Convince me that there is an evolutionary benefit to homosexuality

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ID: Sandtrap
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Rockets on my X
I'll shoot. Technically, Homesexuality is natural. It occurs due to the chemical compounds in our brains, the way our brains are wired, and scientists are finding genes that are potentially linked in cases of homesexuality.

Genes are about as fucking natural as you can get. And not only that, when you look at the big picture, any outcome at all that can happen due to our universal laws is technically natural because it occurs within the defined parameters of our universe.

But you're confusing words here. Natural, from a basic standpoint, stands for something that occurs naturally. It's inborn into something, and occurs on it's own, in nature, with no manmade interference.

You take a leaf. That's natural. It occurs naturally in plants.

Take a synthetic, man-made leaf. That's un-natural. But at the same time, it's not, since after all, that synthetic leaf takes inspiration and even function from it's natural counterpart. So the word you would use here, is synthetic. Artificial. It wasn't solely created by nature. It was engineered by people.

So. Back to homo-sexuality.

It occurs because it's an inborn trait in humans. It occurs, on it's own.

So what is it?

Not un-natural.

Key words here.

Homesexuality is natural. It isn't preffered. It isn't preffered because of the constructs and different societal views on reality that Humans hold.

Just like killing. Killing is natural. It occurs in nature, all the time. But generally, most people prefer it when you don't walk into a school or movie theatre and shoot the place up.

Key words dusty. Key words are important.