North Carolina Bathroom Bill

snurch | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Fr3shNugg3tz
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2,017 posts
unisex bathrooms wont be a problem in most places, universities, restaurants, malls, supermarkets, people just do what they need to and leave

anywhere where they would be would already have been a problem with current bathrooms anyway, if youre going to a bathroom alone thats so desolate or low security that anyone could do anything without fear you could just as well walk into a drug deal or a gang initiation

most people will probably not, and at this point its really upto the extablishment, compared to these places most bathrooms in the city will be "safe"

i can count the amount of times ive used truly public toilets on one hand and those were all during daylight

it would also probably be cheaper for the establishment to maintain
Last Edit: April 22, 2016, 07:40:31 PM by Pepsi

Cindy | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Cindy
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1,791 posts
Regulations dictate against the stalls going from floor to ceiling in case a building needs to be cleared, so that's not an option.

Nevertheless, it doesn't matter. The bill is bigoted shit and the anti-LGBT notions were likely only included to pass the other items on the bill in the hopes of slipping them by only for the transphobic laws to be removed later.

Nevertheless, on people who support it (and note that I don't know if anyone here does, since I didn't read through the thread) - you have no reason to be behind it other than "ew, trans people are icky!"

-If a man would be willing to disguise himself as a woman to enter a bathroom and rape someone, he'd be willing to do so with or without trans-inclusive bills.

-Should there be separate rooms for homosexual people, as well? If men are going to dress as women to enter changing rooms and spy on them, aren't gay women just given free passes to do exactly that day-in, day-out?

-What stops these terrifying pedophile creeps from simply raping or spying on little boys? According to the biggest proprietors of these bills, then strange men will be showering with your poor little daughters, but they're already showering with your poor little sons.

-Trans individuals have abhorrently, disproportionately higher chances of abuse, both physical and sexual. Forcing a trans woman into the male bathroom will only heighten this chance, and will make everyone eons more uncomfortable than if she had simply been allowed to use the bathroom where she belongs.

-Do people really get raped every day where there exist unisex bathrooms?

-People seem so worried about "strange men" in the female bathroom, ignoring the fact that, with the transphobic bathroom laws, trans men would be forced to use female bathrooms and, considering the body-changing effects of testosterone, are often many times more masculine than many natural-born men.

-There are almost - possibly even none at all, as I only say the 'almost' to avoid a 'gotcha' type situation - zero cases of trans individuals raping, abusing, assaulting, or spying on members of their own gender when using washrooms.

eggsalad | Heroic Unstoppable!
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Steam: eggsalad
ID: eggsalad
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2,495 posts
-People seem so worried about "strange men" in the female bathroom, ignoring the fact that, with the transphobic bathroom laws, trans men would be forced to use female bathrooms and, considering the body-changing effects of testosterone, are often many times more masculine than many natural-born men.
I shit you not, I was arguing with someone yesterday who said transmen wouldn't make women uncomfortable because they:

1. Have vaginas
2. Are attracted to men
3. Look like butch lesbians

The folks who support these bills are so ignorant on what trans people even are it's depressing.

| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: Luciana
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13,228 posts
You do realize he's a female to male trans, right?

I'm just jumping in but it sounded from your post that you didn't.

catching up

Edit: Caught up, I still dunno if you were aware.
Last Edit: April 25, 2016, 02:29:25 AM by Luciana