Has anyone ever been mostly interested in guys...

Loaf | Legendary Invincible!
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and then realized they were mostly interested in girls? Right now I think males have more appeal to me. That's not to say that I dislike females. I spend the majority of the time I spend looking at naked people, in my free time, looking at pictures of cute naked guys. I just think it's so weird how if you tell anyone this in our society they will quickly jump on the bandwagon. They will say "just come out of the closet and you will be so much happier". Uh... I don't actually think that I am gay, and I would be much happier if I didn't. I feel like if I did then i would be lying to myself and other people. Then when they realize that I'm not actually all that bisexual then they will start to feel lied to.

Now I kinda loath the double standard that being straight is just a given and being gay is something you have to "confess". The thing is I really just don't know and I wish that somehow I could figure it out. I look at all the really cute guys and I just can't imagine myself being in a situation with them. I could much more imagine myself being in a situation with a woman, but I don't ever actually try to put myself in that scenario mentally. A lot of you guys may just say that it's denial, but I think what it really is is I am just trying to test whether or not I am gay. Also every time I think about it I just think about how everyone makes into a big joke. Maybe that's why I hate it I dunno.


Btw I would like to discuss a dream I had last night. I was back in sailing camp in one of the boats seen in the picture above. We were going out to the open lake to race and I was in a boat with one of the people who I was friends with. The boat didn't have a sail on it and we kind of just floated around eventually we were sitting on opposite sides of the boat and I had my feet on his balls and he enjoyed it. I remember distinctly thinking that it wasn't very enjoyable and that I am still not gay. I think what my dreams are trying to tell me is that I am not actually homosexual. Does anyone know anything about homoerotic dreams?

People would be more inclined to respect someone who drinks a 6 pack of beer while watching monday night football and going to a bar to hit on women before they would respect someone with the opposite issue.

Btw here's some cute sfw guy pics (is nsfw even allowed?). I will keep it sfw. It's hard to find pictures of guys that I find super attractive. Most of the ones I have on my imgur are just femboys. Most of the ones I have on tumblr I reblog are like black and white vintage photographs of gay sex and fancy black and white pictures of male models from russia. I think most of last year I was just into femboys and really twinky twinks. I think now I realized that I appreciate guys who are more mature looking now. It is hard to find that middle ground between twink and muscle builder though. I really like these though. So this is kinda what i have right now in terms of SFW that I can show you guys. I just edited one to make it sfw.


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Tyger | Elite Four Inconceivable!
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clum clum | Mythic Inconceivable!
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Has anyone fapped to nonstop gay porn for a month to make sure they didn't like it?

Just to make sure you weren't gay and that you didn't enjoy it.

I decided to watch gay porn for about a month. Every day at least 2 times, and I would force myself to fap to it. After ejaculation I would ask myself a series of questions about whether or not I liked it and analyze my feelings afterward. There was one point where I almost liked it, but in the end i think that was just because the guy looked really feminine. After that month I started watching regular porn and lesbian porn but I wasn't very moved by it in my spirit. I studied some charts and diagrams and made some questions on yahoo answers looking for the answer to satisfy my needs.

| Knight of the Limits
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if I may respond in star trek form


Anonymous (User Deleted) | Legendary Invincible!
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I wish this would have been posted in Serious, because this should really get serious replies.

It's part of growing up and figuring out your sexuality. Maybe it'll stop, maybe it won't. You're the only one who can figure this out for yourself.

There's one particular thing I had to mention:
I feel like if I did then i would be lying to myself and other people. Then when they realize that I'm not actually all that bisexual then they will start to feel lied to.
If they feel like that, maybe they're not worth your time. No one should blame you for not knowing this stuff instantly.

rC | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ayy lmao
Has anyone fapped to nonstop gay porn for a month to make sure they didn't like it?

Just to make sure you weren't gay and that you didn't enjoy it.

I decided to watch gay porn for about a month. Every day at least 2 times, and I would force myself to fap to it. After ejaculation I would ask myself a series of questions about whether or not I liked it and analyze my feelings afterward. There was one point where I almost liked it, but in the end i think that was just because the guy looked really feminine. After that month I started watching regular porn and lesbian porn but I wasn't very moved by it in my spirit. I studied some charts and diagrams and made some questions on yahoo answers looking for the answer to satisfy my needs.
Yes! Yes! Let us laugh! Laugh at the misfortune of others! HA! HAHA! LOL! I am going to post a naked banana! Won't that just be hilarity personified? HAHA! Look! It's a meme of the twin towers! Thousands of great people died! HA! So much win! Such lulz!

You "people" are a degenerate lot. I hope at some point in your lives, you take a look around at the world around you and pause; look at the faces of those passing by. They are just like you! They want to love and to be loved! Not to be exploited by virginal neckbeards! Not to be the laughing stock of the net! These are real people you're laughing at! It is sickening. It is sickening.

>>Please do not twist my words into a new meme text. This is getting out of hand. I do not understand the mentality of you people... at all.

