We tend to forget.

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts

When we say "kill yourself" to somebody here, who knows. They just might do it. Sometimes, it's not just a bluff.

I know Sep7agon isn't really the place to post this, but I kinda want to share this video with you guys.

I'm posting this in Serious in hopes that no one takes it as a joke, because suicide is a big deal. If someone you know says they're going to do it, take them seriously and try to talk them out of it.

Because chances are they'll thank you later on.

Anyway, this video itself is pretty damn sad. He was a good kid. :/

Comet | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Comet
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3,687 posts
to me, its the difference between posting in Flood and Serious. most depression threads in Serious are treated much differently then in Flood.

🂿 | Mythic Unfrigginbelievable!
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ID: Decimator Omega
IP: Logged

21,882 posts
to me, its the difference between posting in Flood and Serious. most depression threads in Serious are treated much differently then in Flood.

That is true. That's why I'm posting this here instead of The Flood.

Turkey | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: Viva Redemption
PSN: HurtfulTurkey
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8,077 posts
Obviously it's a joke, but I think it takes a notably shitty personality to tell someone to kill themselves.

Pendulate | Ascended Posting Frenzy
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ID: Pendulate
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460 posts
There's absolutely no good reason to say it, ever.

ΚΑΤΑΝΑΛΩΤΗΣ | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: TrussingDoor
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7,667 posts
"A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him saying, 'You are mad, you are not like us'."
-Saint Anthony the Great
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🍁 Aria 🔮 | Mythic Inconceivable!
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IP: Logged

10,560 posts
His eyebrows sparkling, his white beard hangs down to his chest. The thatched mats, spread outside his chise, spread softly, his splendid attos. He polishes, cross-legged, his makiri, with his eyes completely absorbed.

He is Ainu.

The god of Ainu Mosir, Ae-Oine Kamuy, descendant of Okiku-Rumi, He perishes, a living corpse. The summers day, the white sunlight, unabrushed, ends simply through his breath alone.
End your life

long struggle and call the National Suicide Hotline if you need somebody to talk to. 1 (800) 273-8255 , suicide is not the answer.
Last Edit: May 29, 2015, 11:39:03 PM by Prime Servitor

Forgewolf | Heroic Unstoppable!
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XBL: Forgewolf
Steam: Forgewolf
ID: Forgewolf
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1,949 posts
We always say to fight fire, you must use fire. This is wrong. Fighting fire with fire will leave scars and a new flame will rise. We must instead use water. It is the opposite of fire, it extinguishes the fire, it cools, it refreshes, it heals. We are made up of 70% water, we are not made up of 70% fire. Please practice what we truly are
The Flood is for the Lols, to be silly, to be wild, to be nonsense.. Seeking true knowledge, helpful or compassion is better suited for the Serious thread.

Kitsune 狐 | Mythic Invincible!
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PSN: KitsuneXHunter
Steam: KitsuneOverlord
ID: Kitsunekun
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7,655 posts


When we say "kill yourself" to somebody here, who knows. They just might do it. Sometimes, it's not just a bluff.

I know Sep7agon isn't really the place to post this, but I kinda want to share this video with you guys.

I'm posting this in Serious in hopes that no one takes it as a joke, because suicide is a big deal. If someone you know says they're going to do it, take them seriously and try to talk them out of it.

Because chances are they'll thank you later on.

Anyway, this video itself is pretty damn sad. He was a good kid. :/

Bravo. That video: the feels.

Kitsune 狐 | Mythic Invincible!
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PSN: KitsuneXHunter
Steam: KitsuneOverlord
ID: Kitsunekun
IP: Logged

7,655 posts

The Flood is for the Lols, to be silly, to be wild, to be nonsense.. Seeking true knowledge, helpful or compassion is better suited for the Serious thread.

This is why we need to be considerate of others with the lullz.

It's all for the lulz until it actually happens.

Naoto | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Naoto
IP: Logged

3,753 posts
{zzz}°°°( -_-)>c[_]
Eh, usually reserve the harsher banter for people I know well enough to know they can take it.
Usually don't like to jump on someone who is getting dog piled constantly either. Even if they are being pants on head stupid, and bringing it on themselves.

That said the internet / world is not going to change for peoples feelings. If someone can't take the heat they really should know better and avoid the kitchen. There's better things to do with your time if you're depressed.

