Deathcamps were invented for a reason tbh fam.
It is a biological flaw that should be purged from the human race tbh fam. Same goes with homosexuals. They serve no true purpose to further human society except take up space and resources where it is not need. If you can't reporduce, then why bother?
Slaves would much further benefit the United States in the long run. Especially if in the future human cloning become legal. Cloned slaves, who's work would greatly outhow the cost of production. Human society would skyrocket to new level of utopia.
Quote from: Cindo on October 26, 2015, 08:36:22 PMQuote from: Tackel on October 26, 2015, 08:35:15 PMQuote from: Fruitcake on October 26, 2015, 08:26:12 PMQuote from: Tackel on October 26, 2015, 08:12:06 PMQuote from: Cindo on October 26, 2015, 06:31:09 PMQuote from: Tackel on October 26, 2015, 06:28:22 PMWhy should we accept transgenders if they can't even accept themselves?Yeah tbh we should basically just kill everyone that has self-confidence issuesGenocide when?This also may have set a new record for the dumbest argument I've ever heard against trans individuals. Good job.When did I ever say kill them? Calm down their Hitler.Transgenders can't accept the body they are born with, so why are we then expected to accept them when they can't even accept themselves?Double standards aren't good tbh fam.Kinda silly thinkingI am trying to accept myself, just because I'm identifying as female even though I'm biologically male, doesn't mean I'm not trying to accept that I'm trans and that I have to live with it. It's much easier for me to do this when I don't have people thinking I must've been abused as a kid. Because that's silly, and wrong. I'm not sure where you got that thinking from in the first place.I am of course assuming that when you say "accepting themselves", you're talking about trans people not identifying as their biological sex. I'm not sure what else you'd mean by that.So you can't accept that you are a born male. Why are we then expected to accept you, when you can even accept your biological gender?That's like saying you're a magical pony instead of a human. But then you say you accept that you think of yourself as a magical pony. What you need to do is accept yourself as a human, and not a magical pony. You will never be a magical pony. It doesn't matter how much surgery you get to make yourself look like a pony. You will alway be a human. A freak of a human, but a human nonetheless.Double standards tbh fam.So do you, like, walk around with a big flashing sign that says "cunt" on top of your forehead or something?Because, I mean, I think that may very well be the only way to make it more obvious.Only insults? Looks like I can tally up another internet argument won.Sorry that are sexually frustrated with your gender. If you a born of male sex, you will always be male. If you are born of female sex, you will always be female. No amount of modern surgery can change that. So instead of spending thousands to try and be something you're not, act like a normal human being, suck it up a deal with it like everybody else.Transgenders are as bad as furries who have surgery to look more animal-like. That's not natural, and you need mental help.
Quote from: Tackel on October 26, 2015, 08:35:15 PMQuote from: Fruitcake on October 26, 2015, 08:26:12 PMQuote from: Tackel on October 26, 2015, 08:12:06 PMQuote from: Cindo on October 26, 2015, 06:31:09 PMQuote from: Tackel on October 26, 2015, 06:28:22 PMWhy should we accept transgenders if they can't even accept themselves?Yeah tbh we should basically just kill everyone that has self-confidence issuesGenocide when?This also may have set a new record for the dumbest argument I've ever heard against trans individuals. Good job.When did I ever say kill them? Calm down their Hitler.Transgenders can't accept the body they are born with, so why are we then expected to accept them when they can't even accept themselves?Double standards aren't good tbh fam.Kinda silly thinkingI am trying to accept myself, just because I'm identifying as female even though I'm biologically male, doesn't mean I'm not trying to accept that I'm trans and that I have to live with it. It's much easier for me to do this when I don't have people thinking I must've been abused as a kid. Because that's silly, and wrong. I'm not sure where you got that thinking from in the first place.I am of course assuming that when you say "accepting themselves", you're talking about trans people not identifying as their biological sex. I'm not sure what else you'd mean by that.So you can't accept that you are a born male. Why are we then expected to accept you, when you can even accept your biological gender?That's like saying you're a magical pony instead of a human. But then you say you accept that you think of yourself as a magical pony. What you need to do is accept yourself as a human, and not a magical pony. You will never be a magical pony. It doesn't matter how much surgery you get to make yourself look like a pony. You will alway be a human. A freak of a human, but a human nonetheless.Double standards tbh fam.So do you, like, walk around with a big flashing sign that says "cunt" on top of your forehead or something?Because, I mean, I think that may very well be the only way to make it more obvious.
