Code: [Select]#include <stdio.h>#include "boolean.h"#include "complex.h"#include "complex_arith.h"#include "complex_IO.h"int main(void){ boolean quit = FALSE; boolean showmenu = TRUE; int menu_sel; while (!quit) { if (showmenu) { printf("1 Add\n"); printf("2 Subtract\n"); printf("3 Multiply\n"); printf("4 Divide\n"); printf("5 Conjugate\n"); printf("6 Negate\n"); printf("7 Toggle Menu\n"); printf("8 Quit\n"); scanf("%d", &menu_sel); else { printf("Enter a selection (4 turn menu on):\n"); scanf("%d", &menu_sel); switch (menu_sel){ case 1: num1 = read_complex(); num2 = read_complex(); ans = add_complex(); write_complex(ans); break; case 2: num1 = read_complex(); num2 = read_complex(); ans = subract_complex(); write_complex(ans); break; case 3: num1 = read_complex(); num2 = read_complex(); ans = multiply_complex(); write_complex(ans); break; case 4: num1 = read_complex(); num2 = read_complex(); ans = divide_complex(); write_complex(ans); break; case 5: num1 = read_complex(); num2 = read_complex(); ans = conjugate_complex(); write_complex(ans); break; case 6: num1 = read_complex(); num2 = read_complex(); ans = negate_complex(); write_complex(ans); break; case 7: if (showmenu == TRUE) showmenu = FALSE; else { showmenu = TRUE } break; case 8: quit = TRUE; break; default: printf("%c is not a valid menu option\n", menu_sel); }are you hard yet bae?
#include <stdio.h>#include "boolean.h"#include "complex.h"#include "complex_arith.h"#include "complex_IO.h"int main(void){ boolean quit = FALSE; boolean showmenu = TRUE; int menu_sel; while (!quit) { if (showmenu) { printf("1 Add\n"); printf("2 Subtract\n"); printf("3 Multiply\n"); printf("4 Divide\n"); printf("5 Conjugate\n"); printf("6 Negate\n"); printf("7 Toggle Menu\n"); printf("8 Quit\n"); scanf("%d", &menu_sel); else { printf("Enter a selection (4 turn menu on):\n"); scanf("%d", &menu_sel); switch (menu_sel){ case 1: num1 = read_complex(); num2 = read_complex(); ans = add_complex(); write_complex(ans); break; case 2: num1 = read_complex(); num2 = read_complex(); ans = subract_complex(); write_complex(ans); break; case 3: num1 = read_complex(); num2 = read_complex(); ans = multiply_complex(); write_complex(ans); break; case 4: num1 = read_complex(); num2 = read_complex(); ans = divide_complex(); write_complex(ans); break; case 5: num1 = read_complex(); num2 = read_complex(); ans = conjugate_complex(); write_complex(ans); break; case 6: num1 = read_complex(); num2 = read_complex(); ans = negate_complex(); write_complex(ans); break; case 7: if (showmenu == TRUE) showmenu = FALSE; else { showmenu = TRUE } break; case 8: quit = TRUE; break; default: printf("%c is not a valid menu option\n", menu_sel); }
Code: [Select]OP is a niggermanRate my coding.
