If Mexico goes full blown civil war....

Chakas | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Chakas
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2,573 posts
I like hugs and making the world a better place. That and guns. Lots and lots of guns.
What do you think will happen? I honestly don't know. I live right on the border so no doubt, down here, it would be a giant clusterfuck. I wonder which side the U.S. would support. The corrupt government, the rebels, or neither. No doubt gun sales in the U.S. would blow up like the Challenger. Make a fuckin mess everywhere. Thoughts?

If you don't know what I'm talking about, look up the recent mass protests in Mexico. Big mess made bigger by the minute.

Chakas | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Chakas
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2,573 posts
I like hugs and making the world a better place. That and guns. Lots and lots of guns.

Jester | Mythic Inconceivable!
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I'll hop the fence with my fellow Beaners.

Chakas | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Chakas
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2,573 posts
I like hugs and making the world a better place. That and guns. Lots and lots of guns.
I'll hop the fence with my fellow Beaners.
Not the El Paso fence. You'll have to go to Arizona for that shit.

Assassin 11D7 | Mythic Inconceivable!
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"flaming nipple chops"-Your host, the man they call Ghost.

To say, 'nothing is true', is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile, and that we must be the shepherds of our own civilization. To say, 'everything is permitted', is to understand that we are the architects of our actions, and that we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic.
I'm new to all this, is the world supposed to be metaphorically and somewhat literally on fire all the time?

Nick McIntyre | Legendary Invincible!
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3,143 posts
The US will support the rebels and install their own puppet gubment.


Because that always fucking works.

Chakas | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Chakas
IP: Logged

2,573 posts
I like hugs and making the world a better place. That and guns. Lots and lots of guns.
I'm new to all this, is the world supposed to be metaphorically and somewhat literally on fire all the time?
It seems that recently, it has become a trend. Spreading like wildfire. If Mexico lights up, U.S. is going to get a gun boner.

Chakas | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Chakas
IP: Logged

2,573 posts
I like hugs and making the world a better place. That and guns. Lots and lots of guns.
The US will support the rebels and install their own puppet gubment.


Because that always fucking works.
The cartel would be an issue. I doubt we'd be able to control Mexico. It's too fucked up already. It's like someone threw a hornets nest into a pit of snakes, and then set it on fire and pumped LSD into the fire.

Assassin 11D7 | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Assassin 11D7
ID: Assassin 11D7
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10,059 posts
"flaming nipple chops"-Your host, the man they call Ghost.

To say, 'nothing is true', is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile, and that we must be the shepherds of our own civilization. To say, 'everything is permitted', is to understand that we are the architects of our actions, and that we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic.
I'm new to all this, is the world supposed to be metaphorically and somewhat literally on fire all the time?
It seems that recently, it has become a trend. Spreading like wildfire. If Mexico lights up, U.S. is going to get a gun boner.
Like, how recently? You're older than most people here. Should I be concerned yet and plan to overthrow governments and take over the world to bring things into line?

BasedLove | Ascended Posting Rampage
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Chakas | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Chakas
IP: Logged

2,573 posts
I like hugs and making the world a better place. That and guns. Lots and lots of guns.
I think Negro Rebellion currently happening in Missouri is more relevant.

Cartels aren't even an issue at all though.
Mexico is more at risk than Ferguson.

Destati | Respected Posting Frenzy
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ID: SmellyWontonNoodles No.2
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BasedLove | Ascended Posting Rampage
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XBL: Dildact
ID: BreedLove
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Chakas | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Chakas
IP: Logged

2,573 posts
I like hugs and making the world a better place. That and guns. Lots and lots of guns.
U.S gun sales elevate to meet Mexican demand, which Chakas mentioned already. Maybe PMC's get involved, you never know, but I really don't see direct U.S military intervention occurring. The border would probably be sealed off/guarded in some manner too.
I don't even know what would happen. It would be a mess. What would really be interesting is if a dirty bomb went off in Mexico. Then I'm sure everyone would get involved. Not just the U.S., but everyone. I wonder how the cartel would react. They would probably be all like, "oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit. Someone's done it now. Shit's going down! Everyone clench your cheeks, hold those drugs in, and get ready for a clusterfuck!"
Last Edit: November 24, 2014, 10:21:56 PM by Chakas

Death | Heroic Unstoppable!
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XBL: giant nubbz
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I am always around, but never seen. I am often avoided, but you can't out run me. for I will come when you're old and grey, or maybe even the very next day. I will come with cold embrace, and give you rest with a chilled kiss on your face. I come in many forms of emotional state, whether it's irony, love, laughter, or hate. I am everyone's final fate.
Move this to serious. NOW!
Anyways, we'd probably support both secretly to make a quick buck.

Turkey | Mythic Inconceivable!
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8,077 posts
More crap at the borders while the rest of the country pretends illegal immigration is harmless.

Chakas | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Chakas
IP: Logged

2,573 posts
I like hugs and making the world a better place. That and guns. Lots and lots of guns.
Move this to serious. NOW!
Anyways, we'd probably support both secretly to make a quick buck.
This isn't a serious topic. I'm not discussing religion or abortion. Just wondering what people think would happen if shit hit the fan in Mexico.

Chakas | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Chakas
IP: Logged

2,573 posts
I like hugs and making the world a better place. That and guns. Lots and lots of guns.
More crap at the borders while the rest of the country pretends illegal immigration is harmless.
I say, we make a giant moat on the border and fill it with crocodiles with flame throwers. Then we set the edges of the moat on fire.

Death | Heroic Unstoppable!
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XBL: giant nubbz
ID: Death
IP: Logged

2,701 posts
I am always around, but never seen. I am often avoided, but you can't out run me. for I will come when you're old and grey, or maybe even the very next day. I will come with cold embrace, and give you rest with a chilled kiss on your face. I come in many forms of emotional state, whether it's irony, love, laughter, or hate. I am everyone's final fate.
More crap at the borders while the rest of the country pretends illegal immigration is harmless.
I say, we make a giant moat on the border and fill it with crocodiles with flame throwers. Then we set the edges of the moat on fire.
I see what you mean :p

Chakas | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Chakas
IP: Logged

2,573 posts
I like hugs and making the world a better place. That and guns. Lots and lots of guns.
More crap at the borders while the rest of the country pretends illegal immigration is harmless.
I say, we make a giant moat on the border and fill it with crocodiles with flame throwers. Then we set the edges of the moat on fire.
I see what you mean :p
But in all seriousness, if something did happen, we would seriously have to do something about securing the border.