Hello fellow teenagers and some adults
I know a lot of ya'll (including myself) struggle with acne and I think I've figured out how to cleanse it and get PERFECT SKIN. It's super cheap and requires minimal effort.
1. Apple Cider Vinegar
I've heard nothing but good about this stuff for years. Just google it and you'll find a huge list of benefits.
I take it twice a day, in the morning after breakfast and at night after my final meal before bed. It tastes absolutely AWFUL though, worst thing I've ever drank. And burns more than any alcohol. 2-3 tablespoons(i use like 4-5 idk i don't measure) in a cup and fill the rest with water, then mix and drink. Be careful because it can destroy the enamel on your teeth, rinse your mouth out with water afterwards.
2. Vitamins and Minerals
-Zinc ( i prefer picolinate) 50mg a day
-Vitamin D3 2000-5000 IUs a day. Lots of benefits past skin like improved mood etc. Especially for brahs who don't live in sunny states like california
-Vitamin C 2000 milligrams
-Fish Oil (I take 3 capsules i forget how the epa levels are on them right now)
That's pretty much all I've done. I shower twice a day and use dove bar soap on my face and body. I don't know about face washing routines so I can't help there but they might improve your skin even more. Right now my face is clearer than ever and has a glow to it even though I'm not tan. It also has a youthful elasticity to it and I've been getting lots of compliments from people.
My body acne has almost completely disappeared too. Due to supplement use I ended up getting some spots on my shoulders and back but in this past week they've really shrunk/pretty much disappeared.