Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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- korrie
Look at it from this perspective, if 343 had said that anything expanding on the Halo universe aside from the Original Trilogy was now non-canon (Halo The Fall of Reach, Halo: Reach, The Original Books, and such) a lot of people, including myself, would be mad.

But it wouldn't change the fact that what they so goes. You can hold on to the pass or move on.

Tackel | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Tackel
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Last Edit: November 29, 2014, 02:55:42 PM by Tackelberry

Assassin 11D7 | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Assassin 11D7
ID: Assassin 11D7
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10,059 posts
"flaming nipple chops"-Your host, the man they call Ghost.

To say, 'nothing is true', is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile, and that we must be the shepherds of our own civilization. To say, 'everything is permitted', is to understand that we are the architects of our actions, and that we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic.
Halo EU is can because it hasn't been ruled off as non-canon by neither Bungie or 343.
Star Wars EU isn't canon because it has been ruled off as non-canon.

Are. You. Able. To. Comprehend?
Nope, Halo EU is all non-canon according to your butthurt logic. Just like 343, Bugie, nor Microsoft can say fuck all of the EU, Lucas nor Disney can do that either. You cannot erase thirty years of Star Wars lore, it is canon.
Are you internationally being retarded?
And how the hell is my logic butthurt? You're the one who's butthurt here.

Halo's EU is canon because it is classed as canon by 343, MS and was classed as canon by Bungie too. Star Wars EU isn't classed as canon.
There's nothing wrong with my logic.
Except that it's flawed since Disney is full of illiterate butt munchers who didn't bother to do any work and instead wrote everything off as non-canon 'cept the movies and their childish TV show, in their delusional minds oc.
Doesn't change the fact that Star Wars EU isn't canon
Well, that just depends on who you ask.
Yeah, and anyone who says it's canon is objectively wrong.

Except it's not opinionated. EU is ruled as non-canon.
The fans don't decide what is and isn't canon.
The fans are what makes the franchise what it is, so I'd say their view holds significant sway. If someone wants to view only the movies as canon, they can. Or if they want to  view everything as canon, they can. Corporate making decisions that are rash because it's too big of a task for people that know nothing about the EU to sift through it really shouldn't be considered as objective. I'm willing to bet that if they had gotten into it they would've found things they would like and that wouldn't conflict with canon. Really just a matter of laziness/not wanting to spend resources.
Fans don't decide what is and isn't canon.
EU isn't canon regardless of what you or anyone else thinks.
Whatever. I respectfully disagree.
You can cover your ears all you like, but it's not going to change anything.
Fans aren't the ones who call the shots, therefore EU objectively isn't canon.
Fans are the ones that the franchise exists for. But hey, whatever you want to believe is fine, that's your opinion.
>thinks he is disney executive
>thinks he can call the shots

Assassin pls
Well, I know more than they do, so I'm already overqualified unfortunately.
No you don't, do you how to run a business? Do you now how to distribute merchandise worldwide and hold a corporate empire? Nah. Disney wants to make more SW movies but they can't because of the massive EU in their way. Easiest way to clear their road is to make the EU a alternate universe and be done with it.

The EU is as canon as Marvel's Ultimate Universe. It isn't.
Overqualified in knowledge of the universe and lore, as clearly Disney executives, or whoever was in charge of handling the situation, didn't as they said it was all thrown away, implying they didn't know about the stories and didn't want to sift through them. I didn't say I knew how to run a business.

If anything, this new one is the alternate universe, as the original one already happened.

How are you overqualified in knowledge of the universe if you don't even seen some aspects of Star Wars, like TCW and Rebels. If anything, you're an extremely under qualified butthurt fanboy who can't get his head out of the sand.
>Implying I didn't watch the series for quite a while then stopped when it kept getting more and more stupid.
>I'd watch what's essentially the same show continued.

Tackel | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Tackel
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Assassin 11D7 | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Assassin 11D7
ID: Assassin 11D7
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10,059 posts
"flaming nipple chops"-Your host, the man they call Ghost.

To say, 'nothing is true', is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile, and that we must be the shepherds of our own civilization. To say, 'everything is permitted', is to understand that we are the architects of our actions, and that we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic.
Halo EU is can because it hasn't been ruled off as non-canon by neither Bungie or 343.
Star Wars EU isn't canon because it has been ruled off as non-canon.

Are. You. Able. To. Comprehend?
Nope, Halo EU is all non-canon according to your butthurt logic. Just like 343, Bugie, nor Microsoft can say fuck all of the EU, Lucas nor Disney can do that either. You cannot erase thirty years of Star Wars lore, it is canon.
Are you internationally being retarded?
And how the hell is my logic butthurt? You're the one who's butthurt here.