Loaf | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Loaf
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lmao. yeah that's another thing. I don't know if I could really be in love with a guy if I wasn't attracted to them. the thing about guys is that unlike girls, where they're pretty uniform in how they look (besides the fact that some women have huge breasts which is grotesque and appalling), guys come in many many many shapes and sizes (disregarding fat females because they aren't really human). I don't really like fat males, I don't like males that are too burly and unkempt. I don't like guys that are too old. That's one of the biggest things is I feel like I am mostly attracted to guys in my own age range. I don't know if your taste in guys matures as you get older or if you stay attracted to your same age group all your life..

Another thing is that a lot of people who are actually into the same sex are actually legitimately gay, and they say that they knew from the time they were very young. I mean I remember eye balling males of my same age range and stuff back as early as middle school. It wasn't even vaguely sexual at that time though. I guess that's how all attraction starts off is non-sexual. I would know because I have another fetish that started when I was young and then turned sexual around middle school. I feel like most people have a good grasp on their sexual orientation and I don't. So I still wonder if I am actually gay or if this really is a "phase. I hate to use the wording of a person who is trying to spread anti gay propoganda but I really feel like that may apply to my situation.

Camnator | Incoherent Invincible!
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Loaf | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Loaf
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another thing i dislike is that gay trope that all gay guys are effeminate. It's really insulting and it's kinda one of the reasons I hate talking about this stuff. I really despise the whole stereotype that infests our culture. It's based off of bigotry too, because apparently a long time ago they made evil characters in plays or movies and stuff effeminate males to show that they were evil. I heard that somewhere. Either way I wouldn't doubt it at all that it grew from a negative stereotype. I really hate stereotypes and it pisses me off that there are no straight stereotypes. I wish that I could degrade straight people, except they're the ones that oppress everyone with their bullshit.

| Knight of the Limits
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ID: Elegiac
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if I may respond in star trek form


lmao. yeah that's another thing. I don't know if I could really be in love with a guy if I wasn't attracted to them. the thing about guys is that unlike girls, where they're pretty uniform in how they look (besides the fact that some women have huge breasts which is grotesque and appalling), guys come in many many many shapes and sizes (disregarding fat females because they aren't really human). I don't really like fat males, I don't like males that are too burly and unkempt. I don't like guys that are too old. That's one of the biggest things is I feel like I am mostly attracted to guys in my own age range. I don't know if your taste in guys matures as you get older or if you stay attracted to your same age group all your life..

Another thing is that a lot of people who are actually into the same sex are actually legitimately gay, and they say that they knew from the time they were very young. I mean I remember eye balling males of my same age range and stuff back as early as middle school. It wasn't even vaguely sexual at that time though. I guess that's how all attraction starts off is non-sexual. I would know because I have another fetish that started when I was young and then turned sexual around middle school. I feel like most people have a good grasp on their sexual orientation and I don't. So I still wonder if I am actually gay or if this really is a "phase. I hate to use the wording of a person who is trying to spread anti gay propoganda but I really feel like that may apply to my situation.
It's beyond my ken.

Loaf | Legendary Invincible!
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Tyger | Elite Four Inconceivable!
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another thing i dislike is that gay trope that all gay guys are effeminate. It's really insulting and it's kinda one of the reasons I hate talking about this stuff. I really despise the whole stereotype that infests our culture. It's based off of bigotry too, because apparently a long time ago they made evil characters in plays or movies and stuff effeminate males to show that they were evil. I heard that somewhere. Either way I wouldn't doubt it at all that it grew from a negative stereotype. I really hate stereotypes and it pisses me off that there are no straight stereotypes. I wish that I could degrade straight people, except they're the ones that oppress everyone with their bullshit.
seriously you sound like such a loser. If you want to fuck guys go ahead don't blame straight people for your problems

Dustin | Heroic Invincible!
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Loaf | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Loaf
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Are you sure you're actually interested in guys emotionally, or do you just like to masturbate to gay porn?
I'm interested in women emotionally. Guys have very little appeal to me. In all my dreams where I am having gay encounters I have no emotional interest in them. Sometimes I do fantasize about having a really cute boyfriend (just thinking about the word is kind of vomitrocious tbh). I think that those thoughts only exist in a vacuum. I don't think I could actually meet a guy who I have real feelings for. Sometimes I see guys who seem really really cute who I think I may have feelings for. I think that that's mostly just infatuation.

Dustin | Heroic Invincible!
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XBL: Greedy Jew
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Loaf | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Loaf
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Are you sure you're actually interested in guys emotionally, or do you just like to masturbate to gay porn?
I'm interested in women emotionally. Guys have very little appeal to me. In all my dreams where I am having gay encounters I have no emotional interest in them. Sometimes I do fantasize about having a really cute boyfriend (just thinking about the word is kind of vomitrocious tbh). I think that those thoughts only exist in a vacuum. I don't think I could actually meet a guy who I have real feelings for. Sometimes I see guys who seem really really cute who I think I may have feelings for. I think that that's mostly just infatuation.
And you don't think it's a coincidence that you're only attracted to feminine guys? Are you sure you're really gay?
Yeah you make a good point. I don't think I'm actually gay.

clum clum | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Numb Digger
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Has anyone fapped to nonstop gay porn for a month to make sure they didn't like it?

