first time was in fayetteville because I knew the course. Failed there.Then today I took it at the DMV across from my high school, which I didn't know was open yet. Suburbs.
oh shit you said What not whereFirst time I used my 98 crv.Second time they wouldnt let me use it because the driver's side door is fucked up, so I used my mom's prius
I'm a lazy fuckerIn NC you have to log 60 hours behind the wheel with your permit driving with an adult before you can get a licenseThat's a long fucking time in a car with my mom nagging at me with no way to filter her out, so for a long time I just didn't bother driving ever.Even now I had to convince my mom to lie about how many hours I had done so I could get the fucking thing.
Ama nerds
I don't understand how people can fail a driving test these days
I too live in NC.>.>I didn't realize there was another person here in this state.
Two actually. I live in eastern NC.
Thats where I am.
Well then. Wouldn't have guessed that. Nothing but necks and old people around these parts.
Nothing but fat people and Mexicans over here,