OP is a niggerman
class StopPosting { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("It's time to stop posting."); // CUNT System.exit(0); }}
Throw(x100) that boypussy))######Ay lmao
#include "Apriori.h"using namespace std;/* FUNCTION: Apriori()* PURPOSE: Basic constructor* =========================================================== */Apriori::Apriori(){ L = new Queue<LinkedList<Item>>; C = new Queue<LinkedList<Item>>;}void Apriori::appendItemsets(Item& item1, Item& item2, LinkedList<Item>& newFrequentItemset){ //This will be called in a loop, going through the list of frequent n itemsets //Ex: 3-itemsets: check if the mDataArray[0] and [1] match between the 2 items if(headersMatch(item1, item2, item1.getSize() - 1)) //Compare the headers (loops through all elements except the last one) { //Make a new item of size n + 1 Item newItem(item1.getSize() + 1); //Fill newItem's mDataArray with either one of the original item's contents: for(int i = 0; i < newItem.getSize() - 2; i++) { newItem.mDataArray[i] = item1.mDataArray[i]; } //Append the last element of item2 to newItem for (int i = newItem.getSize() - 2; i < newItem.getSize(); i++) { if (newItem.getSize() % 2 == 0) { if (i % 2 == 0) newItem.mDataArray[i] = item2.mDataArray[i]; else newItem.mDataArray[i] = item1.mDataArray[i - 1]; } else { if (i % 2 == 0) newItem.mDataArray[i] = item2.mDataArray[i - 1]; else newItem.mDataArray[i] = item1.mDataArray[i]; } } newFrequentItemset.insert(newItem); //Add the item to the new frequent itemset }}LinkedList<Item>* Apriori::apriori_gen(LinkedList<Item>* originalList){ timer.startClock(); LinkedList<Item> *newItemset = new LinkedList<Item>(); for (int i = 0; i < originalList->getCount(); i++) { Item temp1, temp2; temp1 = originalList->getData(i); for (int j = i + 1; j < originalList->getCount(); j++) { temp2 = originalList->getData(j); appendItemsets(temp1, temp2, *newItemset); } } countFrequency(newItemset); prune(newItemset); timeString = timer.getTime(); OutputResults(newItemset); return newItemset;}void Apriori::calcMinSupport(float thresholdPercent, int numTransactions){ mMinSupport = (int)(numTransactions * (thresholdPercent / 100));}bool Apriori::transactionContains(Item theItem, LinkedList<int>& theTransaction){ int frequency = 0; for(int j = 0; j < theItem.getSize(); j++) //Loop through the Itemset { if(theTransaction.isExist(theItem.mDataArray[j])) { frequency++; //Find out how many items in the transaction are in the itemset } } if(frequency < theItem.getSize()) //If frequency isn't as big as the itemset, it went through the transaction and couldn't find all of the itemset's contents { return false; } return true; }void Apriori::countFrequency(LinkedList<Item> *tmpItemList){ for(int i = 0; i < tmpItemList->getCount(); i++) //Loop through every item in the set { for(int j = 0; j < mNumTransactions; j++) //Loop through all of the transactions { if(transactionContains(tmpItemList->getData(i), mTransactions[j])) { tmpItemList->getData(i).increaseFrequency(); } } }}LinkedList<Item>* Apriori::genOneItemsets(){ timer.startClock(); LinkedList<Item> *Ltemp = new LinkedList<Item>();; //Stores unique item structures Item *Itemp; //Dynamically allocated Item to popullate Ltemp with bool found = false; //Used to tell whether or not a number from mDataSet is unique or not int index; //Index at where a non-unique number can be "placed" in Ltemp for (int i = 0; i < mNumTransactions; i++) //Runs through entire mDataSet list { for (int j = 0; j < mTransactions[i].getCount(); j++) { if (Ltemp->getCount() == 0) //If Ltemp is empty { if (mTransactions->getCount() == 0) //If mDataset is empty { return Ltemp; //Empty list } else { //Initialization of new dynamically allocated Item Itemp = new Item(1); Itemp->append(mTransactions[i].getData(j)); Itemp->increaseFrequency(); //Inserts new Item into Ltemp Ltemp->insert(*Itemp); } } else { for (int k = 0; k < Ltemp->getCount(); k++) //Runs through every Item in Ltemp { if (Ltemp->getData(k).mDataArray[0] == mTransactions[i].getData(j)) //Compares Ltemp Item numbers with current number in mDataSet { found = true; index = k; //set index to current Item in Ltemp k = Ltemp->getCount(); //jump out of loop } } if (found) { Item temp = Ltemp->getData(index); //increase count temp.increaseFrequency(); Ltemp->setData(index, temp); } else { //Initialization of new dynamically allocated Item Itemp = new Item(1); Itemp->append(mTransactions[i].getData(j)); Itemp->increaseFrequency(); //Inserts new Item into Ltemp Ltemp->insert(*Itemp); } } } //reset found found = false; } prune(Ltemp); timeString = timer.getTime(); OutputResults(Ltemp); return Ltemp;}LinkedList<Item>* Apriori::genTwoItemsets(LinkedList<Item>* tmpList){ timer.startClock(); Item *templateItem = new Item(2); LinkedList<Item>* setArray = new LinkedList<Item>; for (int i = 0; i < tmpList->getCount(); i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < tmpList->getCount(); j++) { templateItem->mDataArray[0] = tmpList->getData(i).mDataArray[0]; templateItem->mDataArray[1] = tmpList->getData(j).mDataArray[0]; setArray->insert(*templateItem); templateItem = new Item(2); } } countFrequency(setArray); prune(setArray); timeString = timer.getTime(); OutputResults(setArray); return setArray;}void Apriori::GetInput(){ LinkedList<int> tmp; string filename, filenameData, filenameInfo; float thresholdPercent; // First have the user input the dataset filename and the minimum threshold percent cout << "Enter input file name (w/o file extension): "; cin >> filename; cout << "Enter minimum threshold percent: "; cin >> thresholdPercent; cout << "Enter output file name (w/o file extension):"; cin >> outputFile; outputFile = outputFile + ".txt";; // The .dat file is the actual data, .input is the information about the data filenameData = filename + ".dat"; filenameInfo = filename + ".input"; ifstream input;; int averageTransLength, numUniqueItems, numTransactions; // retrieve info from .input file input >> averageTransLength; input >> numUniqueItems; input >> numTransactions; mTransactions = new LinkedList<int>[numTransactions]; input.close();; mNumTransactions = numTransactions; calcMinSupport(thresholdPercent, numTransactions); int i = 0; // Load everything from .dat into a LinkedList in the Apriori class if(input.good()) { string temp; while (!input.eof()) //!input.eof() { input >> temp; tmp.insert(atoi(temp.c_str())); mTransactions[i].insert(atoi(temp.c_str())); if (input.peek() == '\n') { i++; } } input.close(); } else if( { cout << "\nERROR READING FROM FILE\n"; }}bool Apriori::headersMatch(Item& item1, Item& item2, int headerSize){ for (int i = 0; i < headerSize; i++) { if(item1.mDataArray[i] != item2.mDataArray[i]) return false; } return true;}void Apriori::OutputResults(LinkedList<Item>* itemset){ if(output.good() && !itemset->isEmpty()) { Item* tmp = new Item(itemset->getData(0).getSize()); for (int i = 0; i < itemset->getCount(); i++) { *tmp = itemset->getData(i); output << *tmp << endl; //Write the item's contents on one line } output << "Time: " << timeString << endl; }}void Apriori::prune(LinkedList<Item> *itemset){ for (int i = 0; i < itemset->getCount(); i++) { if (itemset->getData(i).getFrequency() < mMinSupport) { itemset->removeElementAt(i); i--; } }}void Apriori::RunAlgorithm(){ // put the frequent 1-itemsets into L L->enqueue(genOneItemsets()); L->enqueue(genTwoItemsets(L->dequeue())); while (L->mHead->mData.getCount() != 0) // this process will repeat until the pruning of C finds nothing frequent, at which point we have found all of our frequen itemsets { // take the current itemset, and in apriori_gen find all of its subsets, and then put that set of subsets into C // in apriori_gen remember to call OutputResults(*1-itemset*) and append the time taken onto timeStrings, so that we have a record of it in our output file C->enqueue(apriori_gen(L->dequeue())); // prune C so that only the items that meet the min support remain, then put that into L L->enqueue(C->dequeue()); } output.close();}
