the fusion cores of the reactor. But first he had to remove the shielding of each fusion core. One of the cores was unshielded but as soon as he did so, an Offtopites had seen him and alerted the others of the Canadian's presence.

Our hero threw three grenades at the incoming horde, blowing several of them into pieces. But even so he couldn't reach to the unshielded fusion core, Korra saw that her rescuer needed some rescuing. She blew several Offtopites heads with some precision aiming with her magnum. This gave the Canadian and opening to fire his rifle at the unshielded core, blowing it up. The two could hear how reactor began to shake once one of the cores exploded.

One down, two more to go. Long face felt this, he would not be defeated this way. He sent his most powerful weapon yet. Korra unlocked the second core, unshielding it. "Its open!" She shouted.

TBlocks ripped through two Offtopites with his combat knife and sprinted towards Korra. "I'm gonna need some covering fire." TBlocks said,

"Will do." Korra replied, she continued to fire her pistol at the incoming Offtopites and give TBlockz enough time to blow that fusion core.

Booom! The core went out in a cloud of super heated plasma as the other one. TBlocks smiled, this was too easy. But it then he frowned again...this was too easy. Then he heard laughter, horrible twisted laughter. "Blocks..." Korra said, an immense and repulsive being bulled his way pass the smaller Offtopites, laughing as it did.

The beast smelled of purified marijuana and shit, but it looked familiar. "Comms...?" TBlocks asked the beast.

"No, not more Comms Officer...I am the Weed Commando!" It yelled, expelling several shit mortars at our heroes. The took cover as the pieces of retarded shitposting hit and killed several unlucky Offtopites. Weed Commando did not care who his shitposting hit, be it friend or foe, he just cared that it hit and hit good. This is the evolution of the Offtopites corruption, turning mere trolls into Eldrich monsters.

TBlocks and Korra were cornered and were unable to unshielded the final core. TBlocks didn't know what to do, he was out of grenades and had only two more magazines for his rifle remaining and there almost nothing for Korra to bend but fire...and fire wasn't going to do jackshit against shitposting this size. But before they could be knee deep in shit an explosion was heard.

The gates behind Weed Commando exploded and out of the explosion came Icywind, wielding a weapon none had seen used in ages...a Banhammer. He swung his hammer like a crazy man, turning Offtopites into mashed potatoes as he reaped his way into the weed smelling beast. "Ugh, you smell like Camantor's butt toy!" Icywind stated as he came face to face with Weed Commando.

"Camnator is but a speck of shit compared to my glorious turd." Commando responded.

"Well big shits or not, you are banned!" Icywind swing his Banhammer and struck Weed Commando on the head with a perma. Electricity flew out from the impact, such ban hadn't been done in so long that the very fabric of space and time bent and created a mini black hole that began to suck Weed Commando away.

"Agggghh! I will return...I will return I will always do!" The weed beast screamed as he was permabanned into oblivion. The black hole then collapse into its own shit and disappeared.

Korra and TBlocks sighed in relief and went to thank Icywind. "You are one crazy bastard." TBlocks said as he shook hands with his friend.

"I'm that crazy." Icy replied. "Glad to see you in one piece." He told Korra.

"I will better when we blow this place into kingdom come." Korra said. TBlocks walked towards the controls and unlocked the final core, and then fired at it with a a single round of his rifle. As soon as the core went bye bye, the reactor went into full alert. "Time to haul ass." Icy said as he ran towards the blown up gate with Korra and TBlocks behind him.

They arrive to the hall of Achronos, Icy had come here using one of Vien's banshees. But that was only a ship for one, fortunately there was the pelican that TBlocks had spotted there before. The Armored Canadian led his team there, he immediately began to check if it was still operational. It was, he ignited the dropship's engine and prepared for lift off.

A tentacle appeared below them, it tried to whip around them and ruin their escape. But TBlocks put the drop ship into maximum overdrive and overpowered the tentacle. The escape the exploding forum and flew into the distance as #Off-Topic blew up in a massive fire ball.

End of Part Four.

| Hero of the Wild
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ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
Fuck Yea!!
This is awesome!!!  8)

| Flora Colossus
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XBL: Cheatlancer
Steam: Cheatlancer
ID: Cheatlancer
IP: Logged

6,652 posts
More people need to see this; it's pretty great.

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,118 posts

- korrie
More people need to see this; it's pretty great.
Thanks Cheat!

I_IRONMAN_I | Heroic Unstoppable!
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IP: Logged

2,505 posts
Stark Industries
"Heavy boots of lead
fills his victims full of dread
Running as fast as they can
Iron Man lives again!"
I like how Comms evolved into Weed Commando. I lol'd hard.

Great as always Korra!

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,118 posts

- korrie
I like how Comms evolved into Weed Commando. I lol'd hard.

Great as always Korra!

Reciffo_Smmoc | Ascended Unstoppable!
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ID: Weed Commando
IP: Logged

2,310 posts
Comms Officer is a freaking retard.
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| Hero of the Wild
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ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts
At least I got killed by TBlocks rather than Icywind.

Unless something changes in part 4....
We'll see

Reciffo_Smmoc | Ascended Unstoppable!
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ID: Weed Commando
IP: Logged

2,310 posts
Comms Officer is a freaking retard.
This user has been blacklisted from posting on the forums. Until the blacklist is lifted, all posts made by this user have been hidden and require a Sep7agon® SecondClass Premium Membership to view.
Last Edit: August 16, 2014, 01:34:06 AM by Reciffo_Smmoc

big sponge
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ID: Lord Commissar
IP: Logged

11,900 posts
Well shit I didn't even realize this had been updated due to the fact that Art is a dead zone.

Yu | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Yutaka
IP: Logged

12,707 posts
Almost always, with moderation
Good work Korra, especially with Comms.