Chinese Cartoon Thread [Anime stuff]

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
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17,214 posts
Gonna put a nice little warning here at the top of the post
-Don't derail, go offtopic with 'fuckin weebs' or 'two bombs' or any of that stuff, it's funny now and then but having every single thread to do with chinese cartoons turn into a shitfest over nonsense gets pretty tiresome.
If ya do, I'll just delete the post outright. Call it mod abuse, modsrnazis, vietnamfuckingshits or what have you but like I said, it's funny now and then but not all the time.
Reposting a deleted offtopic/derailing comment falls under the rules as usual, check them if you aren't sure what this means.

tl;dr - Don't watch chinese cartoons? This thread ain't for you.

Anyhoo on with the weebery

What was the last one you finished watching?
Was it any good?
What are you currently watching/planning to watch soon?
Any that you would recommend (and why)?

Psyduck answers
Yesh, made me giggle a few times and laugh a couple. Going by my usual track record of being a stoney faced sod when I'm watching anything that isn't gory, this is probably lots of laughing for people who are less... kaiki'd.
A few; druaga, kekkai (if it ever ends), the school SoL zombie thing and rewatching Chaika for the mwee.
Sabagebu for reasons above, Chaika and Psycho-Pass for reasons that can be requested <.<

A few pics and stuff
What happens if you try to derail this thread
Kotori Bomb
Das' best avatar

DAS B00T x2
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ID: DAS B00T x2
IP: Logged

37,634 posts
This is not the greatest sig in the world, no. This is just a tribute.
Um... i think I watched Perfect Blue last... month. It was nice. Kinda gave me Black Swan vibes at first but went a different way half-way through. 9/10, perfect psychological thriller movie from the late 90's.

I really need to finish Unlimited Budget Works. And Ef... I took a midseason break on S2 of that and I just can't seem to want to watch any more anime anymore.

Oh, and a recomendation, everyone needs to have seen Jin-Roh at least once in their lives.
Last Edit: July 21, 2015, 07:23:02 PM by DAS THROWBACK

Doctor Doom | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Lord Keksworth
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7,369 posts
the one true God is Doctor Doom and we should all be worshiping him.
There's one that I watched recently at the behest of a friend I haven't seen in over a year, one I dismissed almost immediately despite his insistance and wouldn't have given a second thought, and I would have been severely disappointed if I had.

And that's Witchblade.

For a borderline-porn anime based on a borderline-porn comic whose only selling point is scantily-clad women duking it out, Witchblade has one of the most entertaining stories (for anime anyway) that I've seen in a while. It's bizarrely good. It doesn't even have the right to be as good as it is. Everything from the animation to the characters (and the development thereof) to the dub acting are all spot-on.

Usually I'm pretty good at discerning the bullshit from the diamonds, but it was one of the few hidden gems that pleasantly surprised me.
Last Edit: July 21, 2015, 07:33:39 PM by Plotmaster

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
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17,214 posts
Um... i think I watched Perfect Blue last... month. It was nice. Kinda gave me Black Swan vibes at first but went a different way half-way through. 9/10, perfect psychological thriller movie from the late 90's.

I really need to finish Unlimited Budget Works. And Ef... I took a midseason break on S2 of that and I just can't seem to want to watch any more anime anymore.

Oh, and a recomendation, everyone needs to have seen Jin-Roh at least once in their lives.
Hmm well psychological stuff is always good <.<

Jin-Roh was quite good too >.>
I think I might have appreciated it more if I wasn't quite as tired when I watched it, certainly a great film but yeh. Watching it when you could pass off for a comatose patient is perhaps not the best of plans.

alphy | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: An Alphy
Steam: alphy
ID: Alphy
IP: Logged

4,667 posts
the one i finished last? well it was technically nagato yuki-chan no shoushitsu, but i've been watching it since april... nagato was OK... the last finished airing anime i, uh, finished, was choujigen game neptune... it was a fun anime, blanc best girl.

what am i watching right now? well... uhh, i just started watching ro-kyu-bu today... as for seasonal anime, i'm watching:

Gakkou Gurashi!
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou
Miss Monochrome: The Animation 2
Teekyuu 5

they're all pretty decent, wakaba and monochrome are cute, teekyuu is funny of course, working is pretty cute and funny too... gakkou is prolly gonna be my fav of this season, charlotte is interesting

recommendations? uhh, i dunno i need to know the genre lol... but of course gotta say little busters

EDIT: i'm stupid, i highly suggest you watch Glasslip, it was a fantastic masterpiece
Last Edit: July 21, 2015, 08:35:28 PM by Alphy

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,214 posts
There's one that I watched recently at the behest of a friend I haven't seen in over a year, one I dismissed almost immediately despite his insistance and wouldn't have given a second though, and I would have been severely disappointed if I had.

And that's Witchblade.

For a borderline-porn anime based on a borderline-porn comic whose only selling point is scantily-clad women duking it out, Witchblade has one of the most entertaining stories (for anime anyway) that I've seen in a while. It's bizarrely good. It doesn't even have the right to be as good as it is. Everything from the animation to the characters (and the development thereof) to the dub acting are all spot-on.

Usually I'm pretty good at discerning the bullshit from the diamonds, but it was one of the few hidden gems that pleasantly surprised me.
Probably a bit too haram for my tastes but I do know about the hidden gem stuff. There have been a few that I've gone into it thinking 'ehhhhhhh see how it goes' and then gone 'holy shit that was brilliant' >_>
Sadly it's been a bit of a while since I've seen a new 10/10 but there is always a chance that the next one I watch will join the others in the best shows category.

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,214 posts
the one i finished last? well it was technically nagato yuki-chan no shoushitsu, but i've been watching it since april... nagato was OK... the last finished airing anime i, uh, finished, was choujigen game neptune... it was a fun anime, blanc best girl.

what am i watching right now? well... uhh, i just started watching ro-kyu-bu today... as for seasonal anime, i'm watching:

Gakkou Gurashi!
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou
Miss Monochrome: The Animation 2
Teekyuu 5

recommendations? uhh, i dunno i need to know the genre lol... but of course gotta say little busters
I have the idea that Charlotte is something to do with Key, is that correct? <.<
If so, I might have to give it a shot.

Little busters was great, I'll be rewatching that soon and I might enjoy refrain more knowing what it's all about rather than it just seeming like needless misery to shit all over a great show >_>

DAS B00T x2
| Cultural Appropriator
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ID: DAS B00T x2
IP: Logged

37,634 posts
This is not the greatest sig in the world, no. This is just a tribute.
Um... i think I watched Perfect Blue last... month. It was nice. Kinda gave me Black Swan vibes at first but went a different way half-way through. 9/10, perfect psychological thriller movie from the late 90's.

I really need to finish Unlimited Budget Works. And Ef... I took a midseason break on S2 of that and I just can't seem to want to watch any more anime anymore.

Oh, and a recomendation, everyone needs to have seen Jin-Roh at least once in their lives.
Hmm well psychological stuff is always good <.<

Jin-Roh was quite good too >.>
I think I might have appreciated it more if I wasn't quite as tired when I watched it, certainly a great film but yeh. Watching it when you could pass off for a comatose patient is perhaps not the best of plans.
I went through a sixer on my first watching of it so I get ya man, but still caught a lot of the symbols and artistic stuff what not. You notice a lot more on the second watch.

Oh, and a Psy trigger warning for Perfect Blue. There's explicit lewdity for the sake of the actual plot.

alphy | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: An Alphy
Steam: alphy
ID: Alphy
IP: Logged

4,667 posts
the one i finished last? well it was technically nagato yuki-chan no shoushitsu, but i've been watching it since april... nagato was OK... the last finished airing anime i, uh, finished, was choujigen game neptune... it was a fun anime, blanc best girl.

what am i watching right now? well... uhh, i just started watching ro-kyu-bu today... as for seasonal anime, i'm watching:

Gakkou Gurashi!
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou
Miss Monochrome: The Animation 2
Teekyuu 5

recommendations? uhh, i dunno i need to know the genre lol... but of course gotta say little busters
I have the idea that Charlotte is something to do with Key, is that correct? <.<
If so, I might have to give it a shot.

