Every person you meet, you size up for their thoughts and behavior. You determine whether or not you are compatible with them, whether or not you can fuck, whether or not they’re superior to you, whether or not they share opposing beliefs. You know eventually whether or not you would fuck them, or whether or not they would have their way with you, and whether or not you would want them to.
You will divide yourselves up between each other, you will only talk to those you can tolerate, and stay around someone only long enough that you cannot tolerate them any longer. That is because they are not someone you can fuck. That’s because you are not in love with their thoughts, and they tire you. You will roam around these pods, these solitary capsules of brains, insulated from anything other than they know inside their skulls.
Some are naive. They show affection to each other. These people are the most evil. You know that they are fuckers, they fuck one another, they hug one another. They are the ones to beware of the most. They will single out any thought that deviates from their own, with laser precision. They will launch rockets at you, from hidden silos they’ve built just for scum like you. They find those who don’t have any deviations in thought, lovey dovey bullshit. These people are bastards.