Mike Pence facing his own emails scandal

Anonymous (User Deleted) | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Kupo
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I just watched a movie and I'm too tired to pretend to be impartial so fuck it

Considering Trump never once made the concern over Clinton's email server about transparency--which Clinton clearly tried to avoid by having that server in the first place--and hasn't been a fan of whistleblowers in general, it's probably safe to assume a Trump administration wouldn't favor transparency. If Pence wins, it'll be even more power to the executive branch.

It's a week since the election and there's already concerns over Trump's cabinet picks having conflicts of interest and Trump himself believing his own kids to be a blind trust. If this keeps up, maybe we'll get lucky and Trump and/or Pence will face impeachment before the four years are up.

What's Mike Pence hiding in his emails?

Fatima Hussein, IndyStar 3:03 p.m. EST November 14, 2016

Mike Pence wants his communications limited from public access. Experts say this sets a "dangerous precedent."

Now that the presidential campaign and most of the furor over Hillary Clinton's email scandal are behind us, the Pence administration is going to court to argue for its own brand of email secrecy.

The administration is fighting to conceal the contents of an email sent to Gov. Mike Pence by a political ally. That email is being sought by a prominent Democratic labor lawyer who says he wants to expose waste in the Republican administration.

But legal experts fear the stakes may be much higher than mere politics because the decision could remove a judicial branch check on executive power and limit a citizen's right to know what the government is doing and how it spends taxpayer dollars.

"It comes down to this — the court is giving up its ability to check another branch of government, and that should worry people," said Gerry Lanosga, an Indiana University media professor specializing in public records law.

In the case, Indianapolis attorney William Groth is appealing a decision handed down by Marion Superior Court in April, which decided that redactions the administration made to a public record could not be second-guessed by the court.

The focal point in the case is a political “white paper” that had been excluded from Groth’s public records request.

Pence’s legal defense team claims the white paper is attorney work product protected by Indiana’s Access to Public Records Act — and at the end of the day, matters of public records are not for a court to decide.

Groth argues the lower court misapplied the law.

“I think governmental transparency is an important concern of anyone who lives in a democracy – the governor cannot put himself above the law,” Groth told the IndyStar.

How the case came about

The matter stems from a lawsuit filed after President Barack Obama announced in November 2014 that he was taking new steps to "fix America’s broken immigration system." Those steps included offering deferred enforcement of immigration laws for parents of children born in the United States, and for children who entered the United States before they were 16 years old.

The action drew the ire of Republican governors across the country, including Pence, who called the policy a "profound mistake."

Pence, joined in on a lawsuit led by Texas Gov. Greg Abbot in State of Texas, et al v. United States, with the blessing of the Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller. Zoeller's office did not respond to IndyStar requests for comment.

Pence hired Indianapolis law firm Barnes & Thornburg to join the Texas litigation. A representative from the firm — which is also representing Pence in this case — did not respond to IndyStar requests for interview.

In December 2014, Groth requested information regarding Pence's decision to hire outside counsel and the cost to Indiana taxpayers.

"I think joining the lawsuit without the attorney general and hiring that firm was a waste of taxpayer dollars and the people have the right to know how much of their money was spent,” Groth said. Groth is known in Indiana for representing the plaintiffs in the 2008 U.S. Supreme Court voter identification case, Crawford v. Marion County Election Board.

Pence produced the documents in the request “but those documents included substantial redaction,” according to court documents.

The 57-page response also included an email that Daniel Hodge, Abbott's chief of staff, sent to 30 recipients in various states asking them to join the lawsuit against Obama.

The message included an attached white paper, but the governor failed to produce the document, according to court records.

After a yearlong trial, the Superior Court held that the issue was not a matter for the courts to decide, citing a Indiana Supreme Court case decided just days before.

In a 4-1 ruling, the Indiana Supreme Court ruled in Citizens Action Coalition, et al. v. Indiana House Rep., that underthe Indiana Constitution’s separation of powers clause the legislature's redactions were nonjusticiable, a legal term that means not for the court to decide. Groth was also the attorney representing the plaintiffs in that case.

Groth appealed in June and the Indiana Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments Nov. 21 at 1 p.m. at the Statehouse, where each side will be allowed 20 minutes for arguments.

