I know you guys don't like Nostalgia Critic or Doug Walker (UPDATE)

πŸ‚Ώ | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
more |
ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
Actually he does have a job. He donates his YouTube money to charity.
Fair enough, my mistake. I could've sworn he was one of those idiots like AngryJoe, who quit his job to do YouTube full time.

Still, the point stands that YouTube is under no obligation to be "fair" to him or anybody else--and they've made it clear over the past eight years that they simply do not care about our piddly complaints about the shitty system. And they don't have to.

Well this is what sucks. Right now there is no alternative to YouTube, no good real alternative. YouTube holds a big monopoly on this as well.

Oh my god. Just realized. This also affects dubtrack when it comes to most music I believe.

CIS | Legendary Invincible!
more |
ID: AutisticComputer
IP: Logged

3,310 posts
Sadly Verbatim is right. As shitty as it is YouTube is a private business that is entitled to run its site however it wishes.

πŸ‚Ώ | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
more |
ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
Sadly Verbatim is right. As shitty as it is YouTube is a private business that is entitled to run its site however it wishes.

I see that now.

Maybe I should just delete my channel. I dunno how to feel anymore about YouTube.

| Komm, süßer Tod
more |
PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
Oh my god. Just realized. This also affects dubtrack when it comes to most music I believe.
Which, if all music on YouTube that isn't VEVO (or original content) was deleted, that would be completely justified. Uploading a song on YouTube (or anywhere, for that matter) simply for the sake of free content is absolutely not protected by fair use.

CIS | Legendary Invincible!
more |
ID: AutisticComputer
IP: Logged

3,310 posts
Sadly Verbatim is right. As shitty as it is YouTube is a private business that is entitled to run its site however it wishes.

I see that now.

Maybe I should just delete my channel. I dunno how to feel anymore about YouTube.

I wouldn't delete it. While Google can be fucking awful YouTube is still a useful service. Just create original content that's yours and yours alone and you should be fine.

| Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
ID: EnderWolf1013
IP: Logged

10,296 posts
I've not seen this happen to any youtubers.

πŸ‚Ώ | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
more |
ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
Sadly Verbatim is right. As shitty as it is YouTube is a private business that is entitled to run its site however it wishes.

I see that now.

Maybe I should just delete my channel. I dunno how to feel anymore about YouTube.

I wouldn't delete it. While Google can be fucking awful YouTube is still a useful service. Just create original content that's yours and yours alone and you should be fine.

I still have to deliver the 6th commentary somehow, and I usually play a game with that or have pre-recorded gameplay of mine in the background.


Deleted | Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
ID: ChaosMetalDragon
IP: Logged

10,766 posts
"Any existing fair use laws would only state that people can use portions of video/audio for the sake of review or commentary. There is literally nothing to say that YouTube, as a privately-run business, MUST allow these forms of content on their site. Fair Use does not = first amendment rights, and even if it did, youtube is only as much of a public forum as its owners decide it to be."


Exept you're ignoring the fact that Youtube has a clear set of rules and regulations that are agreed to and the people like I Hate Everything and ThatGuyWithTheGlasses are clearly obeying, as well as falling within the laws of fair use. Meanwhile people like Jynx continue to break the community guidelines and copyright laws in their plank and reaction videos and face absolutely no repercussions whatsoever.  Plus there are legitimate business agreements that go into sponsored channels. Your assertions that it's dumb to quit a "legit" job for a youtube channel like Angry Joe's that was already sucessfull are unfounded.

| Komm, süßer Tod
more |
PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
I've not seen this happen to any youtubers.
You probably don't use it too often, then. There's not a week that goes by without some big YouTuber having to deal with some bullshit copyright claim--it's happened at least once to almost everybody I've ever watched.

πŸ‚Ώ | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
more |
ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
I've not seen this happen to any youtubers.

Sometimes its not a channel shutdown. Its a copyright strike, limiting it to 15 minutes. Most YouTubers do not address the behind the scenes business stuff.

Now if I lose my channel, I'm going to make that public knowledge around here.

Just keep an eye out to any of the channels you watch.

| Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
ID: EnderWolf1013
IP: Logged

10,296 posts
I've not seen this happen to any youtubers.
You probably don't use it too often, then. There's not a week that goes by without some big YouTuber having to deal with some bullshit copyright claim--it's happened at least once to almost everybody I've ever watched.
I watch videos on YouTube nearly 24/7.

