My opinions on depression

| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
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11,702 posts
Rockets on my X
If you're so sad and feel like killing yourself, then kill yourself. It doesn't "get better", you just find different ways to cope with the situation. If you feel like you can't go on, then kill yourself. You're just torturing yourself in the end for other people's pleasure.

Unless you have religious beliefs, there aren't any downsides to it. Maybe you'll have family that misses you, but family dies eventually. You could be hit by a car tomorrow and they'd have to get over it. No different than if you killed yourself. It's not like your life even matters in the grand scheme of things. Outside close family and possibly friends, who would really care? Family wouldn't even care after a certain number of years. Everyone will move on.

Plus who knows, maybe there is something after death? None of us really know for sure. It'd be an exploration of the unknown. The only reason why people fight against it is because death is unknown. People fear it because of that. If we knew for certainty that you'd live on a cotton-candy island after death, people wouldn't be so adamant about stopping you from killing yourself. It's selfish on their part.

Just don't make your problems other people's. If you want to get better, that's fine, but don't seek attention for it. If you're on the fence of killing yourself, go for it. What do you have to lose anyway? Or don't. It's your body and your life. No one can tell you what is right for you in this situation.

Inb4 mods remove this post or edit it for being "flamatory". This is how I view it and I am being serious. Fuck off mods.

I leave and the come back to this. Despite psyche's warning about not continuing the discussion any further, all I'll do here is give my two cents in one post and only one post.

Your post in this particular thread is disrespectful as fuck. Removing all talks of morality and "it's your choice" aside, you notice the title was "self help." Short, perhaps for self improvement. As in, this thread was made for the people here who want to change things and try and fix their life. Or, to sum it up properly, for people who'd rather not die by their own hand, but instead, make their life livable again.

As a matter of fact, it does get better. Depression comes for all sorts of reasons. But it only stays because the mind is focused too much on it. It's a bit like the effects of a drug. Your head gets so used to automatically being in that state, that it becomes complacent with it. Shifting your focus and learning not to get stuck in the repeating cycle and instead, continue forward, removes this, and actually does make things better.

On the aspect of the grand scheme of things, you are right. We don't amount to much. But then again, that gives the value of personal choice. We choose everything we want to aspire to in our lives. We have our time here, which is short, and then it winks out. In the meantime, before it happens, we have a short time frame to enjoy what we like to enjoy. And we can make that possible, easily.

There is a difference between death by natural cause and death by your own hand. The end result is close to the same. But not quite. Death by natural cause is unavoidable. If it happens, it happens. There's nothing that could have been done to prevent it. And your family and friends have to move on because there's no other choice.

However, death of your hand can be stopped. It can be altered, and it can be changed. And, it destroys families in the process because of the guilt that people carry. Depressed people retreat and become introverted, never telling their close ones what's happening because their perspective is being warped by their condition. Their entire situation could change with the snap of a finger if they even said two words alone. "I'm depressed."

And, families forget, right? Well, I'm going to tell you a story about my mother. My mother has a fair few sisters. One of them isn't around today. That's because, when she was younger, she had problems. A lot of self harm issues, the works. And, one day, it was my mother who rolled the bad roll and came home to find her sister hanging from the doorway at the age of 16.

My mother is currently 57. I can see that damage in her every single day. I can see what it did to her, and what it helped cause her to be the person she is today. An entire family was utterly and hopelessly fractured to pieces. And here we are now. My mother ended up having me and my sister. And due to her dysfunctions, which are partially rooted in what happened approximately 40 years ago, my life was no better either. I'm currently 23. So far, the total of years my fucked up family has existed because of that event totals to roughly 60 years.

I am adament about not having kids because I know I'm not a good father. I wouldn't do it right, and I'd likely repeat the same mistakes that were done with me, only continuing the cycle further.

What you fail to understand is that our actions have consequences that come back to us. Although we amount to nothing in the grand scheme of things, we make ripples. Like a rock being thrown into an ocean. The rock is utterly insignificant to the ocean, but the small ripples it makes will cascade forever. They'll bounce, merge, rebound and continue forwards until the ocean itself no longer exists.

Our whole universe functions as such. And although we have no idea what if anything exists after death, I strongly believe that just because you're dead, doesn't mean you're magically abstained from your actions. People create their own existence, and therefore, they create their own hell or paradise while alive. I wouldn't be surprised if it works the same in death.

But, ultimately, the grand curiousity of death doesn't matter. Explore the unknown of death?