'A dangerous legal precedent'

Paul Jefferson, a former professor of state constitutional law at the Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law, said the major question for the appellate court to decide is "whether they're going to extend that (Citizens Action Coalition, et al. v. Indiana House Rep.) to the executive branch as a whole."

He said if the court rules in favor of the governor, "that would severely limit the Access to Public Records Act."

It's a fear that even the highest levels of court have warned about.

In the sole dissent of the Citizens Action Coalition lawsuit, Indiana Supreme Court Justice Justice Robert Rucker stated: “The majority’s ruling is not only premature, but it unfortunately weighs in on a significant separation of powers issue without an adequate record.”

The state's public access counselor, Luke Britt, appointed by Pence in 2013, also fears what might happen if other public officials invoke the Citizens Action Coalition privilege. "After that case, a lot of local government officials were trying to claim a similar privilege — that was one of my fears."

Jefferson said that "this will be interesting in part because it is hard to draw clean lines between what would be and what wouldn’t be if excluded from a public records request if the court is going to exempt the executive branch from public records review."

Lanosga, the public access professor, says the outcome of the case will set a precedent on what are appropriate levels of transparency in government.

"It shows no accountability," he said, "that an agency can say things are exempt just because and citizens have no recourse."
Last Edit: November 15, 2016, 11:06:00 PM by Kupo & the Two G-strings

Azendac | Respected Posting Riot
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ID: Azendac
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605 posts
We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were silent. I remembered the line from the shitlord scripture the Bhagavad Reeeeeeeta; Kek is trying to persuade the prince that he should save his people, and to impress him takes on his frog-headed form, and says, "Now I am become meme, the destroyer of cucks." I suppose we all thought that, one way or another.
Let's not pretend that handing in a redacted email is anywhere near the same as dodging a subpoena, destroying evidence in an FBI investigation, using a private server to avoid FOIA requests, and doing it all to cover up your connections to bankers to whom you tell your "private positions" to.

aREALgod | Legendary Invincible!
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Let's not pretend that handing in a redacted email is anywhere near the same as dodging a subpoena, destroying evidence in an FBI investigation, using a private server to avoid FOIA requests, and doing it all to cover up your connections to bankers to whom you tell your "private positions" to.

This. Pence is a saint standing next to Clinton

Korra | Mythic Inconceivable!
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19,117 posts

- korrie
Can't fence the Pence.

Comet | Legendary Invincible!
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3,687 posts
inb4 mike "fruits into vegetables" pence is revealed to be gay.

| Komm, süßer Tod
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PSN: Verbatim-1
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48,055 posts
mike "fruits into vegetables" pence
Oh, this one's my favorite.

Anonymous (User Deleted) | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Kupo
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6,364 posts
Let's not pretend that handing in a redacted email is anywhere near the same as dodging a subpoena, destroying evidence in an FBI investigation, using a private server to avoid FOIA requests, and doing it all to cover up your connections to bankers to whom you tell your "private positions" to.
I never did. Dodging a state transparency law and hiring a private attorney on the taxpayers' dollar isn't the high crime Clinton committed, but it's not exactly setting a good example either.

Ridiculous Tales | Respected Posting Spree
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ID: Jagdtiger
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124 posts
destroying evidence in an FBI investigation
Lol was this the one that was leaked by the FSB proxy LemmyWinks?

Mordo | Mythic Invincible!
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7,250 posts
emigrate or degenerate. the choice is yours
Mike "bringing my AR to the gay bar" Pence.

ΚΑΤΑΝΑΛΩΤΗΣ | Mythic Invincible!
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ID: TrussingDoor
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"A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him saying, 'You are mad, you are not like us'."
-Saint Anthony the Great
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Anonymous (User Deleted) | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Kupo
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6,364 posts
destroying evidence in an FBI investigation
Lol was this the one that was leaked by the FSB proxy LemmyWinks?
Well, she did delete emails. This fact is non-negotiable. Although I'm not sure whether it was during the FBI's investigation, or before then.