Halo's EU is canon because it is classed as canon by 343, MS and was classed as canon by Bungie too. Star Wars EU isn't classed as canon.
There's nothing wrong with my logic.
Except that it's flawed since Disney is full of illiterate butt munchers who didn't bother to do any work and instead wrote everything off as non-canon 'cept the movies and their childish TV show, in their delusional minds oc.
Doesn't change the fact that Star Wars EU isn't canon
Well, that just depends on who you ask.
Yeah, and anyone who says it's canon is objectively wrong.

Except it's not opinionated. EU is ruled as non-canon.
The fans don't decide what is and isn't canon.
The fans are what makes the franchise what it is, so I'd say their view holds significant sway. If someone wants to view only the movies as canon, they can. Or if they want to  view everything as canon, they can. Corporate making decisions that are rash because it's too big of a task for people that know nothing about the EU to sift through it really shouldn't be considered as objective. I'm willing to bet that if they had gotten into it they would've found things they would like and that wouldn't conflict with canon. Really just a matter of laziness/not wanting to spend resources.
Fans don't decide what is and isn't canon.
EU isn't canon regardless of what you or anyone else thinks.
Whatever. I respectfully disagree.
You can cover your ears all you like, but it's not going to change anything.
Fans aren't the ones who call the shots, therefore EU objectively isn't canon.
Fans are the ones that the franchise exists for. But hey, whatever you want to believe is fine, that's your opinion.
>thinks he is disney executive
>thinks he can call the shots

Assassin pls
Well, I know more than they do, so I'm already overqualified unfortunately.
No you don't, do you how to run a business? Do you now how to distribute merchandise worldwide and hold a corporate empire? Nah. Disney wants to make more SW movies but they can't because of the massive EU in their way. Easiest way to clear their road is to make the EU a alternate universe and be done with it.

The EU is as canon as Marvel's Ultimate Universe. It isn't.
Overqualified in knowledge of the universe and lore, as clearly Disney executives, or whoever was in charge of handling the situation, didn't as they said it was all thrown away, implying they didn't know about the stories and didn't want to sift through them. I didn't say I knew how to run a business.

If anything, this new one is the alternate universe, as the original one already happened.

How are you overqualified in knowledge of the universe if you don't even seen some aspects of Star Wars, like TCW and Rebels. If anything, you're an extremely under qualified butthurt fanboy who can't get his head out of the sand.
>Implying I didn't watch the series for quite a while then stopped when it kept getting more and more stupid.
>I'd watch what's essentially the same show continued.

So you just admitted that you don't have extensive knowledge of the universe and therefore refuted your point you made earlier.

>Thinks not knowing every single fact about '08 series means I don't have extensive knowledge of the universe
>Thinks that not watching the series means that I can't possibly know what happens in it.
>Thinks he's outsmarting me.


Strogger | Respected Posting Spree
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Discuss how great the Galactic Empire is with it's emperor, Sheev, in charge.
The best Empire is the 40k one.

True Turquoise
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XBL: Anora Whisper
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25,385 posts
fuck you
Gosh darn nerds

CyberGama | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Sicrogame457
Steam: CyberGama
ID: CyberGama
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4,892 posts
"There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no fear; there is power.
I am the heart of the Force.
I am the revealing fire of light.
I am the mystery of darkness
In balance with chaos and harmony,
Immortal in the Force." ― The Je'daii Code
Alright to the idiots who says that the EU is not canon, that's not true, Disney and Lucas just simply rebooted the lore of the entire franchise, lets face it, EP 1,2,3 were both decent but bad at the same time, and i'm not gonna go into detail in SWTOR, some of the lore in the SW universe is messed up, so it would be logical to rebooted and make it a better lore, don't worry there is going to be some old lore into this new lore in case you are wondering about that, now your probably gonna say "LINK LINK LINK LINK WERE THE FUCK IS LINK"
Last Edit: November 29, 2014, 06:13:15 PM by CyberGama

Tackel | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Tackel
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CyberGama | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Sicrogame457
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ID: CyberGama
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4,892 posts
"There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no fear; there is power.
I am the heart of the Force.
I am the revealing fire of light.
I am the mystery of darkness
In balance with chaos and harmony,
Immortal in the Force." ― The Je'daii Code
Alright to the idiots who says that the EU is not canon, that's not true, Disney and Lucas just simply rebooted the lore of the entire franchise, lets face it, EP 1,2,3 were both decent but bad at the same time, and i'm not gonna go into detail in SWTOR, some of the lore in the SW universe is messed up, so it would be logical to rebooted and make it a better lore, don't worry there is going to be some old lore into this new lore in case you are wondering about that, now your probably gonna say "LINK LINK LINK LINK WERE THE FUCK IS LINK"

All EU (aside from The Clone Wars, Rebels, and all EU material past March of 2014) is now labeled as "Legends". This basically means, if it's Legends, then it's not canon. It technically "happened", but should be looked as old wise tales told throughout the galaxy. ANYTHING from Legends however, if mentioned in new canon material, can be brought back to official canon. Instances of this already in Star Wars Rebels are lightsaber combat forms, Holodiscs, the Holonet, Sith Inquisitors, etc.