I need to pause and state clearly here. Retarded statement. So unbelievably naive that it's ridiculous. You already live in a world full of unknowns. And you know what the funny part is?

People don't know when they don't know about things. There is so much across the world that people don't know about. New species are discovered every single day. Species are lost every single day. There's places still being discovered and places that are still unmapped. There's cultures and thousands of years of history.

There's food, engineering, science, you name it. Name anything that exists on this fucking planet, and I bet you can find something new and unexplored that you didn't know or never saw before. Now magnify that from just our planet, to the entire universe. And you're telling me, that none of it is worth being curious about?

You're curious about death because it's a big unknown, but at the same time, you turn a blind eye to every single thing that exists around you that you have yet to discover or look at. There's you're illogical aspect. And there's your proof that if somehow, there was something after death, and you finally found it, the big great mystery?

You'd be discontent. You'd be stuck in your own self created hell, because if you turn a blind eye to all the things that you can discover while here, then what the fuck makes you think that what's beyond, if anything, would somehow entertain you any better?

And, lastly, and most importantly, if what you posted is your true advice, then why haven't you followed it? If everything is as bleak as you paint it, then why are you still here, right now? I'll answer for you.

You're either wildly hypocritical or you're ignorant to what depression is. Maybe even both at the same time.  "It doesn't "get better" is a dead giveaway that you've gone through something unpleasant and you're still going through it right now.

And you haven't come out of it yet. And, worse, you choose to inflict your condition on others. Get help and pull yourself up to your feet.

That's my two cents. And that's it. There's nothing else to be said here.

Last Edit: January 21, 2016, 02:36:47 PM by Sandtrap

Tackel | Heroic Unstoppable!
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ID: Tackel
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| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,702 posts
Rockets on my X
Get more butt blasted over an opinion.

Actually, na. I'm gonna go off and do stuff. Make something decent to eat. Drink something nice. I might go out and check out a big trailer frame to build something today. I might write up another chunk on lessons later on this evening. But by all means, you're welcome to stay here and be dammicky on your own free time.


CIS | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: AutisticComputer
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3,310 posts
Well, this thread got real ugly real fast didn't it?

PSN: ModernLocust
ID: SecondClass
IP: Logged

30,032 posts
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
β€”Judge Aaron Satie
Get more butt blasted over an opinion.
Lol. Sandtrap gives you a detailed, spot on post just for you to respond with this. You should be banned from Serious.

This post itself is off topic but that's just really annoying to me
Last Edit: January 22, 2016, 06:29:38 PM by SecondClass

Yu | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Yutaka
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12,707 posts
Almost always, with moderation
I regret coming in here.

| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,702 posts
Rockets on my X
I regret coming in here.

Am I doing a piss poor job or does the poop flinging make you upset?

Yu | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: Yutaka
IP: Logged

12,707 posts
Almost always, with moderation
I regret coming in here.

Am I doing a piss poor job or does the poop flinging make you upset?
Came in expecting something decent, then Tackel's stupidity made me not want to bother.

| Mythic Sage
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ID: Sandtrap
IP: Logged

11,702 posts
Rockets on my X
I regret coming in here.

Am I doing a piss poor job or does the poop flinging make you upset?
Came in expecting something decent, then Tackel's stupidity made me not want to bother.

Now, that's no way to go about things. You know what you do with stupid stuff? Sweep it under the rug. Sometimes you can't change it. Doesn't mean that you can't just let it go and continue on with business either.

If you're legitimately coming in here because you're curious about this for your own personal reasons, then don't let one person's deluded ideals stop you.

This thread is less about what other people say, and more about what you want to take from it yourself. Don't let bullshit stop you. Otherwise, he wins. As I told him. He's being a cunt and inflicting his particular condition on others. Or trying to, at least.

Don't let him.

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,214 posts
That's that cleaned up, keep on topic from this point on. No quoting tackel to continue it and tackel kindly make another thread for your high quality and well thought out opinions or stop shitting up this one.

It is about helping people with Depression and Anxiety not telling them to hurry up and kill themselves.
tbh I was kind of hoping you'd move the stuff from the first page too
I am tempted to

Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
IP: Logged

17,214 posts
That's that cleaned up, keep on topic from this point on. No quoting tackel to continue it and tackel kindly make another thread for your high quality and well thought out opinions or stop shitting up this one.

It is about helping people with Depression and Anxiety not telling them to hurry up and kill themselves.
tbh I was kind of hoping you'd move the stuff from the first page too
I am tempted to
Yu's response should be more than enough justification imo
That's kind of what I'm thinking