DC could overtake Marvel in the movie industry, and here's why

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
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7,242 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
Found a really neat post on /tv/ that succinctly sums up my feelings about this whole Marvel vs DC debate. Bit of a long read ahead but you're an autist if you can't be bothered:
At Marvel, they have worked admirably to create a franchise out of what they were left with in terms of properties, but that can't continue forever. Just look at the statistics, the merchandising sales for Spider-Man were some 3 or 4 times that of every single MCU character. That is the difference between A-list and everything beneath it, even through Iron Man and Cap were B-list. As Marvel digs themselves deeper and deeper into their stock of properties, their situation will become just that: a hole they cannot climb out of. The increasing lack of iconography to their characters means they will resort to the same tired formulas of plot and characterization to hope for the same success for new characters as old ones, something audiences will get bored of. Sure Guardians shows any character can be a success with the right marketing, but those characters were moreso tropes to fit in a team dynamic than ones with depth. There's no simple stereotype to be applied to a character like Black Panther or Captain Marvel, they actually have to try. Many people already are getting tired of the commonalities of Marvel films like the poor villains, macguffin plots, poor (literally interchangeable; see: Wright) directing, forced characterizations, etc. so there's no way they'd accept that keep accepting that in the future and Marvel hasn't shown they can do anything else. This explains their desperation to get even guys like the Fantastic Four back since at least people recognize them. They know their efforts can only go so far with characters audiences don't even have in their peripheral vision.

Meanwhile at DC, they own every single one of their properties. Sure there have been some real shitshows like Green Lantern or Jonah Hex, but now with this new cinematic universe they are more focused creatively and financially than they ever have been. They now have a real vision for these films, and moreover Oscar-winning talent at WB to back it up. Hell, WB basically invented the comic book movie genre and are primed to retake it. Speaking of iconography, the Dark Knight trilogy and Man of Steel show that these immortal characters in the DC lineup are ones that audiences actually want to see done well. Those Batman films made a billions (also Batman merchandising sales are 2 or 3 times higher than the whole MCU) and Man of Steel's divisive reception shows to me more than anything the respect people have for these characters and the desire they have to see them on screen and done well. With the slate of DC movies, people will go see them because they want to see these characters, unlike with Marvel where they go just because it's a Marvel movie and they hope for the best. The latter's good will/humor from Guardians can only old for so long (just imagine an Iron Man 2 level film but with a new property, everyone would despise it and that character would never be seen again). Snyder and company have definitly learned form Man of Steel the boundaries they have in front of them, and they will only grow and improve moving forward (proof: David Goyer is gone). I have zero doubt in my mind that Batman v Superman will outgross Avengers and Age of Ultron.

Thoughts? Is Marvel really a one trick pony? Is its time in the Sun almost done?

I would also like to point out that Marvel was facing near bankruptcy in the mid 90s before X-Men and Spider-Man came along, so before you go all Marvelfag with "DC KEK, MAN OF MURDER WAS SHIT" just bear the former in mind.
Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 02:48:57 PM by Madman Mordo

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XBL: HundredJono
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18,479 posts
Goodness gracious, great balls of lightning!
I'm just hoping that the Justice League movies that are gonna come out don't suck ass.

Azumarill | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Azumarill
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7,654 posts
I never thought the Marvel movies were anything special, anyway. Marvel has always been behind DC in terms of animation (DCAU is incredible,) and these shared universe movies they've been churning out are little more than popcorn flicks (The Avengers is the best example.) DC has the chance to tell a cerebral, gripping story with the new cinematic universe, and I'm expecting a lot from them considering the quality of their animated works.

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
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7,242 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
I'm just hoping that the Justice League movies that are gonna come out don't suck ass.
I'm not gonna lie, I'm a bit skeptical at the pace they're going which makes it seem like they just want to catch up with Marvel as quickly as possible. But then again, maybe the Marvel method of characterization isn't the be all and end all on how to develop a melting pot of strong characters.
Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 02:52:21 PM by Madman Mordo

Jet Wave | Heroic Unstoppable!
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But I like both.