πŸ‚Ώ | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
more |
ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
"Any existing fair use laws would only state that people can use portions of video/audio for the sake of review or commentary. There is literally nothing to say that YouTube, as a privately-run business, MUST allow these forms of content on their site. Fair Use does not = first amendment rights, and even if it did, youtube is only as much of a public forum as its owners decide it to be."


Exept you're ignoring the fact that Youtube has a clear set of rules and regulations that are agreed to and the people like I Hate Everything and ThatGuyWithTheGlasses are clearly obeying, as well as falling within the laws of fair use. Meanwhile people like Jynx continue to break the community guidelines and copyright laws in their plank and reaction videos and face absolutely no repercussions whatsoever.  Plus there are legitimate business agreements that go into sponsored channels. Your assertions that it's dumb to quit a "legit" job for a youtube channel like Angry Joe's that was already sucessfull are unfounded.

And for the sake of argument, let's throw in Decimator Omega, the small YouTuber with only 181 subs uploading his own gameplay, making tuts on modding and commentaries with gameplay in the background. And I actually had some new shit in mind with me reacting to horrible games, but fuck it I suppose. I'm probably gonna have to do something else now, and I don't know what yet.

πŸ‚Ώ | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
more |
ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
I've not seen this happen to any youtubers.
You probably don't use it too often, then. There's not a week that goes by without some big YouTuber having to deal with some bullshit copyright claim--it's happened at least once to almost everybody I've ever watched.
I watch videos on YouTube nearly 24/7.

Who do you watch?

| Komm, süßer Tod
more |
PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
Exept you're ignoring the fact that Youtube has a clear set of rules and regulations that are agreed to
Indeed it does.

Have you read it?

4. General Use of the Serviceβ€”Permissions and Restrictions
YouTube hereby grants you permission to access and use the Service as set forth in these Terms of Service, provided that:


J. YouTube reserves the right to discontinue any aspect of the Service at any time.
and the people like I Hate Everything and ThatGuyWithTheGlasses are clearly obeying, as well as falling within the laws of fair use.
Which do not necessarily apply to a privately-run business such as YouTube.

You are always protected by fair use laws--on your own website.

Meanwhile people like Jynx continue to break the community guidelines and copyright laws in their plank and reaction videos and face absolutely no repercussions whatsoever.
No one's saying that isn't bullshit.
Last Edit: January 28, 2016, 08:45:10 PM by Fuddy Duddy II

| Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
ID: EnderWolf1013
IP: Logged

10,296 posts
I've not seen this happen to any youtubers.
You probably don't use it too often, then. There's not a week that goes by without some big YouTuber having to deal with some bullshit copyright claim--it's happened at least once to almost everybody I've ever watched.
I watch videos on YouTube nearly 24/7.

Who do you watch?
TheSw1tvher(Two Best Friends/Super Best Friends/ Zaibatsu. -  all the same channel btw) Criken, Jesse Cox (don't really watch but I'm subbed) some Yogscast guys, Node, ShoddyCast, Vaati, dunkey, yongyea, mass1ay3r, Machinima, Jon, ign, harshly critical, hat films, defendthehouse
bloody disgusting,
Birgirpall <3,

Those are only the more popular ones.

πŸ‚Ώ | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
more |
ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
Exept you're ignoring the fact that Youtube has a clear set of rules and regulations that are agreed to
Indeed it does.

Have you read it?

4. General Use of the Serviceβ€”Permissions and Restrictions
YouTube hereby grants you permission to access and use the Service as set forth in these Terms of Service, provided that:


J. YouTube reserves the right to discontinue any aspect of the Service at any time.
and the people like I Hate Everything and ThatGuyWithTheGlasses are clearly obeying, as well as falling within the laws of fair use.
Which do not necessarily apply to a privately-run business such as YouTube.

You are always protected by fair use laws--on your own website.

Meanwhile people like Jynx continue to break the community guidelines and copyright laws in their plank and reaction videos and face absolutely no repercussions whatsoever.
No one's saying that isn't bullshit.

If there is ever a REALLY good alternative that is NOT bullshit like this and just as popular as YouTube, I'm packing my bags and moving there.

CIS | Legendary Invincible!
more |
ID: AutisticComputer
IP: Logged

3,310 posts
Exept you're ignoring the fact that Youtube has a clear set of rules and regulations that are agreed to
Indeed it does.

