I just got you to Heroic by the way.
And the point of this is...?
Ever remember in primary school when some ones zipper was down people used to shout it over the playground? It's kinda like that.
Bro, you already got my upvote for the day.
if you don't make me legendary i will sue you and your entire family for all of your shekels
Funny, because you can't even stay at Legendary for very long without getting slammed dunked back into Heroic.
I do not really care anymore at this point. People are going to be jackasses and trolls, there is really nothing I can do about it.
Are you the one who pulled down the zipper?
Why are you still even posting here?
How sad. A ninja who can barely keep Heroic.
Not surprising at all. I'd think it likely that those members she banned would want a little revenge in whatever form they can find it.
With that logic I should be the DeeJ ninja at this point.