I'm going to assume that you got this from escapist, which is reasonable because the source for it makes since, HOWEVER by rebooting the entire franchise would mean that they have to start from scratch and pick which is canon or not, i'm talking about games, books, comics etc, Disney and Lucas are just simply "Pick and choose which is canon or not" this would mean that they can pick what is canon (old) and replace it with the new canon, will just have to wait and see what they decide, to see if what is canon or not, i do hope that KOTOR is canon because that was a beautiful game with excellent characters and story, but who knows.

EDITED: I see that i read some of your comments wrong, so just ignore the ones that you and i mention.
Last Edit: November 29, 2014, 08:16:25 PM by CyberGama

Tackel | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Tackel
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CyberGama | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Sicrogame457
Steam: CyberGama
ID: CyberGama
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4,892 posts
"There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no fear; there is power.
I am the heart of the Force.
I am the revealing fire of light.
I am the mystery of darkness
In balance with chaos and harmony,
Immortal in the Force." ― The Je'daii Code
Alright to the idiots who says that the EU is not canon, that's not true, Disney and Lucas just simply rebooted the lore of the entire franchise, lets face it, EP 1,2,3 were both decent but bad at the same time, and i'm not gonna go into detail in SWTOR, some of the lore in the SW universe is messed up, so it would be logical to rebooted and make it a better lore, don't worry there is going to be some old lore into this new lore in case you are wondering about that, now your probably gonna say "LINK LINK LINK LINK WERE THE FUCK IS LINK"

All EU (aside from The Clone Wars, Rebels, and all EU material past March of 2014) is now labeled as "Legends". This basically means, if it's Legends, then it's not canon. It technically "happened", but should be looked as old wise tales told throughout the galaxy. ANYTHING from Legends however, if mentioned in new canon material, can be brought back to official canon. Instances of this already in Star Wars Rebels are lightsaber combat forms, Holodiscs, the Holonet, Sith Inquisitors, etc.

I'm going to assume that you got this from escapist, which is reasonable because the source for it makes since, HOWEVER by rebooting the entire franchise would mean that they have to start from scratch and pick which is canon or not, i'm talking about games, books, comics etc, Disney and Lucas are just simply "Pick and choose which is canon or not" this would mean that they can pick what is canon (old) and replace it with the new canon, will just have to wait and see what they decide, to see if what is canon or not, i do hope that KOTOR is canon because that was a beautiful game with excellent characters and story, but who knows.

EDITED: I see that i read some of your comments wrong, so just ignore the ones that you and i mention.

I got this from the Official Star Wars website, and countless interview with Dave Filoni and Kathleen Kenedy.
Can you send me a link.

Mr. Admirals | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Onyx81
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"You are young. I am old. I am dead."
Dear God, what is wrong with the proportions. Is this bobble-head alternate universe?
Artistic licence.

Girl of Mystery | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: TheBritishLemon
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23,349 posts
A flower which blooms on the battlefield
So much denial ITT

Tackel | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Tackel
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Tackel | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Elegiac
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star Wars

CyberGama | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Sicrogame457
Steam: CyberGama
ID: CyberGama
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4,892 posts
"There is no ignorance; there is knowledge.
There is no fear; there is power.
I am the heart of the Force.
I am the revealing fire of light.
I am the mystery of darkness
In balance with chaos and harmony,
Immortal in the Force." ― The Je'daii Code
Alright to the idiots who says that the EU is not canon, that's not true, Disney and Lucas just simply rebooted the lore of the entire franchise, lets face it, EP 1,2,3 were both decent but bad at the same time, and i'm not gonna go into detail in SWTOR, some of the lore in the SW universe is messed up, so it would be logical to rebooted and make it a better lore, don't worry there is going to be some old lore into this new lore in case you are wondering about that, now your probably gonna say "LINK LINK LINK LINK WERE THE FUCK IS LINK"

All EU (aside from The Clone Wars, Rebels, and all EU material past March of 2014) is now labeled as "Legends". This basically means, if it's Legends, then it's not canon. It technically "happened", but should be looked as old wise tales told throughout the galaxy. ANYTHING from Legends however, if mentioned in new canon material, can be brought back to official canon. Instances of this already in Star Wars Rebels are lightsaber combat forms, Holodiscs, the Holonet, Sith Inquisitors, etc.