Let's not pretend that handing in a redacted email is anywhere near the same as dodging a subpoena, destroying evidence in an FBI investigation, using a private server to avoid FOIA requests, and doing it all to cover up your connections to bankers to whom you tell your "private positions" to.
I never did. Dodging a state transparency law and hiring a private attorney on the taxpayers' dollar isn't the high crime Clinton committed, but it's not exactly setting a good example either.
Adding to this so it gets attention, the Pence administration's argument that a court shouldn't be allowed to determine what is or isn't in the public record sounds vaguely like the Clinton camp arguing with the FBI over the classified status of certain emails. Both parties in their respective cases insisted on giving a figure in the executive branch the benefit of the doubt without letting the public decide for themselves.

However petty the Pence situation may seem in comparison to Clinton's scandal, 1) it in no way validates Pence, and 2) could still have similar legal consequences if Pence gets his way, as I explained earlier. For me, it's difficult think that one could be against Hillary but also support Pence here.
Last Edit: November 16, 2016, 12:32:02 PM by Kupo & the Two G-strings

Azendac | Respected Posting Riot
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ID: Azendac
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605 posts
We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were silent. I remembered the line from the shitlord scripture the Bhagavad Reeeeeeeta; Kek is trying to persuade the prince that he should save his people, and to impress him takes on his frog-headed form, and says, "Now I am become meme, the destroyer of cucks." I suppose we all thought that, one way or another.
Let's not pretend that handing in a redacted email is anywhere near the same as dodging a subpoena, destroying evidence in an FBI investigation, using a private server to avoid FOIA requests, and doing it all to cover up your connections to bankers to whom you tell your "private positions" to.
I never did. Dodging a state transparency law and hiring a private attorney on the taxpayers' dollar isn't the high crime Clinton committed, but it's not exactly setting a good example either.
Adding to this so it gets attention, the Pence administration's argument that a court shouldn't be allowed to determine what is or isn't in the public record sounds vaguely like the Clinton camp arguing with the FBI over the classified status of certain emails. Both parties in their respective cases insisted on giving a figure in the executive branch the benefit of the doubt without letting the public decide for themselves.

However petty the Pence situation may seem in comparison to Clinton's scandal, 1) it in no way validates Pence, and 2) could still have similar legal consequences if Pence gets his way, as I explained earlier. For me, it's difficult think that one could be against Hillary but also support Pence here.
[/quote]I agree that covering stuff up doesn't suddenly become ok just because my preferred candidate does it, I wont defend them (and there were a few points in the campaign where I was ready to drop them entirely because it looked like they were going to sell us out, but they haven't so far). However, comparing this to Clinton's situation is an exaggeration of what Pence has done, and a serious oversimplification of what amounts to the culmination of Cinton's political career.

See if we look at what Pence is being accused with:
Pence hired Indianapolis law firm Barnes & Thornburg to join the Texas litigation. A representative from the firm — which is also representing Pence in this case — did not respond to IndyStar requests for interview.

In December 2014, Groth requested information regarding Pence's decision to hire outside counsel and the cost to Indiana taxpayers.

"I think joining the lawsuit without the attorney general and hiring that firm was a waste of taxpayer dollars and the people have the right to know how much of their money was spent,” Groth said. Groth is known in Indiana for representing the plaintiffs in the 2008 U.S. Supreme Court voter identification case, Crawford v. Marion County Election Board.

Pence produced the documents in the request “but those documents included substantial redaction,” according to court documents.
So Pence got buttmad about Obama's immigration policy and hired some people to argue against it in court. The 'scandal' is that he did this on taxpayer dollars and didn't reveal how much it cost. You could argue that he shouldn't have tried to battle with Obama and that it was a waste from the start, or that he was incompetent with how he handled the case, or that his precedent of fudging numbers gives reason to be concerned (although it sort of worked out alright in the end). Now the problem is that none of those are anywhere near level of what Clinton did both in terms of how many things went wrong, and the scale of what did. A short bullet point list is:
-knowing that US ally Saudi Arabia is funding US enemy ISIS, and not telling anyone in government
-knowing the above, and telling bankers
-giving the saudis weapons despite knowing it will be given in part to ISIS (this is a serious crime under the patriot act btw)
-taking money from Saudi Arabia and other dubious states in the form of donations to the Clinton foundation
-giving out government ambassadorships to donators of the clinton foundation
-giving private speeches to clinton foundation donators, to whom she discloses her private positions
-giving classified information to her daughter (who has no security clearance)
-giving classified information to her maid (who has no security clearance)
-storing classified information on a server so insecure that up to five different security agencies from other countries were able to hack in
-and doing everything I mentioned before to cover it up
bite me for not sourcing everything there, you know where to look

