Here's the verdict on things amigos

More Than Mortal
| d-d-d-DANK ✑ πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ 🌈πŸ‘
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Steam: MetaCognition
ID: Meta Cognition
IP: Logged

15,062 posts
This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.
In all seriousness, though. When it comes to you, Sandtrap, do whatever will take the burden off you. Nobody here will hold it against you for doing what you think is right in your time of difficulty.

Epsira | Legendary Invincible!
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Steam: interiminitiator
ID: Epsira
IP: Logged

4,019 posts
I vote for doing what's in your best interests. If it's not being here... I won't get to know you as well as I might have liked, but that's my issue, not yours.

More Than Mortal
| d-d-d-DANK ✑ πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ 🌈πŸ‘
more |
Steam: MetaCognition
ID: Meta Cognition
IP: Logged

15,062 posts
This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.
I'm glad you've reached a decision, man, and I hope it works out for the best. All the luck in the world to you.

| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,704 posts
Rockets on my X
Right. It's done folks.

| Marty Forum Ninja
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ID: Flee
IP: Logged

15,686 posts
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| The Tide Caller
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XBL: Naru No Baka
Steam: The Tide Caller
ID: GasaiYuno
IP: Logged

18,501 posts
The Rage....
More power to you. You need all the time you can give yourself to improve yourself. Best of luck, Sandtrap.

Hahahaha very funny Zonda
| p o l l o
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XBL: banjo my honey
Steam: BanjoKazooie
ID: ねこ
IP: Logged

18,562 posts
This user has been blacklisted from posting on the forums. Until the blacklist is lifted, all posts made by this user have been hidden and require a Sep7agon® SecondClass Premium Membership to view.

| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,704 posts
Rockets on my X
Don't die yet fgt

Wouldn't dream of it. Just a little breathing space is all. I'm still around. I'm just gonna be doing what I normally do. Staying out of the way. Don't mind me folks. I ain't here. Nope. Can't see me.

Hahahaha very funny Zonda
| p o l l o
more |
XBL: banjo my honey
Steam: BanjoKazooie
ID: ねこ
IP: Logged

18,562 posts
This user has been blacklisted from posting on the forums. Until the blacklist is lifted, all posts made by this user have been hidden and require a Sep7agon® SecondClass Premium Membership to view.

Dopameme | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Officer Nasty
IP: Logged

7,807 posts
Your love gets me so high
I'm not even sure why the moderation is set up the way it is. There's no way that any of the mods can be 100% truthful when they say that there is absolutely no mod bias on this site, when in reality most of the site's rules were made in response to specific users getting butt hurt over something. Of course, the rules were changed with users that are generally liked. What happened when Deci was flamed relentlessly day in and day out? Absolutely nothing.

All I'm saying is that if I actually had a voice in this regard there is no way I would create an environment where we have to tiptoe around certain user's feelings if we don't want a harsh ban. Either establish equal rules for us all to follow or have no rules at all.

| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,704 posts
Rockets on my X
I'm not even sure why the moderation is set up the way it is. There's no way that any of the mods can be 100% truthful when they say that there is absolutely no mod bias on this site, when in reality most of the site's rules were made in response to specific users getting butt hurt over something. Of course, the rules were changed with users that are generally liked. What happened when Deci was flamed relentlessly day in and day out? Absolutely nothing.

All I'm saying is that if I actually had a voice in this regard there is no way I would create an environment where we have to tiptoe around certain user's feelings if we don't want a harsh ban. Either establish equal rules for us all to follow or have no rules at all.

Trust me. This stuff is being discussed. I raised my point. It's a mess. But, fuck. It's not mine. Not my fight, not my business. Folks'll figure things out. You'll see. Just a little fine tuning is needed is all.

aREALgod | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: aTALLmidget
IP: Logged

5,169 posts
This thread gave me the feeling you're taking this place a little TOO seriously, but maybe that's just me.

Dopameme | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Officer Nasty
IP: Logged

7,807 posts
Your love gets me so high
I'm not even sure why the moderation is set up the way it is. There's no way that any of the mods can be 100% truthful when they say that there is absolutely no mod bias on this site, when in reality most of the site's rules were made in response to specific users getting butt hurt over something. Of course, the rules were changed with users that are generally liked. What happened when Deci was flamed relentlessly day in and day out? Absolutely nothing.

All I'm saying is that if I actually had a voice in this regard there is no way I would create an environment where we have to tiptoe around certain user's feelings if we don't want a harsh ban. Either establish equal rules for us all to follow or have no rules at all.

Trust me. This stuff is being discussed. I raised my point. It's a mess. But, fuck. It's not mine. Not my fight, not my business. Folks'll figure things out. You'll see. Just a little fine tuning is needed is all.
I'm telling you, if it was possible for me to be taken seriously around here I could make some positive change, but I have outside responsibilities that require my time more than this site. Plus, I enjoy having fun and shitposting too much to ever be taken seriously.

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,225 posts
I'm not even sure why the moderation is set up the way it is. There's no way that any of the mods can be 100% truthful when they say that there is absolutely no mod bias on this site, when in reality most of the site's rules were made in response to specific users getting butt hurt over something. Of course, the rules were changed with users that are generally liked. What happened when Deci was flamed relentlessly day in and day out? Absolutely nothing.

All I'm saying is that if I actually had a voice in this regard there is no way I would create an environment where we have to tiptoe around certain user's feelings if we don't want a harsh ban. Either establish equal rules for us all to follow or have no rules at all.

Trust me. This stuff is being discussed. I raised my point. It's a mess. But, fuck. It's not mine. Not my fight, not my business. Folks'll figure things out. You'll see. Just a little fine tuning is needed is all.
I'm telling you, if it was possible for me to be taken seriously around here I could make some positive change, but I have outside responsibilities that require my time more than this site. Plus, I enjoy having fun and shitposting too much to ever be taken seriously.

Nasty, send me your suggestions/what you want changing in a PM and I'll go over them properly >.>

Dopameme | Mythic Inconceivable!
more |
ID: Officer Nasty
IP: Logged

7,807 posts
Your love gets me so high

I'm not even sure why the moderation is set up the way it is. There's no way that any of the mods can be 100% truthful when they say that there is absolutely no mod bias on this site, when in reality most of the site's rules were made in response to specific users getting butt hurt over something. Of course, the rules were changed with users that are generally liked. What happened when Deci was flamed relentlessly day in and day out? Absolutely nothing.

All I'm saying is that if I actually had a voice in this regard there is no way I would create an environment where we have to tiptoe around certain user's feelings if we don't want a harsh ban. Either establish equal rules for us all to follow or have no rules at all.

Trust me. This stuff is being discussed. I raised my point. It's a mess. But, fuck. It's not mine. Not my fight, not my business. Folks'll figure things out. You'll see. Just a little fine tuning is needed is all.
I'm telling you, if it was possible for me to be taken seriously around here I could make some positive change, but I have outside responsibilities that require my time more than this site. Plus, I enjoy having fun and shitposting too much to ever be taken seriously.

Nasty, send me your suggestions/what you want changing in a PM and I'll go over them properly >.>
As soon as I am able to sit down at my computer and collect my thoughts I'll send ya that PM