AMA hey what up cunts. AMA me anything about me i will answer your questins. verbati

MarKhan | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: MarKhan
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3,421 posts
What is your software tech stack, favorite programming language etc.?

mojo | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mojo1965
PSN: Blood__Gulch
Steam: Mojo_Nav
ID: Dr Torso
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3,162 posts
sep11agon's next moderator

sep11agon's 12th member
what were you on when you wrote that first post
life bro

i just like spreading the love like using my powers for good and shit

i used to be more of a cocksucker not talking bout just forums but like in life in general. my toxic trait is that i get a kick out of annoying people. kind of like an irl troll i guess if thats the right word. but not like by being mean but by just being a nuisance, sabotaging shit, stirring the pot, etc. not a direct assholey cunt but rather a devious cunt. idk how to describe it. mmmmmnapalm/tblocks might be able to describe it better than me tbh cause they have had a good third person perspective of me and definitely know what i mean. @tblocks @mmmmmmmmmnapalm

its something ive been trying to work on in my life. ive realized theres no point in it cause all its gonna do is drive people away. its definitely affected my mental health in the past since itd have an effect on relationships with people. id annoy the shit out of friends and theyd start getting pissed at me/not trusting me even when i wasnt doing anything.

i still catch myself doing it. its one aspect of my life ive been trying to improve upon. one of many. i think ive been successful overall especially in the other aspects of my life ive been actively trying to improve. im proud of myself but i still have a ways to go

i try using my dumbassery to be more of a kind person. i still act like a fuckhead but when i do i try to spread positivity instead.

this post i made literally out of the blue cause i was up the other night talking to mmmmmmmmnapalm on PS4 and was like lets pop in on sep7agon and see what verbatim and the boys are up to. then i was like imma make a dumb aimless post and as i was writing it it basically turned into a letter to verbatim and a message of positivity.

i have a weird kind of nostalgia for this community (and bnet before). like i dont really miss it but i look back on it fondly. when i popped in i saw a post where someone said something like “kill yourself retard” and i was like wow. thats just stupid and immature. like whats the point of saying shit like that. my first thought was that some people dont change. while its definitely immature, a bigger part of it is that an internet forum gives people anonymity that creates a sort of detachedness from the other posters. a smaller community like this gives everyone the chance to get to “know” each other. but theres still that element of anonymity. its on line so you can say whatever the fuck you want and not think about it cause you dont see the other person. saying “fuck you retarded faggot” in person is much heavier than saying it to a computer screen.

yall who’ve stuck around this long are here for a reason. it is a weird kind of family. even if some of yall hate each other thats just how a family is sometimes. ive never been consistently active on here like some of yall but ive been around enough to see whats up. i am after all the 12th member to join i mean fuck its crazy to think this sites like what 5 years old now? and most of the people here knew each other before that. like you may hate verbatim or chally or das boot or secondclass but at this point youve known them for a good chunk of your life. theyre your family. even deci is your family.

i dont hate u deci (or any of the peeps i just mentioned) sorry im just using you as an example of someone people hate on for whatever reason. i dont like to hate on people cause hate hurts. a lot of yall dont think twice about the hatred you spread on line cause you dont see how it affects the other person. you never know how someone is affected by what u say to them. this goes especially for the on line medium since you dont see their reactions. theres no body language.

were all adults now save for like maybe one outlier, and this definitely shows. theres still immaturity for sure and perhaps that will never fully go away. but compared to a few years ago, it seems to have improved considerably. hell i dont think ive seen a single n word on here the past few days!

yeah so i just felt like sharing this stuff cause i think its interesting to think about and i want yall to give it some thought. i dont see a lot of positivity on here so i think its good to post some wholesome shit for a change instead of the normal vitriol lmao.

i literally stream of conciousnessed my original post without really revising anything cause it was meant to be dumb and aimless and along the way became what it is. so yuh.

to answer your question: cocaine. lots of cocaine.

mojo | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mojo1965
PSN: Blood__Gulch
Steam: Mojo_Nav
ID: Dr Torso
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3,162 posts
sep11agon's next moderator

sep11agon's 12th member
got an essay due at midnight send me thougts an prayers in this wholesome thread
dude fuck im sending my vibes from the future bro

future vibes are pretty powerful cause they havent happened yet but theyre going to. guaranteed vibes

rC | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: RC5908
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10,789 posts
ayy lmao
got an essay due at midnight send me thougts an prayers in this wholesome thread
dude fuck im sending my vibes from the future bro

future vibes are pretty powerful cause they havent happened yet but theyre going to. guaranteed vibes
wow it worked I got it done ty ily

R o c k e t | Mythic Smash Master
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XBL: Rocketman287
Steam: Rocketman287
ID: Rocketman287
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22,970 posts
I neither fear, nor despise.
I still think you're weird

Accept my switch friend request

oh sorry LMAO I forget to check those

mojo | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mojo1965
PSN: Blood__Gulch
Steam: Mojo_Nav
ID: Dr Torso
IP: Logged

3,162 posts
sep11agon's next moderator

sep11agon's 12th member
What is your software tech stack, favorite programming language etc.?
i exclusively code in C cause im a fucking chad

tbh tho C is actually my favorite language not even joking. with C i can do whatever the fuck i want whenever the fuck i want wherever the fuck i want. i got no problem dealing with the nitty gritty parts of C people hate. I can malloc my own memory ty very much. i like the low-level of abstraction as i get to have complete control over everything that happens in my code.

so heres the deal. im like a mathy logic cunt. aint really interested in web dev type shit. miss me with that front end shit. like seriously that shits boring to me. if imma be backend id wanna be making some actual dank algorithms or like mathy shit. aint doing no fuckin database shit or server networking shit. HTTP more like HTTPhucking boring that shits boring. i like math.

alright OSs. so lemme see here. fuck coding on windows because it sucks ass so thats out. if u code on windows ur a masochist or your just wrong. i been using MacOS lately since i got a MacBook but i prefer coding on linux but only slightly.

i fucked around partitioning a hard drive once for a linux distro (MintOS I think) but didnt fuck with it for long. my uni’s computer labs got Red Hat Enterprise Linux and that’s worked well enough for me. its also maintained by our university IT department so its p gucci. our uni’s supercomputers run Red Hat I believe and you can SSH in to code remotely. Btbh ive not delved deep into the world of linux distros enough to be some snob about X or Y distro. in general tho i like coding on linux. shits just smooth ya feel. made by devs for devs.

im currently taking a computer graphics course and i gotta say for the first time in college i am actually passionate about a  class. like ive always enjoyed coding sure but “coding” is a very general term. i like the math and logical flow that goes into coding. my mind is just good at that. shit makes sense to me. IMO web dev is just not my thing cause it’s not the type of development I’m interested in. It’s not the mathy logic algorithmic stuff i like. tho if ur bad at math but like coding then i can see the appeal. not to shit on web devs or anything it’s just a different path completely from my own interests and skills. (web devs are CS majors who failed Calc 2 dont @ me)

but anyway dude this graphics class is so sick. its like u get to use math but to make shit aesthetic as fuck. kinda ironic since i hate front end stuff, but this shits literally just math and matrices and like making light physics out of vectors and shit. fuckin matrices everywhere dude im in heaven. fuckin raytracers dude. like goddamn dude you can trace my ray any time if ya know what i mean. shits sexy.

The graphics API we’re using is OpenGL. as for languages, we use C for our applications and GLSL for our shaders. the prof makes us use C for his own reasons, and im happy with that but might want to try out C++ with OpenGL sometime. not sure if theres any benefit either way (C might be faster) but it seems like there is a lot more documentation and a larger community available online for using it with C++. The libraries we’re using are CMake, GLFW, GLEW, and ASSIMP for handling some other shit that  makes our lives easier. Been doing most of my work on my Mac, but occasionally ill go over to the computer science building to code on the linux machines. id rather not be surrounded by a bunch of greasy neckbeards tho, so generally ill just use my mac at home.

im glad i took this class cause up till now ive intended on going to grad school but have had zero idea of what i wanna do besides “programming” lmao. ive finally found a field i might be passionate about which is cool. also, learning computer graphics could be useful for like machine learning type shit if i wanna get into that. there are a lot of options for what i can focus on in grad school and a lot of really knowledgeable professors. one dude im considering to be my graduate advisor got his PhD from johns hopkins lmao not to brag or anything its no big deal 😏. this school has very good computer science and engineering programs. among the best in the country so thats pretty doled but yeah there are a few profs who do AI/machine learning research so maybe imma hop in on that idk.

so ya as far as my favorite “stack” goes, that doesnt really apply to me unless you wanna really stretch what you can call a stack. I generally only hear that term bandied about for web dev type shit or similar applications but i guess it can apply to anything really.

fuckit ill talk about my fav editor/IDE even tho that ain’t part of the tech stack. first of all fuck vim btw miss me with that bullshit it’s 2019 ur not cool ur the fucking CS equivalent of a boomer. fuck off. ok now that we all agree vim is for fucking incels who think theyre better than everyone else at coding, im proud to announce my fav editor/IDE is Atom. Atom fucking slaps. slaps so hard dude. literally u can do whatever u want. customize that shit however u want. u wanna FTP to work on some remote files? you got it. u want an IDE for whatever the fuck language ur using? click a button and its yours. and dude its all free baby.

so anyway lets see what bastardized tech stack I can make here

My fav tech stack:
Linux, OpenGL, C, GLSL, GLEW, GLFW, ASSIMP, and yeah fukkit i count Atom in my stack cause its dope and I like it lmao dont @ me

yeah so C is the best goml

mojo | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mojo1965
PSN: Blood__Gulch
Steam: Mojo_Nav
ID: Dr Torso
IP: Logged

3,162 posts
sep11agon's next moderator

sep11agon's 12th member
by the way sorry im a bit tardy with my replies. i aint gone just yet im just havin the most stressful week right now definitely most stressful of this semester but probably all of college. not even related to classes. im dealing with bullshit thats putting the future of my organization at risk and its been eating up all of my time. the proverbial shit aint just hit the fan; God launched his shit at a wind turbine and aimed it directly at my fucking face. so yeah fuck me im pretty fuckin stressed but things are lookin good after today. had a few meetings that went really well. have another one tomorrow. then on friday, i'll take God's shit, which I've so carefully scraped off my fucking face, and present it to the powers that be. its gonna be an interesting week. fuckin hell dudes send me good vibes i need em

MarKhan | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: MarKhan
IP: Logged

3,421 posts
i exclusively code in C cause im a fucking chad

tbh tho C is actually my favorite language not even joking. with C i can do whatever the fuck i want whenever the fuck i want wherever the fuck i want. i got no problem dealing with the nitty gritty parts of C people hate. I can malloc my own memory ty very much. i like the low-level of abstraction as i get to have complete control over everything that happens in my code.
I'm coding in C# mostly, not exclusively, not really because I like it but because I ended using it the most. I wish to learn either C++ or C, but it takes time to learn and I don't feel like I have time to convert into it. I can't do much with C# alone either, partially because I'm not really good, partially because it lacks some tools. Funnily enough best thing I've written there is parser, I parsed sites with laptops and their prices and then outputted them into table or database. Funnily because C# is not even suits well for parsing.

so heres the deal. im like a mathy logic cunt. aint really interested in web dev type shit. miss me with that front end shit. like seriously that shits boring to me. if imma be backend id wanna be making some actual dank algorithms or like mathy shit. aint doing no fuckin database shit or server networking shit. HTTP more like HTTPhucking boring that shits boring. i like math.
Oh yeah, fuck web dev, frontend especially. No 1 annoying thing there is clients not being satisfied with how their site looks while programmer not being satisfied with what domain name they picked, No 2 is frameworks and how shit breaks when you update framework or PHP version, that sucks. Backend... ehh I think I can do databases and shit but PHP annoys me...

to empower your webdev experience

alright OSs. so lemme see here. fuck coding on windows because it sucks ass so thats out. if u code on windows ur a masochist or your just wrong. i been using MacOS lately since i got a MacBook but i prefer coding on linux but only slightly.

i fucked around partitioning a hard drive once for a linux distro (MintOS I think) but didnt fuck with it for long. my uni’s computer labs got Red Hat Enterprise Linux and that’s worked well enough for me. its also maintained by our university IT department so its p gucci. our uni’s supercomputers run Red Hat I believe and you can SSH in to code remotely. Btbh ive not delved deep into the world of linux distros enough to be some snob about X or Y distro. in general tho i like coding on linux. shits just smooth ya feel. made by devs for devs.
I tried to learn linux but I either didn't have time or maybe just didn't put enough effort into it, but I will convert to it one day. I wanted to convert once but I had test task with software that didn't have option to use it in Linux, so I was doing it in Windows... I have still virtual mashine and have Mint on it, and I have also Kali distro lying somewhere, maybe learn Kali one day and going to do hacking and stuff.

