Promiscuity and desensitization to sex

More Than Mortal
| d-d-d-DANK ✑ πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ 🌈πŸ‘
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Steam: MetaCognition
ID: Meta Cognition
IP: Logged

15,060 posts
This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.
(you yourself argued with Challenger that no action is truly altruistic, in the sense of having no component of self-gratification)
Well, yeah, but obviously, we can still identify acts as being more or less selfish/selfless than other things. Committing to veganism, helping your neighbor, etc. are all examples of selfless deeds that, while they have a kernel of selfishness in them, are ultimately outweighed by their higher degree of selflessness and altruism.

so that's not really relevant--it's like bringing up determinism and saying, "well, it's pointless to do anything because everything is determined"
But this is my point; if you want any degree of progress, you have to institutionalise selfish impulses in a way which promotes the development of well-being the most. Either through incentives, regulation or outright coercion. Take religion, for example: for all it's flaws, it's a very useful social technology for promoting in-group cohesion. In the U.S., religious people are far more likely to donate to charity, and historically societies on the frontier performed much better if they were religious.

I'm not, of course, claiming that religion is a net positive for human society. . . Because I don't believe such metaphysical beliefs are. But in a narrow region of possible action, it has proved an incredibly efficient institution in promoting moral behaviour, either due to a natural human fixation on status or due to the threat of potential retribution.

More Than Mortal
| d-d-d-DANK ✑ πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ 🌈πŸ‘
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Steam: MetaCognition
ID: Meta Cognition
IP: Logged

15,060 posts
This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.
due to altruistic endeavors
Hardly; where do you think drugs would be without intellectual property rights?


It simply isn't on the cards at the moment; the worst we have seen in recent history is Rwanda, Darfur, Saddam Hussein and the current campaign by ISIS against the Yazidi people. But these don't even touch what we've seen before.

eggsalad | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Steam: eggsalad
ID: eggsalad
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2,495 posts
due to altruistic endeavors
Hardly; where do you think drugs would be without intellectual property rights?


It simply isn't on the cards at the moment; the worst we have seen in recent history is Rwanda, Darfur, Saddam Hussein and the current campaign by ISIS against the Yazidi people. But these don't even touch what we've seen before.
I don't understand this chart. Per 100,000 people? Per global population or nations associated?

Cindy | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Cindy
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1,791 posts
a woman's prior promiscuity is a good indicator of how successful her marriage will ultimately be.
And a man's?
I don't know.
Oh, so you're just sexist then. Alrighty.

Cindy | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Cindy
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1,791 posts
I agree, but like I said, we all prefer to have some things to enjoy on our own, no?

i don't--that's the entire point of asceticism

if i had it my way, i'd eliminate every last one of my personal desires that only benefit me--i occasionally masturbate, and i'm trying to quit that, for example

i want nothing--and everyone else should be the same exact way
I wanna kill myself on the daily and I STILL feel happy that I'm not you

That's not even meant as an insult, just, do you deal with having such a bleak outlook on literally every single facet of life and existence?

Cindy | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Cindy
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1,791 posts
I'm talking about sex. Stop hiding and running. This is about sex.
"Stop running and hiding by contextualizing my argument"

Sex shouldn't be such a casual thing. Promiscuity is disgusting, especially in women.
Lmao what the fuck. Like, I disagree with your point, but then you just kick it up a notch by trying to police women in an incredibly sexist way. Good job, lad.

The point is women need to respect themselves more and stop spreading their legs for every dog of a man that lusts after them.
Or maybe you just need to stop being so insecure about yourself and projecting that onto women. Sex is fun, why are women who are sexually promiscuous worth less than a man who is?

Like, I want to debate with you, but you're just coming back at me with shit that would've sounded outdated in the 70's. Please stop trying to police women. You can have your own opinions on sex and sexuality and, while I think they're silly, stepping that up to saying that sexually active women have lost their worth is just disgusting.

This is irrelevant to promiscuity and sexual fetishes and sexual depravity.
It's really not but okay sure.

Women have no respect for themselves these days. They prostitute themselves for money in the music industry. In movies. In TV shows.
Please die.