Little busters was great, I'll be rewatching that soon and I might enjoy refrain more knowing what it's all about rather than it just seeming like needless misery to shit all over a great show >_>

yeah you're rite about charlotte

yeeeah rewatching

i have yet to actually rewatch anything. i've been saying that for like 2 years, i kept saying i would rewatch kanon, little busters, etc... of course i haven't... have you checked out little busters EX yet?

Mat Cauthon
| Ravens
more |
Well, for what I watched last, I had a host of things last season that ended in the same couple of days, bit hard to say which was the last to air.

For what I'm watching currently...
There is: Gakkou Gurashi, Gatchaman, GATE, Overlord, Rokka no Yuusha, Shimoneta, Monster Musume, Jitsu wa Watashi wa, God Eater and Prison School (pending a watch, not sure if I'll really pick it up).

Tried Chaos Dragon and Ushio to Tora, dropped both of those, might drop God Eater too.
Oh, Arslan Senki is a leftover from last season.

The last thing I picked up not from last season was a show called Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere, really enjoyable and if you don't mind silliness or fanservice give it a go, but it tried to be cleverer than it was, so the plot got a bit messy at points. It had a massive cast and a wide premise with lots to take in though, so it's no wonder things got jumbled.

Recommendations in General: Zetsuen no Tempest is one that goes under most people's radars.
                                    Tower of Druaga is another like that, gets (or seems to) less credit than I personally think it deserves.

Recommendations for this Season: Rokka no Yuusha, Overlord, Shimoneta.

Kekkai Sensen will never end.
Last Edit: July 21, 2015, 07:38:12 PM by Byrne

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,214 posts
Um... i think I watched Perfect Blue last... month. It was nice. Kinda gave me Black Swan vibes at first but went a different way half-way through. 9/10, perfect psychological thriller movie from the late 90's.

I really need to finish Unlimited Budget Works. And Ef... I took a midseason break on S2 of that and I just can't seem to want to watch any more anime anymore.

Oh, and a recomendation, everyone needs to have seen Jin-Roh at least once in their lives.
Hmm well psychological stuff is always good <.<

Jin-Roh was quite good too >.>
I think I might have appreciated it more if I wasn't quite as tired when I watched it, certainly a great film but yeh. Watching it when you could pass off for a comatose patient is perhaps not the best of plans.
I went through a sixer on my first watching of it so I get ya man, but still caught a lot of the symbols and artistic stuff what not. You notice a lot more on the second watch.

Oh, and a Psy trigger warning for Perfect Blue. There's explicit lewdity for the sake of the actual plot.
I assume a sixer refers to something like six cans of alcohol? >_>

Noted, I might put it on the cold storage list then instead <_<
I can only stomach one or two lewd things once in a while, then it has to be washed away with pure and holy gore ;x;

DAS B00T x2
| Cultural Appropriator
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ID: DAS B00T x2
IP: Logged

37,634 posts
This is not the greatest sig in the world, no. This is just a tribute.
Um... i think I watched Perfect Blue last... month. It was nice. Kinda gave me Black Swan vibes at first but went a different way half-way through. 9/10, perfect psychological thriller movie from the late 90's.

I really need to finish Unlimited Budget Works. And Ef... I took a midseason break on S2 of that and I just can't seem to want to watch any more anime anymore.

Oh, and a recomendation, everyone needs to have seen Jin-Roh at least once in their lives.
Hmm well psychological stuff is always good <.<

Jin-Roh was quite good too >.>
I think I might have appreciated it more if I wasn't quite as tired when I watched it, certainly a great film but yeh. Watching it when you could pass off for a comatose patient is perhaps not the best of plans.
I went through a sixer on my first watching of it so I get ya man, but still caught a lot of the symbols and artistic stuff what not. You notice a lot more on the second watch.

Oh, and a Psy trigger warning for Perfect Blue. There's explicit lewdity for the sake of the actual plot.
I assume a sixer refers to something like six cans of alcohol? >_>

Noted, I might put it on the cold storage list then instead <_<
I can only stomach one or two lewd things once in a while, then it has to be washed away with pure and holy gore ;x;
I only buy beer in bottles.

