But how can music be real if we aren't real?
Yes, dubstep is music. However, just because it's music doesn't mean it's not shit.
but dubstep provides good comedic effect in montage parodies.
Ironic use of dubstep is the only acceptable use of dubstep.
Electronic music is easy to make though.
At least post good electro. None of that Justice crap.YouTube
no uAnd that song sucks dick.
That wasn't dubstep
Did I say it was?
Shit taste confirmed
No uSpoilerYouTube
Siiiiigh, at least post some good DnB then! None of that pop garbage.YouTube
You implied it
I liked that, but i don't get your thinking.
I don't care if people bang two fucking rocks together. As long as they're having fun, expressing their feelings, thats music. But bullshit pop stars are only in it for the money and fame. All they care about is how many sales an album or single sells. That isn't music.
That depends on what kind of music you're creating. Manual synthesizers are NOT simple instruments.Not all 'electronic' music is created with nothing but programed beats and melodies on a computer.This for example, was done with synths, 20 years ago before you could just download programs to make music for you. Even though it's 'electronic,' dudes still had to actually play instruments to create the song.