A black hole be a region of spacetime exhibitin such phat gravitationizzle effects dat nothing��"includin particlez n' electromagnetic radiation like fuckin light��"can escape from inside dat shit. Da theory of general relativitizzle predicts dat a sufficiently compact mass can deform spacetime ta form a funky-ass black hole. Da boundary of tha region from which no escape is possible is called tha event horizon. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch fo' realz. Although crossin tha event horizizzle has enormous effect on tha fate of tha object crossin it, it appears ta have no locally detectable features. In nuff ways a funky-ass black hole acts like a ideal black body, as it reflects no light. Mo'over, quantum field theory up in curved spacetime predicts dat event horizons emit Hawkin radiation, wit tha same spectrum as a funky-ass black body of a temperature inversely proportionizzle ta its mass. This temperature is on tha order of billionthz of a kelvin fo' black holez of stellar mass, makin it essentially impossible ta observe.