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
IP: Logged

13,228 posts
If someone kills themselves over something someone says online, I'm pretty sure they're already in depression, and like Naoto said, could probably find better ways to spend your time.

It's the internet. If you're getting upset over things people say over forums or message boards, simply block them or go away.

I really don't see why I should personally change for a few unstable people's feelings.

aREALgod | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: aTALLmidget
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5,169 posts
The video makes me very angry. I wish I could beat the living shit out of the kid who told him "Put up or shut up".

Transported a lady with bipolar disorder, depression, and suicide ideation the other day. Suicide talk is serious talk, dunno why people can't just be decent people and try to help a bit.

| Marty Inconceivable!
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ID: SoporificSlash
IP: Logged

15,656 posts
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Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,214 posts
I would point out to Keyu and Luciana that finding something better to do with your time when you are depressed isn't exactly an easy thing to do <.<

The internet is an easy way to make time pass instead of sitting on the floor/sofa/bed and watching time crawl by. It's a relatively more comfortable window to something outside of your own head that doesn't involve the uphill battle to go out the front door >_>

You do get people who are particularly unstable though, using the internet for the same reasons and they are the ones prone to the tragic events like this one.

With the whole kill yourself joke, it's one that I'm pretty torn on. I can see when it's fine among friends, it's no different to the usual back and forth in that context and it's not something to get irate over. Case in point would be the user that will most likely be right above this reply <_<

It goes without saying that when it's not in that sort of context and is more along the lines of a pack of animals screaming JUMP JUMP JUMP then that sort of behaviour is beneath contempt.

Roam | Posting Spree
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ID: Sleeping Hollow
IP: Logged

154 posts
"Living everyday like yesterday was my last"
RIP brother

eggsalad | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Steam: eggsalad
ID: eggsalad
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2,495 posts
That said the internet / world is not going to change for peoples feelings. If someone can't take the heat they really should know better and avoid the kitchen. There's better things to do with your time if you're depressed.
When you're depressed it's tiresome to do anything, and the further you have to look to find an environment not too harsh for you the more futile things eventually seem. You have to realize that for kids with no real friends or positive peer groups, the internet IS their only refuge from either loneliness or bullying.

| custom title
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ID: challengerX
IP: Logged

41,937 posts
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| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
That said the internet / world is not going to change for peoples feelings. If someone can't take the heat they really should know better and avoid the kitchen. There's better things to do with your time if you're depressed.
that's a very glib, disgusting thing to say

Naoto | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Naoto
IP: Logged

3,753 posts
{zzz}°°°( -_-)>c[_]
I would point out to Keyu and Luciana that finding something better to do with your time when you are depressed isn't exactly an easy thing to do <.<

The internet is an easy way to make time pass instead of sitting on the floor/sofa/bed and watching time crawl by. It's a relatively more comfortable window to something outside of your own head that doesn't involve the uphill battle to go out the front door >_>

You do get people who are particularly unstable though, using the internet for the same reasons and they are the ones prone to the tragic events like this one.

With the whole kill yourself joke, it's one that I'm pretty torn on. I can see when it's fine among friends, it's no different to the usual back and forth in that context and it's not something to get irate over. Case in point would be the user that will most likely be right above this reply <_<

It goes without saying that when it's not in that sort of context and is more along the lines of a pack of animals screaming JUMP JUMP JUMP then that sort of behaviour is beneath contempt.
My point being that you won't get the internet to change. Mean words are not going to go away.

What you can do is change yourself. Recognize you're not in the best of moods and that the flood is not the ideal place to go for understanding and compassion. Rando shitposters are not going to know or care what's going on on your end.

I get that's not the easiest thing in the world to do for someone who is suicidal, but that's the only way forward. Going to the shittiest parts of the internet and expecting random anons to be nice to you isn't going to work. Going for walk or getting some exercise is infinitely better for you.

There's two discussions going on here as well. One is harassment on the level of that in the vid (which sep7 does not have). That is obviously shitty and unacceptable, and I think most people here can recognize where the line is at.

The other is the casual 'kill yourself' remark. Which was more what I was talking about. If that's triggering you then the only viable solution is changing yourself. You can't reasonably expect everyone to never say mean things.