Do you honestly think the way sex is portrayed today to be ok?
No, because there are still a bunch of backwards fools like you that think sex is something that should be valued above all else and that men have the right to police a woman's body and tell her how to dress and how to act.

You remind me of the type of people who say that a woman deserves to be raped for wearing revealing clothing because she was "asking for it".

Pillow | Newbie
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ID: Peelo
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20 posts
I don't know why I wrote violent, but the word I meant to write was furious or something like that.
That's more like it. I'd be lying if I said video games didn't frustrate me sometimes, but it's not the same thing as violence. If someone gets angry at a video game and then takes out his frustrations by, let's say, beating up their brother or something? Yeah, that's an issue with the person, not the game.
Last Edit: December 31, 2015, 04:12:33 AM by Peelo

Desty | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: DTEDesty
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I don't know why I wrote violent, but the word I meant to write was furious or something like that.
That's more like it. I'd be lying if I said video games didn't frustrate me sometimes, but it's not the same thing as violence. If someone gets angry at a video game and then takes out his frustrations by, let's say, beating up their brother or something? Yeah, that's an issue with the person, not the game.
but if this applies to a million people, then it's no longer an issue with the people, but the game. If it's an isolated incident, then there isn't a problem with the game, but if this is something that keeps happening, then the game is at fault. The game is never at fault if you look at it from a rational perspective, but I decided to entertain your train of thought.

Games make you angry, porn does so that you want to find the best of the best. The anger can lead to violence, and the search for the best can lead you to neglect people because they're not perfect.
Last Edit: December 31, 2015, 05:35:50 AM by Desty

eggsalad | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Steam: eggsalad
ID: eggsalad
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2,495 posts
I agree, but like I said, we all prefer to have some things to enjoy on our own, no?

i don't--that's the entire point of asceticism

if i had it my way, i'd eliminate every last one of my personal desires that only benefit me--i occasionally masturbate, and i'm trying to quit that, for example

i want nothing--and everyone else should be the same exact way
I wanna kill myself on the daily and I STILL feel happy that I'm not you

That's not even meant as an insult, just, do you deal with having such a bleak outlook on literally every single facet of life and existence?
smugness that he isn't as immoral as others

Cindy | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Cindy
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1,791 posts
I agree, but like I said, we all prefer to have some things to enjoy on our own, no?

i don't--that's the entire point of asceticism

if i had it my way, i'd eliminate every last one of my personal desires that only benefit me--i occasionally masturbate, and i'm trying to quit that, for example

i want nothing--and everyone else should be the same exact way
I wanna kill myself on the daily and I STILL feel happy that I'm not you

That's not even meant as an insult, just, do you deal with having such a bleak outlook on literally every single facet of life and existence?
smugness that he isn't as immoral as others
I just don't get it, tho

Like, it's not like a religious, spiritual sort of thing like Tibetan monks or anything that takes severe power of will, it's just...being extremely boring and thinking that anything that might have a negative output in any form or factor is evil and should be eradicated from one's lifestyle.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
I just don't get it, tho

Like, it's not like a religious, spiritual sort of thing like Tibetan monks or anything that takes severe power of will, it's just...being extremely boring and thinking that anything that might have a negative output in any form or factor is evil and should be eradicated from one's lifestyle.
you need to step back for a moment and reevaluate your life if you think abstinence from drugs, alcohol, and sex makes you "extremely boring"


for real

🍁 Aria πŸ” | Mythic Inconceivable!
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10,560 posts
His eyebrows sparkling, his white beard hangs down to his chest. The thatched mats, spread outside his chise, spread softly, his splendid attos. He polishes, cross-legged, his makiri, with his eyes completely absorbed.

He is Ainu.

The god of Ainu Mosir, Ae-Oine Kamuy, descendant of Okiku-Rumi, He perishes, a living corpse. The summers day, the white sunlight, unabrushed, ends simply through his breath alone.
Eh, sex is a personal choice. I'm not fond of the idea of sleeping around, but I wouldn't stop talking to a friend because I found out that they did.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
Eh, sex is a personal choice.
see, this is just such a nothing statement, though

what about sex being a personal choice has to do with it being advisable or not
or something that we should be desensitized to

More Than Mortal
| d-d-d-DANK ✑ πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ 🌈πŸ‘
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Steam: MetaCognition
ID: Meta Cognition
IP: Logged

15,060 posts
This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.
Oh, so you're just sexist then. Alrighty.
Haha, what? Are you some kind of progressive meme that calls out sexism even where you find no sign of it?

