Going to a bar alone for the first time

The Hån | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: The Han
IP: Logged

2,853 posts
does this stuff even work?
must be a gay bar.

Dietrich Six | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: DietrichSix
IP: Logged

11,784 posts
Excuse me, I'm full of dog poison
Now I'm hoping I'll find a cute teacher again like I did in November to fuck

Hopefully the next one you find will be Turkish.

Got you fam

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Avatar Korra
IP: Logged

19,117 posts

- korrie
If nothing is happening think to yourself "what would make a good story to tell sep7agon later" and then do that thing
I'm going to bang someone, I can guarantee it. And I'll tell you all about. I made one last effort to reach out to Samantha today, and I told myself that was it.
Samantha is a flaky bitch
Go fuck yourself.

RomanGladiator | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: BobaFettIsAlive
ID: RomanGladiator
IP: Logged

4,888 posts
I couldn't go in and just waited in the parking lot in my ca. Drank at home and feel like i have  to throw up. Tomorrow night I'm going back because now I know for sure it's over. No more comittment to anyone and looking for the hookup. I put my feelings out there everything and they get crushed. This is my problem and you guys are right it was only two dates but this is how upset j get I feel physically sick

MyNameIsCharlie | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: MyNameIsCharlie
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7,789 posts
Get of my lawn
Roman, relax brother. Seriously. You're putting to mych in this and it's eating you up inside. Just relax and be yourself. You don't need a relationship to validate whatever it is you're trying to validate. Just go with it.

If memory serves me, you like bigger girls. You're going to find more than a few willing to be with you.

Tomorrow night isn't the goal. It's just a waypoint. Think of this like playing Halo on legendary. You work through the waypoints to get to the end of the level. You do get there, but sometimes you sprint to hit that point.

But, seriously, dude, relax.

RomanGladiator | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: BobaFettIsAlive
ID: RomanGladiator
IP: Logged

4,888 posts
I just want to go tomorrow night to see who's out there. What would people think if I go myself? Do people actually go to bars alone?

And I still miss the first and only girl I slept with I look at her Facebook sometimes why do I do this to myself

BlitzFiend | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Doom DH
IP: Logged

1,928 posts
I just want to go tomorrow night to see who's out there. What would people think if I go myself? Do people actually go to bars alone?

And I still miss the first and only girl I slept with I look at her Facebook sometimes why do I do this to myself
They found me the lab doing stem cell research, I was trying to grow you some balls
The police came, but I explained 'bout your bitchin'
Now they wanna pitch in and support the cause

Jive Turkey | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Jive Turkey
IP: Logged

6,991 posts
If nothing is happening think to yourself "what would make a good story to tell sep7agon later" and then do that thing
I'm going to bang someone, I can guarantee it. And I'll tell you all about. I made one last effort to reach out to Samantha today, and I told myself that was it.
Samantha is a flaky bitch
Go fuck yourself.
Grow up Samantha ::)

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
If nothing is happening think to yourself "what would make a good story to tell sep7agon later" and then do that thing
I'm going to bang someone, I can guarantee it. And I'll tell you all about. I made one last effort to reach out to Samantha today, and I told myself that was it.
Samantha is a flaky bitch
Go fuck yourself.
Grow up Samantha ::)

You insulted her bro. You grow up.

Jive Turkey | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Jive Turkey
IP: Logged

6,991 posts
If nothing is happening think to yourself "what would make a good story to tell sep7agon later" and then do that thing
I'm going to bang someone, I can guarantee it. And I'll tell you all about. I made one last effort to reach out to Samantha today, and I told myself that was it.
Samantha is a flaky bitch
Go fuck yourself.
Grow up Samantha ::)

You insulted her bro. You grow up.
Lol what are you even talking about fella