Hahahaha very funny Zonda
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| Future Nostalgia
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XBL: HundredJono
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ID: Jono
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18,479 posts
Goodness gracious, great balls of lightning!
I'm just hoping that the Justice League movies that are gonna come out don't suck ass.
I'm not gonna lie, I'm a bit skeptical at the pace they're going which makes it seem like they just want to catch up with Marvel as quickly as possible. But then again, maybe the Marvel method of characterization isn't the be all and end all on how to develop a melting pot of strong characters.
The DCAU beats Marvel's IMO.

Batman Beyond, Justice League, and Justice League: Unlimited are the best. I hear good things about Young Justice but haven't seen it yet.

Alternative Facts
| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: IcyWind
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9,381 posts
I feel DC is better off the big screen, which is where Marvel excels.

Juuzou | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Lady Noelle
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Word Wizard | Heroic Unstoppable!
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2,686 posts
Everything besides Cap. 2 and ironman one haven't been very good imo for marvel.  Aside from batman's throat cancer voice I enjoyed those films more than the iron man trilogy as a whole or the first avengers.  Kinda wish Marvel would get spiderman back since ASM2 was awful.

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
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7,242 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
I feel DC is better off the big screen

which is where Marvel excels.
Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 03:05:13 PM by Madman Mordo

Alternative Facts
| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: IcyWind
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9,381 posts
I feel DC is better off the big screen

which is where Marvel excels.

Generally excels >.>

Azumarill | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Azumarill
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7,654 posts
I'm just hoping that the Justice League movies that are gonna come out don't suck ass.
I'm not gonna lie, I'm a bit skeptical at the pace they're going which makes it seem like they just want to catch up with Marvel as quickly as possible. But then again, maybe the Marvel method of characterization isn't the be all and end all on how to develop a melting pot of strong characters.
The DCAU beats Marvel's IMO.

Batman Beyond, Justice League, and Justice League: Unlimited are the best. I hear good things about Young Justice but haven't seen it yet.
Young Justice was great. Almost as good as Teen Titans

| Flora Colossus
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XBL: Cheatlancer
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6,651 posts
I feel DC is better off the big screen

which is where Marvel excels.

Man of Steel says hi.

I don't agree with the OP at all. Did Batman kick Marvel's ass? Yeah, it did. But Superman and Batman are DC's only real heavyweights. Audiences don't give a shit about Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Shazam, and fucking Aquaman.

DC is clearly playing catch up with Marvel, and this rapid-fire list of movies that will be coming out every year pretty soon looks extremely rushed and I have doubts about how they can weave the story together.

g💚jira | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: HeyLookItsMisterGojira
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1,925 posts
I have zero doubt in my mind that Batman v Superman will outgross Avengers and Age of Ultron.

I have zero doubt in my mind that this guy is insane.

Man of Steel says hi.


I don't agree with the OP at all. Did Batman kick Marvel's ass? Yeah, it did. But Superman and Batman are DC's only real heavyweights. Audiences don't give a shit about Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Shazam, and fucking Aquaman.

Not yet.

DC is clearly playing catch up with Marvel,

In what sense?

and this rapid-fire list of movies

... what's so rapid about it?

that will be coming out every year pretty soon looks extremely rushed and I have doubts about how they can weave the story together.

How and why?
Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 03:17:59 PM by GodspeedSnowjira!

Azumarill | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Azumarill
IP: Logged

7,654 posts
I feel DC is better off the big screen

which is where Marvel excels.

Man of Steel says hi.

I don't agree with the OP at all. Did Batman kick Marvel's ass? Yeah, it did. But Superman and Batman are DC's only real heavyweights. Audiences don't give a shit about Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Shazam, and fucking Aquaman.