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
Oh, so you're just sexist then. Alrighty.
Haha, what? Are you some kind of progressive meme that calls out sexism even where you find no sign of it?
well, let's be honest here--you singled women for... some reason... and said that their sexual promiscuity is going to be the primary indicator of the quality or length of their future marriage

but when it comes to men, you claim you don't know that it works the same way

it works the same way

More Than Mortal
| d-d-d-DANK ✑ πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ 🌈πŸ‘
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Steam: MetaCognition
ID: Meta Cognition
IP: Logged

15,060 posts
This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.
Sex is fun
As if that's an excuse. If you're comfortable doing something irresponsible and probably damaging to the future well-being of both yourself and your relationships, you're acting in a moronic manner.

🍁 Aria πŸ” | Mythic Inconceivable!
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IP: Logged

10,560 posts
His eyebrows sparkling, his white beard hangs down to his chest. The thatched mats, spread outside his chise, spread softly, his splendid attos. He polishes, cross-legged, his makiri, with his eyes completely absorbed.

He is Ainu.

The god of Ainu Mosir, Ae-Oine Kamuy, descendant of Okiku-Rumi, He perishes, a living corpse. The summers day, the white sunlight, unabrushed, ends simply through his breath alone.
Eh, sex is a personal choice.
see, this is just such a nothing statement, though

what about sex being a personal choice has to do with it being advisable or not
or something that we should be desensitized to
I mean, Chally's question asked our views. That is my view: whether Linda down the street gets laid on the daily or not isn't my business or my choice.

I do think that sex in entertainment should be carefully restricted based on the demographic, though.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
As if that's an excuse. If you're comfortable doing something irresponsible and probably damaging to the future well-being of both yourself and your relationships, you're acting in a moronic manner.
right, but the same sort of logic applies to both genders

you realize

More Than Mortal
| d-d-d-DANK ✑ πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ 🌈πŸ‘
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Steam: MetaCognition
ID: Meta Cognition
IP: Logged

15,060 posts
This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.
but when it comes to men, you claim you don't know that it works the same way
I don't know because I've never seen any evidence surrounding the effects of promiscuity in men. Speaking from personal experience, I would agree that promiscuity has, if anything, a negative impact on long-term well-being. . . But my anecdotal experience is not ampliative to the aggregate of men.

My "sexism" is just me refusing to form a conclusion on a topic I know pretty much nothing about. God forbid I acknowledge the limits of my knowledge.

Besides, as I pointed out with Challenger, my concern for men is much wider than promiscuity, but general uselessness and irresponsibility. I'd wager, in terms of parenting or forming a long and stable relationship, men are more likely to be deadbeats.

More Than Mortal
| d-d-d-DANK ✑ πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ 🌈πŸ‘
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Steam: MetaCognition
ID: Meta Cognition
IP: Logged

15,060 posts
This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.
As if that's an excuse. If you're comfortable doing something irresponsible and probably damaging to the future well-being of both yourself and your relationships, you're acting in a moronic manner.
right, but the same sort of logic applies to both genders

you realize
. . .


I never said it didn't.

| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
I don't know because I've never seen any evidence surrounding the effects of promiscuity in men. Speaking from personal experience, I would agree that promiscuity has, if anything, a negative impact on long-term well-being. . . But my anecdotal experience is not ampliative to the aggregate of men.

My "sexism" is just me refusing to form a conclusion on a topic I know pretty much nothing about. God forbid I acknowledge the limits of my knowledge.

Besides, as I pointed out with Challenger, my concern for men is much wider than promiscuity, but general uselessness and irresponsibility. I'd wager, in terms of parenting or forming a long and stable relationship, men are more likely to be deadbeats.
fair enough

. . .