Mat Cauthon
| Ravens
more |
That said the internet / world is not going to change for peoples feelings. If someone can't take the heat they really should know better and avoid the kitchen.
This I agree with, if a person doesn't have the sense to stay away from something that's harming, to know that something is harming them, them then it's not really the fault of an unaware party if they do something drastic.
I know that you can become attached to harmful things, even addicted, but as Luci says, you shouldn't need to change the way you think in the chance someone isn't right in the head on the internet.

There's better things to do with your time if you're depressed.
This though, just flippantly saying this is rather stupid.
As someone who's been severely depressed and mulled over suicide a lot and done more than just thought about it, it's not anything near as easy as doing something else.
The best way to describe depression is that you feel dead inside and nothing matters anymore.
Usually in that state, if you're capable of doing anything, it's something that's easy and familiar.
Which for a lot of people is going on the internet.
Last Edit: May 30, 2015, 12:49:10 PM by Jojo

Naoto | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Naoto
IP: Logged

3,753 posts
{zzz}°°°( -_-)>c[_]
This though, just flippantly saying this is rather stupid.
As someone who's been severely depressed and mulled over suicide a lot and done more than just thought about it, it's not anything near as easy as doing something else.
The best way to describe depression is that you feel dead inside and nothing matters anymore.
Usually in that state, if you're capable of doing anything, it's something that's easy and familiar.
Which for a lot of people is going on the internet.
Don't presume I haven't been there myself. Depression is a unique thing. What works for one person doesn't always work for others.

Saying 'well its not easy to do other things' doesn't change the fact that sitting on the internet isn't helping you get better.

Mat Cauthon
| Ravens
more |
Saying 'well its not easy to do other things' doesn't change the fact that sitting on the internet isn't helping you get better.
No it isn't, but most depressed people aren't that self aware or have people to help them in the scenario.
Depression is something that sucks the will out of a person.
You're right that it won't help, but my point stands:

"If you're capable of doing anything, it's something that's easy and familiar.
Which for a lot of people is going on the internet."

Magos Domina | Heroic Invincible!
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ID: Kiyohime
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6,711 posts
01001001 01101101 00100000 01100111 01101111 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01110010 01101111 01110111 00100000 01100001 00100000 01110011 01110000 01101001 01100100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101
If anyone actually killed themselves because I told them to kill themselves then I'll tip a fedora at their grieving family.

Forgewolf | Heroic Unstoppable!
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XBL: Forgewolf
Steam: Forgewolf
ID: Forgewolf
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1,949 posts
We always say to fight fire, you must use fire. This is wrong. Fighting fire with fire will leave scars and a new flame will rise. We must instead use water. It is the opposite of fire, it extinguishes the fire, it cools, it refreshes, it heals. We are made up of 70% water, we are not made up of 70% fire. Please practice what we truly are

The Flood is for the Lols, to be silly, to be wild, to be nonsense.. Seeking true knowledge, helpful or compassion is better suited for the Serious thread.

This is why we need to be considerate of others with the lullz.

It's all for the lulz until it actually happens.
Members of this site should know if there is a Serious issue to discuss.. its best said in the Serious forum for a reason.

The Lord Slide Rule | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: MrMeatyMeatball
Steam: SexyPiranha
ID: SexyPiranha
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4,306 posts
My stupidity is self evident.
If someone killed themselves because I told them to kill themselves I'd simply be amazed at the powers of suggestion that i hold over others.

No man should hold that kind of power.

True Turquoise
| MILF Hunter
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XBL: Anora Whisper
PSN: True_Turquoise
Steam: truturquoise
ID: True Turquoise
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25,385 posts
fuck you
Anyone who takes me saying Kill yourself seriously should really kill themselves.

True Turquoise
| MILF Hunter
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XBL: Anora Whisper
PSN: True_Turquoise
Steam: truturquoise
ID: True Turquoise
IP: Logged

25,385 posts
fuck you
Now let me be serious, because that leaves an ill taste in my mouth.

Basically, online its hard, if I ever found out somebody did do it over what I said, I'd be extremely surprised (Angry at myself obviously) But for that to happen, they had to already be in depression, therefore the internet isn't the best of ideas.

Forums, rather.

People need to seek the help, its there.

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
IP: Logged

7,250 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
If anyone actually killed themselves because I told them to kill themselves then I'll tip a fedora at their grieving family.

Miia | Heroic Posting Riot
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Steam: Shantae
ID: Shantae
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820 posts
I've had to leave PlugDJ's and shut off Skype a few times because of this, but I just try not to think about it.