Regarding Kiyo

| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,704 posts
Rockets on my X
Fine. You folks keep holding your fucking grudges. Not my fucking business. The past isn't either because I wasn't around for it. And once again none of you seem to fucking get it.
"the past"

You mean fucking yesterday?

Well considering it's yesterday, you're damn fucking right it's the past. It's done and over with now to be sure.
Yep. Time to let it go, Sandtrap.

You remember when Dusty boy single handedly sunk the fundraiser a friend of mine set up over at Bungie? It took me a day to cool my shit off. One day, and things were back to normal.

I acknowledge that dusty boy is spiteful grudge holding sack of old sacks and that he's a "troll." But I hold no ill will and don't go out of my way to attack him. It took me one day to get over the fact that he wandered over there and sunk a thread.

I don't hold grudges. Not for long. And either should you folks.

But it's your choice. See where it fucking gets you. Toxicity breeds more toxicity. Just you fucking watch.

This was Cheat's decision. Take it up with him. Don't drag the rest of us into your bullshit.

I won't. But considering that there's still worse folks wandering around here, and the way this community treats people, both people inside the community, and newcomers, is a tell of what's going to happen in the future. This place is not a welcoming place.

It's not a welcoming place for people who've been here for a while because you get drama and shit like this. And it's not welcoming for outsiders because the community itself is inherently hostile on almost every level. So shit's a mess now. Well, actually it isn't. Not for you folks. Kiyo is long gone at this point. And unfortunatly for me I'm her friend and I'm damn worried about what's up on her end of things now. So that's my business now. Keep an eye out and make sure things are okay and help if I can because I can tell she's in a really bad way right now.

And as for this place? Well, just you wait. Mark my fucking words. This has nothing to do with this latest batch of drama. This has to do with the fact that overall and in general, this place is hostile on all fronts. And just like Kiyo getting what she put out, this place will too.

And, like Kiyo, it has good sides. But it's going to fall apart. This place has made that abundantly clear by now.
How is a staff member actively harassing users welcoming?

How is a community that flames unconditionally without thinking welcoming. I'll level with you here. I've been talking to somebody in private here. And you know what? They want to contribute to this place. They want to start a project here and they want to share it here.

But they're afraid that if this place knew who they were the project would go up and flames because of spiteful people and people in general who wouldn't give a second glance at things before throwing shit.

I know it's not an excuse for Kiyo. But at the same time you can't dump all the blame. People can be warped. They can be twisted and broken. What they go through can put them into bad states of mind. Mood swings. These states come and go like a light switch and the more depressed you are the stronger they get. And it manifests differently in every single person.

With me, I get irritable. I'm always on the verge of losing my shit and I feel the need to abandon everything and just disappear. And with Kiyo, I guess her anger for something manifested differently. But the point is. The point I'm trying to make here is that instead of looking past what they knew. Instead of perpetrating a viscous cycle.

People could look at Kiyo and ask why. It doesn't excuse what's she's done. But sometimes people do shitty things because they're the product of something shitty and all they've ever known was a shitty experience. With people like that, you do not attack them. Because in some strange way that's what they want. It's hardwired into their psyche.

They've been treated like trash for so long and so much and it leaves a mark on their psyche and they sub-consciously attack themselves. And people, being people, never see that. They slip into hate so easy and they give that hate without ever really seeing what they're doing.

That's why I'm upset here. I agree that if you do shitty things it will come around and bite you in the ass. But if the community wasn't so simple minded maybe we could have worked things out. I've been around people like this before. They snap on you out of the blue even if you're nice to them and they want you to attack them.

That's when you show restraint. That's when you back off and you don't take the bait because if you do then you're getting caught in their trap that they're not even aware of because it's all sub-conscious.
The community tried multiple times to work things out. Kiyo continually did not show restraint. It's baffling that you can think she is in any way the victim here.

Sandtrap If you were really such fantastic friends with kiyo why don't you have another way to contact her...

I don't remember you getting any flaming or hostility posting all your threads trying to get sympathy from people, now that your friend who was a shitty mod nuked HER OWN account, we're all terrible people?

If you're trying to start shit don't bother. Yeah I've got more than one way to contact her and she torched all of them and went up and dissappeared like a ghost.

And I never said you folks were shitty. What I did say is that there was a part to play in all this for everybody and that it turned into the mess that it is now. And that's the end of it.

There's nothing left to be said here. You can keep making assumptions until you're blue in the face though if you want.
>I'm making assumptions

Despite all the very public drama Kiyo caused? Continually abusing her power, behaving in ways unbecoming of a moderator, harassing other members. It's not "assumptions," it's publicly available information.

Sandtrap If you were really such fantastic friends with kiyo why don't you have another way to contact her...

I don't remember you getting any flaming or hostility posting all your threads trying to get sympathy from people, now that your friend who was a shitty mod nuked HER OWN account, we're all terrible people?

These mother fucking assumptions. I'll leave it at that since you're just stirring the pot.

Anonymous (User Deleted) | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Kupo
IP: Logged

6,364 posts
Fine. You folks keep holding your fucking grudges. Not my fucking business. The past isn't either because I wasn't around for it. And once again none of you seem to fucking get it.
"the past"

You mean fucking yesterday?