I never said it didn't.
it was heavily implied not only by your posts, but your general attitude on the subject

you've clarified yourself, so i rescind

More Than Mortal
| d-d-d-DANK ✑ πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ 🌈πŸ‘
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Steam: MetaCognition
ID: Meta Cognition
IP: Logged

15,060 posts
This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.
it was heavily implied not only by your posts
I disagree; most of what I've said, taken in context, is pretty clearly referring to promiscuity in general and is not exclusionary to men.

"Promiscuity doesn't make people happier".

"That said, I don't particularly hold promiscuity against people."

"I am pretty promiscuous, partly because I'm impulsive and partly because I indulge my degenerate hedonism."

"I'm a hypocrite"

"Men need to stop being deadbeats and women need to stop fucking deadbeats."

If you think you've found any sexism, it's only because alarm bells are ringing in your head at the things I've said specifically about women while not taking into consideration the things I've also said specifically about men, or people as a whole.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
I disagree; most of what I've said, taken in context, is pretty clearly referring to promiscuity in general and is not exclusionary to men.

"Promiscuity doesn't make people happier".

"That said, I don't particularly hold promiscuity against people."

"I am pretty promiscuous, partly because I'm impulsive and partly because I indulge my degenerate hedonism."

"I'm a hypocrite"

"Men need to stop being deadbeats and women need to stop fucking deadbeats."

If you think you've found any sexism, it's only because alarm bells are ringing in your head at the things I've said specifically about women while not taking into consideration the things I've also said specifically about men, or people as a whole.
all right, all right

i'm not the claiming sexism--cindy is, i'm just trying to get you to understand why your statements may have been construed that way

it's not a colossally-huge deal

Winy | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Phasenectar
ID: Winy
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3,164 posts
Sex is fun
As if that's an excuse. If you're comfortable doing something irresponsible and probably damaging to the future well-being of both yourself and your relationships, you're acting in a moronic manner.
1. Wrap it up
2. Birth control

Oh look, the danger is gone.

Sex is good for relationships.

More Than Mortal
| d-d-d-DANK ✑ πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ 🌈πŸ‘
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Steam: MetaCognition
ID: Meta Cognition
IP: Logged

15,060 posts
This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.
cindy is, i'm just trying to get you to understand why your statements may have been construed that way
Oh, I understand, don't get me wrong. I just think she's fundamentally incorrect.

it's not a colossally-huge deal
Had you said that like three months ago I'd probably agree, and in the sense that it impacts my life it really isn't a big deal. But charges of "sexism" and "racism" have been so diluted by people liberally throwing around such accusations that they don't really mean anything any more.

Such accusations should be serious, and should only be made with a clear mandate.

More Than Mortal
| d-d-d-DANK ✑ πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ 🌈πŸ‘
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Steam: MetaCognition
ID: Meta Cognition
IP: Logged

15,060 posts
This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.
Sex is good for relationships.
Duh. I haven't said anything remotely contradictory to that.

We're talking about promiscuity.

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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
1. Wrap it up
2. Birth control

Oh look, the danger is gone.
it's not, though

birth control doesn't always work and condoms can break

even vasectomies aren't a guaranteed contraceptive

Winy | Legendary Invincible!
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XBL: Phasenectar
ID: Winy
IP: Logged

3,164 posts
1. Wrap it up
2. Birth control

Oh look, the danger is gone.
it's not, though

birth control doesn't always work and condoms can break

even vasectomies aren't a guaranteed contraceptive
I meant when you combine both of them. In which case, the danger of pregnancy has essentially been nullified. Check for breaks in the condom afterwards (Which is easy), if it makes you feel better. If you really want to go overkill, wear a condom, use birth control, and pull out.

You've got a better chance of getting hit by lightning, at that point.

| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
Steam: Jaco230
ID: Verbatim
IP: Logged

48,055 posts
I meant when you combine both of them. In which case, the danger of pregnancy has essentially been nullified. Check for breaks in the condom afterwards (Which is easy), if it makes you feel better. If you really want to go overkill, wear a condom, use birth control, and pull out.

You've got a better chance of getting hit by lightning, at that point.
she also has to be willing to have an abortion if necessary

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