But there's gore at the end.
and in the middle.

So it'll balance itself out.

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,214 posts
the one i finished last? well it was technically nagato yuki-chan no shoushitsu, but i've been watching it since april... nagato was OK... the last finished airing anime i, uh, finished, was choujigen game neptune... it was a fun anime, blanc best girl.

what am i watching right now? well... uhh, i just started watching ro-kyu-bu today... as for seasonal anime, i'm watching:

Gakkou Gurashi!
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou
Miss Monochrome: The Animation 2
Teekyuu 5

recommendations? uhh, i dunno i need to know the genre lol... but of course gotta say little busters
I have the idea that Charlotte is something to do with Key, is that correct? <.<
If so, I might have to give it a shot.

Little busters was great, I'll be rewatching that soon and I might enjoy refrain more knowing what it's all about rather than it just seeming like needless misery to shit all over a great show >_>

yeah you're rite about charlotte

yeeeah rewatching

i have yet to actually rewatch anything. i've been saying that for like 2 years, i kept saying i would rewatch kanon, little busters, etc... of course i haven't... have you checked out little busters EX yet?

Heh, well I tend to watch a bunch of new stuff then throw in a rewatch once in a while or in anticipation of a new thing. Some shows are an exception, I've put myself through watamote about 7 or 8 times now, which has pretty much succeeded in making me immune to cringe material. Black Lagoon, Angel Beats and Jormungand are ones I could (and have) watched over and over again.

I haven't seen EX yet, the name put me off way too much <_<
That and the revelations about the source material kind of just tarnished the whole thing. Is EX halal (Just like little busters with more characters or something) or is it like... ew? <_<

Doctor Doom | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Lord Keksworth
IP: Logged

7,369 posts
the one true God is Doctor Doom and we should all be worshiping him.
There's one that I watched recently at the behest of a friend I haven't seen in over a year, one I dismissed almost immediately despite his insistance and wouldn't have given a second though, and I would have been severely disappointed if I had.

And that's Witchblade.

For a borderline-porn anime based on a borderline-porn comic whose only selling point is scantily-clad women duking it out, Witchblade has one of the most entertaining stories (for anime anyway) that I've seen in a while. It's bizarrely good. It doesn't even have the right to be as good as it is. Everything from the animation to the characters (and the development thereof) to the dub acting are all spot-on.

Usually I'm pretty good at discerning the bullshit from the diamonds, but it was one of the few hidden gems that pleasantly surprised me.
Probably a bit too haram for my tastes but I do know about the hidden gem stuff. There have been a few that I've gone into it thinking 'ehhhhhhh see how it goes' and then gone 'holy shit that was brilliant' >_>
Sadly it's been a bit of a while since I've seen a new 10/10 but there is always a chance that the next one I watch will join the others in the best shows category.

The fanservice doesn't push the plot into the backseat, I assure you, it's more just there, while the story is happening. I tended to forget about it until the boobage actually came up in the dialogue, but obviously I can't speak for anyone else.

alphy | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: An Alphy
Steam: alphy
ID: Alphy
IP: Logged

4,667 posts
the one i finished last? well it was technically nagato yuki-chan no shoushitsu, but i've been watching it since april... nagato was OK... the last finished airing anime i, uh, finished, was choujigen game neptune... it was a fun anime, blanc best girl.

what am i watching right now? well... uhh, i just started watching ro-kyu-bu today... as for seasonal anime, i'm watching:

Gakkou Gurashi!
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou
Miss Monochrome: The Animation 2
Teekyuu 5

recommendations? uhh, i dunno i need to know the genre lol... but of course gotta say little busters
I have the idea that Charlotte is something to do with Key, is that correct? <.<
If so, I might have to give it a shot.

Little busters was great, I'll be rewatching that soon and I might enjoy refrain more knowing what it's all about rather than it just seeming like needless misery to shit all over a great show >_>

yeah you're rite about charlotte

yeeeah rewatching

i have yet to actually rewatch anything. i've been saying that for like 2 years, i kept saying i would rewatch kanon, little busters, etc... of course i haven't... have you checked out little busters EX yet?