Well considering it's yesterday, you're damn fucking right it's the past. It's done and over with now to be sure.
Yep. Time to let it go, Sandtrap.

You remember when Dusty boy single handedly sunk the fundraiser a friend of mine set up over at Bungie? It took me a day to cool my shit off. One day, and things were back to normal.

I acknowledge that dusty boy is spiteful grudge holding sack of old sacks and that he's a "troll." But I hold no ill will and don't go out of my way to attack him. It took me one day to get over the fact that he wandered over there and sunk a thread.

I don't hold grudges. Not for long. And either should you folks.

But it's your choice. See where it fucking gets you. Toxicity breeds more toxicity. Just you fucking watch.

This was Cheat's decision. Take it up with him. Don't drag the rest of us into your bullshit.

I won't. But considering that there's still worse folks wandering around here, and the way this community treats people, both people inside the community, and newcomers, is a tell of what's going to happen in the future. This place is not a welcoming place.

It's not a welcoming place for people who've been here for a while because you get drama and shit like this. And it's not welcoming for outsiders because the community itself is inherently hostile on almost every level. So shit's a mess now. Well, actually it isn't. Not for you folks. Kiyo is long gone at this point. And unfortunatly for me I'm her friend and I'm damn worried about what's up on her end of things now. So that's my business now. Keep an eye out and make sure things are okay and help if I can because I can tell she's in a really bad way right now.

And as for this place? Well, just you wait. Mark my fucking words. This has nothing to do with this latest batch of drama. This has to do with the fact that overall and in general, this place is hostile on all fronts. And just like Kiyo getting what she put out, this place will too.

And, like Kiyo, it has good sides. But it's going to fall apart. This place has made that abundantly clear by now.
How is a staff member actively harassing users welcoming?

How is a community that flames unconditionally without thinking welcoming. I'll level with you here. I've been talking to somebody in private here. And you know what? They want to contribute to this place. They want to start a project here and they want to share it here.

But they're afraid that if this place knew who they were the project would go up and flames because of spiteful people and people in general who wouldn't give a second glance at things before throwing shit.

I know it's not an excuse for Kiyo. But at the same time you can't dump all the blame. People can be warped. They can be twisted and broken. What they go through can put them into bad states of mind. Mood swings. These states come and go like a light switch and the more depressed you are the stronger they get. And it manifests differently in every single person.

With me, I get irritable. I'm always on the verge of losing my shit and I feel the need to abandon everything and just disappear. And with Kiyo, I guess her anger for something manifested differently. But the point is. The point I'm trying to make here is that instead of looking past what they knew. Instead of perpetrating a viscous cycle.

People could look at Kiyo and ask why. It doesn't excuse what's she's done. But sometimes people do shitty things because they're the product of something shitty and all they've ever known was a shitty experience. With people like that, you do not attack them. Because in some strange way that's what they want. It's hardwired into their psyche.

They've been treated like trash for so long and so much and it leaves a mark on their psyche and they sub-consciously attack themselves. And people, being people, never see that. They slip into hate so easy and they give that hate without ever really seeing what they're doing.

That's why I'm upset here. I agree that if you do shitty things it will come around and bite you in the ass. But if the community wasn't so simple minded maybe we could have worked things out. I've been around people like this before. They snap on you out of the blue even if you're nice to them and they want you to attack them.

That's when you show restraint. That's when you back off and you don't take the bait because if you do then you're getting caught in their trap that they're not even aware of because it's all sub-conscious.
The community tried multiple times to work things out. Kiyo continually did not show restraint. It's baffling that you can think she is in any way the victim here.

Sandtrap If you were really such fantastic friends with kiyo why don't you have another way to contact her...

I don't remember you getting any flaming or hostility posting all your threads trying to get sympathy from people, now that your friend who was a shitty mod nuked HER OWN account, we're all terrible people?

If you're trying to start shit don't bother. Yeah I've got more than one way to contact her and she torched all of them and went up and dissappeared like a ghost.

And I never said you folks were shitty. What I did say is that there was a part to play in all this for everybody and that it turned into the mess that it is now. And that's the end of it.

There's nothing left to be said here. You can keep making assumptions until you're blue in the face though if you want.
>I'm making assumptions

Despite all the very public drama Kiyo caused? Continually abusing her power, behaving in ways unbecoming of a moderator, harassing other members. It's not "assumptions," it's publicly available information.

Sandtrap If you were really such fantastic friends with kiyo why don't you have another way to contact her...

I don't remember you getting any flaming or hostility posting all your threads trying to get sympathy from people, now that your friend who was a shitty mod nuked HER OWN account, we're all terrible people?

These mother fucking assumptions. I'll leave it at that since you're just stirring the pot.

| Hero of the Wild
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ID: TBlocks
IP: Logged

17,217 posts

Fine. You folks keep holding your fucking grudges. Not my fucking business. The past isn't either because I wasn't around for it. And once again none of you seem to fucking get it.
"the past"

You mean fucking yesterday?