This is in comparison to Pence potentially misspending money and then redacting how much he spent, it's bad but not in anyway comparable.
Last Edit: November 16, 2016, 06:40:18 PM by Azendac

Anonymous (User Deleted) | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Kupo
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6,364 posts
I agree that covering stuff up doesn't suddenly become ok just because my preferred candidate does it, I wont defend them (and there were a few points in the campaign where I was ready to drop them entirely because it looked like they were going to sell us out, but they haven't so far). However, comparing this to Clinton's situation is an exaggeration of what Pence has done, and a serious oversimplification of what amounts to the culmination of Cinton's political career.

See if we look at what Pence is being accused with:
Pence hired Indianapolis law firm Barnes & Thornburg to join the Texas litigation. A representative from the firm — which is also representing Pence in this case — did not respond to IndyStar requests for interview.

In December 2014, Groth requested information regarding Pence's decision to hire outside counsel and the cost to Indiana taxpayers.

"I think joining the lawsuit without the attorney general and hiring that firm was a waste of taxpayer dollars and the people have the right to know how much of their money was spent,” Groth said. Groth is known in Indiana for representing the plaintiffs in the 2008 U.S. Supreme Court voter identification case, Crawford v. Marion County Election Board.

Pence produced the documents in the request “but those documents included substantial redaction,” according to court documents.
So Pence got buttmad about Obama's immigration policy and hired some people to argue against it in court. The 'scandal' is that he did this on taxpayer dollars and didn't reveal how much it cost. You could argue that he shouldn't have tried to battle with Obama and that it was a waste from the start, or that he was incompetent with how he handled the case, or that his precedent of fudging numbers gives reason to be concerned (although it sort of worked out alright in the end). Now the problem is that none of those are anywhere near level of what Clinton did both in terms of how many things went wrong, and the scale of what did. A short bullet point list is:
-knowing that US ally Saudi Arabia is funding US enemy ISIS, and not telling anyone in government
-knowing the above, and telling bankers
-giving the saudis weapons despite knowing it will be given in part to ISIS (this is a serious crime under the patriot act btw)
-taking money from Saudi Arabia and other dubious states in the form of donations to the Clinton foundation
-giving out government ambassadorships to donators of the clinton foundation
-giving private speeches to clinton foundation donators, to whom she discloses her private positions
-giving classified information to her daughter (who has no security clearance)
-giving classified information to her maid (who has no security clearance)
-storing classified information on a server so insecure that up to five different security agencies from other countries were able to hack in
-and doing everything I mentioned before to cover it up
bite me for not sourcing everything there, you know where to look

This is in comparison to Pence potentially misspending money and then redacting how much he spent, it's bad but not in anyway comparable.
Oh, I agree completely. I'm not trying to shill for Hillary here. I just see this as an overly-broad and/or misguided court ruling waiting to happen.

From the article:
But legal experts fear the stakes may be much higher than mere politics because the decision could remove a judicial branch check on executive power and limit a citizen's right to know what the government is doing and how it spends taxpayer dollars.

"It comes down to this — the court is giving up its ability to check another branch of government, and that should worry people," said Gerry Lanosga, an Indiana University media professor specializing in public records law.
As I've posted about before, the executive branch is currently at the peak of its power.

