I noticed this before, but only now I considered...

path1k | Posting Frenzy
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XBL: afanofIceJJFish
Steam: HaloBeforeHoes
ID: path1k
IP: Logged

413 posts
It's worth making a thread:

That episode in Avatar: The Last Airbender during Season 3, Toph became an unintentional yet successful con artist dubbed The Runaway, eventually the Town authorities outlawed her and offered a bounty for her capture and deliverance.

Did it occur to either of them she hasn't done anything wrong by beating the stall owners at their game because they're scamming people in the first place?
Last Edit: May 06, 2019, 12:49:04 AM by path1k

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XBL: HundredJono
PSN: HundredJono
Steam: hundredjono55
ID: Jono
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18,495 posts
Goodness gracious, great balls of lightning!
You're watching Avatar too? I see you are a man of culture

rC | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: RC5908
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10,789 posts
ayy lmao
the stall owners were probably bribing the dirty pigs anyway.

path1k | Posting Frenzy
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XBL: afanofIceJJFish
Steam: HaloBeforeHoes
ID: path1k
IP: Logged

413 posts
the stall owners were probably bribing the dirty pigs anyway.
Good point, so it can be assumed that whole village is corrupt.