Quote from: Fruitcake on October 26, 2015, 08:26:12 PMQuote from: Tackel on October 26, 2015, 08:12:06 PMQuote from: Cindo on October 26, 2015, 06:31:09 PMQuote from: Tackel on October 26, 2015, 06:28:22 PMWhy should we accept transgenders if they can't even accept themselves?Yeah tbh we should basically just kill everyone that has self-confidence issuesGenocide when?This also may have set a new record for the dumbest argument I've ever heard against trans individuals. Good job.When did I ever say kill them? Calm down their Hitler.Transgenders can't accept the body they are born with, so why are we then expected to accept them when they can't even accept themselves?Double standards aren't good tbh fam.Kinda silly thinkingI am trying to accept myself, just because I'm identifying as female even though I'm biologically male, doesn't mean I'm not trying to accept that I'm trans and that I have to live with it. It's much easier for me to do this when I don't have people thinking I must've been abused as a kid. Because that's silly, and wrong. I'm not sure where you got that thinking from in the first place.I am of course assuming that when you say "accepting themselves", you're talking about trans people not identifying as their biological sex. I'm not sure what else you'd mean by that.So you can't accept that you are a born male. Why are we then expected to accept you, when you can even accept your biological gender?That's like saying you're a magical pony instead of a human. But then you say you accept that you think of yourself as a magical pony. What you need to do is accept yourself as a human, and not a magical pony. You will never be a magical pony. It doesn't matter how much surgery you get to make yourself look like a pony. You will alway be a human. A freak of a human, but a human nonetheless.Double standards tbh fam.
Quote from: Tackel on October 26, 2015, 08:12:06 PMQuote from: Cindo on October 26, 2015, 06:31:09 PMQuote from: Tackel on October 26, 2015, 06:28:22 PMWhy should we accept transgenders if they can't even accept themselves?Yeah tbh we should basically just kill everyone that has self-confidence issuesGenocide when?This also may have set a new record for the dumbest argument I've ever heard against trans individuals. Good job.When did I ever say kill them? Calm down their Hitler.Transgenders can't accept the body they are born with, so why are we then expected to accept them when they can't even accept themselves?Double standards aren't good tbh fam.Kinda silly thinkingI am trying to accept myself, just because I'm identifying as female even though I'm biologically male, doesn't mean I'm not trying to accept that I'm trans and that I have to live with it. It's much easier for me to do this when I don't have people thinking I must've been abused as a kid. Because that's silly, and wrong. I'm not sure where you got that thinking from in the first place.I am of course assuming that when you say "accepting themselves", you're talking about trans people not identifying as their biological sex. I'm not sure what else you'd mean by that.
Quote from: Cindo on October 26, 2015, 06:31:09 PMQuote from: Tackel on October 26, 2015, 06:28:22 PMWhy should we accept transgenders if they can't even accept themselves?Yeah tbh we should basically just kill everyone that has self-confidence issuesGenocide when?This also may have set a new record for the dumbest argument I've ever heard against trans individuals. Good job.When did I ever say kill them? Calm down their Hitler.Transgenders can't accept the body they are born with, so why are we then expected to accept them when they can't even accept themselves?Double standards aren't good tbh fam.
Quote from: Tackel on October 26, 2015, 06:28:22 PMWhy should we accept transgenders if they can't even accept themselves?Yeah tbh we should basically just kill everyone that has self-confidence issuesGenocide when?This also may have set a new record for the dumbest argument I've ever heard against trans individuals. Good job.
Why should we accept transgenders if they can't even accept themselves?
tbh fam.
If you can't reporduce, then why bother?
Quote from: Luciana on October 26, 2015, 09:00:27 PMQuote from: Tackel on October 26, 2015, 08:46:03 PMIf you can't reporduce, then why bother?I think in the year of our lord 2015, REPORducing is about the last thing the overpopulated earth needs.Sometimes the ends don't justify the means, and nothing is as black and white as you're making it out to be I think.Whites are good and blacks are bad. What else is to be said on this issue? You need to seriously give this a break tbh fam.
Quote from: Tackel on October 26, 2015, 08:46:03 PMIf you can't reporduce, then why bother?I think in the year of our lord 2015, REPORducing is about the last thing the overpopulated earth needs.Sometimes the ends don't justify the means, and nothing is as black and white as you're making it out to be I think.
so he's trolling
coolwe can permaban him from serious now, right