Yeah, but windows sucks, generally, only thing you would use it is for gaming, but I'd rather sacrifice all games and switched to linux. I will eventually. Hopefully.
im currently taking a computer graphics course and i gotta say for the first time in college i am actually passionate about a  class. like ive always enjoyed coding sure but “coding” is a very general term. i like the math and logical flow that goes into coding. my mind is just good at that. shit makes sense to me. IMO web dev is just not my thing cause it’s not the type of development I’m interested in. It’s not the mathy logic algorithmic stuff i like. tho if ur bad at math but like coding then i can see the appeal. not to shit on web devs or anything it’s just a different path completely from my own interests and skills. (web devs are CS majors who failed Calc 2 dont @ me)
Computer graphics... Hmm, I can make 3D models using SolidWorks. I actually used SolidWorks API for C# and I wrote a program that built me a 3D model of PC power supply in SolidWorks and I then researched it for different conditions like does cooler manages to cool it down, what temperature is there etc. I then asked my teacher to give me job in it and he gave me two test tasks. First test task was easy, I did it in less than week, I modelled gears and then I assembled them in a system of 4 gears, 3 was forming a triangle and the forth was inside, and task was by using 3 gears outside assemble a system of gears that would change direction of gear inside and I done it. I flopped on the second task, which was to model a wall relief and I was only given a photo, no sizes and I almost done it but I spent like 3 months doing it. I didn't really like doing it and maybe it's better that I failed. I like programming more than 3D graphics.

fuckit ill talk about my fav editor/IDE even tho that ain’t part of the tech stack. first of all fuck vim btw miss me with that bullshit it’s 2019 ur not cool ur the fucking CS equivalent of a boomer. fuck off. ok now that we all agree vim is for fucking incels who think theyre better than everyone else at coding, im proud to announce my fav editor/IDE is Atom. Atom fucking slaps. slaps so hard dude. literally u can do whatever u want. customize that shit however u want. u wanna FTP to work on some remote files? you got it. u want an IDE for whatever the fuck language ur using? click a button and its yours. and dude its all free baby.
As C# "dev" I ended up using Visual Studio... on low end laptop.. Sometimes I just turn it off and use notepad, because resources.

I'll keep in mind about Atom if I manage to learn C, thanks about that.
so anyway lets see what bastardized tech stack I can make here

My fav tech stack:
Linux, OpenGL, C, GLSL, GLEW, GLFW, ASSIMP, and yeah fukkit i count Atom in my stack cause its dope and I like it lmao dont @ me
My stack that I still remember how to use it:
C#, SolidWorks, Visual Studio, XAMMP.

I also know a bit of Lisp, because I was reading SICP, which I managed to read 2 chapters only, but it still helped me a lot. I used in uni all those math software like COMSOL, MathLab, AutoCad. I also was learning all these programming languages in uni which don't remember anymore like C++, Java, basic Web Dev package etc.

by the way sorry im a bit tardy with my replies. i aint gone just yet im just havin the most stressful week right now definitely most stressful of this semester but probably all of college. not even related to classes. im dealing with bullshit thats putting the future of my organization at risk and its been eating up all of my time. the proverbial shit aint just hit the fan; God launched his shit at a wind turbine and aimed it directly at my fucking face. so yeah fuck me im pretty fuckin stressed but things are lookin good after today. had a few meetings that went really well. have another one tomorrow. then on friday, i'll take God's shit, which I've so carefully scraped off my fucking face, and present it to the powers that be. its gonna be an interesting week. fuckin hell dudes send me good vibes i need em
This is fine, sorry that my answer is all over the place and not really related to what you wrote. I am also going through rough stuff, my grandfather died recently and he was 89 years old and we was ready to it so we dealing fine with it, my mom felt and broke her main hand while we were going to graveyard and I'm right now only operational person in family and I do most of housekeeping in this house that additionally doesn't have canalization and I also have to write paper for masters diploma before end of this year, so that too. I also haven't found a job because I suck alot and I tardy as well, I fail to put effort in it.

Yeah, but this is fine, I just have to pull it off as I already did before and just put effort into things. That's my only flaw - to fail to put effort into things. As long as you try your best you'll manage shit.
Last Edit: December 05, 2019, 08:47:00 AM by MarKhan

rC | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: RC5908
IP: Logged

10,789 posts
ayy lmao
The graphics API we’re using is OpenGL. as for languages, we use C for our applications and GLSL for our shaders. the prof makes us use C for his own reasons
What the fuck?

Graphics programming in C is like writing an essay on a stone tablet. Just why?
Last Edit: December 05, 2019, 08:23:21 AM by rC

rC | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: RC5908
IP: Logged

10,789 posts
ayy lmao
Rate my piece of shit asteroids clone lmao


mojo | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mojo1965
PSN: Blood__Gulch
Steam: Mojo_Nav
ID: Dr Torso
IP: Logged

3,162 posts
sep11agon's next moderator

sep11agon's 12th member
The graphics API we’re using is OpenGL. as for languages, we use C for our applications and GLSL for our shaders. the prof makes us use C for his own reasons
What the fuck?

Graphics programming in C is like writing an essay on a stone tablet. Just why?
literally my first time doing it. its what my prof wants us to use, so im usin it. like i said, im thinkin bout tryin out C++ instead but for the scope of this class, nope

mojo | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mojo1965
PSN: Blood__Gulch
Steam: Mojo_Nav
ID: Dr Torso
IP: Logged

3,162 posts
sep11agon's next moderator

sep11agon's 12th member
Rate my piece of shit asteroids clone lmao


thats p cool actually. i made a similar one years back where the ship flew around and had some cool flight acceleration phyiscs and shit. really good beginner programming project

i actually made a video game this semester for my school's game development enterprise. that was part of a team tho so that was p cool. and it was a fun project

mojo | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mojo1965
PSN: Blood__Gulch
Steam: Mojo_Nav
ID: Dr Torso
IP: Logged

3,162 posts
sep11agon's next moderator

sep11agon's 12th member
i exclusively code in C cause im a fucking chad

tbh tho C is actually my favorite language not even joking. with C i can do whatever the fuck i want whenever the fuck i want wherever the fuck i want. i got no problem dealing with the nitty gritty parts of C people hate. I can malloc my own memory ty very much. i like the low-level of abstraction as i get to have complete control over everything that happens in my code.
I'm coding in C# mostly, not exclusively, not really because I like it but because I ended using it the most. I wish to learn either C++ or C, but it takes time to learn and I don't feel like I have time to convert into it. I can't do much with C# alone either, partially because I'm not really good, partially because it lacks some tools. Funnily enough best thing I've written there is parser, I parsed sites with laptops and their prices and then outputted them into table or database. Funnily because C# is not even suits well for parsing.

so heres the deal. im like a mathy logic cunt. aint really interested in web dev type shit. miss me with that front end shit. like seriously that shits boring to me. if imma be backend id wanna be making some actual dank algorithms or like mathy shit. aint doing no fuckin database shit or server networking shit. HTTP more like HTTPhucking boring that shits boring. i like math.
Oh yeah, fuck web dev, frontend especially. No 1 annoying thing there is clients not being satisfied with how their site looks while programmer not being satisfied with what domain name they picked, No 2 is frameworks and how shit breaks when you update framework or PHP version, that sucks. Backend... ehh I think I can do databases and shit but PHP annoys me...

to empower your webdev experience

alright OSs. so lemme see here. fuck coding on windows because it sucks ass so thats out. if u code on windows ur a masochist or your just wrong. i been using MacOS lately since i got a MacBook but i prefer coding on linux but only slightly.

i fucked around partitioning a hard drive once for a linux distro (MintOS I think) but didnt fuck with it for long. my uni’s computer labs got Red Hat Enterprise Linux and that’s worked well enough for me. its also maintained by our university IT department so its p gucci. our uni’s supercomputers run Red Hat I believe and you can SSH in to code remotely. Btbh ive not delved deep into the world of linux distros enough to be some snob about X or Y distro. in general tho i like coding on linux. shits just smooth ya feel. made by devs for devs.
I tried to learn linux but I either didn't have time or maybe just didn't put enough effort into it, but I will convert to it one day. I wanted to convert once but I had test task with software that didn't have option to use it in Linux, so I was doing it in Windows... I have still virtual mashine and have Mint on it, and I have also Kali distro lying somewhere, maybe learn Kali one day and going to do hacking and stuff.

Yeah, but windows sucks, generally, only thing you would use it is for gaming, but I'd rather sacrifice all games and switched to linux. I will eventually. Hopefully.
im currently taking a computer graphics course and i gotta say for the first time in college i am actually passionate about a  class. like ive always enjoyed coding sure but “coding” is a very general term. i like the math and logical flow that goes into coding. my mind is just good at that. shit makes sense to me. IMO web dev is just not my thing cause it’s not the type of development I’m interested in. It’s not the mathy logic algorithmic stuff i like. tho if ur bad at math but like coding then i can see the appeal. not to shit on web devs or anything it’s just a different path completely from my own interests and skills. (web devs are CS majors who failed Calc 2 dont @ me)
Computer graphics... Hmm, I can make 3D models using SolidWorks. I actually used SolidWorks API for C# and I wrote a program that built me a 3D model of PC power supply in SolidWorks and I then researched it for different conditions like does cooler manages to cool it down, what temperature is there etc. I then asked my teacher to give me job in it and he gave me two test tasks. First test task was easy, I did it in less than week, I modelled gears and then I assembled them in a system of 4 gears, 3 was forming a triangle and the forth was inside, and task was by using 3 gears outside assemble a system of gears that would change direction of gear inside and I done it. I flopped on the second task, which was to model a wall relief and I was only given a photo, no sizes and I almost done it but I spent like 3 months doing it. I didn't really like doing it and maybe it's better that I failed. I like programming more than 3D graphics.

fuckit ill talk about my fav editor/IDE even tho that ain’t part of the tech stack. first of all fuck vim btw miss me with that bullshit it’s 2019 ur not cool ur the fucking CS equivalent of a boomer. fuck off. ok now that we all agree vim is for fucking incels who think theyre better than everyone else at coding, im proud to announce my fav editor/IDE is Atom. Atom fucking slaps. slaps so hard dude. literally u can do whatever u want. customize that shit however u want. u wanna FTP to work on some remote files? you got it. u want an IDE for whatever the fuck language ur using? click a button and its yours. and dude its all free baby.
As C# "dev" I ended up using Visual Studio... on low end laptop.. Sometimes I just turn it off and use notepad, because resources.

I'll keep in mind about Atom if I manage to learn C, thanks about that.
so anyway lets see what bastardized tech stack I can make here

My fav tech stack:
Linux, OpenGL, C, GLSL, GLEW, GLFW, ASSIMP, and yeah fukkit i count Atom in my stack cause its dope and I like it lmao dont @ me
My stack that I still remember how to use it:
C#, SolidWorks, Visual Studio, XAMMP.

