Liberals are probably more close-minded that Conservatives

More Than Mortal
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Steam: MetaCognition
ID: Meta Cognition
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15,060 posts
This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.
Just found this on the AEI website and it talks about Jonathan Haidt's (who, bearing in mind, used to be a partisan Liberal) book The Righteous Mind which, by the way, I can't recommend highly enough.
To be “close-minded” is, according to the dictionary, to be “intolerant of the beliefs and opinions of others; stubbornly unreceptive to new ideas.” To be conservative and close-minded, according to popular portrayal, is a redundancy—a package deal that liberals can and do take for granted.

But University of Virginia Professor Jonathan Haidt’s new book The Righteous Mind doesn’t simply suggest that conservatives may not be as close-minded as they are portrayed. It proves that the opposite is the case, that conservatives understand their ideological opposite numbers far better than do liberals.

Haidt’s research asks individuals to answer questionnaires regarding their core moral beliefs—what sorts of values they consider sacred, which they would compromise on, and how much it would take to get them to make those compromises. By themselves, these exercises are interesting. (Try them online and see where you come out.)

But Haidt’s research went one step further, asking self-indentified conservatives to answer those questionnaires as if they were liberals and for liberals to do the opposite. What Haidt found is that conservatives understand liberals’ moral values better than liberals understand where conservatives are coming from. Worse yet, liberals don’t know what they don’t know; they don’t understand how limited their knowledge of conservative values is. If anyone is close-minded here it’s not conservatives.

Haidt has a theory regarding why this is the case, based on the idea that conservatives speak a broader and more encompassing language of six moral values while liberals embrace three of the six in a narrow set of core values. I see nothing wrong with this explanation.

But let me present a complementary, more practical explanation: If you’re a conservative who lives in a major metropolitan area or who simply reads the New York Times, you get used to being outnumbered by liberals. Liberals, by contrast, get used to being surrounded by other liberals, both in person and in culture and the media. As a result, liberals speak their minds freely, often in ways that are harshly condemnatory of conservatives and their stands on issues. As a conservative, you can defend your values against friends and acquaintances who essentially just called you stupid and evil or you can keep quiet.

Most conservatives, most of the time, choose the latter. That is, they stay in the closet to avoid being accused of hating the poor, gays, or polar bears. As a result, liberals aren’t gaining any commensurate information. In fact, the silence of their conservative friends helps reinforce their views. Much of the time, liberals’ views of conservative positions and values are simply a caricature that bear little resemblance to what conservatives actually think and, more importantly, why they think it.

But during that time when conservatives’ mouths are shut, their ears are open. They’re listening and understanding what liberals think—and what liberals think of them. Conservatives understand their own world—whether it’s of religious organizations, talk radio, Fox News, or whatever—along with the New York Times, network news world of liberals.

That helps explain why a conservative’s reaction to a liberal critique often isn’t “you’re wrong.” It’s “you don’t even know what I’m trying to say.” Haidt’s research seems to show that this reaction is warranted.

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I neither fear, nor despise.
Well isn't that interesting?

I've always heard the phrase "Close minded Conservative".

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Liberals and socialist democrats gets wrecked again.

Dustin | Heroic Invincible!
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We always say to fight fire, you must use fire. This is wrong. Fighting fire with fire will leave scars and a new flame will rise. We must instead use water. It is the opposite of fire, it extinguishes the fire, it cools, it refreshes, it heals. We are made up of 70% water, we are not made up of 70% fire. Please practice what we truly are
I remember this time when I was talking to a College Counselor and she admitted to me that she was a Liberal and all I could say was, "I'm sorry" LOL

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That helps explain why a conservative’s reaction to a liberal critique often isn’t “you’re wrong.” It’s “you don’t even know what I’m trying to say.”

Right on the money.

Anonymous (User Deleted) | Legendary Invincible!
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6,364 posts
Doesn't surprise me, somehow. This is pretty much exactly what I've suspected for a while now:
Liberals, by contrast, get used to being surrounded by other liberals, both in person and in culture and the media. As a result, liberals speak their minds freely, often in ways that are harshly condemnatory of conservatives and their stands on issues. As a conservative, you can defend your values against friends and acquaintances who essentially just called you stupid and evil or you can keep quiet.