I'm going to assume that you got this from escapist, which is reasonable because the source for it makes since, HOWEVER by rebooting the entire franchise would mean that they have to start from scratch and pick which is canon or not, i'm talking about games, books, comics etc, Disney and Lucas are just simply "Pick and choose which is canon or not" this would mean that they can pick what is canon (old) and replace it with the new canon, will just have to wait and see what they decide, to see if what is canon or not, i do hope that KOTOR is canon because that was a beautiful game with excellent characters and story, but who knows.

EDITED: I see that i read some of your comments wrong, so just ignore the ones that you and i mention.

I got this from the Official Star Wars website, and countless interview with Dave Filoni and Kathleen Kenedy.
Can you send me a link.

I'll PM you some stuff when I get the time later today.
Thanks for the stuff btw.

Assassin 11D7 | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Assassin 11D7
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10,059 posts
"flaming nipple chops"-Your host, the man they call Ghost.

To say, 'nothing is true', is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile, and that we must be the shepherds of our own civilization. To say, 'everything is permitted', is to understand that we are the architects of our actions, and that we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic.
Dear God, what is wrong with the proportions. Is this bobble-head alternate universe?
Artistic licence.

Proportions are perfectly fine, troopers were just given a slightly larger helmet design. Of course, he'd know that if he ever watch the show. Besides, TIE pilot helmet were always fucking bigger than normal helmets.

Still bigger than that on the pilot in the gif you linked

Juuzou | Mythic Inconceivable!
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🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: Decimator Omega
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No, because Halo's EU hasn't been ruled off as non-canon by either Bungie, 343 or MS (apart from that dumb anime thing with Spartan 1337).
Star Wars EU isn't canon whether you like it or not.
But Star Wars EU is canon. With your dumbass logic, only the Halo games are canon, yet you get all butthurt when your own logic is reversed on you.


Girl of Mystery | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: TheBritishLemon
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23,349 posts
A flower which blooms on the battlefield
There is nothing to "bring back to canon", because most of the EU is already canon, like I have said numerous times.
So much denial. You're like a little kid.

Juuzou | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Lady Noelle
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Girl of Mystery | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: TheBritishLemon
IP: Logged

23,349 posts
A flower which blooms on the battlefield
There is nothing to "bring back to canon", because most of the EU is already canon, like I have said numerous times.
So much denial. You're like a little kid.
Lemon, why are you in such denial?
"I know you are but what am I?"
You're like a little kid.

Assassin 11D7 | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Assassin 11D7
ID: Assassin 11D7
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10,059 posts
"flaming nipple chops"-Your host, the man they call Ghost.

To say, 'nothing is true', is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile, and that we must be the shepherds of our own civilization. To say, 'everything is permitted', is to understand that we are the architects of our actions, and that we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic.
This is the best thread on this site next to the milk one.

Girl of Mystery | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: TheBritishLemon
IP: Logged

23,349 posts
A flower which blooms on the battlefield
This is the best thread on this site next to the milk one.
Caption thread is the best

Tackel | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Tackel
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Alternative Facts
| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: IcyWind
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9,382 posts
The amount of sheer denial in this thread.

Canon: Movies 1-6, Rebels, The Clone Wars, and anything post- March 2014
Not Canon: Anything else.

Know why? Because Disney wants to create films, and they can't create films when dealing with the clusterfuck that is an annoying bloated and confusing Expanded Universe, and if they kept the EU as canon, fans would be screaming about they are not respecting it.

That's business, that's movie making. If you don't like it, kindly don't pay to see the movies. I'm sure Disney won't be missing your $13.

Assassin 11D7 | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Assassin 11D7
ID: Assassin 11D7
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10,059 posts
"flaming nipple chops"-Your host, the man they call Ghost.

To say, 'nothing is true', is to realize that the foundations of society are fragile, and that we must be the shepherds of our own civilization. To say, 'everything is permitted', is to understand that we are the architects of our actions, and that we must live with their consequences, whether glorious or tragic.
Okay, more question/critique time. Do the storm troopers look anorexic in Rebels like the Clone Troopers did in TCW? That always bothered the shit out of me, especially because I've got one action figure from TCW series, and all the rest are from Ep II-III.

Alternative Facts
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ID: IcyWind
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9,382 posts
Okay, more question/critique time. Do the storm troopers look anorexic in Rebels like the Clone Troopers did in TCW? That always bothered the shit out of me, especially because I've got one action figure from TCW series, and all the rest are from Ep II-III.

They went on Jenny Craig.