There are too many people muddying the literary world with their self-published-available-through-amazon rubbish. The fucking internet has convinced so many people that because they spend all day bashing out sentences on forums and the like that they are truly possessed of authoring talent. I mean, I respect the sentiment behind it. And every bit of writing that's written and read can reasonably be said to be making someone smarter. But the idiocracy of literature that's developed/developing is leading us to look at hacks like they are masterful writers, and I feel like 'internet authorship' is somewhat to blame. Why would you push yourself to take in better writing and stories when very few people will look down on you for reading Halo/Game of Thrones books and bad internet fan fiction exclusively. Who cares what you read when you're a person who watches the most intelligent ground-breaking television drama's and sitcoms!There have always been trashy best-sellers and people to read them, but I feel like the internet has worsened it. This is the first time I've ever put these thoughts into words, and reading it back it seems a bit dumb and incomplete. But I could swear there's something to it. And this isn't a criticism of you, Pip. I think you're just having some fun here.
He was just known as the jester.