Have you read it?

4. General Use of the Serviceβ€”Permissions and Restrictions
YouTube hereby grants you permission to access and use the Service as set forth in these Terms of Service, provided that:


J. YouTube reserves the right to discontinue any aspect of the Service at any time.
and the people like I Hate Everything and ThatGuyWithTheGlasses are clearly obeying, as well as falling within the laws of fair use.
Which do not necessarily apply to a privately-run business such as YouTube.

You are always protected by fair use laws--on your own website.

Meanwhile people like Jynx continue to break the community guidelines and copyright laws in their plank and reaction videos and face absolutely no repercussions whatsoever.
No one's saying that isn't bullshit.

If there is ever a REALLY good alternative that is NOT bullshit like this and just as popular as YouTube, I'm packing my bags and moving there.

There is Vimeo and Dailymotion but they're nowhere near as big as YouTube is.

πŸ‚Ώ | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
more |
ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
I've not seen this happen to any youtubers.
You probably don't use it too often, then. There's not a week that goes by without some big YouTuber having to deal with some bullshit copyright claim--it's happened at least once to almost everybody I've ever watched.
I watch videos on YouTube nearly 24/7.

Who do you watch?
TheSw1tvher(Two Best Friends/Super Best Friends/ Zaibatsu. -  all the same channel btw) Criken, Jesse Cox (don't really watch but I'm subbed) some Yogscast guys, Node, ShoddyCast, Vaati, dunkey, yongyea, mass1ay3r, Machinima, Jon, ign, harshly critical, hat films, defendthehouse
bloody disgusting,
Birgirpall <3,

Those are only the more popular ones.

Keep an eye on Cr1tiKal and Jon CJG then. I'm subbed to those guys as well.

Just be on the lookout for bullshit to happen anytime soon, because you'll never know when it can occur.

πŸ‚Ώ | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
more |
ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
Exept you're ignoring the fact that Youtube has a clear set of rules and regulations that are agreed to
Indeed it does.

Have you read it?

4. General Use of the Serviceβ€”Permissions and Restrictions
YouTube hereby grants you permission to access and use the Service as set forth in these Terms of Service, provided that:


J. YouTube reserves the right to discontinue any aspect of the Service at any time.
and the people like I Hate Everything and ThatGuyWithTheGlasses are clearly obeying, as well as falling within the laws of fair use.
Which do not necessarily apply to a privately-run business such as YouTube.

You are always protected by fair use laws--on your own website.

Meanwhile people like Jynx continue to break the community guidelines and copyright laws in their plank and reaction videos and face absolutely no repercussions whatsoever.
No one's saying that isn't bullshit.

If there is ever a REALLY good alternative that is NOT bullshit like this and just as popular as YouTube, I'm packing my bags and moving there.

There is Vimeo and Dailymotion but they're nowhere near as big as YouTube is.

I know, that's why I'm saying there needs to be another big provider...

Its probably never gonna happen. :/

| Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
ID: EnderWolf1013
IP: Logged

10,296 posts
I've not seen this happen to any youtubers.
You probably don't use it too often, then. There's not a week that goes by without some big YouTuber having to deal with some bullshit copyright claim--it's happened at least once to almost everybody I've ever watched.
I watch videos on YouTube nearly 24/7.

Who do you watch?
TheSw1tvher(Two Best Friends/Super Best Friends/ Zaibatsu. -  all the same channel btw) Criken, Jesse Cox (don't really watch but I'm subbed) some Yogscast guys, Node, ShoddyCast, Vaati, dunkey, yongyea, mass1ay3r, Machinima, Jon, ign, harshly critical, hat films, defendthehouse
bloody disgusting,
Birgirpall <3,

Those are only the more popular ones.

Keep an eye on Cr1tiKal and Jon CJG then. I'm subbed to those guys as well.

Just be on the lookout for bullshit to happen anytime soon, because you'll never know when it can occur.
as long as the zaibatsu is okay Im fine with anything

| Komm, süßer Tod
more |
PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
TheSw1tvher(Two Best Friends/Super Best Friends/ Zaibatsu. -  all the same channel btw) Criken, Jesse Cox (don't really watch but I'm subbed) some Yogscast guys, Node, ShoddyCast, Vaati, dunkey, yongyea, mass1ay3r, Machinima, Jon, ign, harshly critical, hat films, defendthehouse
bloody disgusting,
Birgirpall <3,

Those are only the more popular ones.
Marble Hornets? Cool. Their content is 100% original, though, so they wouldn't have to worry about this stuff anyway.