DC is clearly playing catch up with Marvel, and this rapid-fire list of movies that will be coming out every year pretty soon looks extremely rushed and I have doubts about how they can weave the story together.
No one cared much for Iron Man or Thor either until Marvel backed them up with a few hundred mil and handsome actors. J'onn J'onnz, John Stewart, Wally West (though I guess they'd use Barry Allen for the cinematic Flash,) and Wonder Woman all have great potential to be fan favorites. DC has years of fantastic storytelling experience in televised/cinematic media (just look at the animated universe,) tons of money, top tier actors, and a devoted fanbase. I think there's a very strong chance that DC will not only match Marvel's new universe, but outdo it, all things considered.
Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 03:19:58 PM by Azumarill

| Marty Forum Ninja
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ID: Flee
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| Future Nostalgia
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XBL: HundredJono
PSN: HundredJono
Steam: hundredjono55
ID: Jono
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18,479 posts
Goodness gracious, great balls of lightning!
DC gets me mad because they don't give Hawkgirl enough love

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
IP: Logged

7,242 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
I feel DC is better off the big screen

which is where Marvel excels.

Man of Steel says hi.

I don't agree with the OP at all. Did Batman kick Marvel's ass? Yeah, it did. But Superman and Batman are DC's only real heavyweights. Audiences don't give a shit about Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Shazam, and fucking Aquaman.

DC is clearly playing catch up with Marvel, and this rapid-fire list of movies that will be coming out every year pretty soon looks extremely rushed and I have doubts about how they can weave the story together.
90s Captain America where nobody gave a shit about Thor, Cap or Iron Man pre Marvel domination says hi back.
Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 03:26:43 PM by Madman Mordo

Azumarill | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Azumarill
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7,654 posts
Just a little example of how fantastic DC's screenwriters can be.

g💚jira | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: HeyLookItsMisterGojira
IP: Logged

1,925 posts
Just a little example of how fantastic DC's screenwriters can be.

Did not know you were into DC! COTE was spectacular.

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
IP: Logged

7,242 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
I have zero doubt in my mind that Batman v Superman will outgross Avengers and Age of Ultron.

I have zero doubt in my mind that this guy is insane.
MoS made half a billion dude. Combine that with the fact that two of the most iconic superheroes are going to be duking it out on the big screen for the first time could definitely give the MCU a run for its money, quite literally.

Alternative Facts
| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: IcyWind
IP: Logged

9,381 posts
90s Captain America pre Marvel domination says hi back.

If we're going to make comparisons, let's at least keep them relevant, shall we? Not compare 2012 modern movies to 1990's cartoons.

| Flora Colossus
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XBL: Cheatlancer
Steam: Cheatlancer
ID: Cheatlancer
IP: Logged

6,651 posts
I feel DC is better off the big screen

which is where Marvel excels.

Man of Steel says hi.

I don't agree with the OP at all. Did Batman kick Marvel's ass? Yeah, it did. But Superman and Batman are DC's only real heavyweights. Audiences don't give a shit about Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Shazam, and fucking Aquaman.

DC is clearly playing catch up with Marvel, and this rapid-fire list of movies that will be coming out every year pretty soon looks extremely rushed and I have doubts about how they can weave the story together.
No one cared much for Iron Man or Thor either until Marvel backed them up with a few hundred mil and handsome actors. J'onn J'onnz, John Stewart, Wally West (though I guess they'd use Barry Allen for the cinematic Flash,) and Wonder Woman all have great potential to be fan favorites. DC has years of fantastic storytelling experience (just look at the animated universe,) tons of money, top tier actors, and a devoted fanbase. I think there's a very strong chance that DC will not only match Marvel's new universe, but outdo it, all things considered.
Eh... I'm really not seeing it being probable that they'll eclipse Marvel on the big screen.

Superman and Batman will always sell, it seems, so yeah, they have those guys going for them. But...with The Dark Knight trilogy being so fresh and Man of Steel being kind of meh, that could affect how well films do in the immediate future. Although if the new Superman and Batman crossover works out well, I'll have more faith in the DC cinematic universe.