Heh, well I tend to watch a bunch of new stuff then throw in a rewatch once in a while or in anticipation of a new thing. Some shows are an exception, I've put myself through watamote about 7 or 8 times now, which has pretty much succeeded in making me immune to cringe material. Black Lagoon, Angel Beats and Jormungand are ones I could (and have) watched over and over again.

I haven't seen EX yet, the name put me off way too much <_<
That and the revelations about the source material kind of just tarnished the whole thing. Is EX halal (Just like little busters with more characters or something) or is it like... ew? <_<

we went over this on a looong time ago lol

yeah ex is basically little busters all over again except with newish characters (they've been in the series before, just that they're the main focus now) and without the team... bascially riki helping out 3 more characters

(oh and btw the ex can stand for ecstasy)
Last Edit: July 21, 2015, 07:45:14 PM by Alphy

Comet | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Comet
IP: Logged

3,687 posts
What was the last one you finished watching?
Was it any good?
What are you currently watching/planning to watch soon?
Any that you would recommend (and why)?
does Little Witch Academia movie 2 count? if not i think the last series i watched start to finish was UBW technically since i dont think Kekkai Sensen ended.
eh. i expected more from the second movie, honestly. UBW was alright.
im glad Saber didnt stick around to suffer through more Shirou. fuck that kid. lol. inb4LC
DRRR, Gangsta, God Eater.
eh. no.

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,214 posts
Well, for what I watched last, I had a host of things last season that ended in the same couple of days, bit hard to say which was the last to air.

For what I'm watching currently...
There is: Gakkou Gurashi, Gatchaman, GATE, Overlord, Rokka no Yuusha, Shimoneta, Monster Musume, Jitsu wa Watashi wa, God Eater and Prison School (pending a watch, not sure if I'll really pick it up).

Tried Chaos Dragon and Ushio to Tora, dropped both of those, might drop God Eater too.
Oh, Arslan Senki is a leftover from last season.

The last thing I picked up not from last season was a show called Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere, really enjoyable and if you don't mind silliness or fanservice give it a go, but it tried to be cleverer than it was, so the plot got a bit messy at points. It had a massive cast and a wide premise with lots to take in though, so it's no wonder things got jumbled.

Recommendations in General: Zetsuen no Tempest is one that goes under most people's radars.
                                    Tower of Druaga is another like that, gets (or seems to) less credit than I personally think it deserves.

Recommendations for this Season: Rokka no Yuusha, Overlord, Shimoneta.

Kekkai Sensen will never end.
Hmm well I'm watching druaga at the moment but there was the two that sounded similar from a previous season or something Zankyou no Terror? and zetsuen no Tempest. I forgot which plot went with which and now I can't actually remember anything about either plot >_> Haven't watched them yet though.

Rokka no Yuusha, Overlord, Shimoneta.

Any of those SFpsy? >_>

And it will, just not in this unit's lifetime ;_;

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
more |
ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,214 posts
the one i finished last? well it was technically nagato yuki-chan no shoushitsu, but i've been watching it since april... nagato was OK... the last finished airing anime i, uh, finished, was choujigen game neptune... it was a fun anime, blanc best girl.

what am i watching right now? well... uhh, i just started watching ro-kyu-bu today... as for seasonal anime, i'm watching:

Gakkou Gurashi!
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou
Miss Monochrome: The Animation 2
Teekyuu 5

recommendations? uhh, i dunno i need to know the genre lol... but of course gotta say little busters
I have the idea that Charlotte is something to do with Key, is that correct? <.<
If so, I might have to give it a shot.

Little busters was great, I'll be rewatching that soon and I might enjoy refrain more knowing what it's all about rather than it just seeming like needless misery to shit all over a great show >_>

yeah you're rite about charlotte

yeeeah rewatching

i have yet to actually rewatch anything. i've been saying that for like 2 years, i kept saying i would rewatch kanon, little busters, etc... of course i haven't... have you checked out little busters EX yet?

Heh, well I tend to watch a bunch of new stuff then throw in a rewatch once in a while or in anticipation of a new thing. Some shows are an exception, I've put myself through watamote about 7 or 8 times now, which has pretty much succeeded in making me immune to cringe material. Black Lagoon, Angel Beats and Jormungand are ones I could (and have) watched over and over again.