I also know a bit of Lisp, because I was reading SICP, which I managed to read 2 chapters only, but it still helped me a lot. I used in uni all those math software like COMSOL, MathLab, AutoCad. I also was learning all these programming languages in uni which don't remember anymore like C++, Java, basic Web Dev package etc.

by the way sorry im a bit tardy with my replies. i aint gone just yet im just havin the most stressful week right now definitely most stressful of this semester but probably all of college. not even related to classes. im dealing with bullshit thats putting the future of my organization at risk and its been eating up all of my time. the proverbial shit aint just hit the fan; God launched his shit at a wind turbine and aimed it directly at my fucking face. so yeah fuck me im pretty fuckin stressed but things are lookin good after today. had a few meetings that went really well. have another one tomorrow. then on friday, i'll take God's shit, which I've so carefully scraped off my fucking face, and present it to the powers that be. its gonna be an interesting week. fuckin hell dudes send me good vibes i need em
This is fine, sorry that my answer is all over the place and not really related to what you wrote. I am also going through rough stuff, my grandfather died recently and he was 89 years old and we was ready to it so we dealing fine with it, my mom felt and broke her main hand while we were going to graveyard and I'm right now only operational person in family and I do most of housekeeping in this house that additionally doesn't have canalization and I also have to write paper for masters diploma before end of this year, so that too. I also haven't found a job because I suck alot and I tardy as well, I fail to put effort in it.

Yeah, but this is fine, I just have to pull it off as I already did before and just put effort into things. That's my only flaw - to fail to put effort into things. As long as you try your best you'll manage shit.

On C#, C, C++:

C# is a pretty powerful language, but I agree, not the best for many applications. It's basically Microsoft's clone of Java.
I used it quite a bit this semester. It was very easy to pick up since I already knew Java. It's used in Unity, and since I used Unity to make a game this semester as a project, I used C# a lot. It's good for game dev cause its object oriented and it manages memory. if you havent used C or C++ for instance u prolly dont know much about memory management, but not having to do it manually is p nice. i like managing my own memory tho cause i like to have complete control over whats going on under the hood, which is one reason i love C so much. C is as "under the hood" as its gets short of like assembly language.

I definitely recommend learning C++ and/or C. These are staples and great stepping stones to later learn other languages. most languages are based off of C either directly or indirectly so yeah. C++ adds a ton of nice stuff tho like being object oriented

On web dev:

yup fuck web dev. fuck front end. i could do it just fine but id hate my life.

php is outdated. ive used it. it works, its easy, but its outdated.

that pic in your post is funny. definitely a common occurrence in the industry. at that point the best option is to start from scratch but unfortunately thats not always an option. development cycles have deadlines, so shit like that happens a lot where many different devs keep adding shit to some frankenstein abomination over the years, making it more and more fucked until you need a rosetta stone to translate it. clear and concise documentation is a must so shit like the login button color issue doesnt happen. thats such a cursed issue too lmao. you shouldnt code some event to depend on the button color. if its a web app i fuckin hope this isnt referring to its CSS-defined color. thats the worst fucking idea lmao. a site should work independent of its CSS.

On Linux distros:

Actually another linux distro i forgot to mention i use a lot is TailsOS. though not for coding lol. i use it to access the dark web to, shall we say... purchase items of a hypothetically less than legal nature (feds if ur reading this im joking bro haha). you can use it for coding too tho of course and its actually used a lot in the hacking/cybersecurity community since its networking is entirely routed through Tor and also its extremely secure. its not susceptible to much. the whole thing is encrypted and your system is wiped on shutdown. you can configure persistent data though to save files/executables cause not having that would kinda suck.

linux is great for development and its easy to "learn". if you know how to use Windows or MacOS, especially MacOS, you can learn linux quick.

linux is great because its open source, efficient, easily customizable, there are a ton of different distros available to accommodate different needs, theres a huge community for it, its command line is awesome, and its just fucking reliable. there isnt all the bloat that windows has that bogs your system down. its so good for programming cause you can bend it to your will and do whatever the fuck you want with it (same reason i love C lol. Linux + C is god tier)

i definitely recommend you use linux. or MacOS (which is basically linux but not bendable to your will. you'll likely use linux at some point as a programmer. it just works.

also i dont have much experience using virtual machine, but id recommend an actual install of your distro. lots of people partition their hard drive to install multiple operating systems on one. id look into that over VM. you might notice efficiency improvements cause you wont have all the windows bullshit running concurrently. only perk to VM is that if you make a big oopsie its contained in VM so you wont fuck up your whole OS. just dont be an idiot and this shouldnt be an issue though lol.

On computer graphics:

yeah so i loved my graphics class. it was the perfect marriage between math and CS for me. getting to see my math translated into the visual space was so satisfying, which is ironic since i hate front end web dev shit. its VERY different from that though.

some of the shit i coded was stuff that apps like SolidWorks do under the hood. i had to create 3D models using C/OpenGL, specifying each vertex of each object in C. objects in computer graphics are created from triangles because of math reasons. basically triangles are easily represented in a 3D coordinate system and you can make anything out of them. u can import models created with a 3D modeling app into OpenGL too (which will still be made of triangles), but many of our assignments did not call for that. 3D modeling apps are useful for stuff that would be nonsensical to tediously code yourself. they end up making the same shit, but you dont have to painstakingly specify each vertex in C. they handle that stuff under the hood.

For OpenGL, C or C++ is used to code linear algebra math to manipulate the transform matrices of objects. this allows you to scale, translate, and rotate them. A a shader language, in my case GLSL, is used to shade objects. this allows you to simulate stuff like light, color, and shadows by using the normal vectors of an object as well as their orientation to shade them, giving your scene visual effects. Without this, objects would be a solid color and corners wouldnt be visible since there is no shading to differentiate surfaces. GLSL files are then specified in the C/C++ code.

Image of shading examples:

i had to code all of those actually. those are the simplest of shading techniques in the computer graphics field.

Another thing i did in my graphics class was raytracing. OpenGL handles this under the hood. this is how a scene of mathematically-represented objects is translated into a 2D image as viewed by a "camera". you basically "shoot" a ray (vector) from the position of the camera toward the position of each pixel in your 2D image, and color that pixel based on what the ray collides with in the scene. lots of math. I had to make one of these using purely C (no OpenGL) as the first project of the class.

diagram of raytracer: [

fun fact: OpenGL is actually what Unity uses under the hood for its graphics. learning OpenGL can be really useful so you understand Unity better.

On C#, Visual Studio, IDEs:

I had to use Visual Studio as well for Unity development. its pretty good actually. didnt use the IDE version tho, just Visual Studio Code, which doesnt have all the nice IDE features. VS Code is free so yeah.

as for other IDEs, ive also used Eclipse and IntelliJ in the past but i didnt really like em. i like barebones shit with the ability to modularly add the features and tools i want.

definitely research Atom. its good for any language really. supports em all given the right packages.

On "Tech stack"/shit i know:

Stuff i know well: C, C#, Java, Python, Visual Basic, Assembly, OpenGL, GLSL, Verilog, MATLAB, Unity, Unix Kernel

Stuff i kinda know: C++, Karel, PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, XAMMP

probably some other shit that im forgetting. im a 4th year Computer Engineering undergrad so most of my experience is with what i've used in class. which is mostly C and Java. mostly C.

i sorta know web dev shit cause i did limited web dev stuff in my Team Software Project class. hated it. our project sucked. hopefully i wont have to deal with that shit ever again. not my cup of tea.

On conclusion:

once again sorry for the tardiness lmao.

also sorry to hear about your grandfather. my grandmother died in february. rough shit. good that yall were ready for it. we were p ready too. she had a ton of health complications towards the end of her life (MS, blind, heart attacks), so it was an end to her pain honestly. doesnt make it not sad tho. still hard.

sorry to hear about your mom too.

seems like you got a lot on your plate. cool that youre going for your masters. Whats ur major and whats the topic of your thesis?

i graduate with my bachelors in Computer Engineering this semester. I plan to start my Master's in Computer Science in the fall. still gotta finish that grad school application tho. im on break rn so i got some free time.

organization and work ethic are key, man. been learning a lot this year. I just finished up my term as my fraternity's president, so thats a weight lifted off my shoulders. the whole situation i was referring to in my reply was cause i had to deal with some big bullshit regarding my fraternity and a judicial investigation from the school. sucked a whole lotta ass and took up all my time for a hot minute. ended up coming out fairly unscathed though. i'll take credit for that. put a ton of effort into our case and it definitely paid off. so ready for my retirement though. it's gonna be a fun semester now that im not on E-Board anymore. no way in hell i was running for pres again.

lmao im a month late but here ya go. better late than never.

PS hope ya like headers cause i didnt feel like separating quotes lol

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Last Edit: January 03, 2020, 04:29:07 AM by basically GOD

mojo | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mojo1965
PSN: Blood__Gulch
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ID: Dr Torso
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3,162 posts
sep11agon's next moderator

sep11agon's 12th member
I still think you're weird

Accept my switch friend request

oh sorry LMAO I forget to check those

hello rocket man i joined your xbox party last night. loved hearing your beautiful voice.

my xbl friends list is fucking full of random internet people lol. fun nostalgia trip to look at gamertags. lots of em have changed gamertags tho so now ive just got a ton of randos at this point.

R o c k e t | Mythic Smash Master
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XBL: Rocketman287
Steam: Rocketman287
ID: Rocketman287
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22,970 posts
I neither fear, nor despise.
I still think you're weird

Accept my switch friend request

oh sorry LMAO I forget to check those

hello rocket man i joined your xbox party last night. loved hearing your beautiful voice.

my xbl friends list is fucking full of random internet people lol. fun nostalgia trip to look at gamertags. lots of em have changed gamertags tho so now ive just got a ton of randos at this point.

was cool chatting with you for a lil bit!

mojo | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mojo1965
PSN: Blood__Gulch
Steam: Mojo_Nav
ID: Dr Torso
IP: Logged

3,162 posts
sep11agon's next moderator

sep11agon's 12th member
I still think you're weird

Accept my switch friend request

oh sorry LMAO I forget to check those

hello rocket man i joined your xbox party last night. loved hearing your beautiful voice.

my xbl friends list is fucking full of random internet people lol. fun nostalgia trip to look at gamertags. lots of em have changed gamertags tho so now ive just got a ton of randos at this point.

was cool chatting with you for a lil bit!
hell ya lmao

im never on my xbox and my friends list is filled with old bnet folk

you were in an open party lmao

MarKhan | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: MarKhan
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3,421 posts
i exclusively code in C cause im a fucking chad

tbh tho C is actually my favorite language not even joking. with C i can do whatever the fuck i want whenever the fuck i want wherever the fuck i want. i got no problem dealing with the nitty gritty parts of C people hate. I can malloc my own memory ty very much. i like the low-level of abstraction as i get to have complete control over everything that happens in my code.
I'm coding in C# mostly, not exclusively, not really because I like it but because I ended using it the most. I wish to learn either C++ or C, but it takes time to learn and I don't feel like I have time to convert into it. I can't do much with C# alone either, partially because I'm not really good, partially because it lacks some tools. Funnily enough best thing I've written there is parser, I parsed sites with laptops and their prices and then outputted them into table or database. Funnily because C# is not even suits well for parsing.

so heres the deal. im like a mathy logic cunt. aint really interested in web dev type shit. miss me with that front end shit. like seriously that shits boring to me. if imma be backend id wanna be making some actual dank algorithms or like mathy shit. aint doing no fuckin database shit or server networking shit. HTTP more like HTTPhucking boring that shits boring. i like math.
Oh yeah, fuck web dev, frontend especially. No 1 annoying thing there is clients not being satisfied with how their site looks while programmer not being satisfied with what domain name they picked, No 2 is frameworks and how shit breaks when you update framework or PHP version, that sucks. Backend... ehh I think I can do databases and shit but PHP annoys me...

to empower your webdev experience

alright OSs. so lemme see here. fuck coding on windows because it sucks ass so thats out. if u code on windows ur a masochist or your just wrong. i been using MacOS lately since i got a MacBook but i prefer coding on linux but only slightly.

i fucked around partitioning a hard drive once for a linux distro (MintOS I think) but didnt fuck with it for long. my uni’s computer labs got Red Hat Enterprise Linux and that’s worked well enough for me. its also maintained by our university IT department so its p gucci. our uni’s supercomputers run Red Hat I believe and you can SSH in to code remotely. Btbh ive not delved deep into the world of linux distros enough to be some snob about X or Y distro. in general tho i like coding on linux. shits just smooth ya feel. made by devs for devs.
I tried to learn linux but I either didn't have time or maybe just didn't put enough effort into it, but I will convert to it one day. I wanted to convert once but I had test task with software that didn't have option to use it in Linux, so I was doing it in Windows... I have still virtual mashine and have Mint on it, and I have also Kali distro lying somewhere, maybe learn Kali one day and going to do hacking and stuff.