Green Lantern flopped pretty fucking hard a few years ago, and he's also not a very well-known hero to general audiences (obviously comic fans know who all these guys are). I'd say Aquaman has almost zero chance of doing well, as he's more obscure than Green Lantern and his powers/story are pretty lame.

Wonder Woman just had a TV series that crashed and burned, so it has that going against it.

Shazam/Captain Marvel/whatever it's called might do well. I don't know a lot about the character, but this one has some potential if they market the film well.

Alternative Facts
| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: IcyWind
IP: Logged

9,381 posts
I have zero doubt in my mind that Batman v Superman will outgross Avengers and Age of Ultron.

I have zero doubt in my mind that this guy is insane.
MoS made half a billion dude.

In total, or at the Box Office?

Because here...

#3: The Avengers with $623,279,547

#51: Man of Steel with $291,021,565

Yeah, the Dark Night is up there, but as are individual Marvel Movies.

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
IP: Logged

7,242 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
90s Captain America pre Marvel domination says hi back.

If we're going to make comparisons, let's at least keep them relevant, shall we? Not compare 2012 modern movies to 1990's cartoons.
What's not relevant about the analogy? It wasn't a cartoon, it was a live action shitty movie with dialogue on par with Attack Of The Clones.

Look it up.
Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 03:34:05 PM by Madman Mordo

g💚jira | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: HeyLookItsMisterGojira
IP: Logged

1,925 posts
I have zero doubt in my mind that Batman v Superman will outgross Avengers and Age of Ultron.

I have zero doubt in my mind that this guy is insane.
MoS made half a billion dude. Combine that with the fact that two of the most iconic superheroes are going to be duking it out on the big screen for the first time could definitely give the MCU a run for its money, quite literally.

*THE two most iconic superheroes

I still don't see it making Avengers level money. JL probably will but the audience just isn't established enough for DC to just BTFO of marvel.

I have zero doubt in my mind that Batman v Superman will outgross Avengers and Age of Ultron.

I have zero doubt in my mind that this guy is insane.
MoS made half a billion dude.

In total, or at the Box Office?

Because here...

#3: The Avengers with $623,279,547

#51: Man of Steel with $291,021,565

Yeah, the Dark Night is up there, but as are individual Marvel Movies.

You're looking at domestic box office. MoS was the first film in the DCCU, got a mixed reception, and STILL managed to get around 670 million worldwide I believe. No doubt in my mind that BvS is going to be a financial success at least on the level of TDK.
Last Edit: December 03, 2014, 03:30:52 PM by GodspeedSnowjira!

Azumarill | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Azumarill
IP: Logged

7,654 posts
Just a little example of how fantastic DC's screenwriters can be.

Did not know you were into DC! COTE was spectacular.
I'm really hoping that DC plans on doing a Justice Lords arc/movie eventually. They're always super engaging and dynamic, and leave a lot of room for character development.

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
IP: Logged

7,242 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
I have zero doubt in my mind that Batman v Superman will outgross Avengers and Age of Ultron.

I have zero doubt in my mind that this guy is insane.
MoS made half a billion dude.

In total, or at the Box Office?

Because here...

#3: The Avengers with $623,279,547

#51: Man of Steel with $291,021,565

Yeah, the Dark Night is up there, but as are individual Marvel Movies.
That's domestically brohammed. I'm talking globally.

Given the fact that Avengers had multiple movies behind it, and MoS was the first in its universe, that's pretty fucking impressive. Kinda indicates people want to see good DC films as opposed to okay Marvel films that they've gotten accustomed to.

Doctor Doom | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Lord Keksworth
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7,368 posts
the one true God is Doctor Doom and we should all be worshiping him.
I have zero doubt in my mind that Batman v Superman will outgross Avengers and Age of Ultron.

I have zero doubt in my mind that this guy is insane.

Maybe not to that degree, but assuming DC plays their cards right they could make a movie that appeals to both the Dark Knight and MoS crowds and establish themselves as more than a blip on the cinematic superhero radar.

They just won't be an actual competitor with Marvel anytime soon.