Still down/exhausted about the election?

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Madman Mordo
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7,250 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
If Hillary won the Right wouldn't have reacted in such a childish, emotional, violent way.
I think that's a very baseless and unfounded statement indicating a good amount of bias.
Not really. Sure, every Democrat victory there's been a few whinging Republicans but never on this scale with the left right now.
Which says absolutely nothing about the question. Unless you can show that democrats consistently react so much worse to Republican victories, this really holds no weight. And even then, I think this election has seen more vitriol, attacks, scandals, divisiveness and emotional repulsion to "the other" than any other in recent history, along with the emergence and further development of new platforms of communication enabling all of the above.

I fully condemn the violent outbursts of the Democrats, but I think that any claims of "if we would've X instead, my people would never do this" are simply unfounded and pretty biased, especially given the kind of violence and harassment you've seen throughout the campaign on both sides.

And I would have said the exact same thing had Hillary won. There's shitty people on both sides here. And given the nature of this election, I think you really can't claim that it's only "the other guys" who would have reacted badly after losing.
I'm not talking about the Democrats. I'm talking about the political situation of the left, which has by and large, essentially become a basket case of perpetual victims and children that throw the toys out the pram when they don't get their way.

And no, that doesn't apply to all those who identify with the left, but there is a seriously cancerous fringe movement right now that has fragmented the left into ordinary liberals and the regressives that act like a bunch of crybullies who can't deal with political change they are not accustomed to.

You can dissociate yourself with the riots all you want, doesn't change the fact there is a problem.

Azumarill | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Azumarill
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7,654 posts
> acting like the "regressive left" is a real, influential thing and not a red herring propped up by internet conservatives in order to demonize liberals

hang on i think i dropped some of my lolz back that way ill brb

Gatortag | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Josh55886
PSN: Josh55886
Steam: Gatortag
ID: Josh55886
IP: Logged

1,507 posts
For people curious, this is how Congress is now divided by generation (Only posting because PSU and I discussed it)

Once all the purples and greens die off the country may start improving.

PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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IP: Logged

6,090 posts
For people curious, this is how Congress is now divided by generation (Only posting because PSU and I discussed it)

Once all the purples and greens die off the country may start improving.

Once they die off the Blues will just take their place.

Most people get more conservative as they get older. It's been happening forever and it'll happen to all of you.

| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
Most people get more conservative as they get older. It's been happening forever and it'll happen to all of you.
If by "conservative" you mean "more selfish, bullshit, and stupid," then yeah, I'd agree that that's a general trend.

I will make it a life goal not to let it happen to me.

Alternative Facts
| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: IcyWind
IP: Logged

9,382 posts
Whelp. The derogatory slurs began on campus today.

Last Edit: November 10, 2016, 09:18:49 PM by Icy

Gatortag | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Josh55886
PSN: Josh55886
Steam: Gatortag
ID: Josh55886
IP: Logged

1,507 posts
For people curious, this is how Congress is now divided by generation (Only posting because PSU and I discussed it)

Once all the purples and greens die off the country may start improving.

Once they die off the Blues will just take their place.

Most people get more conservative as they get older. It's been happening forever and it'll happen to all of you.
Not substantially. I already consider myself conservative in some respects. I don't really care what people do. Be gay, do drugs, whatever. I don't care. But I don't think we should be in other countries fighting/helping. Keep to yourself. We also need to cut back on these handouts we do here at home.

PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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IP: Logged

6,090 posts
Most people get more conservative as they get older. It's been happening forever and it'll happen to all of you.
If by "conservative" you mean "more selfish, bullshit, and stupid," then yeah, I'd agree that that's a general trend.

I will make it a life goal not to let it happen to me.

Selfish by wanting to keep the money you work 40+ hours a week for? Lol, you're gonna hit the real world one day and grow up real quick.

Anonymous (User Deleted) | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Kupo
IP: Logged

6,364 posts
Whelp. The derogatory slurs began on campus today.
My sister's friend at Harvard is here illegally. She's been staying at a friend's house because one of the roommates in the dorm turned on her.

PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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IP: Logged

6,090 posts
For people curious, this is how Congress is now divided by generation (Only posting because PSU and I discussed it)

Once all the purples and greens die off the country may start improving.

Once they die off the Blues will just take their place.