When it comes to people like Critical and Dunkey, it's pretty surprising that they haven't already been hit by this stuff already. I don't watch either of them, personally, so I guess it's just my luck that the people I do tend to watch always seem to be copyright strike magnets.

πŸ‚Ώ | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
more |
ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
I've not seen this happen to any youtubers.
You probably don't use it too often, then. There's not a week that goes by without some big YouTuber having to deal with some bullshit copyright claim--it's happened at least once to almost everybody I've ever watched.
I watch videos on YouTube nearly 24/7.

Who do you watch?
TheSw1tvher(Two Best Friends/Super Best Friends/ Zaibatsu. -  all the same channel btw) Criken, Jesse Cox (don't really watch but I'm subbed) some Yogscast guys, Node, ShoddyCast, Vaati, dunkey, yongyea, mass1ay3r, Machinima, Jon, ign, harshly critical, hat films, defendthehouse
bloody disgusting,
Birgirpall <3,

Those are only the more popular ones.

Keep an eye on Cr1tiKal and Jon CJG then. I'm subbed to those guys as well.

Just be on the lookout for bullshit to happen anytime soon, because you'll never know when it can occur.
as long as the zaibatsu is okay Im fine with anything

If he has any copyright content, even a tiny amount in on video he's just in a greater risk as the rest of us.

I know this means nothing but it does mean something to me, to have 181 people subbed to your channel. It happened by random luck and I'm very happy that I have that many people subbed, if I lost all of that and all of my videos.... Just, fuck. I don't know what I'm going to do.

Deleted | Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
ID: ChaosMetalDragon
IP: Logged

10,766 posts

While we're on the topic of YouTubers who are literally the scum of humanity...

Jocephalopod | Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
XBL: joecephalopod
Steam: j0cephalopod
ID: Jocephalopod
IP: Logged

8,352 posts
play before reading

As a multi channel widely successful youtube Content Creator  with a number of subscribers and an even larger big number of views, this is an issue that concerns me greatly. How will I preserve these hallmark YouTube memories? How will I be able to pay my official "YouTube Manager" who buys me coffee and other delicacies of western civilization as I travel through the smog ridden streets of downtown modern LA?

If my employees and I disappear, who will tell the tales of repressed sexuality? Who will compliment me on my sudden hair color change? How will you be able view the nonpareil of dental hygiene sculpted by the finest Jewish orthodontists in the land? 

The short answer is, you won't. All these memories will transpire through the dew freckled leaves of social ambiguity. The basic comforts that sustain our laissez faire work force will fall apart, and the American Empire will crumble beneath it's clandestine foundations.

Unless of course you make the switch to www.liveleak.edu where you can find all my new daily logs and ISIS beheading pranks.

CIS | Legendary Invincible!
more |
ID: AutisticComputer
IP: Logged

3,310 posts
I've not seen this happen to any youtubers.
You probably don't use it too often, then. There's not a week that goes by without some big YouTuber having to deal with some bullshit copyright claim--it's happened at least once to almost everybody I've ever watched.
I watch videos on YouTube nearly 24/7.

Who do you watch?
TheSw1tvher(Two Best Friends/Super Best Friends/ Zaibatsu. -  all the same channel btw) Criken, Jesse Cox (don't really watch but I'm subbed) some Yogscast guys, Node, ShoddyCast, Vaati, dunkey, yongyea, mass1ay3r, Machinima, Jon, ign, harshly critical, hat films, defendthehouse
bloody disgusting,
Birgirpall <3,

Those are only the more popular ones.

Keep an eye on Cr1tiKal and Jon CJG then. I'm subbed to those guys as well.

Just be on the lookout for bullshit to happen anytime soon, because you'll never know when it can occur.

Jon is pretty careful when it comes to copyright.

PSN: ModernLocust
ID: SecondClass
IP: Logged

30,032 posts
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
β€”Judge Aaron Satie
Ever heard of Two Best Friends Play? Best LPers on the Internet, and they don't have to deal with any shit like this. Why?