Code: [Select]#include "Apriori.h"using namespace std;/* FUNCTION: Apriori()* PURPOSE: Basic constructor* =========================================================== */Apriori::Apriori(){ L = new Queue<LinkedList<Item>>; C = new Queue<LinkedList<Item>>;}void Apriori::appendItemsets(Item& item1, Item& item2, LinkedList<Item>& newFrequentItemset){ //This will be called in a loop, going through the list of frequent n itemsets //Ex: 3-itemsets: check if the mDataArray[0] and [1] match between the 2 items if(headersMatch(item1, item2, item1.getSize() - 1)) //Compare the headers (loops through all elements except the last one) { //Make a new item of size n + 1 Item newItem(item1.getSize() + 1); //Fill newItem's mDataArray with either one of the original item's contents: for(int i = 0; i < newItem.getSize() - 2; i++) { newItem.mDataArray[i] = item1.mDataArray[i]; } //Append the last element of item2 to newItem for (int i = newItem.getSize() - 2; i < newItem.getSize(); i++) { if (newItem.getSize() % 2 == 0) { if (i % 2 == 0) newItem.mDataArray[i] = item2.mDataArray[i]; else newItem.mDataArray[i] = item1.mDataArray[i - 1]; } else { if (i % 2 == 0) newItem.mDataArray[i] = item2.mDataArray[i - 1]; else newItem.mDataArray[i] = item1.mDataArray[i]; } } newFrequentItemset.insert(newItem); //Add the item to the new frequent itemset }}LinkedList<Item>* Apriori::apriori_gen(LinkedList<Item>* originalList){ timer.startClock(); LinkedList<Item> *newItemset = new LinkedList<Item>(); for (int i = 0; i < originalList->getCount(); i++) { Item temp1, temp2; temp1 = originalList->getData(i); for (int j = i + 1; j < originalList->getCount(); j++) { temp2 = originalList->getData(j); appendItemsets(temp1, temp2, *newItemset); } } countFrequency(newItemset); prune(newItemset); timeString = timer.getTime(); OutputResults(newItemset); return newItemset;}void Apriori::calcMinSupport(float thresholdPercent, int numTransactions){ mMinSupport = (int)(numTransactions * (thresholdPercent / 100));}bool Apriori::transactionContains(Item theItem, LinkedList<int>& theTransaction){ int frequency = 0; for(int j = 0; j < theItem.getSize(); j++) //Loop through the Itemset { if(theTransaction.isExist(theItem.mDataArray[j])) { frequency++; //Find out how many items in the transaction are in the itemset } } if(frequency < theItem.getSize()) //If frequency isn't as big as the itemset, it went through the transaction and couldn't find all of the itemset's contents { return false; } return true; }void Apriori::countFrequency(LinkedList<Item> *tmpItemList){ for(int i = 0; i < tmpItemList->getCount(); i++) //Loop through every item in the set { for(int j = 0; j < mNumTransactions; j++) //Loop through all of the transactions { if(transactionContains(tmpItemList->getData(i), mTransactions[j])) { tmpItemList->getData(i).increaseFrequency(); } } }}LinkedList<Item>* Apriori::genOneItemsets(){ timer.startClock(); LinkedList<Item> *Ltemp = new LinkedList<Item>();; //Stores unique item structures Item *Itemp; //Dynamically allocated Item to popullate Ltemp with bool found = false; //Used to tell whether or not a number from mDataSet is unique or not int index; //Index at where a non-unique number can be "placed" in Ltemp for (int i = 0; i < mNumTransactions; i++) //Runs through entire mDataSet list { for (int j = 0; j < mTransactions[i].getCount(); j++) { if (Ltemp->getCount() == 0) //If Ltemp is empty { if (mTransactions->getCount() == 0) //If mDataset is empty { return Ltemp; //Empty list } else { //Initialization of new dynamically allocated Item Itemp = new Item(1); Itemp->append(mTransactions[i].getData(j)); Itemp->increaseFrequency(); //Inserts new Item into Ltemp Ltemp->insert(*Itemp); } } else { for (int k = 0; k < Ltemp->getCount(); k++) //Runs through every Item in Ltemp { if (Ltemp->getData(k).mDataArray[0] == mTransactions[i].getData(j)) //Compares Ltemp Item numbers with current