Most people get more conservative as they get older. It's been happening forever and it'll happen to all of you.
Not substantially. I already consider myself conservative in some respects. I don't really care what people do. Be gay, do drugs, whatever. I don't care. But I don't think we should be in other countries fighting/helping. Keep to yourself. We also need to cut back on these handouts we do here at home.

Fiscally everyone will be more conservative as they grow up. 

Alternative Facts
| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: IcyWind
IP: Logged

9,382 posts
Whelp. The derogatory slurs began on campus today.
My sister's friend at Harvard is here illegally. She's been staying at a friend's house because one of the roommates turned on her.

We had a couple "Fuck Muslims", "Fuck Gays", "Go Trump" written on bathroom walls. Nothing to cause alarm, but still disheartening.

PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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IP: Logged

6,090 posts
Whelp. The derogatory slurs began on campus today.
My sister's friend at Harvard is here illegally. She's been staying at a friend's house because one of the roommates in the dorm turned on her.

She's an illegal and goes to Harvard?

PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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IP: Logged

6,090 posts
Whelp. The derogatory slurs began on campus today.
My sister's friend at Harvard is here illegally. She's been staying at a friend's house because one of the roommates turned on her.

We had a couple "Fuck Muslims", "Fuck Gays", "Go Trump" written on bathroom walls. Nothing to cause alarm, but still disheartening.

100% was written by a liberal. I'd bet my house on that.

Gatortag | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Josh55886
PSN: Josh55886
Steam: Gatortag
ID: Josh55886
IP: Logged

1,507 posts
For people curious, this is how Congress is now divided by generation (Only posting because PSU and I discussed it)

Once all the purples and greens die off the country may start improving.

Once they die off the Blues will just take their place.

Most people get more conservative as they get older. It's been happening forever and it'll happen to all of you.
Not substantially. I already consider myself conservative in some respects. I don't really care what people do. Be gay, do drugs, whatever. I don't care. But I don't think we should be in other countries fighting/helping. Keep to yourself. We also need to cut back on these handouts we do here at home.

Fiscally everyone will be more conservative as they grow up.
I can agree with that. I already am.

Anonymous (User Deleted) | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Kupo
IP: Logged

6,364 posts
She's an illegal and goes to Harvard?
She was valedictorian in high school.

We had a couple "Fuck Muslims", "Fuck Gays", "Go Trump" written on bathroom walls. Nothing to cause alarm, but still disheartening.
A teacher at old my high school wore a Trump shirt to work. The school made him cover it up.

| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
Selfish by wanting to keep the money you work 40+ hours a week for?

Gatortag | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Josh55886
PSN: Josh55886
Steam: Gatortag
ID: Josh55886
IP: Logged

1,507 posts
Selfish by wanting to keep the money you work 40+ hours a week for?
Well you go give your money to everyone since you're so nice. Half the people on welfare sit at home doing drugs with their 8 kids and go bring their stamps to Walmart to get steak. Or sell them for more drugs. And for the people that need it, sorry for you. It's not my job to be your crutch. And the amount of money going into welfare is unsustainable.

Azumarill | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: Azumarill
IP: Logged

7,654 posts
Selfish by wanting to keep the money you work 40+ hours a week for?
Half the people on welfare sit at home doing drugs with their 8 kids and go bring their stamps to Walmart to get steak. Or sell them for more drugs.
[citation needed]

Gatortag | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Josh55886
PSN: Josh55886
Steam: Gatortag
ID: Josh55886
IP: Logged

1,507 posts
Selfish by wanting to keep the money you work 40+ hours a week for?
Half the people on welfare sit at home doing drugs with their 8 kids and go bring their stamps to Walmart to get steak. Or sell them for more drugs.
[citation needed]
An exaggeration. But unfortunately, a lot of people.

Alternative Facts
| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: IcyWind
IP: Logged

9,382 posts
Whelp. The derogatory slurs began on campus today.
My sister's friend at Harvard is here illegally. She's been staying at a friend's house because one of the roommates turned on her.

We had a couple "Fuck Muslims", "Fuck Gays", "Go Trump" written on bathroom walls. Nothing to cause alarm, but still disheartening.

100% was written by a liberal. I'd bet my house on that.

Of course

PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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IP: Logged

6,090 posts
Whelp. The derogatory slurs began on campus today.
My sister's friend at Harvard is here illegally. She's been staying at a friend's house because one of the roommates turned on her.

We had a couple "Fuck Muslims", "Fuck Gays", "Go Trump" written on bathroom walls. Nothing to cause alarm, but still disheartening.

