I need some help guys

An Alt | Member
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ID: An Alt
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25 posts
Okay, serious time. This one will be serious, so I'd prefer that jokey posts and such be kept to a minimum. Likewise, I'd also ask the mods that my actual account not be revealed- if you want evidence that this isn't a ban evasion, send me a PM or look at my ip or something. However, I won't be using this account after this thread is done with. There won't be a Tl;Dr as I don't feel it's something I can properly sum up in a sentence or two. If you don't actually care, then leave now, thanks.This is going to be a rant.

Anyway, lets do this.

I've come here for a reason, many would say that asking an internet forum for help is dumb, but it's the anonymity that I like, even going so far as to hide my main. I don't want to cause a massive thing or have a negative connotation carried to my name; but the main reason is that I respect (almost) everyone here and consider you to be friends. Hence why I ask for your help.

Where to start is a difficult problem, as I don't know, but I guess I should probably put some facts on the line first. I don't have a good relationship with my family, nor do I trust them with important issues in my own life. In fact, there are not many people I would consider to trust, less than five out of everyone I know. I have difficulty socialising with people and generally hate being around people and have an inherent distrust for everyone and everything that comes my way- if someone is nice to me, I see it it has having a reason. An underlying purpose, I don't have the mindset that people are nice to me, because they almost always (In my eyes) have some kind of reason or want something from me. I do not care about other people and don't see why they care about me.

As well as a distrust for everyone (As in, i rarely tell anyone about myself IRL. I hate people asking questions and talking to (at) me.) I have noticed something off in the past year. I frequently snap at people and say some rather harsh things, alongside getting irritated easier and easier. After being around a small group of people for more than 5 minutes, I want to leave and find a quiet corner in which to just sit and think.

I'm finding it increasingly difficult to stay motivated to do anything, even stuff I enjoy like video games and creative stuff. I just sit there a lot of the time trying to find the energy to pick up my controller or pencil or computer. Schoolwork is even worse for this, as it is often things I don't want to be doing- I can delay and procrastinate for days and only decide to do it the day it's due in, and that's only so I don't have to put up with the hassle of teachers and parents having a go at me. I don't get any joy out of things I enjoy and everything is just tedious. I feel like I don't have a purpose, nothing to do. I have no motivation for further education due to the hassle and money involved in it, and the prospect of getting a job is akin to a nightmare- I have no prior experience with anything (I'm 16) and my CV is sadder than the front page of #destiny. I have no practical skills outside of being good with computers and learning python code, but with a lack of motivation to go to a university and no experience in anything else, the dream of being in the games industry is looking increasingly slim. The only options open to me are both based on a large amount of luck and money I don't have. I can't even join the military thanks to colourblindness and breathing difficulties alongside lack of general health in terms of running and lifting. I just have no idea what to do anymore, as I have been confident in my abilities and succeeded by myself with minimal outside help, and now all of that is gone. I'm surrounded by people I cannot trust, and I rarely can even hold a conversation with my friends.

The final thing is a constant barrage of being told what I can't do. When my parents actually make conversation with me, it's always about going and doing something, or my future plans. That writing or making games isn't a living and that I should give up on these ambitions to do a 'sensible' job. Hell, I only got let on to physics course at school because my teacher likes me and knows I'm genuinely interested in the subject. Nothing is going well, and I don't see any route available.

I don't have the first idea about psychology and if this overall mental state is healthy, but I don't know how it can be. I don't see any point to anything, and the only point to life (As I see it) is to just kill time until death. But what's the point if everything's just boring anyway? Most of all, whatever I do, I want to do without my parents' knowledge. I don't want them to be involved with this, as they have done little to encourage me to do what I'm interested in before, I see no reason why they should get involved now.

Anyone who read that far, thanks, I guess. I'd like some help on this issue, and I'll be replying on this account. I won't be confirming or denying any guesses at who I am, but I can assure that this is 100% legit.

rC | Mythic Inconceivable!
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ID: RC5908
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10,789 posts
ayy lmao
Your friends do want something from you, but nothing malicious. They just want your friendship. Open up to them, and you'll start feeling better over night.

Septy | Mythic Inconceivable!
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XBL: DarkestSeptagon
PSN: Fallfav
ID: Septy
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12,027 posts
See you Cowgirl,
Someday, somewhere
Talk to your parents about how you feel about them.

Mad Max | Mythic Invincible!
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Steam: madmax0808
ID: Mad Max
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7,519 posts
Sounds like you need to talk to someone [a professional someone] about this before you can really make any strides of improvement elsewhere

Mr. Psychologist
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ID: Mr Psychologist
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17,214 posts
As Max has said, you should prioritize going to see a professional about this. I'll talk to you more over PM soon though, I'm just wrapping up a few loose ends before I put my mind to this <.<

An Alt | Member
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ID: An Alt
IP: Logged

25 posts
Talk to your parents about how you feel about them.

Problem being, that they're ignorant arseholes who disregard anything I say because being older somehow means they don't need to listen to everything I say. No, anything I say is just ignored or just put down to being a teenager and that the blame lies with video games or some shit. Talking to my parents makes things worse than it already is.