Yeah, but windows sucks, generally, only thing you would use it is for gaming, but I'd rather sacrifice all games and switched to linux. I will eventually. Hopefully.
im currently taking a computer graphics course and i gotta say for the first time in college i am actually passionate about a  class. like ive always enjoyed coding sure but “coding” is a very general term. i like the math and logical flow that goes into coding. my mind is just good at that. shit makes sense to me. IMO web dev is just not my thing cause it’s not the type of development I’m interested in. It’s not the mathy logic algorithmic stuff i like. tho if ur bad at math but like coding then i can see the appeal. not to shit on web devs or anything it’s just a different path completely from my own interests and skills. (web devs are CS majors who failed Calc 2 dont @ me)
Computer graphics... Hmm, I can make 3D models using SolidWorks. I actually used SolidWorks API for C# and I wrote a program that built me a 3D model of PC power supply in SolidWorks and I then researched it for different conditions like does cooler manages to cool it down, what temperature is there etc. I then asked my teacher to give me job in it and he gave me two test tasks. First test task was easy, I did it in less than week, I modelled gears and then I assembled them in a system of 4 gears, 3 was forming a triangle and the forth was inside, and task was by using 3 gears outside assemble a system of gears that would change direction of gear inside and I done it. I flopped on the second task, which was to model a wall relief and I was only given a photo, no sizes and I almost done it but I spent like 3 months doing it. I didn't really like doing it and maybe it's better that I failed. I like programming more than 3D graphics.

fuckit ill talk about my fav editor/IDE even tho that ain’t part of the tech stack. first of all fuck vim btw miss me with that bullshit it’s 2019 ur not cool ur the fucking CS equivalent of a boomer. fuck off. ok now that we all agree vim is for fucking incels who think theyre better than everyone else at coding, im proud to announce my fav editor/IDE is Atom. Atom fucking slaps. slaps so hard dude. literally u can do whatever u want. customize that shit however u want. u wanna FTP to work on some remote files? you got it. u want an IDE for whatever the fuck language ur using? click a button and its yours. and dude its all free baby.
As C# "dev" I ended up using Visual Studio... on low end laptop.. Sometimes I just turn it off and use notepad, because resources.

I'll keep in mind about Atom if I manage to learn C, thanks about that.
so anyway lets see what bastardized tech stack I can make here

My fav tech stack:
Linux, OpenGL, C, GLSL, GLEW, GLFW, ASSIMP, and yeah fukkit i count Atom in my stack cause its dope and I like it lmao dont @ me
My stack that I still remember how to use it:
C#, SolidWorks, Visual Studio, XAMMP.

I also know a bit of Lisp, because I was reading SICP, which I managed to read 2 chapters only, but it still helped me a lot. I used in uni all those math software like COMSOL, MathLab, AutoCad. I also was learning all these programming languages in uni which don't remember anymore like C++, Java, basic Web Dev package etc.

by the way sorry im a bit tardy with my replies. i aint gone just yet im just havin the most stressful week right now definitely most stressful of this semester but probably all of college. not even related to classes. im dealing with bullshit thats putting the future of my organization at risk and its been eating up all of my time. the proverbial shit aint just hit the fan; God launched his shit at a wind turbine and aimed it directly at my fucking face. so yeah fuck me im pretty fuckin stressed but things are lookin good after today. had a few meetings that went really well. have another one tomorrow. then on friday, i'll take God's shit, which I've so carefully scraped off my fucking face, and present it to the powers that be. its gonna be an interesting week. fuckin hell dudes send me good vibes i need em
This is fine, sorry that my answer is all over the place and not really related to what you wrote. I am also going through rough stuff, my grandfather died recently and he was 89 years old and we was ready to it so we dealing fine with it, my mom felt and broke her main hand while we were going to graveyard and I'm right now only operational person in family and I do most of housekeeping in this house that additionally doesn't have canalization and I also have to write paper for masters diploma before end of this year, so that too. I also haven't found a job because I suck alot and I tardy as well, I fail to put effort in it.

Yeah, but this is fine, I just have to pull it off as I already did before and just put effort into things. That's my only flaw - to fail to put effort into things. As long as you try your best you'll manage shit.

On C#, C, C++:

C# is a pretty powerful language, but I agree, not the best for many applications. It's basically Microsoft's clone of Java.
I used it quite a bit this semester. It was very easy to pick up since I already knew Java. It's used in Unity, and since I used Unity to make a game this semester as a project, I used C# a lot. It's good for game dev cause its object oriented and it manages memory. if you havent used C or C++ for instance u prolly dont know much about memory management, but not having to do it manually is p nice. i like managing my own memory tho cause i like to have complete control over whats going on under the hood, which is one reason i love C so much. C is as "under the hood" as its gets short of like assembly language.

I definitely recommend learning C++ and/or C. These are staples and great stepping stones to later learn other languages. most languages are based off of C either directly or indirectly so yeah. C++ adds a ton of nice stuff tho like being object oriented

On web dev:

yup fuck web dev. fuck front end. i could do it just fine but id hate my life.

php is outdated. ive used it. it works, its easy, but its outdated.

that pic in your post is funny. definitely a common occurrence in the industry. at that point the best option is to start from scratch but unfortunately thats not always an option. development cycles have deadlines, so shit like that happens a lot where many different devs keep adding shit to some frankenstein abomination over the years, making it more and more fucked until you need a rosetta stone to translate it. clear and concise documentation is a must so shit like the login button color issue doesnt happen. thats such a cursed issue too lmao. you shouldnt code some event to depend on the button color. if its a web app i fuckin hope this isnt referring to its CSS-defined color. thats the worst fucking idea lmao. a site should work independent of its CSS.

On Linux distros:

Actually another linux distro i forgot to mention i use a lot is TailsOS. though not for coding lol. i use it to access the dark web to, shall we say... purchase items of a hypothetically less than legal nature (feds if ur reading this im joking bro haha). you can use it for coding too tho of course and its actually used a lot in the hacking/cybersecurity community since its networking is entirely routed through Tor and also its extremely secure. its not susceptible to much. the whole thing is encrypted and your system is wiped on shutdown. you can configure persistent data though to save files/executables cause not having that would kinda suck.

linux is great for development and its easy to "learn". if you know how to use Windows or MacOS, especially MacOS, you can learn linux quick.

linux is great because its open source, efficient, easily customizable, there are a ton of different distros available to accommodate different needs, theres a huge community for it, its command line is awesome, and its just fucking reliable. there isnt all the bloat that windows has that bogs your system down. its so good for programming cause you can bend it to your will and do whatever the fuck you want with it (same reason i love C lol. Linux + C is god tier)

i definitely recommend you use linux. or MacOS (which is basically linux but not bendable to your will. you'll likely use linux at some point as a programmer. it just works.

also i dont have much experience using virtual machine, but id recommend an actual install of your distro. lots of people partition their hard drive to install multiple operating systems on one. id look into that over VM. you might notice efficiency improvements cause you wont have all the windows bullshit running concurrently. only perk to VM is that if you make a big oopsie its contained in VM so you wont fuck up your whole OS. just dont be an idiot and this shouldnt be an issue though lol.

On computer graphics:

yeah so i loved my graphics class. it was the perfect marriage between math and CS for me. getting to see my math translated into the visual space was so satisfying, which is ironic since i hate front end web dev shit. its VERY different from that though.

some of the shit i coded was stuff that apps like SolidWorks do under the hood. i had to create 3D models using C/OpenGL, specifying each vertex of each object in C. objects in computer graphics are created from triangles because of math reasons. basically triangles are easily represented in a 3D coordinate system and you can make anything out of them. u can import models created with a 3D modeling app into OpenGL too (which will still be made of triangles), but many of our assignments did not call for that. 3D modeling apps are useful for stuff that would be nonsensical to tediously code yourself. they end up making the same shit, but you dont have to painstakingly specify each vertex in C. they handle that stuff under the hood.

For OpenGL, C or C++ is used to code linear algebra math to manipulate the transform matrices of objects. this allows you to scale, translate, and rotate them. A a shader language, in my case GLSL, is used to shade objects. this allows you to simulate stuff like light, color, and shadows by using the normal vectors of an object as well as their orientation to shade them, giving your scene visual effects. Without this, objects would be a solid color and corners wouldnt be visible since there is no shading to differentiate surfaces. GLSL files are then specified in the C/C++ code.

Image of shading examples:

i had to code all of those actually. those are the simplest of shading techniques in the computer graphics field.

Another thing i did in my graphics class was raytracing. OpenGL handles this under the hood. this is how a scene of mathematically-represented objects is translated into a 2D image as viewed by a "camera". you basically "shoot" a ray (vector) from the position of the camera toward the position of each pixel in your 2D image, and color that pixel based on what the ray collides with in the scene. lots of math. I had to make one of these using purely C (no OpenGL) as the first project of the class.

diagram of raytracer: [

fun fact: OpenGL is actually what Unity uses under the hood for its graphics. learning OpenGL can be really useful so you understand Unity better.

On C#, Visual Studio, IDEs:

I had to use Visual Studio as well for Unity development. its pretty good actually. didnt use the IDE version tho, just Visual Studio Code, which doesnt have all the nice IDE features. VS Code is free so yeah.

as for other IDEs, ive also used Eclipse and IntelliJ in the past but i didnt really like em. i like barebones shit with the ability to modularly add the features and tools i want.

definitely research Atom. its good for any language really. supports em all given the right packages.

On "Tech stack"/shit i know:

Stuff i know well: C, C#, Java, Python, Visual Basic, Assembly, OpenGL, GLSL, Verilog, MATLAB, Unity, Unix Kernel

Stuff i kinda know: C++, Karel, PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, XAMMP

probably some other shit that im forgetting. im a 4th year Computer Engineering undergrad so most of my experience is with what i've used in class. which is mostly C and Java. mostly C.

i sorta know web dev shit cause i did limited web dev stuff in my Team Software Project class. hated it. our project sucked. hopefully i wont have to deal with that shit ever again. not my cup of tea.

On conclusion:

once again sorry for the tardiness lmao.

also sorry to hear about your grandfather. my grandmother died in february. rough shit. good that yall were ready for it. we were p ready too. she had a ton of health complications towards the end of her life (MS, blind, heart attacks), so it was an end to her pain honestly. doesnt make it not sad tho. still hard.

sorry to hear about your mom too.

seems like you got a lot on your plate. cool that youre going for your masters. Whats ur major and whats the topic of your thesis?

i graduate with my bachelors in Computer Engineering this semester. I plan to start my Master's in Computer Science in the fall. still gotta finish that grad school application tho. im on break rn so i got some free time.

organization and work ethic are key, man. been learning a lot this year. I just finished up my term as my fraternity's president, so thats a weight lifted off my shoulders. the whole situation i was referring to in my reply was cause i had to deal with some big bullshit regarding my fraternity and a judicial investigation from the school. sucked a whole lotta ass and took up all my time for a hot minute. ended up coming out fairly unscathed though. i'll take credit for that. put a ton of effort into our case and it definitely paid off. so ready for my retirement though. it's gonna be a fun semester now that im not on E-Board anymore. no way in hell i was running for pres again.

lmao im a month late but here ya go. better late than never.

PS hope ya like headers cause i didnt feel like separating quotes lol

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Hello fellow computer science linux user. First of all, I got Master's degree in Computer Science around two weeks ago. Topic of my thesis  was a system that could find an optimal solution to transport the mail inside of a city university is in. So in short this system I developed consists from 3 parts:
1) a parser, which gets info about streets and then uses it to find street intersections, I then use those to create a graph;
2) a Dijkstra's algorithm, which then uses those intersections as a graph to find optimal route between postal base and clients and between clients themselves;
3) a genetic algorithm that then takes the result of Dijkstra's algorithms work (2d array of distances between clients and base) to distribute work between available cars.
I mostly done first part, second and third I, uh, did not due to being lazy obviously described in vivid detail in my thesis as if it was done. Honestly my work was halfbaked, but I got "excellent" regardless. Never bribed though, less because principles, more because there was simply no need. I consider finishing this system and using it in my portfolio to look for a job. I might elaborate more on what I used to develop this system, what crossovers and mutations I used in my implementation of genetic algorithm and so on, if you are interested in something particular.