Well considering it's yesterday, you're damn fucking right it's the past. It's done and over with now to be sure.
Yep. Time to let it go, Sandtrap.

You remember when Dusty boy single handedly sunk the fundraiser a friend of mine set up over at Bungie? It took me a day to cool my shit off. One day, and things were back to normal.

I acknowledge that dusty boy is spiteful grudge holding sack of old sacks and that he's a "troll." But I hold no ill will and don't go out of my way to attack him. It took me one day to get over the fact that he wandered over there and sunk a thread.

I don't hold grudges. Not for long. And either should you folks.

But it's your choice. See where it fucking gets you. Toxicity breeds more toxicity. Just you fucking watch.

This was Cheat's decision. Take it up with him. Don't drag the rest of us into your bullshit.

I won't. But considering that there's still worse folks wandering around here, and the way this community treats people, both people inside the community, and newcomers, is a tell of what's going to happen in the future. This place is not a welcoming place.

It's not a welcoming place for people who've been here for a while because you get drama and shit like this. And it's not welcoming for outsiders because the community itself is inherently hostile on almost every level. So shit's a mess now. Well, actually it isn't. Not for you folks. Kiyo is long gone at this point. And unfortunatly for me I'm her friend and I'm damn worried about what's up on her end of things now. So that's my business now. Keep an eye out and make sure things are okay and help if I can because I can tell she's in a really bad way right now.

And as for this place? Well, just you wait. Mark my fucking words. This has nothing to do with this latest batch of drama. This has to do with the fact that overall and in general, this place is hostile on all fronts. And just like Kiyo getting what she put out, this place will too.

And, like Kiyo, it has good sides. But it's going to fall apart. This place has made that abundantly clear by now.
How is a staff member actively harassing users welcoming?

How is a community that flames unconditionally without thinking welcoming. I'll level with you here. I've been talking to somebody in private here. And you know what? They want to contribute to this place. They want to start a project here and they want to share it here.

But they're afraid that if this place knew who they were the project would go up and flames because of spiteful people and people in general who wouldn't give a second glance at things before throwing shit.

I know it's not an excuse for Kiyo. But at the same time you can't dump all the blame. People can be warped. They can be twisted and broken. What they go through can put them into bad states of mind. Mood swings. These states come and go like a light switch and the more depressed you are the stronger they get. And it manifests differently in every single person.

With me, I get irritable. I'm always on the verge of losing my shit and I feel the need to abandon everything and just disappear. And with Kiyo, I guess her anger for something manifested differently. But the point is. The point I'm trying to make here is that instead of looking past what they knew. Instead of perpetrating a viscous cycle.

People could look at Kiyo and ask why. It doesn't excuse what's she's done. But sometimes people do shitty things because they're the product of something shitty and all they've ever known was a shitty experience. With people like that, you do not attack them. Because in some strange way that's what they want. It's hardwired into their psyche.

They've been treated like trash for so long and so much and it leaves a mark on their psyche and they sub-consciously attack themselves. And people, being people, never see that. They slip into hate so easy and they give that hate without ever really seeing what they're doing.

That's why I'm upset here. I agree that if you do shitty things it will come around and bite you in the ass. But if the community wasn't so simple minded maybe we could have worked things out. I've been around people like this before. They snap on you out of the blue even if you're nice to them and they want you to attack them.

That's when you show restraint. That's when you back off and you don't take the bait because if you do then you're getting caught in their trap that they're not even aware of because it's all sub-conscious.
The community tried multiple times to work things out. Kiyo continually did not show restraint. It's baffling that you can think she is in any way the victim here.

Sandtrap If you were really such fantastic friends with kiyo why don't you have another way to contact her...

I don't remember you getting any flaming or hostility posting all your threads trying to get sympathy from people, now that your friend who was a shitty mod nuked HER OWN account, we're all terrible people?

If you're trying to start shit don't bother. Yeah I've got more than one way to contact her and she torched all of them and went up and dissappeared like a ghost.

And I never said you folks were shitty. What I did say is that there was a part to play in all this for everybody and that it turned into the mess that it is now. And that's the end of it.

There's nothing left to be said here. You can keep making assumptions until you're blue in the face though if you want.
>I'm making assumptions

Despite all the very public drama Kiyo caused? Continually abusing her power, behaving in ways unbecoming of a moderator, harassing other members. It's not "assumptions," it's publicly available information.
I think Sandtrap is talking about a more personal level. Beyond being a mod and stuff. Process not content is perhaps what he is trying to convey. I'm not sure really.

Azure | Heroic Posting Rampage
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ID: Azure
IP: Logged

1,685 posts
The healthy man does not torture others - generally it is the tortured who turn into torturers.
Oh I see...

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,225 posts
Alrighty, well this should be locked now since it's been roughly 24 hours.

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,225 posts

Tru wanted this posted, he controls the universe after all.

Alternative Facts
| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: IcyWind
IP: Logged

9,381 posts

Tru wanted this posted, he controls the universe after all.

Dat broken image.

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,225 posts

Tru wanted this posted, he controls the universe after all.

Dat broken image.

It worked last night, ahh sod it.