Discuss your intelligence (or lack thereof).

| Knight of the Limits
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ID: Elegiac
IP: Logged

23,675 posts
There are many different types. I'm quick to pick up on things, and I wear a good poker face 90% of the time, but I put barely any forethought into anything. I intend things, and my intentions just seem to present themselves to me to be taken advantage of. Couple that with the fact that my subconscious seems to work very efficiently- thoughts and ideas just pop into my head. I guess I mostly work at an instinctive level. Half the time I honestly scare the shit out of myself like a dumbass because I don't know what I'm doing. Sometimes I wish I had a plan instead of just a bunch of loose ideas.

But I'm awful at math, numbers break my brain. And because my personality type is apparently INTP with a smattering of ENTP, my emotional intelligence is something I've had to work on developing, as well as my empathy and sympathy. Though I feel I'm at a decent level with that now.

I don't know, Flood. Tell me how your brain works.

Dustin | Heroic Invincible!
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XBL: Greedy Jew
PSN: Jews Did 911
Steam: Chimpout 2014
ID: Le Dustin
IP: Logged

5,814 posts
This is pathetic, Cheat
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| Knight of the Limits
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ID: Elegiac
IP: Logged

23,675 posts

Dustin | Heroic Invincible!
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XBL: Greedy Jew
PSN: Jews Did 911
Steam: Chimpout 2014
ID: Le Dustin
IP: Logged

5,814 posts
This is pathetic, Cheat
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More Than Mortal
| d-d-d-DANK ✡ 🔥🔥🔥 🌈ðŸ‘
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Steam: MetaCognition
ID: Meta Cognition
IP: Logged

15,062 posts
This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.
I'm apparently an INTJ.

I'm the smartest person on the forum. . .

So. . .

| Knight of the Limits
more |
ID: Elegiac
IP: Logged

23,675 posts
I'm still in school
What class?
Intro to Engineering
Quite the Renaissance man.

Dustin | Heroic Invincible!
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XBL: Greedy Jew
PSN: Jews Did 911
Steam: Chimpout 2014
ID: Le Dustin
IP: Logged

5,814 posts
This is pathetic, Cheat
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| Knight of the Limits
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ID: Elegiac
IP: Logged

23,675 posts
I'm apparently an INTJ.

I'm the smartest person on the forum. . .

So. . .
So of course I couldn't possibly understand how your mind works.

Death | Heroic Unstoppable!
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XBL: giant nubbz
ID: Death
IP: Logged

2,701 posts
I am always around, but never seen. I am often avoided, but you can't out run me. for I will come when you're old and grey, or maybe even the very next day. I will come with cold embrace, and give you rest with a chilled kiss on your face. I come in many forms of emotional state, whether it's irony, love, laughter, or hate. I am everyone's final fate.
I'm apparently an INTJ.

I'm the smartest person on the forum. . .

So. . .

Dustin | Heroic Invincible!
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XBL: Greedy Jew
PSN: Jews Did 911
Steam: Chimpout 2014
ID: Le Dustin
IP: Logged

5,814 posts
This is pathetic, Cheat
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| Knight of the Limits
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ID: Elegiac
IP: Logged

23,675 posts
I'm still in school
What class?
Intro to Engineering
Quite the Renaissance man.
Pretty typical to take a wide variety of classes in America
But not in other countries?

Dustin | Heroic Invincible!
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XBL: Greedy Jew
PSN: Jews Did 911
Steam: Chimpout 2014
ID: Le Dustin
IP: Logged

5,814 posts
This is pathetic, Cheat
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| Knight of the Limits
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ID: Elegiac
IP: Logged

23,675 posts
You guys seem to have some prodigious technical knowledge, if what I'm hearing is correct. Sometimes I wish I'd chased after more of that. But early on I realised I could be anything I wanted to be, and I didn't like what I saw ahead of me down most paths. I hate being told what to think or do, or do with what I know. I'm a bit of a prick like that.

Actually, you guys should bear that in mind; try not to let anyone use you for your skills if you don't believe in the cause. You'll end up unhappy that way.