100% was written by a liberal. I'd bet my house on that.

Of course

I've been to Trump rallies, Trump dinners, and trump NJ headquarters.

Not once have I ever heard "Go Trump". 100% a liberal trying to make it seem like a supporter. Happening all over the US right now.

PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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IP: Logged

6,090 posts
She's an illegal and goes to Harvard?
She was valedictorian in high school.

We had a couple "Fuck Muslims", "Fuck Gays", "Go Trump" written on bathroom walls. Nothing to cause alarm, but still disheartening.
A teacher at old my high school wore a Trump shirt to work. The school made him cover it up.

Lol I'm glad illegals are taking spots at Ivy League universities from OUR citizens. What an assbackward world we live in.

PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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IP: Logged

6,090 posts
Selfish by wanting to keep the money you work 40+ hours a week for?

When you actually have bills, you'll feel differently.

Anonymous (User Deleted) | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Kupo
IP: Logged

6,364 posts
She's an illegal and goes to Harvard?
She was valedictorian in high school.

We had a couple "Fuck Muslims", "Fuck Gays", "Go Trump" written on bathroom walls. Nothing to cause alarm, but still disheartening.
A teacher at old my high school wore a Trump shirt to work. The school made him cover it up.

Lol I'm glad illegals are taking spots at Ivy League universities from OUR citizens. What an assbackward world we live in.
Not my fault the illegals are smarter than your stupid ass.

PSU | Legendary Invincible!
more |
IP: Logged

6,090 posts
She's an illegal and goes to Harvard?
She was valedictorian in high school.

We had a couple "Fuck Muslims", "Fuck Gays", "Go Trump" written on bathroom walls. Nothing to cause alarm, but still disheartening.
A teacher at old my high school wore a Trump shirt to work. The school made him cover it up.

Lol I'm glad illegals are taking spots at Ivy League universities from OUR citizens. What an assbackward world we live in.
Not my fault the illegals are smarter than your stupid ass.


The fact that you think its okay for us to send illegals to college on our dime proves you're much less intelligent than I am.

PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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IP: Logged

6,090 posts
Hopefully her ass gets deported ASAP.

Anonymous (User Deleted) | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Kupo
IP: Logged

6,364 posts
She's an illegal and goes to Harvard?
She was valedictorian in high school.

We had a couple "Fuck Muslims", "Fuck Gays", "Go Trump" written on bathroom walls. Nothing to cause alarm, but still disheartening.
A teacher at old my high school wore a Trump shirt to work. The school made him cover it up.

Lol I'm glad illegals are taking spots at Ivy League universities from OUR citizens. What an assbackward world we live in.
Not my fault the illegals are smarter than your stupid ass.


The fact that you think its okay for us to send illegals to college on our dime proves you're much less intelligent than I am.
Harvard is a private school. You don't go to Harvard. Please elaborate on how this affects you.
Last Edit: November 10, 2016, 10:26:12 PM by Kupo & the Two G-strings

DAS B00T x2
| Cultural Appropriator
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ID: DAS B00T x2
IP: Logged

37,634 posts
This is not the greatest sig in the world, no. This is just a tribute.
Literally reporting Kupo to ICE as we speak for aiding and harboring an illegal

PSU | Legendary Invincible!
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IP: Logged

6,090 posts
She's an illegal and goes to Harvard?
She was valedictorian in high school.

We had a couple "Fuck Muslims", "Fuck Gays", "Go Trump" written on bathroom walls. Nothing to cause alarm, but still disheartening.
A teacher at old my high school wore a Trump shirt to work. The school made him cover it up.

Lol I'm glad illegals are taking spots at Ivy League universities from OUR citizens. What an assbackward world we live in.
Not my fault the illegals are smarter than your stupid ass.


The fact that you think its okay for us to send illegals to college on our dime proves you're much less intelligent than I am.
Harvard is a private school. You don't go to Harvard. Please elaborate on how this affects you.

Taking a spot away from an American citizen. Thats how it effects me. Theres one kid out there that wasn't able to get into his/her dream school because of a fucking illegal.

The wall can't come soon enough.

Gatortag | Heroic Posting Rampage
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XBL: Josh55886
PSN: Josh55886
Steam: Gatortag
ID: Josh55886
IP: Logged

1,507 posts
I wonder if Trump will pardon Epstein... Heh.