Just to make sure you weren't gay and that you didn't enjoy it.

I decided to watch gay porn for about a month. Every day at least 2 times, and I would force myself to fap to it. After ejaculation I would ask myself a series of questions about whether or not I liked it and analyze my feelings afterward. There was one point where I almost liked it, but in the end i think that was just because the guy looked really feminine. After that month I started watching regular porn and lesbian porn but I wasn't very moved by it in my spirit. I studied some charts and diagrams and made some questions on yahoo answers looking for the answer to satisfy my needs.
Yes! Yes! Let us laugh! Laugh at the misfortune of others! HA! HAHA! LOL! I am going to post a naked banana! Won't that just be hilarity personified? HAHA! Look! It's a meme of the twin towers! Thousands of great people died! HA! So much win! Such lulz!

You "people" are a degenerate lot. I hope at some point in your lives, you take a look around at the world around you and pause; look at the faces of those passing by. They are just like you! They want to love and to be loved! Not to be exploited by virginal neckbeards! Not to be the laughing stock of the net! These are real people you're laughing at! It is sickening. It is sickening.

>>Please do not twist my words into a new meme text. This is getting out of hand. I do not understand the mentality of you people... at all.

I had the funniest encounter with a brony last night at a concert. I was there, jumping along with everyone else, and just generally having a good time, when I noticed this brony in a fursuit next to me with the words "Bronies FTW" printed on the front. The world around me seemed to slow down to a crawl as I remembered all of the annoying bitching these assholes did to me on the internet for giving them the hate they so richly deserve, but now, they were out of the safe territory of the internet, and I saw my chance. Vision practically tinted red, I reached over, and ripped the shitty attempt at a rainbow dash head off of that faggot, revealing the most repulsive, acne covered, three-inch thick glasses wearing, foot long hair covered face that I had ever seen. Obviously stunning him, I then loudly screamed in his face: "Yiff in hell, furfag!" As I ripped the poorly sewn eyes off of the unholy object, the little shit who once wore it with pride ran away like the little pussy he is after that. Let this be a message to all bronies: "You may be safe on the internet, but the minute you set foot outside in the real world, expect the full fury of society upon you. Your kind is not welcome here, and will be properly exterminated should it ever appear."

Nick McIntyre | Legendary Invincible!
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tl;dr op is a faggot

Forgewolf | Heroic Unstoppable!
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We always say to fight fire, you must use fire. This is wrong. Fighting fire with fire will leave scars and a new flame will rise. We must instead use water. It is the opposite of fire, it extinguishes the fire, it cools, it refreshes, it heals. We are made up of 70% water, we are not made up of 70% fire. Please practice what we truly are
If you look at naked men far more than you do women and you enjoy it, possibly masterbate to it, and you are a man yourself, you are GAY! Is that wrong? NO, but you are gay and you can't sit here and debate otherwise.
Last Edit: January 18, 2015, 10:52:48 AM by Forgewolf

Risay117 | Heroic Unstoppable!
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This is kind of expected. Everyone technically has dreamt og homoerotic dreans or had thoughts and tendencies. But this does not mean you are gay.

It just means you are curious.

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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- korrie
half-fag 3 confirmed

The Lord Ruler | Mythic Inconceivable!
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Does anyone remember that kid on B.next that had a bunch of threads asking what it was like being gay and if he was gay? Than he eventually came to the conclusion that he was bi?

This has nothing to do with this thread it just reminded me of that.

N/A | Mythic Inconceivable!
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Dustin | Heroic Invincible!
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This is pathetic, Cheat
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Rinev | Legendary Invincible!
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Feet first into fun!
Now I kinda loath the double standard that being straight is just a given and being gay is something you have to "confess".
I'm kind of disappointed that didn't say loaf instead of loath.

Loaf | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Loaf
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If you look at naked men far more than you do women and you enjoy it, possibly masterbate to it, and you are a man yourself, you are GAY! Is that wrong? NO, but you are gay and you can't sit here and debate otherwise.
except that is a generalization.

| Marty Forum Ninja
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Casper | Mythic Inconceivable!
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Toys are hereby declared:
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placed under ARREST and thrown in the DUNGEON!
No kidding!               🅱
Dun worry.  I don't even know what I am.  Sure, people say I'm gay and what not, and sure, I most likely am (for the most part).  But being called gay or whatever doesn't sit right with me.  So I don't know what I am.

Tyger | Elite Four Inconceivable!
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Dun worry.  I don't even know what I am.  Sure, people say I'm gay and what not, and sure, I most likely am (for the most part).  But being called gay or whatever doesn't sit right with me.  So I don't know what I am.
you are casper