Most conservatives, most of the time, choose the latter. That is, they stay in the closet to avoid being accused of hating the poor, gays, or polar bears. As a result, liberals aren’t gaining any commensurate information. In fact, the silence of their conservative friends helps reinforce their views. Much of the time, liberals’ views of conservative positions and values are simply a caricature that bear little resemblance to what conservatives actually think and, more importantly, why they think it.
That said, I'm still guilty of being too liberal >.>
Last Edit: January 22, 2015, 09:22:13 AM by Kupo

big sponge
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Just out of curiosity. What kind of conservatives and liberals?

Location and local culture will have a lot to do with this. Conservatives in the heart of Alabama for example will be different from their cousins in New York. This changes yet again when you look at how Americas liberals are pretty much Europes conservatives.

More Than Mortal
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Steam: MetaCognition
ID: Meta Cognition
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15,060 posts
This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.
Just out of curiosity. What kind of conservatives and liberals?
I'd have to look over Haidt's work in order to give a proper point of demarcation, but conservatism was covered by a moral matrix which included things like aversion to harm, fairness, liberty, tradition, respect for authority and a certain degree of sanctity. Liberals, from a moral perspective on the other hand, only have a degree of appreciation for the first three (with a slightly different definition for the second).

As for the political differences; we all know what the line between them roughly is, even if the term is nebulous.

Mr. Psychologist
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17,214 posts
But let me present a complementary, more practical explanation: If you’re a conservative who lives in a major metropolitan area or who simply reads the New York Times, you get used to being outnumbered by liberals. Liberals, by contrast, get used to being surrounded by other liberals, both in person and in culture and the media. As a result, liberals speak their minds freely, often in ways that are harshly condemnatory of conservatives and their stands on issues. As a conservative, you can defend your values against friends and acquaintances who essentially just called you stupid and evil or you can keep quiet.
Cry more Mr P, voicing opinions freely on this board is healthy.

And do I stop you from doing so?
Or do I just kick some of your worst bait threads into the flood now and then?

Mad Max | Mythic Invincible!
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7,519 posts
But let me present a complementary, more practical explanation: If you’re a conservative who lives in a major metropolitan area or who simply reads the New York Times, you get used to being outnumbered by liberals. Liberals, by contrast, get used to being surrounded by other liberals, both in person and in culture and the media. As a result, liberals speak their minds freely, often in ways that are harshly condemnatory of conservatives and their stands on issues. As a conservative, you can defend your values against friends and acquaintances who essentially just called you stupid and evil or you can keep quiet.
Cry more Mr P, voicing opinions freely on this board is healthy.

And do I stop you from doing so?
Or do I just kick some of your worst bait threads into the flood now and then?

Mad Max | Mythic Invincible!
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Steam: madmax0808
ID: Mad Max
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7,519 posts
What Haidt found is that conservatives understand liberals’ moral values better than liberals understand where conservatives are coming from
He's not wrong. I usually DON'T understand where conservatives are coming from. With the exception of fiscal philosophy, a lot of it doesn't make sense and I have trouble following the reasoning behind their position. Keep in mind that most of my experience with conservatives is the "god, guns, and country" type social conservative, not just simply someone who is a registered "socially liberal, fiscally conservative" Republican. There's very little of that middle ground in my area.

Dustin | Heroic Invincible!
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Dustin | Heroic Invincible!
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Mr. Psychologist
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17,214 posts
But let me present a complementary, more practical explanation: If you’re a conservative who lives in a major metropolitan area or who simply reads the New York Times, you get used to being outnumbered by liberals. Liberals, by contrast, get used to being surrounded by other liberals, both in person and in culture and the media. As a result, liberals speak their minds freely, often in ways that are harshly condemnatory of conservatives and their stands on issues. As a conservative, you can defend your values against friends and acquaintances who essentially just called you stupid and evil or you can keep quiet.
Cry more Mr P, voicing opinions freely on this board is healthy.

And do I stop you from doing so?
Or do I just kick some of your worst bait threads into the flood now and then?
Bait and playing another side of the argument is not ambiguous.
If you want to play devils advocate, then at least make that clear. Leaping from SJW to bible thumper in the blink of an eye makes it seem like bait.