I haven't seen EX yet, the name put me off way too much <_<
That and the revelations about the source material kind of just tarnished the whole thing. Is EX halal (Just like little busters with more characters or something) or is it like... ew? <_<

we went over this on a looong time ago lol

yeah ex is basically little busters all over again except with newish characters (they've been in the series before, just that they're the main focus now) and without the team... bascially riki helping out 3 more characters

Yeeeeeeee lol, I still remember the conversation just not quite all the details >_>
Sounds good though, I might watch all three in order soon.

Edit for your edit, yeh that's what put me off.
Last Edit: July 21, 2015, 07:47:08 PM by Mr Psychologist

Miia | Heroic Posting Riot
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Steam: Shantae
ID: Shantae
IP: Logged

820 posts
What was the last one you finished watching?
Was it any good?
What are you currently watching/planning to watch soon?
Any that you would recommend (and why)?
Currently watching Monster Musume, planning to watch Mikakunin de Shinkoukei soon.
Danmachi, Watamote, FMA:B

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,214 posts
Um... i think I watched Perfect Blue last... month. It was nice. Kinda gave me Black Swan vibes at first but went a different way half-way through. 9/10, perfect psychological thriller movie from the late 90's.

I really need to finish Unlimited Budget Works. And Ef... I took a midseason break on S2 of that and I just can't seem to want to watch any more anime anymore.

Oh, and a recomendation, everyone needs to have seen Jin-Roh at least once in their lives.
Hmm well psychological stuff is always good <.<

Jin-Roh was quite good too >.>
I think I might have appreciated it more if I wasn't quite as tired when I watched it, certainly a great film but yeh. Watching it when you could pass off for a comatose patient is perhaps not the best of plans.
I went through a sixer on my first watching of it so I get ya man, but still caught a lot of the symbols and artistic stuff what not. You notice a lot more on the second watch.

Oh, and a Psy trigger warning for Perfect Blue. There's explicit lewdity for the sake of the actual plot.
I assume a sixer refers to something like six cans of alcohol? >_>

Noted, I might put it on the cold storage list then instead <_<
I can only stomach one or two lewd things once in a while, then it has to be washed away with pure and holy gore ;x;
I only buy beer in bottles.

But there's gore at the end.
and in the middle.

So it'll balance itself out.
The devil's piss is sinful no matter what container it comes in <_<

but gore is good e.e


Mat Cauthon
| Ravens
more |
Hmm well I'm watching druaga at the moment but there was the two that sounded similar from a previous season or something Zankyou no Terror? and zetsuen no Tempest. I forgot which plot went with which and now I can't actually remember anything about either plot >_> Haven't watched them yet though.

Rokka no Yuusha, Overlord, Shimoneta.

Any of those SFpsy? >_>

And it will, just not in this unit's lifetime ;_;
Zankyou was a recent anime, yeah, by the writer of Geass iirc. I didn't watch it, it just never grabbed my interest.
You might like Zetsuen though, it's mostly sophistry inside an adaption of Hamlet/The Tempest with magic and it's own spin on things. Most people I've got to watch it end up really liking the show. It's SFP too.

Shimoneta is waaaaaaay out there for you, like, psyduck and cover when it comes to it. Lewdity's the name and haramity is the game.

Overlord and Rokka have tones of fanservice, but if you can make it through most other anime, it shouldn't bother you. Unless upcoming episodes dial it up to 11, which I don't see happening.

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,214 posts
What was the last one you finished watching?
Was it any good?
What are you currently watching/planning to watch soon?
Any that you would recommend (and why)?

does Little Witch Academia movie 2 count? if not i think the last series i watched start to finish was UBW technically since i dont think Kekkai Sensen ended.
eh. i expected more from the second movie, honestly. UBW was alright.
im glad Saber didnt stick around to suffer through more Shirou. fuck that kid. lol. inb4LC
DRRR, Gangsta, God Eater.
eh. no.
Movies count <.<
I haven't seen either/any of it, the name rings a bell but that is all <.<
yeah kekkai is still waiting on the finale. :_;
people desu when they are made of archer classes