They have their own website. Others should follow suit.
Last Edit: January 28, 2016, 09:01:40 PM by SecondClass

| Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
ID: EnderWolf1013
IP: Logged

10,296 posts
I've not seen this happen to any youtubers.
You probably don't use it too often, then. There's not a week that goes by without some big YouTuber having to deal with some bullshit copyright claim--it's happened at least once to almost everybody I've ever watched.
I watch videos on YouTube nearly 24/7.

Who do you watch?
TheSw1tvher(Two Best Friends/Super Best Friends/ Zaibatsu. -  all the same channel btw) Criken, Jesse Cox (don't really watch but I'm subbed) some Yogscast guys, Node, ShoddyCast, Vaati, dunkey, yongyea, mass1ay3r, Machinima, Jon, ign, harshly critical, hat films, defendthehouse
bloody disgusting,
Birgirpall <3,

Those are only the more popular ones.

Keep an eye on Cr1tiKal and Jon CJG then. I'm subbed to those guys as well.

Just be on the lookout for bullshit to happen anytime soon, because you'll never know when it can occur.
as long as the zaibatsu is okay Im fine with anything

If he has any copyright content, even a tiny amount in on video he's just in a greater risk as the rest of us.

I know this means nothing but it does mean something to me, to have 181 people subbed to your channel. It happened by random luck and I'm very happy that I have that many people subbed, if I lost all of that and all of my videos.... Just, fuck. I don't know what I'm going to do.
They do game LP's, work for Machinima (they dislike working for them, but they have a contract), do podcasts etc. Normal stuff. I'm sure they'll be fine

πŸ‚Ώ | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
more |
ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
I've not seen this happen to any youtubers.
You probably don't use it too often, then. There's not a week that goes by without some big YouTuber having to deal with some bullshit copyright claim--it's happened at least once to almost everybody I've ever watched.
I watch videos on YouTube nearly 24/7.

Who do you watch?
TheSw1tvher(Two Best Friends/Super Best Friends/ Zaibatsu. -  all the same channel btw) Criken, Jesse Cox (don't really watch but I'm subbed) some Yogscast guys, Node, ShoddyCast, Vaati, dunkey, yongyea, mass1ay3r, Machinima, Jon, ign, harshly critical, hat films, defendthehouse
bloody disgusting,
Birgirpall <3,

Those are only the more popular ones.

Keep an eye on Cr1tiKal and Jon CJG then. I'm subbed to those guys as well.

Just be on the lookout for bullshit to happen anytime soon, because you'll never know when it can occur.

Jon is pretty careful when it comes to copyright.

Well as far as music he's fine, but using Halo Reach for instance, even if MS is okay with it like how the are okay with me using it, YouTube might not be okay with it.

I don't know if that counts as copyright or not when it comes to machinimas and Machinima itself.

πŸ‚Ώ | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
more |
ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
I've not seen this happen to any youtubers.
You probably don't use it too often, then. There's not a week that goes by without some big YouTuber having to deal with some bullshit copyright claim--it's happened at least once to almost everybody I've ever watched.
I watch videos on YouTube nearly 24/7.

Who do you watch?
TheSw1tvher(Two Best Friends/Super Best Friends/ Zaibatsu. -  all the same channel btw) Criken, Jesse Cox (don't really watch but I'm subbed) some Yogscast guys, Node, ShoddyCast, Vaati, dunkey, yongyea, mass1ay3r, Machinima, Jon, ign, harshly critical, hat films, defendthehouse
bloody disgusting,
Birgirpall <3,

Those are only the more popular ones.

Keep an eye on Cr1tiKal and Jon CJG then. I'm subbed to those guys as well.

Just be on the lookout for bullshit to happen anytime soon, because you'll never know when it can occur.
as long as the zaibatsu is okay Im fine with anything

If he has any copyright content, even a tiny amount in on video he's just in a greater risk as the rest of us.

I know this means nothing but it does mean something to me, to have 181 people subbed to your channel. It happened by random luck and I'm very happy that I have that many people subbed, if I lost all of that and all of my videos.... Just, fuck. I don't know what I'm going to do.
They do game LP's, work for Machinima (they dislike working for them, but they have a contract), do podcasts etc. Normal stuff. I'm sure they'll be fine

Machinima could also be affected by this too, unless they have enough money to pay YouTube.

| Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
ID: EnderWolf1013
IP: Logged

10,296 posts
Ever heard of Two Best Friends Play? Best LPers on the Internet, and they don't have to deal with any shit like this? Why?

They have their own website. Others should follow suit.
literally the best youtubers