As about Linux, yesterday I partitioned my hard drive and installed Mint alongside Windows on my laptop, so now I have it for studying. Decided to go with Mint for now because it's popular, has similar to Windows desktop environment and easy overall. I might later move to other distro, creating my own distro would be my end goal. Probably Linux From Scratch project will come in handy. Knowing C for that would be necessary too.

I have interest in Unity, though I don't know how well my low end laptop handle it. If something I think I would love to work as a videogame designer, though it seems for me that to get this job I have to learn a lot more. I like knowing what is going on under a hood, unfortunately it usually takes a lot of time to learn for me. But I'll probably at least take a look at Unity.

As for family, since now I finished working on Master's degree, I'm now at home helping my mom and my grandma. Since we belong to Eastern Orthodox Church as well as at least half of other ukrainians, yesterday we had Christmas (because old calendar) and I was helping in preparations for it. As usually we cooked way too much food, spent way too much time on that and guests didn't appreciate it, and I was as usually angry because both my mom and grandma overworked for it and I was telling them every single time to not work that much, to not overcommit, because that is not healthy and not worth it. Oh well, at least we now have tasty food and don't need to cook for a while, and my family is not sitting on my Sandwich&Instant NoodlesTM diet.

I'm glad to hear that you managed to solve your problem and that your efforts were paid off. Good thing that you put effort into it, because even if it didn't pay off, you would have no regrets, and if you achieved something difficult without effort, you would feel incopetent and that it was all luck. It's a hard earned experience, lessons of it are not so easy to forget. But why do I tell you that, you know all of that already. I don't know how to finish this post, but I'm glad to hear that all well, because it seems for me that you deserve all the best.

P.S: sorry for being tardy, don't worry about being tardy yourself.

P.S.S: yeah, your headers are much better. You don't mind if I steal get inspired by your headers someday in the future, do you?

rC | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: RC5908
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10,789 posts
ayy lmao
computers are for nerds lmao you guys are fucking nerds

Ingy | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Ingloriouswho98
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14,567 posts
Fucking nerds

Casper | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Casper
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10,157 posts
Toys are hereby declared:
 anyone found with a TOY in his possession will be
placed under ARREST and thrown in the DUNGEON!
No kidding!               🅱
Fucking nerds
Nigga u a gook, ur by default a nerd stfu

Ingy | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Ingloriouswho98
IP: Logged

14,567 posts
Fucking nerds
Nigga u a gook, ur by default a nerd stfu

I wish my grades would reflect it

Ingy | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Ingloriouswho98
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14,567 posts
Pasty dickhead

Casper | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Casper
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10,157 posts
Toys are hereby declared:
 anyone found with a TOY in his possession will be
placed under ARREST and thrown in the DUNGEON!
No kidding!               🅱
Pasty dickhead
ur just mad u cant be this white   uwu

big dog | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Fedorekd
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9,147 posts
I love you, son.
tfw in my masters year of compsci and forgotten how to do everything except deep learning in pytorch

mojo | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Mojo1965
PSN: Blood__Gulch
Steam: Mojo_Nav
ID: Dr Torso
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3,162 posts
sep11agon's next moderator

sep11agon's 12th member
i exclusively code in C cause im a fucking chad

tbh tho C is actually my favorite language not even joking. with C i can do whatever the fuck i want whenever the fuck i want wherever the fuck i want. i got no problem dealing with the nitty gritty parts of C people hate. I can malloc my own memory ty very much. i like the low-level of abstraction as i get to have complete control over everything that happens in my code.
I'm coding in C# mostly, not exclusively, not really because I like it but because I ended using it the most. I wish to learn either C++ or C, but it takes time to learn and I don't feel like I have time to convert into it. I can't do much with C# alone either, partially because I'm not really good, partially because it lacks some tools. Funnily enough best thing I've written there is parser, I parsed sites with laptops and their prices and then outputted them into table or database. Funnily because C# is not even suits well for parsing.

so heres the deal. im like a mathy logic cunt. aint really interested in web dev type shit. miss me with that front end shit. like seriously that shits boring to me. if imma be backend id wanna be making some actual dank algorithms or like mathy shit. aint doing no fuckin database shit or server networking shit. HTTP more like HTTPhucking boring that shits boring. i like math.
Oh yeah, fuck web dev, frontend especially. No 1 annoying thing there is clients not being satisfied with how their site looks while programmer not being satisfied with what domain name they picked, No 2 is frameworks and how shit breaks when you update framework or PHP version, that sucks. Backend... ehh I think I can do databases and shit but PHP annoys me...

to empower your webdev experience

alright OSs. so lemme see here. fuck coding on windows because it sucks ass so thats out. if u code on windows ur a masochist or your just wrong. i been using MacOS lately since i got a MacBook but i prefer coding on linux but only slightly.

i fucked around partitioning a hard drive once for a linux distro (MintOS I think) but didnt fuck with it for long. my uni’s computer labs got Red Hat Enterprise Linux and that’s worked well enough for me. its also maintained by our university IT department so its p gucci. our uni’s supercomputers run Red Hat I believe and you can SSH in to code remotely. Btbh ive not delved deep into the world of linux distros enough to be some snob about X or Y distro. in general tho i like coding on linux. shits just smooth ya feel. made by devs for devs.
I tried to learn linux but I either didn't have time or maybe just didn't put enough effort into it, but I will convert to it one day. I wanted to convert once but I had test task with software that didn't have option to use it in Linux, so I was doing it in Windows... I have still virtual mashine and have Mint on it, and I have also Kali distro lying somewhere, maybe learn Kali one day and going to do hacking and stuff.

Yeah, but windows sucks, generally, only thing you would use it is for gaming, but I'd rather sacrifice all games and switched to linux. I will eventually. Hopefully.
im currently taking a computer graphics course and i gotta say for the first time in college i am actually passionate about a  class. like ive always enjoyed coding sure but “coding” is a very general term. i like the math and logical flow that goes into coding. my mind is just good at that. shit makes sense to me. IMO web dev is just not my thing cause it’s not the type of development I’m interested in. It’s not the mathy logic algorithmic stuff i like. tho if ur bad at math but like coding then i can see the appeal. not to shit on web devs or anything it’s just a different path completely from my own interests and skills. (web devs are CS majors who failed Calc 2 dont @ me)
Computer graphics... Hmm, I can make 3D models using SolidWorks. I actually used SolidWorks API for C# and I wrote a program that built me a 3D model of PC power supply in SolidWorks and I then researched it for different conditions like does cooler manages to cool it down, what temperature is there etc. I then asked my teacher to give me job in it and he gave me two test tasks. First test task was easy, I did it in less than week, I modelled gears and then I assembled them in a system of 4 gears, 3 was forming a triangle and the forth was inside, and task was by using 3 gears outside assemble a system of gears that would change direction of gear inside and I done it. I flopped on the second task, which was to model a wall relief and I was only given a photo, no sizes and I almost done it but I spent like 3 months doing it. I didn't really like doing it and maybe it's better that I failed. I like programming more than 3D graphics.

fuckit ill talk about my fav editor/IDE even tho that ain’t part of the tech stack. first of all fuck vim btw miss me with that bullshit it’s 2019 ur not cool ur the fucking CS equivalent of a boomer. fuck off. ok now that we all agree vim is for fucking incels who think theyre better than everyone else at coding, im proud to announce my fav editor/IDE is Atom. Atom fucking slaps. slaps so hard dude. literally u can do whatever u want. customize that shit however u want. u wanna FTP to work on some remote files? you got it. u want an IDE for whatever the fuck language ur using? click a button and its yours. and dude its all free baby.
As C# "dev" I ended up using Visual Studio... on low end laptop.. Sometimes I just turn it off and use notepad, because resources.

I'll keep in mind about Atom if I manage to learn C, thanks about that.
so anyway lets see what bastardized tech stack I can make here

My fav tech stack:
Linux, OpenGL, C, GLSL, GLEW, GLFW, ASSIMP, and yeah fukkit i count Atom in my stack cause its dope and I like it lmao dont @ me
My stack that I still remember how to use it:
C#, SolidWorks, Visual Studio, XAMMP.

I also know a bit of Lisp, because I was reading SICP, which I managed to read 2 chapters only, but it still helped me a lot. I used in uni all those math software like COMSOL, MathLab, AutoCad. I also was learning all these programming languages in uni which don't remember anymore like C++, Java, basic Web Dev package etc.

by the way sorry im a bit tardy with my replies. i aint gone just yet im just havin the most stressful week right now definitely most stressful of this semester but probably all of college. not even related to classes. im dealing with bullshit thats putting the future of my organization at risk and its been eating up all of my time. the proverbial shit aint just hit the fan; God launched his shit at a wind turbine and aimed it directly at my fucking face. so yeah fuck me im pretty fuckin stressed but things are lookin good after today. had a few meetings that went really well. have another one tomorrow. then on friday, i'll take God's shit, which I've so carefully scraped off my fucking face, and present it to the powers that be. its gonna be an interesting week. fuckin hell dudes send me good vibes i need em
This is fine, sorry that my answer is all over the place and not really related to what you wrote. I am also going through rough stuff, my grandfather died recently and he was 89 years old and we was ready to it so we dealing fine with it, my mom felt and broke her main hand while we were going to graveyard and I'm right now only operational person in family and I do most of housekeeping in this house that additionally doesn't have canalization and I also have to write paper for masters diploma before end of this year, so that too. I also haven't found a job because I suck alot and I tardy as well, I fail to put effort in it.

Yeah, but this is fine, I just have to pull it off as I already did before and just put effort into things. That's my only flaw - to fail to put effort into things. As long as you try your best you'll manage shit.

On C#, C, C++:

C# is a pretty powerful language, but I agree, not the best for many applications. It's basically Microsoft's clone of Java.
I used it quite a bit this semester. It was very easy to pick up since I already knew Java. It's used in Unity, and since I used Unity to make a game this semester as a project, I used C# a lot. It's good for game dev cause its object oriented and it manages memory. if you havent used C or C++ for instance u prolly dont know much about memory management, but not having to do it manually is p nice. i like managing my own memory tho cause i like to have complete control over whats going on under the hood, which is one reason i love C so much. C is as "under the hood" as its gets short of like assembly language.

I definitely recommend learning C++ and/or C. These are staples and great stepping stones to later learn other languages. most languages are based off of C either directly or indirectly so yeah. C++ adds a ton of nice stuff tho like being object oriented

On web dev:

yup fuck web dev. fuck front end. i could do it just fine but id hate my life.

php is outdated. ive used it. it works, its easy, but its outdated.

that pic in your post is funny. definitely a common occurrence in the industry. at that point the best option is to start from scratch but unfortunately thats not always an option. development cycles have deadlines, so shit like that happens a lot where many different devs keep adding shit to some frankenstein abomination over the years, making it more and more fucked until you need a rosetta stone to translate it. clear and concise documentation is a must so shit like the login button color issue doesnt happen. thats such a cursed issue too lmao. you shouldnt code some event to depend on the button color. if its a web app i fuckin hope this isnt referring to its CSS-defined color. thats the worst fucking idea lmao. a site should work independent of its CSS.