Miia | Heroic Posting Riot
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Steam: Shantae
ID: Shantae
IP: Logged

820 posts
This may be the place to ask. Has anyone bought anything from Kotobukiya? Figures, that is.

alphy | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: An Alphy
Steam: alphy
ID: Alphy
IP: Logged

4,667 posts
the one i finished last? well it was technically nagato yuki-chan no shoushitsu, but i've been watching it since april... nagato was OK... the last finished airing anime i, uh, finished, was choujigen game neptune... it was a fun anime, blanc best girl.

what am i watching right now? well... uhh, i just started watching ro-kyu-bu today... as for seasonal anime, i'm watching:

Gakkou Gurashi!
Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou
Miss Monochrome: The Animation 2
Teekyuu 5

recommendations? uhh, i dunno i need to know the genre lol... but of course gotta say little busters
I have the idea that Charlotte is something to do with Key, is that correct? <.<
If so, I might have to give it a shot.

Little busters was great, I'll be rewatching that soon and I might enjoy refrain more knowing what it's all about rather than it just seeming like needless misery to shit all over a great show >_>

yeah you're rite about charlotte

yeeeah rewatching

i have yet to actually rewatch anything. i've been saying that for like 2 years, i kept saying i would rewatch kanon, little busters, etc... of course i haven't... have you checked out little busters EX yet?

Heh, well I tend to watch a bunch of new stuff then throw in a rewatch once in a while or in anticipation of a new thing. Some shows are an exception, I've put myself through watamote about 7 or 8 times now, which has pretty much succeeded in making me immune to cringe material. Black Lagoon, Angel Beats and Jormungand are ones I could (and have) watched over and over again.

I haven't seen EX yet, the name put me off way too much <_<
That and the revelations about the source material kind of just tarnished the whole thing. Is EX halal (Just like little busters with more characters or something) or is it like... ew? <_<

we went over this on a looong time ago lol

yeah ex is basically little busters all over again except with newish characters (they've been in the series before, just that they're the main focus now) and without the team... bascially riki helping out 3 more characters

Yeeeeeeee lol, I still remember the conversation just not quite all the details >_>
Sounds good though, I might watch all three in order soon.

Edit for your edit, yeh that's what put me off.


the thing with EX is that different parts take place in different parts of the series

like, one part takes place AFTER the 1st season... i think?

then another takes place DURING the 1st season and then an episode later, AFTER The 1st season? i dunno it's weird

and the 3rd part takes place AFTER refrain? lmao i can't remember

and that's why it's called ecstasy, lol

Lmao it doesn't really matter tho
Last Edit: July 21, 2015, 07:54:07 PM by Alphy

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The Rage....
I just watched Madoka Magica: Rebellion. I got confused.

Comet | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Comet
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3,687 posts
What was the last one you finished watching?
Was it any good?
What are you currently watching/planning to watch soon?
Any that you would recommend (and why)?

does Little Witch Academia movie 2 count? if not i think the last series i watched start to finish was UBW technically since i dont think Kekkai Sensen ended.
eh. i expected more from the second movie, honestly. UBW was alright.
im glad Saber didnt stick around to suffer through more Shirou. fuck that kid. lol. inb4LC
DRRR, Gangsta, God Eater.
eh. no.
Movies count <.<
I haven't seen either/any of it, the name rings a bell but that is all <.<
yeah kekkai is still waiting on the finale. :_;
people desu when they are made of archer classes
literal translations, best translations.

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
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Just kill me now.

Doctor Doom | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Lord Keksworth
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7,369 posts
the one true God is Doctor Doom and we should all be worshiping him.
This may be the place to ask. Has anyone bought anything from Kotobukiya? Figures, that is.

I know somebody who has that Jason figure, but I don't own any myself.

God | Ascended Posting Riot
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Steam: Yakot
ID: God
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645 posts
I just started watching this:


Love seeing ignorant heathens getting rekt.
Last Edit: July 21, 2015, 07:58:48 PM by gOD

Miia | Heroic Posting Riot
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Steam: Shantae
ID: Shantae
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820 posts





Just kill me now.

but it's an anime of nothing but cuteness!