Please do not assume that Trump/Pence naysayers are Clinton supporters, if that's what you were doing.
Last Edit: November 16, 2016, 07:27:12 PM by Kupo & the Two G-strings

Azendac | Respected Posting Riot
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ID: Azendac
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605 posts
We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were silent. I remembered the line from the shitlord scripture the Bhagavad Reeeeeeeta; Kek is trying to persuade the prince that he should save his people, and to impress him takes on his frog-headed form, and says, "Now I am become meme, the destroyer of cucks." I suppose we all thought that, one way or another.
Oh, I agree completely. I'm not trying to shill for Hillary here. I just see this as an overly-broad court ruling waiting to happen.
Ayy, it's jsut this sort of headline sets off alarm bells for me, I know at some point down the line i'll have a conversation with someone in real life that goes like this.
them: "you said clinton was so bad because of her emails, but CHECK THIS OUT, Pence is just as bad"
me: "I bet I know what you're talking about, and that's a gross misinterpretation"
them: "but he has his own email scandal, wasn't the problem with clinton that she deleted emails? I delete my emails"
me:  "no that's also oversimplyfying, the problem is [20 minute rant of me explaining what i just typed in a way that doesn't confuse them]"
them: "yeah well, i just don't have the time to look into all this, i'm just saying what I hear"

This has happened way too many times this past year.

Azendac | Respected Posting Riot
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ID: Azendac
IP: Logged

605 posts
We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were silent. I remembered the line from the shitlord scripture the Bhagavad Reeeeeeeta; Kek is trying to persuade the prince that he should save his people, and to impress him takes on his frog-headed form, and says, "Now I am become meme, the destroyer of cucks." I suppose we all thought that, one way or another.
As I've posted about before, the executive branch is currently at the peak of its power.

Please do not assume that Trump/Pence naysayers are Clinton supporters, if that's what you were doing.
I get that it looked like that, I'm just easily triggered.

Anonymous (User Deleted) | Legendary Invincible!
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ID: Kupo
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6,364 posts
Oh, I agree completely. I'm not trying to shill for Hillary here. I just see this as an overly-broad court ruling waiting to happen.
Ayy, it's jsut this sort of headline sets off alarm bells for me, I know at some point down the line i'll have a conversation with someone in real life that goes like this.
them: "you said clinton was so bad because of her emails, but CHECK THIS OUT, Pence is just as bad"
me: "I bet I know what you're talking about, and that's a gross misinterpretation"
them: "but he has his own email scandal, wasn't the problem with clinton that she deleted emails? I delete my emails"
me:  "no that's also oversimplyfying, the problem is [20 minute rant of me explaining what i just typed in a way that doesn't confuse them]"
them: "yeah well, i just don't have the time to look into all this, i'm just saying what I hear"

This has happened way too many times this past year.
I don't blame you tbh

Imagine being a Bernie supporter facing months and months of why Clinton was the stronger candidate who had infinitely better chances against Trump was guaranteed to win despite Bernie's better match-up numbers, why Bernie's higher favorability ratings didn't matter, and how those damned emails weren't a liability whatsoever. ::) The past few months have seen me lose a lot of faith in the party and question my own politics. I wouldn't describe myself as a Democrat anymore.

I ultimately voted for Gary Johnson.

I get that it looked like that, I'm just easily triggered.
>.> Don't worry about it.
Last Edit: November 16, 2016, 07:45:17 PM by Kupo & the Two G-strings

Azendac | Respected Posting Riot
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ID: Azendac
IP: Logged

605 posts
We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were silent. I remembered the line from the shitlord scripture the Bhagavad Reeeeeeeta; Kek is trying to persuade the prince that he should save his people, and to impress him takes on his frog-headed form, and says, "Now I am become meme, the destroyer of cucks." I suppose we all thought that, one way or another.
I don't blame you tbh

Imagine being a Bernie supporter facing months and months of why Clinton was the stronger candidate who had infinitely better chances against Trump and was guaranteed to win, why Bernie's higher favorability ratings didn't matter, and how those damned emails weren't a liability whatsoever. ::) The past few months have seen me lose a lot of faith in the party. I wouldn't describe myself as a Democrat anymore.

I get that it looked like that, I'm just easily triggered.
>.> Don't worry about it.
I had to sit down with my dorm mates and watch john Oliver's "make donald drumpf again" skit, among others, without saying a word of criticism. Along with my dad yelling in my face "Trump is only in it for himself, he's a horrible man and I think less of you for supporting him, he will NEVER become president". But I don't hold grudges over stuff like that, I've got more important things to do (which does include making friend online ;~;).

Nowadays I just react in proportion to what other people say, if they want to talk shit I'll bantz them, and if they want to talk facts i'll crack open my sources. That's the most important thing I learned from Trump, it works damn well without requiring much effort.