On Linux distros:

Actually another linux distro i forgot to mention i use a lot is TailsOS. though not for coding lol. i use it to access the dark web to, shall we say... purchase items of a hypothetically less than legal nature (feds if ur reading this im joking bro haha). you can use it for coding too tho of course and its actually used a lot in the hacking/cybersecurity community since its networking is entirely routed through Tor and also its extremely secure. its not susceptible to much. the whole thing is encrypted and your system is wiped on shutdown. you can configure persistent data though to save files/executables cause not having that would kinda suck.

linux is great for development and its easy to "learn". if you know how to use Windows or MacOS, especially MacOS, you can learn linux quick.

linux is great because its open source, efficient, easily customizable, there are a ton of different distros available to accommodate different needs, theres a huge community for it, its command line is awesome, and its just fucking reliable. there isnt all the bloat that windows has that bogs your system down. its so good for programming cause you can bend it to your will and do whatever the fuck you want with it (same reason i love C lol. Linux + C is god tier)

i definitely recommend you use linux. or MacOS (which is basically linux but not bendable to your will. you'll likely use linux at some point as a programmer. it just works.

also i dont have much experience using virtual machine, but id recommend an actual install of your distro. lots of people partition their hard drive to install multiple operating systems on one. id look into that over VM. you might notice efficiency improvements cause you wont have all the windows bullshit running concurrently. only perk to VM is that if you make a big oopsie its contained in VM so you wont fuck up your whole OS. just dont be an idiot and this shouldnt be an issue though lol.

On computer graphics:

yeah so i loved my graphics class. it was the perfect marriage between math and CS for me. getting to see my math translated into the visual space was so satisfying, which is ironic since i hate front end web dev shit. its VERY different from that though.

some of the shit i coded was stuff that apps like SolidWorks do under the hood. i had to create 3D models using C/OpenGL, specifying each vertex of each object in C. objects in computer graphics are created from triangles because of math reasons. basically triangles are easily represented in a 3D coordinate system and you can make anything out of them. u can import models created with a 3D modeling app into OpenGL too (which will still be made of triangles), but many of our assignments did not call for that. 3D modeling apps are useful for stuff that would be nonsensical to tediously code yourself. they end up making the same shit, but you dont have to painstakingly specify each vertex in C. they handle that stuff under the hood.

For OpenGL, C or C++ is used to code linear algebra math to manipulate the transform matrices of objects. this allows you to scale, translate, and rotate them. A a shader language, in my case GLSL, is used to shade objects. this allows you to simulate stuff like light, color, and shadows by using the normal vectors of an object as well as their orientation to shade them, giving your scene visual effects. Without this, objects would be a solid color and corners wouldnt be visible since there is no shading to differentiate surfaces. GLSL files are then specified in the C/C++ code.

Image of shading examples:

i had to code all of those actually. those are the simplest of shading techniques in the computer graphics field.

Another thing i did in my graphics class was raytracing. OpenGL handles this under the hood. this is how a scene of mathematically-represented objects is translated into a 2D image as viewed by a "camera". you basically "shoot" a ray (vector) from the position of the camera toward the position of each pixel in your 2D image, and color that pixel based on what the ray collides with in the scene. lots of math. I had to make one of these using purely C (no OpenGL) as the first project of the class.

diagram of raytracer: [

fun fact: OpenGL is actually what Unity uses under the hood for its graphics. learning OpenGL can be really useful so you understand Unity better.

On C#, Visual Studio, IDEs:

I had to use Visual Studio as well for Unity development. its pretty good actually. didnt use the IDE version tho, just Visual Studio Code, which doesnt have all the nice IDE features. VS Code is free so yeah.

as for other IDEs, ive also used Eclipse and IntelliJ in the past but i didnt really like em. i like barebones shit with the ability to modularly add the features and tools i want.

definitely research Atom. its good for any language really. supports em all given the right packages.

On "Tech stack"/shit i know:

Stuff i know well: C, C#, Java, Python, Visual Basic, Assembly, OpenGL, GLSL, Verilog, MATLAB, Unity, Unix Kernel

Stuff i kinda know: C++, Karel, PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, XAMMP

probably some other shit that im forgetting. im a 4th year Computer Engineering undergrad so most of my experience is with what i've used in class. which is mostly C and Java. mostly C.

i sorta know web dev shit cause i did limited web dev stuff in my Team Software Project class. hated it. our project sucked. hopefully i wont have to deal with that shit ever again. not my cup of tea.

On conclusion:

once again sorry for the tardiness lmao.

also sorry to hear about your grandfather. my grandmother died in february. rough shit. good that yall were ready for it. we were p ready too. she had a ton of health complications towards the end of her life (MS, blind, heart attacks), so it was an end to her pain honestly. doesnt make it not sad tho. still hard.

sorry to hear about your mom too.

seems like you got a lot on your plate. cool that youre going for your masters. Whats ur major and whats the topic of your thesis?

i graduate with my bachelors in Computer Engineering this semester. I plan to start my Master's in Computer Science in the fall. still gotta finish that grad school application tho. im on break rn so i got some free time.

organization and work ethic are key, man. been learning a lot this year. I just finished up my term as my fraternity's president, so thats a weight lifted off my shoulders. the whole situation i was referring to in my reply was cause i had to deal with some big bullshit regarding my fraternity and a judicial investigation from the school. sucked a whole lotta ass and took up all my time for a hot minute. ended up coming out fairly unscathed though. i'll take credit for that. put a ton of effort into our case and it definitely paid off. so ready for my retirement though. it's gonna be a fun semester now that im not on E-Board anymore. no way in hell i was running for pres again.

lmao im a month late but here ya go. better late than never.

PS hope ya like headers cause i didnt feel like separating quotes lol

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Hello fellow computer science linux user. First of all, I got Master's degree in Computer Science around two weeks ago. Topic of my thesis  was a system that could find an optimal solution to transport the mail inside of a city university is in. So in short this system I developed consists from 3 parts:
1) a parser, which gets info about streets and then uses it to find street intersections, I then use those to create a graph;
2) a Dijkstra's algorithm, which then uses those intersections as a graph to find optimal route between postal base and clients and between clients themselves;
3) a genetic algorithm that then takes the result of Dijkstra's algorithms work (2d array of distances between clients and base) to distribute work between available cars.
I mostly done first part, second and third I, uh, did not due to being lazy obviously described in vivid detail in my thesis as if it was done. Honestly my work was halfbaked, but I got "excellent" regardless. Never bribed though, less because principles, more because there was simply no need. I consider finishing this system and using it in my portfolio to look for a job. I might elaborate more on what I used to develop this system, what crossovers and mutations I used in my implementation of genetic algorithm and so on, if you are interested in something particular.

As about Linux, yesterday I partitioned my hard drive and installed Mint alongside Windows on my laptop, so now I have it for studying. Decided to go with Mint for now because it's popular, has similar to Windows desktop environment and easy overall. I might later move to other distro, creating my own distro would be my end goal. Probably Linux From Scratch project will come in handy. Knowing C for that would be necessary too.

I have interest in Unity, though I don't know how well my low end laptop handle it. If something I think I would love to work as a videogame designer, though it seems for me that to get this job I have to learn a lot more. I like knowing what is going on under a hood, unfortunately it usually takes a lot of time to learn for me. But I'll probably at least take a look at Unity.

As for family, since now I finished working on Master's degree, I'm now at home helping my mom and my grandma. Since we belong to Eastern Orthodox Church as well as at least half of other ukrainians, yesterday we had Christmas (because old calendar) and I was helping in preparations for it. As usually we cooked way too much food, spent way too much time on that and guests didn't appreciate it, and I was as usually angry because both my mom and grandma overworked for it and I was telling them every single time to not work that much, to not overcommit, because that is not healthy and not worth it. Oh well, at least we now have tasty food and don't need to cook for a while, and my family is not sitting on my Sandwich&Instant NoodlesTM diet.

I'm glad to hear that you managed to solve your problem and that your efforts were paid off. Good thing that you put effort into it, because even if it didn't pay off, you would have no regrets, and if you achieved something difficult without effort, you would feel incopetent and that it was all luck. It's a hard earned experience, lessons of it are not so easy to forget. But why do I tell you that, you know all of that already. I don't know how to finish this post, but I'm glad to hear that all well, because it seems for me that you deserve all the best.

P.S: sorry for being tardy, don't worry about being tardy yourself.

P.S.S: yeah, your headers are much better. You don't mind if I steal get inspired by your headers someday in the future, do you?

On School:

Sick that you’re finished with your masters. How long did that take? I’ll be graduating with my bachelor’s this semester. It will have taken me 4 years, which I’m proud of. I’m planning on starting my master’s this fall. I’ll be shooting for 2 years for that. In all honesty, I’m doing it more because I want to stay in school longer lol. I love the community I’ve become a part of here and I want to stay as long as possible. Also, I kinda want to postpone adult life as much as I can. I don’t yet quite know exactly what I want to do once I graduate, so I figure this will allow me to explore career options before I get locked into something I might end up hating. That and I wanna prolong the college party lol.

Also, what school did you go to? I’m at Michigan Technological University, which is a fantastic engineering and computer science school. It’s also a mere 2 hours northwest of Verbatim’s school. Hard to believe someone lives farther north than Verbatim, right? Hell I’m probably the northernmost user on this site tbh. There’s so much snow lol.

On Your Thesis:

Oh god, Dijkstra’s algorithm. That one’s a staple. I’ve had to code that more times than I’d like; in fact, I just did this past semester in my networking course. It’s certainly useful, I’ll give it that. Sounds like a cool thesis project. Hopefully it ends up being useful for you – I’d definitely recommend finishing it up for your portfolio. The CS field is really oversaturated with job-seekers, so anything to give yourself an edge over the competition is a good idea.

I haven’t done anything with genetic algorithms, so no idea what you’re talking about there lol.

On Linux/C:

There ya go. MintOS is pretty good for development from what I’ve gathered. Like I said I didnt use it much but I’ve used other distros quite a bit. I’ve been using MacOS which is literally built on Unix so when it comes down to it it’s basically the same as coding on a Linux distro.

Learn C. It’s the mother of all modern languages. It’s as low-level as you can get without going into straight Assembly code. Not gonna lie, it kinda sucks at times cause you gotta do everything yourself. But knowing how all that low-level stuff works is extremely useful. Tbh, I like doing it all myself cause then I know exactly whats going on. C is for Chad lol.

Interesting that you’d wanna make your own Linux distro. I don’t really see much of a need to do that unless you really wanna get into systems architecture programming. Though honestly, doing so would teach you a ton about architectures and how your code operates at a system level. Definitely not an idea to deem completely useless, but depending on where you want to go with your career, you might consider spending your time on other things.

As long as you aren’t a Windows programmer, you’re Gucci in my book. I like Windows and grew up on it, but as time goes on I keep finding more and more reasons not to use it. Especially for programming. Try setting up your Windows environment for C, and you’ll soon find out exactly what I mean.

On Unity:

Unity is dope. I’m sure you’ve realized it’s used for a lot more than just game dev. I have zero interest in being a game dev at the moment, but I’m glad I got some experience using Unity for game dev this past semester. Game dev is fun, but that’s not an industry I really want to be a part of. Seems like a lot of effort for little/zero reward. It’s gotta be something you’re really passionate about for it to be worth it.

Unity is easy to learn and is streamlined to make shit easy. It’s pretty open-ended too – it’s easily usable by beginners but as an expert you can push it really far too.

On Home Life:

I feel ya on the food thing. My family is very Italian. I went to my grandma’s for Thanksgiving. She made a ton of food too and we made good use of those leftovers. Italians know how to cook. I’m sure that applies to all ethnicities and their native cuisines, but I really only have experience with the Italian side of things.

Right now, I’m still home for Christmas break. Class starts this week, but I have a doctor appointment on Tuesday so I’ll be missing the first few days of class. Unfortunately, my school is 10 hours north of here so I cant just easily commute back and forth. I’m very much ready to go back. I love seeing my family, but other than that being at home kinda sucks. My social circle is up at school, and my friends from high school are either also at school or busy with work, so I tend to get pretty lonely at home.

On Conclusion:

Glad to hear everythings goin ok on your end.

I'm so glad I put the effort into the frat problem I had. I truly believe my efforts helped us immensely. I think the consequences wouldve been much worse otherwise. Overall, I wont soon forget the lessons I learned being a frat daddy president. It sucked, but it was a great experience that I will be able to draw from a lot in the future, and already have. I've grown so much as a result. It's incredible how much I've changed since starting college. If you would have told high school me I'd join a frat, let alone become president of one, I would have laughed in your face. I'm damn near unrecognizable. It's been such a beneficial experience. The decision to join was a pivotal point in my life, and I'd say it was the best decision I've ever made. My only regret is not doing so sooner, but I'm very glad I eventually did.

