nor a romantic one.
I am sorry, but that is what I think. I make this publically, after you've "gone" to "sleep" for reasons beyond my comprehension. I think I know why: It's because I'm not really addressing anyone, but rahter expressing my feelings, which in this case are not for you.
Meta Cognition, we wouldn't be good friends because our interests are not that similar, and we both are people enjoying discussions or w/e.
ChallengerX I-
Fedorekd, I truly look up to you for designing a rad adventure
BaconShelf, I truly look up to you for partaking in a rad adventure
Kitsune, I'm sorry about your body being hit by cars all the time.
LC, I believe that because of our differences we'd not get along. You like to make people mad, and I don't like that you do it, but I also sometimes like to make people mad.
Cheat, I'd be lying if I said that I was heartbroken because you didn't read the message I had spent an hour or so on, but I'm still a little sad that you didn't take sister opportunity's hand.
SuperIrish, you're cool
Verbatim, I look up to you in some aspects, and I don't want to admit that you're a stool, but I might think that you are. I'm not sure.
Slash, you're alright.
The guy door is also sometimes alright
Jim, I honestly feel like I'm losing control of your hand, and you're not with me anymore, but it's alright
Byrne, I used to be in love with you for some reason. I'm not anymore.