number in mDataSet { found = true; index = k; //set index to current Item in Ltemp k = Ltemp->getCount(); //jump out of loop } } if (found) { Item temp = Ltemp->getData(index); //increase count temp.increaseFrequency(); Ltemp->setData(index, temp); } else { //Initialization of new dynamically allocated Item Itemp = new Item(1); Itemp->append(mTransactions[i].getData(j)); Itemp->increaseFrequency(); //Inserts new Item into Ltemp Ltemp->insert(*Itemp); } } } //reset found found = false; } prune(Ltemp); timeString = timer.getTime(); OutputResults(Ltemp); return Ltemp;}LinkedList<Item>* Apriori::genTwoItemsets(LinkedList<Item>* tmpList){ timer.startClock(); Item *templateItem = new Item(2); LinkedList<Item>* setArray = new LinkedList<Item>; for (int i = 0; i < tmpList->getCount(); i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < tmpList->getCount(); j++) { templateItem->mDataArray[0] = tmpList->getData(i).mDataArray[0]; templateItem->mDataArray[1] = tmpList->getData(j).mDataArray[0]; setArray->insert(*templateItem); templateItem = new Item(2); } } countFrequency(setArray); prune(setArray); timeString = timer.getTime(); OutputResults(setArray); return setArray;}void Apriori::GetInput(){ LinkedList<int> tmp; string filename, filenameData, filenameInfo; float thresholdPercent; // First have the user input the dataset filename and the minimum threshold percent cout << "Enter input file name (w/o file extension): "; cin >> filename; cout << "Enter minimum threshold percent: "; cin >> thresholdPercent; cout << "Enter output file name (w/o file extension):"; cin >> outputFile; outputFile = outputFile + ".txt";; // The .dat file is the actual data, .input is the information about the data filenameData = filename + ".dat"; filenameInfo = filename + ".input"; ifstream input;; int averageTransLength, numUniqueItems, numTransactions; // retrieve info from .input file input >> averageTransLength; input >> numUniqueItems; input >> numTransactions; mTransactions = new LinkedList<int>[numTransactions]; input.close();; mNumTransactions = numTransactions; calcMinSupport(thresholdPercent, numTransactions); int i = 0; // Load everything from .dat into a LinkedList in the Apriori class if(input.good()) { string temp; while (!input.eof()) //!input.eof() { input >> temp; tmp.insert(atoi(temp.c_str())); mTransactions[i].insert(atoi(temp.c_str())); if (input.peek() == '\n') { i++; } } input.close(); } else if( { cout << "\nERROR READING FROM FILE\n"; }}bool Apriori::headersMatch(Item& item1, Item& item2, int headerSize){ for (int i = 0; i < headerSize; i++) { if(item1.mDataArray[i] != item2.mDataArray[i]) return false; } return true;}void Apriori::OutputResults(LinkedList<Item>* itemset){ if(output.good() && !itemset->isEmpty()) { Item* tmp = new Item(itemset->getData(0).getSize()); for (int i = 0; i < itemset->getCount(); i++) { *tmp = itemset->getData(i); output << *tmp << endl; //Write the item's contents on one line } output << "Time: " << timeString << endl; }}void Apriori::prune(LinkedList<Item> *itemset){ for (int i = 0; i < itemset->getCount(); i++) { if (itemset->getData(i).getFrequency() < mMinSupport) { itemset->removeElementAt(i); i--; } }}void Apriori::RunAlgorithm(){ // put the frequent 1-itemsets into L L->enqueue(genOneItemsets()); L->enqueue(genTwoItemsets(L->dequeue())); while (L->mHead->mData.getCount() != 0) // this process will repeat until the pruning of C finds nothing frequent, at which point we have found all of our frequen itemsets { // take the current itemset, and in apriori_gen find all of its subsets, and then put that set of subsets into C // in apriori_gen remember to call OutputResults(*1-itemset*) and append the time taken onto timeStrings, so that we have a record of it in our output file C->enqueue(apriori_gen(L->dequeue())); // prune C so that only the items that meet the min support remain, then put that into L L->enqueue(C->dequeue()); } output.close();}Bitches love data structures.