PS: ayy I was less tardy this time esketiiiit lmao

PPS: feel free to steal the header idea lol. I just did it cause I didn’t feel like separating your post into quotes but still wanted to retain some structure. I don’t got a copyright on headers lmao.

MarKhan | Legendary Invincible!
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3,421 posts
i exclusively code in C cause im a fucking chad

tbh tho C is actually my favorite language not even joking. with C i can do whatever the fuck i want whenever the fuck i want wherever the fuck i want. i got no problem dealing with the nitty gritty parts of C people hate. I can malloc my own memory ty very much. i like the low-level of abstraction as i get to have complete control over everything that happens in my code.
I'm coding in C# mostly, not exclusively, not really because I like it but because I ended using it the most. I wish to learn either C++ or C, but it takes time to learn and I don't feel like I have time to convert into it. I can't do much with C# alone either, partially because I'm not really good, partially because it lacks some tools. Funnily enough best thing I've written there is parser, I parsed sites with laptops and their prices and then outputted them into table or database. Funnily because C# is not even suits well for parsing.

so heres the deal. im like a mathy logic cunt. aint really interested in web dev type shit. miss me with that front end shit. like seriously that shits boring to me. if imma be backend id wanna be making some actual dank algorithms or like mathy shit. aint doing no fuckin database shit or server networking shit. HTTP more like HTTPhucking boring that shits boring. i like math.
Oh yeah, fuck web dev, frontend especially. No 1 annoying thing there is clients not being satisfied with how their site looks while programmer not being satisfied with what domain name they picked, No 2 is frameworks and how shit breaks when you update framework or PHP version, that sucks. Backend... ehh I think I can do databases and shit but PHP annoys me...

to empower your webdev experience

alright OSs. so lemme see here. fuck coding on windows because it sucks ass so thats out. if u code on windows ur a masochist or your just wrong. i been using MacOS lately since i got a MacBook but i prefer coding on linux but only slightly.

i fucked around partitioning a hard drive once for a linux distro (MintOS I think) but didnt fuck with it for long. my uni’s computer labs got Red Hat Enterprise Linux and that’s worked well enough for me. its also maintained by our university IT department so its p gucci. our uni’s supercomputers run Red Hat I believe and you can SSH in to code remotely. Btbh ive not delved deep into the world of linux distros enough to be some snob about X or Y distro. in general tho i like coding on linux. shits just smooth ya feel. made by devs for devs.
I tried to learn linux but I either didn't have time or maybe just didn't put enough effort into it, but I will convert to it one day. I wanted to convert once but I had test task with software that didn't have option to use it in Linux, so I was doing it in Windows... I have still virtual mashine and have Mint on it, and I have also Kali distro lying somewhere, maybe learn Kali one day and going to do hacking and stuff.

Yeah, but windows sucks, generally, only thing you would use it is for gaming, but I'd rather sacrifice all games and switched to linux. I will eventually. Hopefully.
im currently taking a computer graphics course and i gotta say for the first time in college i am actually passionate about a  class. like ive always enjoyed coding sure but “coding” is a very general term. i like the math and logical flow that goes into coding. my mind is just good at that. shit makes sense to me. IMO web dev is just not my thing cause it’s not the type of development I’m interested in. It’s not the mathy logic algorithmic stuff i like. tho if ur bad at math but like coding then i can see the appeal. not to shit on web devs or anything it’s just a different path completely from my own interests and skills. (web devs are CS majors who failed Calc 2 dont @ me)
Computer graphics... Hmm, I can make 3D models using SolidWorks. I actually used SolidWorks API for C# and I wrote a program that built me a 3D model of PC power supply in SolidWorks and I then researched it for different conditions like does cooler manages to cool it down, what temperature is there etc. I then asked my teacher to give me job in it and he gave me two test tasks. First test task was easy, I did it in less than week, I modelled gears and then I assembled them in a system of 4 gears, 3 was forming a triangle and the forth was inside, and task was by using 3 gears outside assemble a system of gears that would change direction of gear inside and I done it. I flopped on the second task, which was to model a wall relief and I was only given a photo, no sizes and I almost done it but I spent like 3 months doing it. I didn't really like doing it and maybe it's better that I failed. I like programming more than 3D graphics.

fuckit ill talk about my fav editor/IDE even tho that ain’t part of the tech stack. first of all fuck vim btw miss me with that bullshit it’s 2019 ur not cool ur the fucking CS equivalent of a boomer. fuck off. ok now that we all agree vim is for fucking incels who think theyre better than everyone else at coding, im proud to announce my fav editor/IDE is Atom. Atom fucking slaps. slaps so hard dude. literally u can do whatever u want. customize that shit however u want. u wanna FTP to work on some remote files? you got it. u want an IDE for whatever the fuck language ur using? click a button and its yours. and dude its all free baby.
As C# "dev" I ended up using Visual Studio... on low end laptop.. Sometimes I just turn it off and use notepad, because resources.

I'll keep in mind about Atom if I manage to learn C, thanks about that.
so anyway lets see what bastardized tech stack I can make here

My fav tech stack:
Linux, OpenGL, C, GLSL, GLEW, GLFW, ASSIMP, and yeah fukkit i count Atom in my stack cause its dope and I like it lmao dont @ me
My stack that I still remember how to use it:
C#, SolidWorks, Visual Studio, XAMMP.

I also know a bit of Lisp, because I was reading SICP, which I managed to read 2 chapters only, but it still helped me a lot. I used in uni all those math software like COMSOL, MathLab, AutoCad. I also was learning all these programming languages in uni which don't remember anymore like C++, Java, basic Web Dev package etc.

by the way sorry im a bit tardy with my replies. i aint gone just yet im just havin the most stressful week right now definitely most stressful of this semester but probably all of college. not even related to classes. im dealing with bullshit thats putting the future of my organization at risk and its been eating up all of my time. the proverbial shit aint just hit the fan; God launched his shit at a wind turbine and aimed it directly at my fucking face. so yeah fuck me im pretty fuckin stressed but things are lookin good after today. had a few meetings that went really well. have another one tomorrow. then on friday, i'll take God's shit, which I've so carefully scraped off my fucking face, and present it to the powers that be. its gonna be an interesting week. fuckin hell dudes send me good vibes i need em
This is fine, sorry that my answer is all over the place and not really related to what you wrote. I am also going through rough stuff, my grandfather died recently and he was 89 years old and we was ready to it so we dealing fine with it, my mom felt and broke her main hand while we were going to graveyard and I'm right now only operational person in family and I do most of housekeeping in this house that additionally doesn't have canalization and I also have to write paper for masters diploma before end of this year, so that too. I also haven't found a job because I suck alot and I tardy as well, I fail to put effort in it.

Yeah, but this is fine, I just have to pull it off as I already did before and just put effort into things. That's my only flaw - to fail to put effort into things. As long as you try your best you'll manage shit.

On C#, C, C++:

C# is a pretty powerful language, but I agree, not the best for many applications. It's basically Microsoft's clone of Java.
I used it quite a bit this semester. It was very easy to pick up since I already knew Java. It's used in Unity, and since I used Unity to make a game this semester as a project, I used C# a lot. It's good for game dev cause its object oriented and it manages memory. if you havent used C or C++ for instance u prolly dont know much about memory management, but not having to do it manually is p nice. i like managing my own memory tho cause i like to have complete control over whats going on under the hood, which is one reason i love C so much. C is as "under the hood" as its gets short of like assembly language.

I definitely recommend learning C++ and/or C. These are staples and great stepping stones to later learn other languages. most languages are based off of C either directly or indirectly so yeah. C++ adds a ton of nice stuff tho like being object oriented

On web dev:

yup fuck web dev. fuck front end. i could do it just fine but id hate my life.

php is outdated. ive used it. it works, its easy, but its outdated.

that pic in your post is funny. definitely a common occurrence in the industry. at that point the best option is to start from scratch but unfortunately thats not always an option. development cycles have deadlines, so shit like that happens a lot where many different devs keep adding shit to some frankenstein abomination over the years, making it more and more fucked until you need a rosetta stone to translate it. clear and concise documentation is a must so shit like the login button color issue doesnt happen. thats such a cursed issue too lmao. you shouldnt code some event to depend on the button color. if its a web app i fuckin hope this isnt referring to its CSS-defined color. thats the worst fucking idea lmao. a site should work independent of its CSS.

On Linux distros:

Actually another linux distro i forgot to mention i use a lot is TailsOS. though not for coding lol. i use it to access the dark web to, shall we say... purchase items of a hypothetically less than legal nature (feds if ur reading this im joking bro haha). you can use it for coding too tho of course and its actually used a lot in the hacking/cybersecurity community since its networking is entirely routed through Tor and also its extremely secure. its not susceptible to much. the whole thing is encrypted and your system is wiped on shutdown. you can configure persistent data though to save files/executables cause not having that would kinda suck.

linux is great for development and its easy to "learn". if you know how to use Windows or MacOS, especially MacOS, you can learn linux quick.

linux is great because its open source, efficient, easily customizable, there are a ton of different distros available to accommodate different needs, theres a huge community for it, its command line is awesome, and its just fucking reliable. there isnt all the bloat that windows has that bogs your system down. its so good for programming cause you can bend it to your will and do whatever the fuck you want with it (same reason i love C lol. Linux + C is god tier)

i definitely recommend you use linux. or MacOS (which is basically linux but not bendable to your will. you'll likely use linux at some point as a programmer. it just works.

also i dont have much experience using virtual machine, but id recommend an actual install of your distro. lots of people partition their hard drive to install multiple operating systems on one. id look into that over VM. you might notice efficiency improvements cause you wont have all the windows bullshit running concurrently. only perk to VM is that if you make a big oopsie its contained in VM so you wont fuck up your whole OS. just dont be an idiot and this shouldnt be an issue though lol.

On computer graphics:

yeah so i loved my graphics class. it was the perfect marriage between math and CS for me. getting to see my math translated into the visual space was so satisfying, which is ironic since i hate front end web dev shit. its VERY different from that though.

some of the shit i coded was stuff that apps like SolidWorks do under the hood. i had to create 3D models using C/OpenGL, specifying each vertex of each object in C. objects in computer graphics are created from triangles because of math reasons. basically triangles are easily represented in a 3D coordinate system and you can make anything out of them. u can import models created with a 3D modeling app into OpenGL too (which will still be made of triangles), but many of our assignments did not call for that. 3D modeling apps are useful for stuff that would be nonsensical to tediously code yourself. they end up making the same shit, but you dont have to painstakingly specify each vertex in C. they handle that stuff under the hood.

For OpenGL, C or C++ is used to code linear algebra math to manipulate the transform matrices of objects. this allows you to scale, translate, and rotate them. A a shader language, in my case GLSL, is used to shade objects. this allows you to simulate stuff like light, color, and shadows by using the normal vectors of an object as well as their orientation to shade them, giving your scene visual effects. Without this, objects would be a solid color and corners wouldnt be visible since there is no shading to differentiate surfaces. GLSL files are then specified in the C/C++ code.

Image of shading examples:

i had to code all of those actually. those are the simplest of shading techniques in the computer graphics field.

Another thing i did in my graphics class was raytracing. OpenGL handles this under the hood. this is how a scene of mathematically-represented objects is translated into a 2D image as viewed by a "camera". you basically "shoot" a ray (vector) from the position of the camera toward the position of each pixel in your 2D image, and color that pixel based on what the ray collides with in the scene. lots of math. I had to make one of these using purely C (no OpenGL) as the first project of the class.

diagram of raytracer: [

fun fact: OpenGL is actually what Unity uses under the hood for its graphics. learning OpenGL can be really useful so you understand Unity better.

On C#, Visual Studio, IDEs:

I had to use Visual Studio as well for Unity development. its pretty good actually. didnt use the IDE version tho, just Visual Studio Code, which doesnt have all the nice IDE features. VS Code is free so yeah.

as for other IDEs, ive also used Eclipse and IntelliJ in the past but i didnt really like em. i like barebones shit with the ability to modularly add the features and tools i want.

definitely research Atom. its good for any language really. supports em all given the right packages.