Dustin | Heroic Invincible!
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Mr. Psychologist
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17,214 posts
But let me present a complementary, more practical explanation: If you’re a conservative who lives in a major metropolitan area or who simply reads the New York Times, you get used to being outnumbered by liberals. Liberals, by contrast, get used to being surrounded by other liberals, both in person and in culture and the media. As a result, liberals speak their minds freely, often in ways that are harshly condemnatory of conservatives and their stands on issues. As a conservative, you can defend your values against friends and acquaintances who essentially just called you stupid and evil or you can keep quiet.
Cry more Mr P, voicing opinions freely on this board is healthy.

And do I stop you from doing so?
Or do I just kick some of your worst bait threads into the flood now and then?
Bait and playing another side of the argument is not ambiguous.
If you want to play devils advocate, then at least make that clear. Leaping from SJW to bible thumper in the blink of an eye makes it seem like bait.
Bait is literally any kind of content of opinion that offends people. If it's politically oriented and non-harassing it shouldn't be removed. When you filter out opinions you're just making everyone dumber.
A controversial political opinion = Fine
'Lets kill all the gays' = Not for the serious board

I haven't actually kicked any of your threads out of serious for a while now, so this just seems like you being contrary for the sake of it.

Dustin | Heroic Invincible!
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This is pathetic, Cheat
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Mr. Psychologist
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ID: Mr Psychologist
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17,214 posts
A controversial political opinion = Fine
'Lets kill all the gays' = Not for the serious board

I haven't actually kicked any of your threads out of serious for a while now, so this just seems like you being contrary for the sake of it.
But why couldn't we have a discussion on it? I could certainly make some arguments for that.
You can, just not in the serious board.

Dustin | Heroic Invincible!
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XBL: Greedy Jew
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This is pathetic, Cheat
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Mr. Psychologist
| Imperial Forum Ninja
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ID: Mr Psychologist
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17,214 posts
A controversial political opinion = Fine
'Lets kill all the gays' = Not for the serious board

I haven't actually kicked any of your threads out of serious for a while now, so this just seems like you being contrary for the sake of it.
But why couldn't we have a discussion on it? I could certainly make some arguments for that.
You can, just not in the serious board.
You can't give me a good reason other than you want to limit speech in favor of your feelings.
It really doesn't bother me personally, it's that they shit up the front page of serious with something low quality like that.

Dustin | Heroic Invincible!
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Mad Max | Mythic Invincible!
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Reported for derailing

Dustin | Heroic Invincible!
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XBL: Greedy Jew
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This is pathetic, Cheat
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Alternative Facts
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ID: IcyWind
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9,382 posts
A controversial political opinion = Fine
'Lets kill all the gays' = Not for the serious board

I haven't actually kicked any of your threads out of serious for a while now, so this just seems like you being contrary for the sake of it.
But why couldn't we have a discussion on it? I could certainly make some arguments for that.

Good for you. Go do it in your own thread in The Flood. Sexuality threads, outside of legality for marriage and such, go there anyway now.

Dustin | Heroic Invincible!
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XBL: Greedy Jew
PSN: Jews Did 911
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This is pathetic, Cheat
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Mad Max | Mythic Invincible!
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Steam: madmax0808
ID: Mad Max
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7,519 posts
A controversial political opinion = Fine
'Lets kill all the gays' = Not for the serious board

I haven't actually kicked any of your threads out of serious for a while now, so this just seems like you being contrary for the sake of it.
But why couldn't we have a discussion on it? I could certainly make some arguments for that.

Good for you. Go do it in your own thread in The Flood. Sexuality threads, outside of legality for marriage and such, go there anyway now.
For the next two weeks. The way the staff handles this forum is going to bring it to its collapse.
So fucking leave and stop being a whiny bitch.

Take Inglorious98 with you.

Alternative Facts
| Mythic Forum Ninja
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ID: IcyWind
IP: Logged

9,382 posts
A controversial political opinion = Fine
'Lets kill all the gays' = Not for the serious board

I haven't actually kicked any of your threads out of serious for a while now, so this just seems like you being contrary for the sake of it.
But why couldn't we have a discussion on it? I could certainly make some arguments for that.

Good for you. Go do it in your own thread in The Flood. Sexuality threads, outside of legality for marriage and such, go there anyway now.
For the next two weeks.

Likely permanent.

If you don't wish to go to The Flood, we'll simply move it for you. Stop looking to cause fights please.