Dustin | Heroic Invincible!
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XBL: Greedy Jew
PSN: Jews Did 911
Steam: Chimpout 2014
ID: Le Dustin
IP: Logged

5,814 posts
This is pathetic, Cheat
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More Than Mortal
| d-d-d-DANK ✡ 🔥🔥🔥 🌈ðŸ‘
more |
Steam: MetaCognition
ID: Meta Cognition
IP: Logged

15,062 posts
This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.
I'm apparently an INTJ.

I'm the smartest person on the forum. . .

So. . .
Top three

Goji and Turkey might have you, but it's hard to tell because they're not as active as you are.
Goji and Turkey definitely have me when it comes to mathematics/science.

| Knight of the Limits
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ID: Elegiac
IP: Logged

23,675 posts
Actually, you guys should bear that in mind; try not to let anyone use you for your skills if you don't believe in the cause. You'll end up unhappy that way.
That used to bother me so much back when I was a socialist.
You have to make compromises with the rest of the human race, sure... but, uhm, so what is your outlook now?

Dustin | Heroic Invincible!
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XBL: Greedy Jew
PSN: Jews Did 911
Steam: Chimpout 2014
ID: Le Dustin
IP: Logged

5,814 posts
This is pathetic, Cheat
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Dustin | Heroic Invincible!
more |
XBL: Greedy Jew
PSN: Jews Did 911
Steam: Chimpout 2014
ID: Le Dustin
IP: Logged

5,814 posts
This is pathetic, Cheat
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| Knight of the Limits
more |
ID: Elegiac
IP: Logged

23,675 posts
I'm apparently an INTJ.

I'm the smartest person on the forum. . .

So. . .
Top three

Goji and Turkey might have you, but it's hard to tell because they're not as active as you are.
Goji and Turkey definitely have me when it comes to mathematics/science.
I want to say that the multiple intelligence theory is a thing, but I also want to say it's just there to make people feel better about sucking at school.
I think it's more about utility, different people are useful for different things, and being useful makes us feel happy.

Jim | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: AltarsofRadness
PSN: spirit_of_sand
Steam: Kurt Russel
ID: LancexLink
IP: Logged

13,153 posts
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Mat Cauthon
| Ravens
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i haz de intelligent

Azumarill | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Azumarill
IP: Logged

7,654 posts
I'm kind of an idiot. But I'm a cute idiot.

| Knight of the Limits
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ID: Elegiac
IP: Logged

23,675 posts
I'm kind of an idiot. But I'm a cute idiot.
Why don't the girls see that?

Doctor Doom | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Lord Keksworth
IP: Logged

7,368 posts
the one true God is Doctor Doom and we should all be worshiping him.
I ain't got the thinkinz.

Azumarill | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Azumarill
IP: Logged

7,654 posts

I'm kind of an idiot. But I'm a cute idiot.
Why don't the girls see that?
All they see is my gangly posture

| Knight of the Limits
more |
ID: Elegiac
IP: Logged

23,675 posts

I'm kind of an idiot. But I'm a cute idiot.
Why don't the girls see that?
All they see is my gangly posture
You need to show em what your gangle is good for.

Erives | Heroic Unstoppable!
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XBL: erives
ID: Erives
IP: Logged

1,856 posts
I cant argue with progress, just you.
I really dont know. I pick up things quickly and I can pull miracles out of my ass by thinking quick. Im a visual and hands on learner. I also put too much thought into everything I do, dear god I put too much thought into everything I do. Yet I just do things that don't involve a lot of thought. 

I just label my self as a dumbass with a quick wit.
Last Edit: November 27, 2014, 03:48:18 AM by Erives

| Marty Forum Ninja
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ID: Flee
IP: Logged

15,686 posts
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A Cheese Potato | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: A Cheese Potato
ID: A Cheese Potato
IP: Logged

5,922 posts
Can I be a smort

| Knight of the Limits
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ID: Elegiac
IP: Logged

23,675 posts