On "Tech stack"/shit i know:

Stuff i know well: C, C#, Java, Python, Visual Basic, Assembly, OpenGL, GLSL, Verilog, MATLAB, Unity, Unix Kernel

Stuff i kinda know: C++, Karel, PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, XAMMP

probably some other shit that im forgetting. im a 4th year Computer Engineering undergrad so most of my experience is with what i've used in class. which is mostly C and Java. mostly C.

i sorta know web dev shit cause i did limited web dev stuff in my Team Software Project class. hated it. our project sucked. hopefully i wont have to deal with that shit ever again. not my cup of tea.

On conclusion:

once again sorry for the tardiness lmao.

also sorry to hear about your grandfather. my grandmother died in february. rough shit. good that yall were ready for it. we were p ready too. she had a ton of health complications towards the end of her life (MS, blind, heart attacks), so it was an end to her pain honestly. doesnt make it not sad tho. still hard.

sorry to hear about your mom too.

seems like you got a lot on your plate. cool that youre going for your masters. Whats ur major and whats the topic of your thesis?

i graduate with my bachelors in Computer Engineering this semester. I plan to start my Master's in Computer Science in the fall. still gotta finish that grad school application tho. im on break rn so i got some free time.

organization and work ethic are key, man. been learning a lot this year. I just finished up my term as my fraternity's president, so thats a weight lifted off my shoulders. the whole situation i was referring to in my reply was cause i had to deal with some big bullshit regarding my fraternity and a judicial investigation from the school. sucked a whole lotta ass and took up all my time for a hot minute. ended up coming out fairly unscathed though. i'll take credit for that. put a ton of effort into our case and it definitely paid off. so ready for my retirement though. it's gonna be a fun semester now that im not on E-Board anymore. no way in hell i was running for pres again.

lmao im a month late but here ya go. better late than never.

PS hope ya like headers cause i didnt feel like separating quotes lol

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Hello fellow computer science linux user. First of all, I got Master's degree in Computer Science around two weeks ago. Topic of my thesis  was a system that could find an optimal solution to transport the mail inside of a city university is in. So in short this system I developed consists from 3 parts:
1) a parser, which gets info about streets and then uses it to find street intersections, I then use those to create a graph;
2) a Dijkstra's algorithm, which then uses those intersections as a graph to find optimal route between postal base and clients and between clients themselves;
3) a genetic algorithm that then takes the result of Dijkstra's algorithms work (2d array of distances between clients and base) to distribute work between available cars.
I mostly done first part, second and third I, uh, did not due to being lazy obviously described in vivid detail in my thesis as if it was done. Honestly my work was halfbaked, but I got "excellent" regardless. Never bribed though, less because principles, more because there was simply no need. I consider finishing this system and using it in my portfolio to look for a job. I might elaborate more on what I used to develop this system, what crossovers and mutations I used in my implementation of genetic algorithm and so on, if you are interested in something particular.

As about Linux, yesterday I partitioned my hard drive and installed Mint alongside Windows on my laptop, so now I have it for studying. Decided to go with Mint for now because it's popular, has similar to Windows desktop environment and easy overall. I might later move to other distro, creating my own distro would be my end goal. Probably Linux From Scratch project will come in handy. Knowing C for that would be necessary too.

I have interest in Unity, though I don't know how well my low end laptop handle it. If something I think I would love to work as a videogame designer, though it seems for me that to get this job I have to learn a lot more. I like knowing what is going on under a hood, unfortunately it usually takes a lot of time to learn for me. But I'll probably at least take a look at Unity.

As for family, since now I finished working on Master's degree, I'm now at home helping my mom and my grandma. Since we belong to Eastern Orthodox Church as well as at least half of other ukrainians, yesterday we had Christmas (because old calendar) and I was helping in preparations for it. As usually we cooked way too much food, spent way too much time on that and guests didn't appreciate it, and I was as usually angry because both my mom and grandma overworked for it and I was telling them every single time to not work that much, to not overcommit, because that is not healthy and not worth it. Oh well, at least we now have tasty food and don't need to cook for a while, and my family is not sitting on my Sandwich&Instant NoodlesTM diet.

I'm glad to hear that you managed to solve your problem and that your efforts were paid off. Good thing that you put effort into it, because even if it didn't pay off, you would have no regrets, and if you achieved something difficult without effort, you would feel incopetent and that it was all luck. It's a hard earned experience, lessons of it are not so easy to forget. But why do I tell you that, you know all of that already. I don't know how to finish this post, but I'm glad to hear that all well, because it seems for me that you deserve all the best.

P.S: sorry for being tardy, don't worry about being tardy yourself.

P.S.S: yeah, your headers are much better. You don't mind if I steal get inspired by your headers someday in the future, do you?

On School:

Sick that you’re finished with your masters. How long did that take? I’ll be graduating with my bachelor’s this semester. It will have taken me 4 years, which I’m proud of. I’m planning on starting my master’s this fall. I’ll be shooting for 2 years for that. In all honesty, I’m doing it more because I want to stay in school longer lol. I love the community I’ve become a part of here and I want to stay as long as possible. Also, I kinda want to postpone adult life as much as I can. I don’t yet quite know exactly what I want to do once I graduate, so I figure this will allow me to explore career options before I get locked into something I might end up hating. That and I wanna prolong the college party lol.

Also, what school did you go to? I’m at Michigan Technological University, which is a fantastic engineering and computer science school. It’s also a mere 2 hours northwest of Verbatim’s school. Hard to believe someone lives farther north than Verbatim, right? Hell I’m probably the northernmost user on this site tbh. There’s so much snow lol.

On Your Thesis:

Oh god, Dijkstra’s algorithm. That one’s a staple. I’ve had to code that more times than I’d like; in fact, I just did this past semester in my networking course. It’s certainly useful, I’ll give it that. Sounds like a cool thesis project. Hopefully it ends up being useful for you – I’d definitely recommend finishing it up for your portfolio. The CS field is really oversaturated with job-seekers, so anything to give yourself an edge over the competition is a good idea.

I haven’t done anything with genetic algorithms, so no idea what you’re talking about there lol.

On Linux/C:

There ya go. MintOS is pretty good for development from what I’ve gathered. Like I said I didnt use it much but I’ve used other distros quite a bit. I’ve been using MacOS which is literally built on Unix so when it comes down to it it’s basically the same as coding on a Linux distro.

Learn C. It’s the mother of all modern languages. It’s as low-level as you can get without going into straight Assembly code. Not gonna lie, it kinda sucks at times cause you gotta do everything yourself. But knowing how all that low-level stuff works is extremely useful. Tbh, I like doing it all myself cause then I know exactly whats going on. C is for Chad lol.

Interesting that you’d wanna make your own Linux distro. I don’t really see much of a need to do that unless you really wanna get into systems architecture programming. Though honestly, doing so would teach you a ton about architectures and how your code operates at a system level. Definitely not an idea to deem completely useless, but depending on where you want to go with your career, you might consider spending your time on other things.

As long as you aren’t a Windows programmer, you’re Gucci in my book. I like Windows and grew up on it, but as time goes on I keep finding more and more reasons not to use it. Especially for programming. Try setting up your Windows environment for C, and you’ll soon find out exactly what I mean.

On Unity:

Unity is dope. I’m sure you’ve realized it’s used for a lot more than just game dev. I have zero interest in being a game dev at the moment, but I’m glad I got some experience using Unity for game dev this past semester. Game dev is fun, but that’s not an industry I really want to be a part of. Seems like a lot of effort for little/zero reward. It’s gotta be something you’re really passionate about for it to be worth it.

Unity is easy to learn and is streamlined to make shit easy. It’s pretty open-ended too – it’s easily usable by beginners but as an expert you can push it really far too.

On Home Life:

I feel ya on the food thing. My family is very Italian. I went to my grandma’s for Thanksgiving. She made a ton of food too and we made good use of those leftovers. Italians know how to cook. I’m sure that applies to all ethnicities and their native cuisines, but I really only have experience with the Italian side of things.

Right now, I’m still home for Christmas break. Class starts this week, but I have a doctor appointment on Tuesday so I’ll be missing the first few days of class. Unfortunately, my school is 10 hours north of here so I cant just easily commute back and forth. I’m very much ready to go back. I love seeing my family, but other than that being at home kinda sucks. My social circle is up at school, and my friends from high school are either also at school or busy with work, so I tend to get pretty lonely at home.

On Conclusion:

Glad to hear everythings goin ok on your end.

I'm so glad I put the effort into the frat problem I had. I truly believe my efforts helped us immensely. I think the consequences wouldve been much worse otherwise. Overall, I wont soon forget the lessons I learned being a frat daddy president. It sucked, but it was a great experience that I will be able to draw from a lot in the future, and already have. I've grown so much as a result. It's incredible how much I've changed since starting college. If you would have told high school me I'd join a frat, let alone become president of one, I would have laughed in your face. I'm damn near unrecognizable. It's been such a beneficial experience. The decision to join was a pivotal point in my life, and I'd say it was the best decision I've ever made. My only regret is not doing so sooner, but I'm very glad I eventually did.

PS: ayy I was less tardy this time esketiiiit lmao

PPS: feel free to steal the header idea lol. I just did it cause I didn't feel like separating your post into quotes but still wanted to retain some structure. I don't got a copyright on headers lmao.
I was studying in Ukrainian National Forestry University (bet it tells you nothing other than I'm from Ukraine), my masters degree took 1,5 years to get. It's probably second best uni in my region for programming, surprisingly. I passed in the best one too, but they responded later, they probably wouldn't allow me to live in their dorms and some professors from there that worked here didn't really care whether we learn something or not. Anyway, my university is really underrated right now, it has good professors that really care whether students learn.

I can relate to wanting to stay in school to postpone adulthood, profession choice or for community. I did that too for some time and I think if there isn't anything rushing you, then it's fine and it's natural for you to take this time to improve and then find a job after getting a degree. Here, where I'm living though, I'm having things rushing me, one of them is year (or year and half if I ended with bachelor's degree) of mandatory military service, from which I might not return or return in, let's say, a bad shape or, if I'm unlucky and with our brand new president, with a criminal record for killing russians on occupied territory. Yeah. Though I feel if everything goes fine, exceptionally fine, it might benefit me in some ways.

During third year I had neural network course and I learned A* algorithm, and then I knew about Dijkstra's algorithm, that it's similar to A* and it's often used in calculating optimal routes, so I done some studying and found some workarounds like I don't need to form a graph from entire city, because that would take too long and there is bunch of postal bases, I just need to know in what range those bases work and form graph with streets only in that radius. As on topic of genetic algorithms, I can explain it in detail really well but I'm lazy, also there is MIT lecture on youtube for it, so I put it here:

I like a lot of things in programming, it's just that putting effort into learning all those is time consuming. I'm trying to push onto the grind, get more time at the cost of not wasting it on stuff that is not so important, and just learn, sometimes it even works out. I manage to put daily effort into things and that works well, but slowly. Obviously I try to put effort now towards finding a job and being healthy (because in long run this will benefit me a lot and I'm planning having a long ride, thanks) and then after it works out and all work done, I would put time into hobbies. I can't just go and make my own Linux distro out of blue either, that's something that comes out of need, not just simply out of passion towards learning Linux internals. As about Unity in game development, I happen to know C#, math, physics, happen to play a lot of games and happen to have a friend that is passionate about it, so I'm not putting it on a list of hobbies just yet, but learning C/C++ would get me more work opportunities connected to math and stuff I generally like and I wouldn't be limited to web dev (that I dislike), android dev (that I might like, but don't have much ability to develop further as developer from it) and Unity (that on top of what I know needs much more, less if I happen to get in team), so yeah. Don't worry though, I think as long as I find any programming job, I'll be able to pay taxes and buy food and stuff, because usually clients are foreigners and economy of my country doesn't influence them all that much.

P.S: Now I'm tardy. Always been. Take care.

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—Judge Aaron Satie
How have you been? Still in Michigan?

Would you be down for the sep7agon meetup

Ingy | Mythic Inconceivable!
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How have you been? Still in Michigan?

Would you be down for the sep7agon meetup

This has the vibes as a free candy van

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Can I ask what in the fuck sort of drugs inspired that level of writing?

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What books would you recommend for learning C or C++, btw?