Psychology Q&A

Mr. Psychologist
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ID: Mr Psychologist
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17,214 posts
I had to really barebones this one to make it work <.<

That's definitely what I\'m thinking of. So that's what they're called in some places. Alright cool!
Yep, as with psychopathy and depression (really any area of psychology) you can literally make up a term for it and nobody will notice. You get an endless procession of portmanteaus and neologisms coined, which amusingly is similar to one of the clinical criteria for schizophrenia.

I guess you really do have to be mad to become a psychologist.

Right yeah. That's sort of what I was expecting. All the best to you there!
Yeah, it might change a little especially with the speed at which new developments are coming through but that's the general direction it seems to be headed in.

Mind you, after my time shadowing the MDT in august it seemed like it didn't really matter whether or not the psychologists could prescribe medication as they were all working closely with a psychiatrist who can prescribe medication. So they'd consult one another over what they thought was appropriate, with the psychiatrist of course having final say given that medication is still the preserve of medical doctors <.<

My bad. :P
EDIT: Eh... I fucked up the replies. Whatever.
lol, no worries

Quote snipping is a nightmare and I try to avoid it at all costs but eeh, when there are a barrage of questions sometimes it's necessary.