Your opinions on these issues

More Than Mortal
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Steam: MetaCognition
ID: Meta Cognition
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15,060 posts
This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.
Just give a brief sentence of your views on each of these issues. I'm not looking for sage-like wisdom; even if you're completely ignorant, I'd like to know what your nonetheless ignorant views are on the matter.

Vietnam War:
Largely justified; the Vietnam war is viewed as a failure mainly because public opinion tanked, despite the fact the real failure was after the war when the American government failed to live up to the peace accords.

Iraq War:
Again, largely justified, despite the obvious blunders. The Iraqi people--especially the Kurds--will be better off in the long-run as a result of the war.

Inflation vs. Unemployment (which is the most important thing to target?):
Unlike most conservatives, I'm not very hawkish on inflation. Rates of inflation approaching 10pc wouldn't scare me, assuming the right circumstances. But neither is unemployment a good target. I think the best course of action is to keep the level of nominal spending constant.

European Union:
A horribly bureaucratic institution with a clear lust for power; should be dismantled immediately. As well as its failure of a pet project, the Euro. The Council of Europe is a much better template for European co-operation.

Punishment vs Rehabilitation:
Of the two, rehabilitation is the most important. I do think it would be wise to note, however, that as much as half of violent offenders simply can't be rehabilitated. Almost certainly one-sixth cannot be rehabilitated in any reasonable timespan.

Drug legalisation:
I favour the legalisation of all drugs, with graded regulations depending on the severity of the drug.

Corporate tax should be abolished outright, as should inheritance tax. Income tax should be drastically lowered and more emphasis should be placed on sales and property taxes; I could see something like a marginal rate of 80pc for sales taxes being justifiable.

Pensions/Social security:
Should be defunded and shifted to private accounts immediately.

Bank regulation:
Banks should be broadly deregulated and the government should take a massive step back from the financial system. Essential regulations like capital and liquidity requirements, publicly available plans-of-action should a bank be forced to close and the end of TBTF should have much more emphasis.

These are all that come to mind, for the time being.

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
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7,250 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
Vietnam War:
Justified if it meant stopping the spread of Communism, which it did, despite the death toll.

Iraq War:
Deposed a malicious dictator and discovered WMDs in the process. Can't see how it wouldn't be justified, although the reasons provided were a bit tenuous.


Not really bothered one way or the other. Don't think it impacts us a tremendous amount as much as Eurosceptics make out to be, and vice versa for proponents of the EU.

Rehabilitation. Punishment on aggregate doesn't work as an effective deterrent of crime.

For legalising marijuana and majority of the psychoactive drugs. Not so hot about legalizing opioids, as I'd actually argue something that fiendishly addictive eliminates any kind of choice involved. The drug ends up controlling you, not the other way around. But I'm willing entertain an argument as to why it should be accessible to the general public.

Cut down really. It's the only way we're ever gonna see a crack down on unemployment and poverty.

State pensions worked back in the days were you were lucky enough to live past 50. Horribly inefficient now. If you want a pension you should earn it.

Government needs to back the fuck off. I don't want to hear about another bailout again.
Last Edit: May 31, 2015, 03:52:25 PM by Madman Mordo

Magos Domina | Heroic Invincible!
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ID: Kiyohime
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lol Meta

DAS B00T x2
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ID: DAS B00T x2
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37,634 posts
This is not the greatest sig in the world, no. This is just a tribute.
'Nam: Containment is justifiable, the way the war was handled is not.

Iraq: We found WMD's, and OEF has really crippled the capabilities of major terror networks to make a noteworthy stateside attack.


EU: Good for them, I guess. Does it really affect me much over here?

Rehabilitation  for most. Institutionalizing people is kind of a bad thing, but there are some people who really can't or don't want to be helped

Drugs: I can't agree with legalizing anything that's chemically/physically addicting. It just seems like a bad idea to endorse such a thing. Decriminalization of a lot of substances would be better.

Tax: Property taxes need to go. Other than that, I don't exactly like loosing approximately 30c on the dollar to the feds and state in income tax, (especially since our roads are fucking ass anyway. Come the fuck on, PenDOT) but, it's not that bad...

Pension: Private retirement funds are the future. State pensions and soc. security are a horrible drain on government budgets.

Banks: I don't know enough to really have a worthwhile opinion here.

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
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13,228 posts
Vietnam War:
Justified if it meant stopping the spread of Communism, which it did, despite the death toll.
Did it? They still fell to communism and I think the domino effect was a huge paranoia thing.

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
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13,228 posts
I'll only post the ones I have real opinions about

Vietnam War:
Going there was justified, but how the US handled a lot of it was a crime. Many civvies dying, not being able to actually attack and had to just defend, etc. A real crime was not getting those vets help.

Iraq War:
I think it stopped a tyrant which was good, but how we handled the nation building was pretty shitty.

European Union:
Don't mind them really. After so many centuries of fighting, it's amazing they came together. Whatever united front opposes Putin.

Drug legalisation:
I don't think you should legalize EVERYTHING, but the fact things like weed is so heavily punishable is silly.

Bank regulation:
I agree with everything Meta said.

big dog | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Fedorekd
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9,147 posts
I love you, son.
Vietnam and Iraq War: Not educated enough on the topics to have an opinion.
Unemployment is more important.
EU needs a big ass reform.
Rehabilitation should be favoured over punishment. Of course there are people who are beyond rehabilitating, though.
Drugs should be legalized, but with regulations.
Inheritance tax is complete shit and should be abolished.
Eh not sure about pensions. Leaning more towards private.
Banks: Not a scooby.

Turkey | Mythic Inconceivable!
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8,077 posts
Social security is theft.