No. The UN and EU wants to eliminate nationalism.
I'm pretty sure that's a good thing.
Absolutelydisgusting.jpg EU shill detected
Not even gonna deny that I am.

Though I don't get why you make the best of your current situation given that you're no longer a citizen of the country you actually want to live in. Or maybe you do just that, and you only complain about it on here...
I mean you complaining about Europe a lot and saying how much better the US when it's apparently the only place you can really live in. I may be wrong, but meh.
I dunno. I'm just suggesting that you change your outlook if you haven't already because it doesn't seem like you can live in the US again in your life.
This would have been a lot easier if you got what I was trying to say first time around. >_>
I can go back.
Oh. Well. Then that makes a lot more sense.
So I take it you're trying to save up money in the UK so you can make your final pilgrimage back home then.
Pretty much.
Well, that's nice how you can have your happy ending. I thought that you were gonna be stuck outside of the US for the rest of your life....
No, thank goodness.
Are you ever gonna leave the US again once you return, or are you just gonna remain there for the rest of your life? Like for visiting foreign countries that is.
I don't see myself even traveling for at least 5 years after going back. I've had enough of traveling.
Yeah, I figured as much. I'm likely gonna do the same when I make my pilgrimage.